LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Hoak, Judy Rae a/k/a Judy R. Notice is hereby given that, in the Hoak, dec’d. estates of the decedents set forth below, Late of Lower Macungie Town- ship. the Register of Wills has granted letters Executrix: Patty Ann Johnson testamentary or of administration to f/k/a Patty Ann Smith c/o Nor- the persons named. Notice is also ris McLaughlin, P.A., 515 West hereby given of the existence of the Hamilton Street, Suite 502, trusts of the deceased settlors set forth Allentown, PA 18101. below for whom no personal represen- Attorneys: Judith A. Harris, tatives have been appointed within 90 Esquire, Norris McLaughlin, days of death. All persons having P.A., 515 West Hamilton Street, claims or demands against said estates Suite 502, Allentown, PA 18101. or trusts are requested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to Hollister, Edward H., III, dec’d. said estates or trusts are requested to Late of Fogelsville, Weisenberg make payment, without delay, to the Township. executors or administrators or trustees Executor: David S. Hollister, or to their attorneys named below. 2422 Seipstown Rd., Fogelsville, PA 18051. FIRST PUBLICATION Attorneys: Eric J. Fabrizio, Es- quire, Bingaman, Hess, Co- Adams, Jeffery Raymond, dec’d. blentz & Bell, P.C., Treeview Late of Allentown City. Corporate Center, 2 Meridian Administratrix: Leslie Spurlin, Blvd., Suite 100, Wyomissing, 2315 Elm Ave., Quakertown, PA PA 19610. 18951. James, George F., dec’d. Groner, Jane B., dec’d. Late of Whitehall. Late of Bethlehem City. Executor: Christopher T. Administratrix: Karleen Corn- James c/o Sally L. Schoffstall, feld, 6331 Hilltop Road, Ore- Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, field, PA 18069. 2987 Corporate Court, Suite Attorney: E. Keller Kline, III, 200, Orefield, PA 18069. Esquire, 731 W. Turner Street, Attorneys: Sally L. Schoffstall, Allentown, PA 18102. Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, 2987 Corporate Court, Suite 200, Orefield, PA 18069. Haas, Roma F.E., dec’d. Late of the Township of Lower Jost, Kunigunde, dec’d. Macungie. Late of New Tripoli. Executrix: Sarae E. Quinn c/o Executrix: Joan T. Jost c/o George M. Vasiliadis, Esquire, Edward H. Butz, Esq., 1620 Vasiliadis Pappas Associates, Pond Road, Suite 200, Allen- LLC, 2551 Baglyos Circle, Suite town, PA 18104. A-14, Bethlehem, PA 18020. Attorney: Edward H. Butz, Esq., Attorneys: George M. Vasiliadis, 1620 Pond Road, Suite 200, Esquire, Vasiliadis Pappas As- Allentown, PA 18104. sociates, LLC, 2551 Baglyos Circle, Suite A-14, Bethlehem, Kriebel, Leroy E., dec’d. PA 18020. Late of Catasauqua. 36 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Executor: Thomas Zeth c/o Co-Executors: Maureen M. Gip- Joshua D. Shulman, Esquire, prich, 1406 Broadview Drive, Shulman Law Office PC, 1935 Jim Thorpe, PA 18229 and Center Street, Northampton, PA Christopher D. McKeone, 75 18067. Morris Road, Harleysville, PA Attorneys: Joshua D. Shulman, 19438. Esquire, Shulman Law Office Attorneys: Frederick M. Nice, PC, 1935 Center Street, North- Esquire, Leisawitz Heller ampton, PA 18067. Abramowitch Phillips, P.C., 2755 Century Boulevard, Wyo- Majka, Elsie A., dec’d. missing, PA 19610. Late of South Whitehall Town- ship. dec’d. Executor: Kristofer M. Metzger. Bartoni, Kenneth C., Attorney: Kristofer M. Metzger, Late of Coplay. Esquire, 6666 Passer Rd., Suite Executor: Anthony Bartoni, #3, Coopersburg, PA 18036- 5706 Coplay Rd., Whitehall, PA 1258. 