FREE VOLUME 8 NUMBER 5 m^WjÊioekh '&o[Whie\ ademb[Z][WdZ Wkj^eh_joedj^[ \h[i^[ij\eejm[Wh WdZb_\[ijob[ fheZkYji$ LZVgZXZaZWgVi^c\i]^hb^aZhidcZ^chinaZ#I]gdj\]dji'%&% lZ l^aa WZ gZaZVh^c\ h^oZ4 XdaaVWdgVi^kZ egdYjXih! XVgZ[jaan YZh^\cZY^cXdc_jcXi^dcl^i]i]ZWZhiWgVcYhhidX`ZYVih^oZ4 i_p[$Ye$ka i_p[$Ye$ka%'&o[Whi 3/LVD-RKQVRQ “There’s hope in these footsteps of persistence.” – Rise Against 3'DQLHO6WXUW Geoff Rowley, leader of those devoted, a Vans skateboarder since 1999. collab for Vans Spring 2010. From founder Paul Van Doren’s doodle came one of Vans’ most iconic The Vans Warped Tour, 16 years of punk rock. emblems. 9DQV,QF 3$QH-HQV London Glasgow SIMIAN MOBILE DISCO (Dj Set) WILD BEASTS DOPPLEREFFEKT BLOOD RED SHOES Other Highlights Include Other Highlights Include A PLACE TO BURY STRANGERS A PLACE TO ACTIVE CHILD BURY STRANGERS ALEXANDER NUT THE ANTLERS ARCHIE BRONSON OUTFIT BRIDEZILLA BANJO OR FREAKOUT CROCODILES BENJI B COPY HAHO BO NINGEN DIVORCE THE BUG DJANGO DJANGO CLASS ACTRESS EGYPTIAN HIP HOP DJANGO DJANGO FUN FILTHY DUKES (Dj Set) GOLD PANDA FM BELFAST JAGUAR LOVE FRANKIE & THE HEARTSTRINGS JESSICA HOOP GRAMME JOKER GYRATORY SYSTEM KID ADRIFT LONE LADY KONG MIIKE SNOW (Dj Set) MALE BONDING WWW.STAGANDDAGGER.COM MOUNT KIMBIE MY LATEST NOVEL O CHILDREN NORTH ATLANTIC 21STmay ONEMAN OSCILLATION LONDON THE PHENOMENAL OLYMPIC SWIMMERS HANDCLAP BAND SERGE SANTIAGO ND PRIMARY 1 SLEIGH BELLS 22may PULLED APART BY HORSES THE ANTLERS GLASGOW THE RADIO DEPT. TITUS ANDRONICUS STILL FLYIN' TURBOFRUITS In Association With SINDEN UNWINDING HOURS SKY LARKIN WE WERE PROMISED STARKEY (Live) JETPACKS THESE NEW PURITANS WILSON TAN WE HAVE BAND YUCK FULL LINE UP AND TICKET INFORMATION: www.StagAndDagger.Com | www.SeeTickets.com TABLE OF CONTENTS This is a carrot shrine in the home of Jeff Chiplis, an artist in Cleveland, Ohio, who became obsessed with the graphics on bags of carrots and has collected more than 700 varieties of carrot bags over the past 25 years. He has a room in his house filled with carrot stuff. Photo by Carly Rabalais. MUSIC INSPIRES ART VOLUME 8 NUMBER 5 Cover drawing by Jim Krewson PROGRAMME. HELL ON EARTH SPRING BREAK 2010, WOOOO! Yemen is Crippled by Terrorism, Drought and Civil War . 34 I Went to Cancun to Party With Douchebags German Precision at 4% but Ended Up Weeping With Tigers . 78 THE LAST INTERVIEW WITH ALEXANDER SHULGIN Discover more free thinking from celebrated Which, Technically, Was Not an Interview at All . 38 young artists inspired by their favourite POWER COUPLES music at facebook.com/becksvier BRET EASTON ELLIS . 48 Photos by Richard Kern . 100 THE CORPSE Home Cryonics in the Smirk Age . 64 GLENN DANZIG . 126 14 | VICE © 2010 InBev UK Limited, all rights reserved. For over 18s only. Please drink responsibly. TABLE OF CONTENTS Photo by Carly Rabalais. Masthead . 24 Fashion: Wet ’n’ Wild . 120 Employees . 26 Skinema . 132 VICE Mail . 28 Video Games Killed the Radio Star . 134 DOs & DON’Ts . 92 Reviews . 138 Fashion: Modern Primitives . 111 Johnny Ryan’s Page . 