854 May 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 and our democratic friends and allies did suc- one. There is only one national leader whose cessfully in places like Poland or in South position of power owes more to bullets than Africa. Even as we seek to end tyranny, we ballots. Fidel Castro has a chance to escape will work to make life better for people living this lonely and stagnant isolation. If he ac- under and resisting Castro’s rule. cepts our offer, he can bring help to his peo- Today I’m announcing a series of actions ple and hope to our relations. If Mr. Castro that will directly benefit the Cuban people refuses our offer, he will be protecting his and give them greater control of their eco- cronies at the expense of his people. And nomic and political destiny. My administra- eventually, despite all his tools of oppression, tion will ease restrictions on humanitarian as- Fidel Castro will need to answer to his peo- sistance by legitimate U.S. religious and ple. other nongovernmental organizations that di- Jose Marti said, ‘‘Barriers of ideas are rectly serve the needs of the Cuban people stronger than barricades of stone.’’ For the and will help build Cuban civil society. And benefit of Cuba’s people, it is time for Mr. the United States will provide such groups Castro to cast aside old and failed ideas and with direct assistance that can be used for to start to think differently about the future. humanitarian and entrepreneurial activities. Today could mark a new dawn in a long Our Government will offer scholarships in friendship between our people, but only if the United States for Cuban students and the Castro regime sees the light. professionals who try to build independent Cuba’s independence was achieved a cen- civil institutions in Cuba and scholarships for tury ago. It was hijacked nearly half a century family members of political prisoners. We are ago. Yet, the independent spirit of the Cuban willing to negotiate direct mail service be- people has never faltered, and it has never tween the United States and Cuba. My ad- been stronger than it is today. The United ministration will also continue to look for States is proud to stand with all Cubans and ways to modernize Radio and TV Marti, be- all Cuban Americans who love freedom. And cause even the strongest walls of oppression we will continue to stand with you until lib- cannot stand when the floodgates of informa- erty returns to the land you love so well. tion and knowledge are opened. Viva Cuba Libre. And in the months ahead, my administra- tion will continue to work with leaders all NOTE: The President spoke at 10:15 a.m. in the around our country, leaders who love free- East Room at the White House. In his remarks, dom for Cuba, to implement new ways to he referred to President Fidel Castro of Cuba. empower individuals to enhance the chance He also referred to Operation Pedro Pan, a 1960s for freedom. immigration program in which thousands of The United States will continue to enforce Cuban children were sent to the United States economic sanctions on Cuba and the ban on by their parents. The Office of the Press Secretary travel to Cuba until Cuba’s Government also released a Spanish language transcript of proves that it is committed to real reform. these remarks. We will continue to prohibit U.S. financing for Cuban purchases of U.S. agricultural Remarks on the 100th Anniversary of goods, because this would just be a foreign aid program in disguise, which would benefit Cuban Independence in Miami, the current regime. Florida Today’s initiative offers Cuba’s Govern- May 20, 2002 ment a different path leading to a different future, a future of greater democracy and The President. Thank you very much. prosperity and respect. With real reform in Sientense. Voy a hablar en Espan˜ol hoy, pero Cuba, our countries can begin chipping away no. No. [Laughter] No quiero destruir un at four decades of distrust and division. And idioma que bonita, y por eso voy a hablar the choice rests with Mr. Castro. en Ingles. [Laughter] Thank you for having Today, there is only one nation in our me. God bless you all, and thanks for coming. hemisphere that is not a democracy—only It is such an honor—it is such an honor— Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 / May 20 855 for me to be here today with so many who Reich, the Under Secretary for the State De- love freedom. partment. Dr. Elsa Murano is here today as One hundred years ago, a proud island well, who is in my administration. Thank you, people declared independence and put Cuba Elsa, for being here. Where are you? Thank on a democratic course. We’re here today you, Doc—appreciate you coming. Emilio to celebrate this important anniversary. We Gonzalez, the Director of the Western are here today to honor the Cubans and Hemisphere Affairs of the National Security Cuban Americans who strengthen America Council—where are you, Colonel? Yes, with their character and with their enter- Emilio. He’s on my National Security Coun- prise. We are here today—we are here today cil. He reports directly to Arroz—[laugh- to proclaim loudly and clearly to the entire ter]—Senorita Arroz. [Laughter] world—to todos—that the Cuban people’s Today, when I landed in Miami, I got off love of liberty cannot and will not be denied. the airplane there and had a chance to meet Audience members. [Inaudible] a young man named Emilio J. Rodriguez. The President. Not only today will we re- Emilio is with us today. Emilio, stand up for mind the world how much we love freedom a second. [Applause] The reason I bring up and long for freedom, but I also want to talk Emilio is, I say oftentimes to Americans who about a proposal and a challenge that will want to—how best they can participate in our help put Cuba on the path to freedom. country, how best to fight evil is to do some I want to thank mi hermano—mi good, is to love a neighbor like you’d like hermanito—[laughter]—y el gran Goberna- to be loved yourself. If you’re interested— dor de este estado. Thank you, Jeb. We love if you’re interested in helping define our Na- you y mi cun˜ada bella. [Laughter] I love tion to the world and if you’re interested in being with my family. I love being with my resisting evil, do some good. And that’s what family. There’s nothing more important than Emilio does. He is a 19-year-old honor stu- family in life, and I love my brother Jeb a dent at Miami-Dade Community College. lot. He volunteers in park cleanup programs. He I’m honored to be with a great American, does art shows for children, and he hosts ac- a great American who is a graduate of Pedro tivities at a school for mentally challenged Pan, Mel Martinez, who brings a big dif- Cuban American children. For this, we’re ference in our Cabinet. [Applause] I didn’t grateful for your service. Thank you for being realize Mel had that many cousins. [Laugh- here. ter] The accomplished individuals I just named I want to thank the two United States Sen- are just a small handful of over a million fel- ators from Florida for being here, Senator low Americans from Cuban descent who Graham and Senator Nelson. I’m honored make such an incredibly important contribu- that you’re here. Thank you all for coming. tion to our country. So, as on the one hand I appreciate working with Senator Graham we—we celebrate independence, but we also and his important job of chairing the Intel- celebrate the greatness of America that ligence Committee in the United States Sen- opens her doors so that people can realize ate. I want to thank two fine Congressmen, their dreams. The success stories are unbe- Ileana Ros y Lincoln Diaz-Balart. lievable and unbelievably powerful. People I can’t—listen, every time I see and hear have escaped a jail and have come to America Gloria Estefan sing, it makes my heart feel and have succeeded and have been able to better. Gloria, thank you, and it’s good to raise their families and have been able to see Emilio. And I appreciate Jon Secada as prosper. It’s a wonderful part of the Amer- well. Jon, you did a great job. Thank you very ican story. much—honored you’re here. But it’s not just a story of the elderly and I appreciate Vicki Huddleston, our Ambas- the older Cuban Americans; it’s a story sador, Principal Officer at the U.S. Interests throughout generations. I want to talk about Section in Havana, for being here. Vicki, Miguel Arguelles, who came to America in thank you for coming—appreciate you. I’m 1995, at age 10 years old. At age 10, he honored to be traveling today with Otto couldn’t speak English. A few weeks from 856 May 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 now, he’ll graduate as the valedictorian of But the amazing thing is, through all the Miami Lakes’ Barbara Goleman Senior High pains—through all the pains—the Cuban School. He comes in 1995; he is going to people’s aspirations for freedom are be the first person to have graduated from undiminished.
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