18052. Minnich, Glenn C., dec’d. Bobek, Joanne Rose a/k/a Jo- Late of Whitehall. anne R. Bobek, dec’d. Administratrix: Janet D. Min- Late of Allentown Borough. nich c/o Sally L. Schoffstall, Executrix: Janet Graczyk, 1526 Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, Unionville Road, Pottstown, PA 2987 Corporate Court, Suite 19465. 200, Orefield, PA 18069. Attorneys: Allen R. Shollen- Attorneys: Sally L. Schoffstall, berger, Esquire, Leisawitz Hel- Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, ler Abramowitch Phillips, P.C., 2987 Corporate Court, Suite 2755 Century Boulevard, Wyo- 200, Orefield, PA 18069. missing, PA 19610. Moyer, James D., dec’d. Buchen, Helen, dec’d. Late of Catasauqua. Late of Zionsville. Administratrix: Justine M. Executrix: Nancy J. Rumfield Biege, 76 Covington Place, Ca- c/o Rebecca M. Young, Esq. tasauqua, PA 18032. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., Young Attorney: E. Keller Kline, III, & Young, 119 E. Main Street, Esquire, 731 W. Turner Street, Macungie, PA 18062. Allentown, PA 18102. Attorneys: Rebecca M. Young, Esq. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., Zotter, Lucille Marie a/k/a Lu- Young & Young, 119 E. Main cille Marie Hendricks, dec’d. Street, Macungie, PA 18062. Late of Breinigsville. Administratrix: Jane M. Zotter, 2853 Diamond Ave., Allentown, Burger, Harry B., dec’d. PA 18103. Late of Washington Township. Executors: Keith T. Burger and SECOND PUBLICATION Charmaine A. Burger c/o Keith W. Strohl, Esq., Steckel and Alonge, Kathleen A., dec’d. Stopp LLC, 125 S. Walnut Late of Lower Macungie Town- Street, Suite 210, Slatington, PA ship. 18080. 37 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Attorneys: Keith W. Strohl, Hammersly, Claire E., dec’d. Esq., Steckel and Stopp LLC, Late of Allentown. 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Executrix: Diane Kay Schrauger Slatington, PA 18080. c/o Rebecca M. Young, Esq. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., Young Devaughan, Jean Marie a/k/a & Young, 119 E. Main Street, Macungie, PA 18062. Jean M. Devaughan, dec’d. Attorneys: Rebecca M. Young, Late of Orefield. Esq. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., Executrix: Kathleen Robin Al- Young & Young, 119 E. Main drich. Street, Macungie, PA 18062. Attorneys: Gladys E. Wiles, Esquire, Snyder & Wiles, P.C., Laudenslager, Raymond J., 7731 Main Street, Fogelsville, dec’d. PA 18051, (610) 391-9500. Late of Breinigsville. Executrix: Joanne M. Lauden- Eichelberger, Leona K., dec’d. slager c/o Scott V. Bartkus, Late of Allentown. Esquire, 1275 Glenlivet Drive, Executor: Robert H. Eichel- Allentown, PA 18106. berger c/o The Roth Law Firm, Attorney: Scott V. Bartkus, 123 North Fifth Street, Allen- Esquire, 1275 Glenlivet Drive, town, PA 18102. Allentown, PA 18106. Attorneys: Robert B. Roth, Es- quire, The Roth Law Firm, 123 Lazorik, Beverly S., dec’d. North Fifth Street, Allentown, Late of Bethlehem City. Administrator: Kristoff John PA 18102. Lazorik c/o Keith W. Strohl, Esq., Steckel and Stopp LLC, Geelan, Loraine M., dec’d. 