146 16 | VICE SWEDISH UNDERWEAR COLORFUL SINCE 1984 BJORNBORG.COM 'LSOR 0DUN 5RQVRQ 3KRHQL[ 5LFKLH +DZWLQ %R\V 1RL]H $QG\ 0XHOOHU $UW 'XPS $OH[DQGUH+HUFKFRYLWFK'DQQ\3HUH]-DPHV3RZGHUO\0DUN(VVHQ026$UFKLWHFWV )RRO·V *ROG'XVW /D 5RFN 1LFN =LQQHU 5DGLFDO )ULHQG 6SLNH -RQ]H 7DNHVKL 0XUDWD &DVVHWWH 3OD\D &KULV &XQQLQJKDP -DPHV /DYHOOH 81./( -DPLH +HZOHWW *RULOOD] -RVKXD 7KLUG 7KH +RUURUV .DUO 6DGOHU 0DWWKHZ +HUEHUW 0LUD &DOL[ 3DXO % 'DYLV 7LQFK\ 6WU\GHU 7UHYRU -DFNVRQ 8QLWHG 9LVXDO $UWLVWV $UFKLWHFWXUH $EGHO %RXQDQH %URGLQVNL '- 0HKGL (ULF 'DOELQ -HDQ0DULH 7DVV\ /DGM /\ -pUpPLH 5R]DQ 6$ -RQDV )UDQoRLV /DXUHQW *DUQLHU 5RPDLQ *DYUDV <XNVHN '- +HOO *UDIW $UFKLWHFWV 3HQJ /HL 1HZ 3DQWV -|UJ .RFK -XOLXV 9RQ %LVPDUFN 0RULW]:DOGHPH\HU6DP)UHQ]HO6HEDVWLDQ'HQ](PLFLGD&XUW0RUJDQ %UDLQ)DUP $PDS{ $QWRQLR 3LQWR 6WHIDQ 6DJPHLVWHU -XP 1DNDR 0DUFHOR &DPHOR 0L[KHOO 0XWL 5DQGROSK 5HQDWR &RKHQ 5LFDUGR &DULRED &KRL -HRQJ+ZD '- 6RXOVFDSH (( -DQJ -RRQ+ZDQ -DQJ .LKD 7KH )DFHV -XQJ <HRQGRR /XPSHQV 1LNNL 6 /HH 3HWHU /HH 6RQJ +RMXQ 6XK 6DQJ\RXQJ <H 5DQML $DDMLDR ;X :HQNDL 9HJD :DQJ '- :RUG\ /L +XL 0D <DQVRQJ -RDFKLP 6DXWHU 5D\ /HL 6N\ 6XOXPL 6XQ +DLSHQJ % =KDQJ 6KRXZDQJ &DUVLFN &DUV 3HDFKHV 1$6$ *DQJ *DQJ 'DQFH &66 :HOFRPHWR\HDURQH -RLQXVDW 0XWL5DQGROSK*DOHULD0HOLVVD WKHFUHDWRUVSURMHFWFRP www.urbanears.com / [email protected]. Featured models Plattan Tanto and Medis in Black. Vincent Skoglund FOUNDERS Suroosh Alvi, Shane Smith EDITOR Andy Capper ([email protected]) CEO, VICE MEDIA GROUP EUROPE Andrew Creighton ([email protected]) MANAGING EDITOR James Knight ([email protected]) EMEA GROUP PUBLISHER Matt Elek ([email protected]) 0207 749 7816 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Piers Martin ([email protected]) Bruno Bayley ([email protected]) UK PUBLISHER Matt O’Mara ([email protected]) 0207 749 7819 ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Kirsty Dare ([email protected]) 0207 749 7817 PHOTO SUBMISSIONS [email protected] HEAD OF FASHION SALES Kristen Lazaric ([email protected]) 0207 749 7817 STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Jonnie Craig, Ben Rayner, Jamie Lee Curtis Taete ACCOUNT MANAGER Hollie Blue Allum ([email protected]) 0207 749 7817 PHOTO EDITOR AT LARGE Alex Sturrock FASHION SALES CONSULTANT Stephen White ([email protected]) HEAD OF MARKETING & EVENTS Claire Bartolomeo ([email protected]) EDITOR IN CHIEF VICE GLOBAL Jesse Pearson PRODUCTION EXECUTIVE EDITOR VICE GLOBAL Chris Cechin Gareth Johns ([email protected]), Imogen Bellotti ([email protected]) LAYOUT inkubator.ca WORDS Bruno Bayley, Jon Blyth, Sam McPheeters, Hamilton Morris, VBS.TV PRODUCTION Chris Nieratko, Jesse Pearson, Jamie Lee Curtis Taete Vida Toombs ([email protected]), Nicole Saganice ([email protected]), Pegah Farahmand ([email protected]), Alison Severs ([email protected]), PHOTOS Hugo Donkin ([email protected]), Dorota Zylewicz ([email protected]), Jerry Hsu, Richard Kern, Jeaneen Lund, Carly Rabalais, Yousef Eldin ([email protected]) Ellen Rogers, Ash Smith, Paul Stephens, Jamie Lee Curtis Taete, David Titlow VBS.TV POST-PRODUCTION ILLUSTRATIONS Al Brown ([email protected]), Mike Horlock ([email protected]), Jim Krewson, Sam McPheeters, Johnny Ryan Laurence Cleary ([email protected]), Simon Holmes ([email protected]) COPY EDITING John McDonnell VBS.TV INTERN Phil Kelly FASHION EDITOR Aldene Johnson ([email protected]) CONTRIBUTING FASHION EDITOR Daryoush Haj-Najafi ([email protected]) ONLINE