A SUPPLEMENT TO MOBILE ENTERPRISE MAGAZINE • Impact of BYoD State of the Enterprise on TaBlets • acceptance Tablet Market In the EnterprIse The New Age of True Mobile Computing • OS TrenDs The major technology trends of cloud computing and tablets are intersecting to upset the balance of legacy computing environments. RESEARCH PaRTNER SPONSORED BY STATE OF THE ENTERPRISE TABLET MARKET TABLE OF State of the Enterprise Tablet Market CONTENTS IN ADDITIon to ‘BYOT’— 1 IN 5 COMPANIES ISSUING TABLETS TO EMPLOYEES BY CHRIS HAZELTON, RESEARCH DIRECTOR MOBILE & WIRELESS, 451 RESEARCH T3 Impact of BYOD on Tablets The enterprise is experiencing Data is sourced from two recent sur- massive changes as the major veys. The first is from ChangeWave Re- T5 Corporate Demand technology trends of cloud search, a service of 451 Research, lever- for Tablets computing and tablets are inter- aging 25,000 highly qualified business, secting to upset the balance of legacy technology and medical professionals T5 Acceptance computing environments. The tablet is who are in a variety of roles in a broad in the Enterprise the perfect window into cloud services – cross section of vertical markets such as shifting computing from a single device software, telecom, healthcare, energy, T6 Use of Tablets to multiple devices based on user choice hardware, manufacturing and retail. by Role and need, with storage and processing The second source is from 451 Re- of data moving to the cloud. The cloud search’s "2012 Enterprise Mobility Sur- T8 Operating Systems enables device-independent computing, vey," which was done in partnership Trends with access to content from anywhere, with Mobile Enterprise. which will drive users to the device of T10 WAN or WiFi their choice – increasingly a tablet. Employees want to use tablets, which T10 Popular Apps run operating systems familiar to them, for the Enterprise avoiding a support nightmare for IT when transitioning to new technology. T12 Future Development Tablets provide streamlined computing experiences with instant-on access to cor- porate data and services that cannot eas- ily be delivered by PCs and smartphones. CHRIS HAZELTON In this report, we explore the state Chris Hazelton runs the Mobile and Wire- of the enterprise tablet market, includ- less research practice at 451 Research, ing who is using them, what is driving which covers hardware, software, and this expansion, and where this market services for both enterprise and con- is going to have the greatest impact. sumer mobility markets. Chris’ research We detail tablet users by role and the IMPACT OF BYOD ON focuses on MDM as well as application extent that IT supports use by these TABLETS development platforms that target employee categories. Bring your own device (BYOD) is im- smartphones and tab- We take a look at the mix of tablet pacting enterprises in nearly every lets in the enterprise. He devices in use today, and what devices vertical of the U.S. Outside of heavily is primarily interested in IT is considering down the road – both regulated industries, there is little that the shift in enterprise by OEM and also by the OS’s they’re IT can do to stop the invasion of these computing from desk- prioritizing for development of their devices. Mobile devices give end users top to mobile. own applications and services. more choice and personalization op- MobileEnterpriseMag.com SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2012 MOBILE ENTERPRISE | T3 STATE OF THE ENTERPRISE TABLET MARKET FIGURE 1 Acceptance of BYOD in the Enterprise tions than any other enterprise IT tool The world of cloud, “Dropbox” in the WHat IS your company’S IT POLICY – and, many would argue, rightly so. enterprise or mobile file sharing and REGARDING EMPLoyees CONNECT- Because the device is typically carried synchronization, creates significant ING THEIR PERSONAL DEVICES to THE ENTERPRISE systems? with an employee 24/7, there is the ex- risk as employees sync large amounts pectation of being able to personalize of data between their laptops and 3.3% 10.5% 18.2% it (although frequently with corporate- tablets. It is these data intensive ap- liable devices, this is not a right). plications that are pushing the enter- 13.3% The introduction of app centric prise mobility management space to phones like iPhone and Android cre- focus more on managing applications ated demand for devices outside of and the movement of data across mo- 17.7% 37% what IT was ready to provide. The bile devices. growing rate of BYOD acceptance is The invasion of employee-liable de- naturally being extended to tablets. As vices in the enterprise can be accepted Employee-liable devices are banned any IT shop moves to support iPhone by IT, banned or simply ignored. Over- 18.2 and Android smartphones, that same all, 78.5% of our respondents allow Employees can connect their own infrastructure will support tablets to a employees to bring their own devices mobile device(s) for email 37.0 large degree. to work. (See Fig. 1) Support for BYOD Employees can connect their own Personalization often comes in the includes smartphones and tablets. 