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Late of the City of Bethlehem. Slatington, PA 18080. Executor: Paul G. Geelan c/o Attorneys: Keith W. Strohl, Danyi Law, P.C., 133 East Esq., Steckel and Stopp LLC, Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, 18018. Slatington, PA 18080. Attorneys: Kevin F. Danyi, Esq., Danyi Law, P.C., 133 East Malampy, Joyce A. a/k/a Joyce Broad Street, Bethlehem, PA Ann Malampy, dec’d. 18018. Late of South Whitehall Town- ship. Grasso, Lorraine V., dec’d. Executrix: Jill Gray c/o John Late of Salisbury Township. M. Ashcraft, III, Esquire, 20 North 5th St., Suite #1, Em- Co-Executrices: Susan A. Fred- maus, PA 18049-2406. erick and Karen G. Mehrholz Attorney: John M. Ashcraft, III, c/o Emily A. Zettlemoyer, Es- Esquire, 20 North 5th St., Suite quire, Zettlemoyer Law Office, #1, Emmaus, PA 18049-2406. LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Em- maus, PA 18049. Millard, Elizabeth K., dec’d. Attorneys: Emily A. Zettlemoy- Late of Allentown. er, Esquire, Zettlemoyer Law Executrix: Sandra K. Millard Office, LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, a/k/a Sandra Karin Millard c/o Emmaus, PA 18049. Sally L. Schoffstall, Esquire, 38 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Schoffstall Elder Law, 2987 Administratrix: Jazmin Teresa Corporate Court, Suite 200, Matos Delgado, 1336 Stanford Orefield, PA 18069. Road, Bethlehem, PA 18018. Attorneys: Sally L. Schoffstall, Esquire, Schoffstall Elder Law, Sieber, Gloria a/k/a Gloria Etta 2987 Corporate Court, Suite Sieber, dec’d. 200, Orefield, PA 18069. Late of Allentown. Executrix: Gloria Boyle a/k/a Pankratz, Adolf, dec’d. Gloria Fritz c/o Nancy K. Busch, Late of Allentown. Esquire, 825 North 19th Street, Executor: Erhardt Pankratz, Allentown, PA 18104. 830 Forest Rd., Jefferson Twp., Attorney: Nancy K. Busch, Es- PA 18436. quire, 825 North 19th Street, Allentown, PA 18104. Patterson, Rachael a/k/a Rachel Patterson, dec’d. Strohl, Dorothy M., dec’d. Late of Allentown City. Late of Lower Macungie Town- Administrator: Lance N. Pat- ship. terson c/o John R. Lundy, Esq., Co-Executors: Roderick G. Lundy, Beldecos & Milby, 450 Strohl, Jr. and Barbara L. Bortz N. Narberth Ave., Suite 200, c/o Emily A. Zettlemoyer, Es- Narberth, PA 19072. quire, Zettlemoyer Law Office, Attorneys: John R. Lundy, Esq., LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Em- Lundy, Beldecos & Milby, 450 maus, PA 18049. N. Narberth Ave., Suite 200, Attorneys: Emily A. Zettlemoy- Narberth, PA 19072. er, Esquire, Zettlemoyer Law Office, LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Pramik, Patricia A., dec’d. Emmaus, PA 18049. Late of Whitehall. Executor: Timothy W. Pramik Torchia, Jasper A. a/k/a Jasper c/o Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, Anthony Torchia, Jr., dec’d. P.C., 645 W. Hamilton Street, Late of the Township of Upper Suite 800, Allentown, PA 18101. Saucon. Attorneys: Fitzpatrick Lentz & Executor: Jeffrey D. Torchia c/o Bubba, P.C., 645 W. Hamilton Norris, McLaughlin, P.A., 515 Street, Suite 800, Allentown, PA West Hamilton Street, Suite 18101. 502, Allentown, PA 18101. Attorneys: Judith A. Harris, Robinson, Corine V. a/k/a Co- Esquire, Norris, McLaughlin, rine Robinson, dec’d. P.A., 515 West Hamilton Street, Late of Allentown City. Suite 502, Allentown, PA 18101. Executor: Anthony T. Robinson, Sr. THIRD PUBLICATION Attorney: James F. Carney, Esquire, 610 West Germantown Bear, Bruce D., dec’d. Pike, Suite 400, Plymouth Meet- Late of Emmaus Borough. ing, PA 19462, (610) 940-3990. Executor: John O. Stover, Jr., Esq. a/k/a John Owen Stover, Santiago, Milagros Morales, Jr., Law Offices of John O. Sto- dec’d.
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