THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Thursday, September 10,1992 Vol XXV, Number 3 New TLGBC director New Somerville ordinance bans discusses role at Tufts smoking inside Tufts’ buildings by CAROLINE SCHAEFER “Hopefully people will use the Medford included in ban, but dormitory rooms exempted Daily Editorial Bmrd Center for some peer support or Heather Wishik is here to talk counseling services. questions by STEPHEN ARBUTHNOT to you. about career and fatnily issues. Daily Editorial Board HiredbyTufts last year. Wishik and certainly for scxual orienta- Due to a new Soincrvillc law serves as the first-ever director tion related issues.” Wishik said. that took effect July 1. all smok- for the new Tufts Lesbian. Gay Wishik‘s support and the ing is now prohibited in every and Bisexual Center. And while Center’s implementation com- Tufts’ buildings. with the excep- her commendations for Tufts‘cre- prise a new student service pro- tionof dormitory residencerooms. ationofsuchacenterare high. she vided by the University specifi- The law, known as the has her own plans to make the cally to address issues of sexual Somerville Smoking Ordinance. new student outlet one of the best orientation. is a stricter version of the Massa- on campus. “I am really impressed that the chusetts Clean Indoor Air Act. Located on the first floor of University felt so dedicated to whose purpose was to improve Lewis Hall, the center was cre- having originated such a position indoorairquality.The Massachu- ated by the University last spring as mine, and that it was important setts Clean Indoor Air Act IimiLs in an effort to provide an on- that there be a resource on cam- smoking in public buildings and campus student resource for dis- pus for people thinking about required the creation of smoke- cussion and counseling about sexual orientation issues,“Wishik free areas in restaurants and other sexual orientation issues. said. establishments. “Issues of sexual orientation Dean of Students Bobbie Thenew ~OmervilkOrdin~lceNo more smoking rooms in Wessell... smokers are forced outside. are not easy topics to talk about Knable said yesterday that there makes smoking in the Campus sometimes,” said Wishik, adding “hadbeen student interest forquite Center, WesseliLibrary and din- such as that of the Balch Arena implemented the laws through- that she is “available to do train- some time” to hire an administra- ing halls illegal, areas that previ- Theater and the Cabot outtheentireMeclford/Sancrville ing with groups. workshops. and tor to represent the gay. lesbian ously permitted smoking in cer- Intercultural Center. campus to eliminate confusion public speaking as an informa- and bisexual community. tain designated areas. Other pub- Althoughtheordinancelegally and for the sake of continuity. lic places in’ the University only affects the Somerville part tion resource” for the Tufts com- af- of campus, the University has see SOMERVILLE, page 17 munity. see WISHIK, page 2 fected by the law are lobbies. New problems surface in recent rape charges by PATRICK HEALY March, the first rap complaint Daily Editorial Board ended with the accused found not Two separate acquaintance guilty due to a lack sufficient rape complaints involving Tufts proof. undergraduates were adjudicated The complainant appcaled the on campus late liM spring. both finding to Tufts Provost Sol cases ending with no sufficient Gittleman, whomet last May with evidence found to support each see RAPE, page 11 allegation and, in one of the cases. a new charge brought against the accusing student. These two cases were among eight rape complaints rcportcd lo the Dean of Student‘s Officc dur- ingthe 1991-92schoolyear. While the accusations were similar in that the alleged victims. both women. knew the male Tufts stu- dents accused, and the outcome \/ of each adjudications were the SITE PLAN NEW UNIVERSITY LIBRARY same, the details of both cases 1o 1D u TUFTS UMVERSITY MEOFORO. MASSACHUSETTS vary greatly. Graphic courtesy of Tufts University Associate Dean of Students This blueprint shows what the new library wing, funded by a recentgrant from theTisch Foundation, Bruce Reitman yesterday released will look like when construction is completed in several years. documents of the two separate judiciary panels, a five-member combination of faculty, adminis- Gift secured for library expansion trators and students that adjudi- Dai/y $/e photo cated the complaints. Dccided last Dean Bruce Reitman by CHRIS STRIPINIS Jonathan Tisch. A’76. is presi- that the gift “has been designated Daily Editorial Board dent ofLoewsHotelscorporation for the construction of the new Since receiving a $10 million and a University trustee. Stephen library, not for endowinetits for Graduate dies at age 26 gift from the Tisch Family Foun- Tisch. A’71. is an independent hooks and employees.