EDITOR Alex Miller ([email protected]) WEB DESIGN Solid Sender ONLINE FASHION EDITOR ONLINE DEVELOPER Daniel Hockley ([email protected]) Sam Voulters ([email protected]) DIGITAL MARKETING Ben Walton ([email protected]), FASHION ASSISTANTS Kylie Griffiths ([email protected]) Alice Harold ([email protected]), Nicole Kai ([email protected]) Kristina McCormick DIGITAL ASSISTANT Dan Dennison ([email protected]) FASHION INTERNS Matt King, Chanyaporn Thongthai OLD BLUE LAST Russ Tannen ([email protected]), INTERNS Darren Berry, Dan Devine, Rhys James, Henry Langston, Ross Allmark ([email protected]) Chris O’Neill, Maya Roberts DIGITAL Dylan Hughes VICE UK VICE FRANCE Send us: Letters, DOs & DON’Ts, all CDs for review, 21, Place de la République, 75003 Paris magazines, books, neat stuff, etc. Phone +33 953 267 802 Fax +33 958 267 802 77 Leonard Street, London, EC2A 4QS VICE SPAIN Phone +44 (0)20 7749 7810 Fax +44 (0)20 7729 6884 Joan d’Austria 95 – 97, 5 1, 08018 Barcelona VICE NEW YORK Phone +34 93 356 9798 Fax +34 93 310 1066 97 North 10th Street, Suite 204, Brooklyn, NY 11211 Phone +1 718 599 3101 Fax +1 718 599 1769 VICE AUSTRIA Favoritenstraße 4-6 /III, 1040 Vienna Signed, sealed and delivered. VICE MONTREAL Phone +43 1 9076 766 33 Fax +43 1 907 6766 99 127 B King Street, Montreal, QC, H3C 2P2 Phone +1 514 286 5224 Fax +1 514 286 8220 VICE MEXICO Merida 109, Col. Roma, Del. Cuahutemoc, México DF 06700 VICE TORONTO On BlackBerry® Messenger you know when your message Phone +52 55 5255 1909 Fax +52 55 5203 4061 1349 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON, M6K 1M1 Phone +1 416 596 6638 Fax +1 416 408 1149 VICE BRAZIL is getting through. Special symbols tell you when your VICE AUSTRALIA Rua Periquito 264, São Paulo, SP, CEP 04514-050 PO Box 2041, Fitzroy, Victoria, 3065 Phone +52 (555) 533 8564 Fax +55 11 5049 1314 ‘guess what just happened?’ message has been sent, Phone +61 3 8415 0979 Fax +61 3 8415 0734 VICE ARGENTINA delivered and read. So you know which friends are on, VICE NEW ZEALAND Esteban Echeverría 1744, Florida, Buenos Aires, B1602ABR PO Box 68-962, Newton, Auckland Phone +54 11 4730 0222 Fax +54 11 4760 1121 and when. And you know which friends are just putting Phone +64 9 378 1111 Fax +64 9 378 1113 VICE BULGARIA VICE SCANDINAVIA 12 Anton P. Chehov Str. bl. 87 Iztok, 1113 Sofia a little extra thought into their reply. Rosenlundsgatan 36, SE-118 53 Stockholm Phone +359 2 870 4637 Fax +359 2 873 4281 Phone +46 8 692 6260 Fax +46 8 692 6274 VICE SOUTH AFRICA VICE ITALY Studio 401, 66 Albert Road, Woodstock, Cape Town Via Watt 32, 20143, Milano Phone +27 72 128 0015 Phone +39 02 4547 9185 Fax +39 02 9998 6071 VICE CZECH REPUBLIC VICE GERMANY Hasˇtalska´ 1, 11000 Praha 1 Brunnenstr. 196, 10119 Berlin Phone +420 222 317 230 Fax +420 222 317 230 Phone +49 30 246295-90 Fax +49 30 246295-99 VICE JAPAN VICE GREECE 3-3-3, Minami-Azabu, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 106-0047 22 Voulis Street, 6th Floor, 105 63, Athens what you do on BBM. Phone +81 35419 7763 Fax +81 35419 7764 Phone +30 210 325 4290 Fax +30 210 324 9785 VICE NETHERLANDS VICE PORTUGAL PO Box 15358, 1001 MJ Amsterdam Rua Infante D. 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