^ MARCH, 1963 Tllnetylllne Hem and tour a unique fifty square mile President's Column Island and British possession. KLM Home again, after two good trips. _/\jine jK ew s to Curacao, Dutch West Indies for a First to Florida, by Bonanza on a tour and shopping then Pan Am to Sportsman Pilot Cruise, then by train Miami arriving August 17th at 3:30 to New York City. In Ft. Lauderdale, p.m. Social events being planned for lunch and a visit with Virginia Britt, Trinidad. general chairman of the International 'W The approximate fare will be $765. Air Race. This year the race will be which includes the Air Fare; most from Welland, Canada to Hollywood, meals; hotels; ground transportation Florida, M ay 25th thru the 30th. In and tours. A $50.00 deposit is neces­ New York, to attend the presentation sary by June 18th to confirm space. of the plane to Kyung O Kim. MARCH, 1963 Information of specific details in next I wish that everyone could have issue or before by mail. The plans for been in New York for the festivities. Official Publication of the social events may take a little The Aviation Writers Association hon­ The Ninety-Nines, Inc. longer to form. All questions asked ored Kim at a luncheon, and the Headquarters, Terminal Building of me I will try to answer in next Sperry and Hutchinson Company for Will Rogers Field issue. As this is Winter for Brazil a reception and dinner. The actual P. O. Box 99 the temperature will be moderate presentation took place at Idlewild Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 60’s and up with the Islands w arm er Airport, and actually, on entering the Headquarters Secretary, being north of the equator. Stand by! reception hall in the International Carol Craig Irene Keith Hotel—there was that shining, spark­ 84 - 20 Austin St. ling little red and white Piper Colt, Key Gardens 15, N.Y. E D IT O R actually in the hotel! Needless to say, Apt. 4E EUGENIA R. HEISE Kim was sparkling, too—and very, 3019 N. Cumberland Blvd. very appreciative. Her dream come Milwaukee 17, Wisconsin true! How gratifying that we could A W T A R 17th Annual Powder Puff Derby INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS have a part in the fulfilment of that IMPOUND DEAD­ President dream. It was nice to meet and talk LINE 1700 PST July 9 LOUISE M. SMITH to Mr. Piper, who finally forgave me TAKE-OFF from EAKERS- 421 Edgedale Drive "m y Bonanza", when I assured him FIELD, CALIFORNIA July 13 High Point, North Carolina that I had soloed and learned to fly WATER FINISH in a P ip er Cub. The Sperry and Hutch­ Vice-President ATLANTIC CITY 1200 EST July 17 inson Company presented a lovely BARBARA KIERNAN AWARDS BANQUET July 18 silver bowl to the Ninety Nines, which Geneva Road ENTRIES OPEN: April 25 I have the privilege of keeping until Andover, Mass. ENTRIES CLOSE: June 15 such time as I pass it on to the next Secretary Entry Requirements: First pilot president. MARTHA ANN READING must hold a current commercial li­ 2704 Milton The Executive Committee will meet cense, or a private license with instru­ Dallas 5, Texas in Oklahoma City on A pril the 9th and ment and/or instructor ratings. Co­ Treasurer 10th. Do let us know prior to the m eet­ pilot must hold a private license or ALICE ROBERTS ing—anything we can do for you? better. The rule changes have been 719 W. Orchid Lane Remember to send your donations few this year, but please note that Phoenix, Arizona for our Amelia Earhart Fund to to be eligible a stock airplane must Executive Committee Alice Hammond. Now’s the time. be no less than 100 horsepower and BARBARA LONDON Keep Flying. Louise M. Smith no more than 400 horsepower for 551 Margo Avenue take-off, and manufactured after Long Beach, 14. California Ninety-Nine Tour Jan. 1, 1953. B A R B A R A J. E V A N S The race route is the straightest 40 Stuart Place of Brazil one we have ever had. There are NO Manhasset, New York The dates set for the Tour are must stops along the race route of ELSIE A. MCBRIDE August 4th through 17th of 1963. D e­ 2460 statute miles. 