“ Bostonengineering firm of Stone dation last June. the University film producer. Referring to the additional $7 by STEPHEN ARBUTHNOT Daily Editorial Bod and Webster prior to her death. has announced its plans to begin According to Vice President million necessary to begin con- The Tufts community faced a She worked in the West construction of a library addition for Development Roger Broome. struction, Broome explaincd that sometime in July 1994. the gift had “been under discus- tragic loss this summer when Lena Medford Community Center “fund raising for thc library is Bruce, a21-year old 1992 gradu- where she was responsible for sion between the University and going to be one of the highest theTischfamily formonths.“The ate of the Engineering College, tutoring Medford students. Her priorities in the next couple of was found dead in her Boston donation, the largest single en- tutoring was part of a joint cn- years in terms of fund raising.” apartment last July. deavor that she helped found k- dowment in Tufts history, easily Addition to double library’s ~~ Inside allowed the University to meet its According to Anita Howard, tween the West Medford Com- 3 size director of the African American Features ......................... p. $250 million goal for a five-year munity Center and the Tufts‘ Af- Students debate the new Somerville Current plans call for the li- Center, Bruce was a “vibrant capital campaign which ended this rican American Center. She was smoking ordinance, and Off The Hill brary expansion to “approxi- woman” whose friends were in- also actively involved in the Tufts’ reulms to aver news at other colleges. past June, and covers approxi- mately double” the side of the mately the estimated costs spired by her success and deeply chapterof the National Society of half of current library, with about90.000 hurt by her death. Black Engineers and the Delta Arls ................................ p. 5 for construction, Broome said. square feet of new facilities. ac- “There is a special agonyover “Construction costs for the Sigma Theta sorority. according Diamond and Taylor and U2 and cording to Vice President for [the loss ofJsomeone young, just to Howard. Springsteen and Clapton all make the entire project will be about $20 Buildings and Grounds John at the point of beginning life after A memorial service was held Oudy Arts page -- and what a page it is! million. Before the Tisch gift. we Roberto. college.” said Dean of Students for Bruce during the summer, but already had some other gifts and “The addition will be built on Sports .............................. p. 7 Bobbie Knable last night. another one that can be attended commitments in hd.so we have the westerly end of Wessell Li- Bruce, an electrical engineer- A preview of the NFC and a quick about two years left to raise an- by students who were away from status brary, from the existing entrance ing major, was the only African glance at what Tufts’ Division 111 other $7 million for consmc t ion.” Tufts during the summer is being means for the school and its athletes. Broome added. He emphasized =e LIBRARY, page 11 American woman in her gradual- see BRUCE, page 18 ing class and had just joined the Page two THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, September 10,1992 rHE TUFTSDAILJ Editorid Patrick Healy Weekend Editor-in-Chief rhis First Managing Editor: Paul Horan This time every year thousands of students begin Peggy Barrett, coordinator of Women’s Programs, Associate Editors:Jeff Geller. Elizabeth Yellen ieir exhilarating, challenging tours-of-duty at col- said once of these fistweeks, “It’s a time when people :ge. In these early weeks at Tufts, Explorations can make decisions to act in ways that are beyond what Pduction Managers: Julie Cornell. Michael Berg roups and dorm residents bond, acquaintances be- they should be doing.” Indeed, some student$ want ome friends, and romances take flight. Nothing is as “the college experience” instantly during these fist NEWS Editors: Caroline Schaefer. Stephen Arbuthnot xciting as a new way of life, and Tufts offers a world weeks of school, and may not stay mindful of others’ Assistant Editors: Chris Stripinis. John Wagley E experiences and discovery. rights and feelings. VIEwPOIhTS One of these experiences students will soon dis- While enjoying this first weekend of parties and Editor: Jessica Foster wer occurs at Tufts is rape. It is a tragedy that scores play at Tufts, students’ personal safety depends on FEATURES E women and men have suffered here, only to face the wise decisions and precautions. Everything from N- Editor: Rob Miman Assistant Editor: Massa Bayrakdar rdeal of filing a complaint, going through counsel- mored knockout drugs slipped into drinks to people ARTS ig, or living with a “secret” he or she does not want who don’t understand that “no means no” have re- Editors: EIin Dugan, Madhu Unniknshnan ) face. sulted in campus rapes. Ddng this high-risk time, Assistant Editors:Matt Carson, Nadya Sbaiti SPORTS It is this weekend, the first all Tufts students will be students should not preclude fun; rather, enjoying Editor: Phil Ayoub n campus for, and this first month of the academic oneself safely requires a clear head.
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