17.7 wireless device(s) for email and form of adding multimedia and appli- Of this very high percentage, the enterprise applications cations. In the case of tablets, there is a majority of companies have policies 13.3 Only with MDM client can employees connect propensity to have more data than on to support BYOD. Only 10.5% of or- to email and enterprise applications smartphones, due to storage size, but ganizations admit that they have no 10.5 Company has no stated policy also use cases that approach content management or security policies when creation or editing. it comes to the use of mobile devices. Other Because of this, it is critical that IT This is a little more than half of the to- 3.3 has policies and capabilities in place tal of companies that actually prohibit SOURCE: 451 Research, 451 Enterprise Mobility Snapshot, June 2012 to deal with tablets in a BYOD world. BYOD, which is 18.2%. figure 2 • Corporate Market: Current Tablet Usage DOES your company CURRENTLY PROVIDE EMPLoyees WITH tabLET DEVICES? 21% 20 18% 25 16% 15% 15 20 12% 9% 4 10 6 15 7% 6% 7 4% 9 5 12 10 16 15 18 5 May August November February May August November February May 21 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 0 SOURCE: ChangeWave Research, 3Q 2012 Corporate IT Spending Trends, May 2012 T4 | MOBILE ENTERPRISE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2012 MobileEnterpriseMag.com The number of U.S. companies issuing tablets to employees has grown from 4% in May of 2010, to 21% in May of 2012. CORPORATE DEMAND Specifically, the key benefits they FIGURE 3 FOR TABLETS see are better responsiveness to their Organizational Policy While the focus for many is on BYOD, customers, competition and cowork- on Tablet Use enterprises are buying and issuing tab- ers. Tablets give employees instant ac- DOES your company USE tabLET lets to employees in large numbers. cess to critical information, allowing COMPUTERS? Since the launch of the iPad in April of them to move the ball forward from 2010, there has been significant cor- virtually anywhere. Tablets mean that 8.9 porate demand for tablets. According processes are less likely to be inter- 3.7% 11% 8.9% 20.9 to ChangeWave Research, a service of rupted by one or more employees who 451 Research, the number of U.S. com- are temporarily out of touch. 20.9% 17.8 panies issuing tablets to employees has 16.2% 17.8 grown from 4% in May of 2010, to 21% ACCEPTANCE IN THE in May of 2012. (See Fig. 2) With more ENTERPRISE 3.7% 3.7 17.8% than 1 in 5 companies already issuing The tablet is fast becoming a key 17.8% tablets to their employees on top of tool for the enterprise, but just how 16.2 those that are brought in by employees, prevalent is it, and is the enterprise 11.0 it is clear the tablet is here to stay. supporting it in large numbers yet? Tablets are not allowed Mobile tablets present a new op- Fig. 3 shows that only 8.9% of com- 3.7 portunity to empower employees to be panies prohibit the use of tablets by Company issues corporate-liable tablets for employee use more productive, more responsive and employees. are easier to support from an IT stand- In fact, 20.9% of respondents indi- Employees can connect their point. There are benefits to the hard- cate that they issue tablets to employ- own tablets for email ware form factor, as we’ve discussed, ees as corporate-liable devices. Another Employees can connect their own tablets but the key drivers for mobile tablets 35.6% allow employees to connect for email and enterprise applications will be mobile applications. their personal tablets to email, or email These apps will be both horizontally and corporate applications. Only with MDM client can employees connect to email and enterprise applications and vertically focused tools. It will be While only 3.7% of companies use the targeted and internally developed MDM systems to manage tablets, there We are currently evaluating our apps that will best deliver on the prom- are a large portion that are evaluat- policies toward tablets ise of the mobile tablet. ing their plans (16.2%) or have yet to The tablet provides ready access to implement policies on tablet use (11%). Company has no stated policy computing resources that cannot easily Given that the tablet is relatively new Other be delivered by PCs and smartphones. (compared with smartphones and PCs), Enterprises see the mobile tablet as a tool the enterprise is adopting tablets at a SOURCE: 451 Research, 451 Enterprise Mobility Snapshot, June 2012 to improve the way they do businesses.
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