5723 Warrington Avenue lay in letting you know about the tour Official Race Programs will be Philadelphia 43, Pa. is the wait for the summer schedules available to all 99 Chapters for $.75 of the airlines involved as they are apiece—to be sold for $1.00 with the DEADLINE FOR NEWS not posted until April 1st. Routing: chapter retaining the $.25. Please as­ The 20th of Each Month Leaving Miami on Pan Am on Sun­ certain how many your group would day, August 4th to Sao Paulo, Brazil. like and place your order at Race Hq. Two days in Sao Paulo with tours of no later than June 5. You are the organization—Re­ the city. Air Bridge Airline to Rio de For additional Information And Ap­ member any proposed amend­ Janeiro, Brazil. We will spend five plications For Entry, Write: ments and/or suggested changes days in Rio with tours planned and All-Woman Transcontinental Air in policy or practices of the or­ social events being planned. Varig Race, Inc.. Teterboro Airport, ganization must be in the hands airline to Brasilia, the new Capital Teterboro, N.J. (Enclose $.30 to of the resolutions committee not city of Brazil. Here we spend one day cover cost of mailing) later than March 15th, 1963. to tour the new and interesting city Note: Funds being raised now by Mary Wenholz,, Chairman, in the heart of the Jungle. Pan Am Ways & Means Committee are for Resoultions Committee Brasilia to Port of Spain, Trinidad. the 1964 race and deadline for these Two days here to hear the Steel Bands contributions is August 31, 1963. and close to reality, it behooves us* OKC Fun Flying Spree O K C IN '63 to take stock of our Fall-Winter- Spring Air-Age projects for all sister A convention is many things. It is BE AN EARLY BIRD—GET YOUR necessarily a time and place for con­ Ninety-Nines to read about, admire, “OKC FUN FLYING SPREE” PAC­ and emulate! ducting business of an organization. K E T F IR S T ! But a “ 99” Conversion is much more Time tested projects are always1 in than that! It prvides a meeting order, such as Ninety-Nines’ coopera­ CALLING ALL NINETY-NINES ground for ideas—an affirmation of tion with Wing Scouts, Civil Air Pa­ TO ENTER THE “OKC FUN FLY­ policies and goals—a chance to stim­ trol, Model Airplane Club, and Na­ ING SPREE.” THE DATE: JULY ulate enthusiasm—a place to formu­ tional Aerospace Education Council 17, 1963. YOU WON’T WANT TO late new programs. The opportunity activities. Increased interest is be­ MISS THIS FIRST HOST-CITY- to meet new people and to renew old ing evidenced regarding cooperation SPONSORED RACE AS A SPECIAL acquaintances is perhaps one of the with local private and public schools most enjoyable of all its objectives. in providing aviation subject speak­ PRE-CONVENTION EVENT. GUAR­ This year, a pre-convention air race ers, and field trips with experience A N T E E D P U R S E : $250 -1st place; is being conducted to add to the many flights for students and teachers, as $150- 2nd place; $100— 3rd place. reasons for attending. It will be a fun well as teacher scholarships. PLUS TROPHIES & AWARDS. flying day for all who choose to par­ Since we are in the process of or­ ticipate. (See details in “OKC FUN ENTRIES: LIMITED TO MEM­ ganizing our International Commit­ FLYING SPREE” this issue). BERS OF THE NINETY-NINES, tee on Aviation Education, may we The convention activities are varied INC., ACCOMPANIED BY ONE OR request the Governor of each Section and of unusual interest, providing a MORE FEMALE PASSENGERS. to please submit the name of the rare opportunity to our membership: NUMBER OF AIRCRAFT LIMITED Sectional Chairman with the names In the tour of CARI (Civil Aeromedi- TO 99 BUT MOST ALL MAKES AND of any other Chapter committee mem­ MODELS ELIGIBLE (Rules & Regu­ cal Research Institute) a look-see at bers actively engaged in Air-Age pro­ unheard-of safety devices to be lations advise how to qualify your jects with local youth? built into general aviation airplanes, antique or home built). a transport in a swimming pool for After the Chairman appointment RULES & REGULATIONS & AP­ study of sea rescue, a chance to meet has been officially made by the Gov­ PLICATIONS AVAILABLE APRIL 1, the men who set the standards for ernor, will the International Air-Age 1963. medicals, with reasons why; a tour of the FAA Aeronautical Center and Committee Members kindly send your the FAA Academy where training of acceptance promptly to the name giv­ air traffic controllers takes place and en below? And remember, it is im­ continuous improvement in accident portant to submit your follow-up fin­ prevention, pilot performance, air­ 4 al report, which will be a general craft performance and testing goes on summary of your fall and spring re­ from day to day; a visit to Frontier ports, by the end of May in order that City where the West lives again in an I may include it in the international authentic setting; and on the lighter report to the President. Please? side, happy hours, dinners, a luncheon and a banquet with entertainment.
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