SPORTS INFORMATION BOOK Welcome to the WFTDA Sports Information Book built for the 2017 International WFTDA Division 1 Playoffs in Dallas, TX. The data located in this booklet includes sanctioned game statistics and information submitted through WFTDA Games and Stats committees, as well as information collected during the season, as well as throughout the Playoffs intake process. You will also find team charters, skater transfer updates, skater name pronunciations and DALLAS pronouns, multi-month rankings, individual player statistics, team trends, and more. These booklets are designed to give fans an in-depth view of WFTDA member leagues through recorded statistics as a companion to our International WFTDA Playoffs and Championships. The information in this book was compiled by our TABLE OF CONTENTS WFTDA Sports Information Committee. Questions about the data compiled can be set to: [email protected]. TEAM PAGES Sport Information Committee: Amy Jo Moore, ObsiNate and Mr Whistler. Victorian Roller Derby League 3-4 SKATER DATA SHEET LEGEND Texas Rollergirls 5-6 BG = Blocker Games Jjm = Average jams as jammer Arch Rival Roller Derby 7-8 Bj = Blocker Jams Jt = Jammer season total points Minnesota Roller Girls 9-10 Bjm = Average Jams played JGSm = average points per game Atlanta Rollergirls 11-12 as blocker per game JjSm = Jammer jam Score mean BM = Blocker Penalties Queen City Roller Girls 13-14 JM = Jammer Penalties Bj/M = Average Jams/Penalty Santa Cruz Derby Girls 15-16 JjMr = Jammer Jams per Penalty Rate Pj = Pivot Jams Lr = Lead Rate Philly Roller Derby 17-18 PH = Pivot Star Passes JH = Jammer Star Passes Arizona Roller Derby 19-20 PjH% = % Jams received pass JHm = Average star passes per game Dallas Derby Devils 21-22 JG = Jammer Games jH% = % Jams with star passes Jj = Jammer Jams Houston Roller Derby 23-24 Wasatch Roller Derby 25-26 © 2017 Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Page 2 of 26 TEAM STATS HIGHLIGHTS DALLAS TEAM BLOCKERS 4 Games 18.25 Blocker Penalties/Game 157 Jams 73 Blocker Penalties (8.60 Bj/M) SEED #1 VICTORIAN ROLLER DERBY JAMMERS LEAGUE 7.75 Jammer Penalties/Game 31 Jammer Penalties (5.3 Jj/M) Team Name: Victoria All-Stars 64% Lead Rate LOCATION: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia DARK: Royal Blue w/ White PIVOTS 0 Star Passes (0% of jams) LIGHT: White w/ Royal Blue 0 Star Pass/Game Joined WFTDA: December 2011 SANCTIONED RECORDS WFTDA PLAYOFFS HISTORY 2017 SEASON (9-1) 2016 3rd Place, D1 Championships The Big O 2015 3rd Place, D1 Championships 5/7/2017 Texas W, 187-77 2014 Lost in Quarterfinal at D1 Championships 5/6/2017 Angel City W, 188-111 2013 5th Place, D1 Salem 5/6/2017 Arch Rival W, 201-71 5/5/2017 Rose City W, 187-123 ϭϯDŽŶƚŚZĂŶŬŝŶŐDŽǀĞŵĞŶƚͲsŝĐƚŽƌŝĂ 2016 WFTDA D1 Championships :ƵŶͲϭϲ :ƵůͲϭϲ ƵŐͲϭϲ ^ĞƉͲϭϲ KĐƚͲϭϲ EŽǀͲϭϲ ĞĐͲϭϲ :ĂŶͲϭϳ &ĞďͲϭϳ DĂƌͲϭϳƉƌͲϭϳ DĂLJͲϭϳ:ƵŶͲϭϳ ϭ 11/6/2016 London W, 198-108 13 MONTH ϮϮϮϮϮϮϭϭϭϭ 11/5/2016 Rose City L, 152-155 11/5/2016 Jacksonville W, 231-98 ϭϭ WFTDA 2016 WFTDA D1 Playoffs Vancouver RANKINGS 9/18/2016 Angel City W, 143-140 Ϯϭ 9/17/2016 Philly W, 258-61 9/16/2016 Stockholm W, 387-36 ϯϭ AGAINST D1 DALLAS OPPONENTS ϰϭ Arch Rival 1-0 Philly 2-0 Arizona 1-0 Queen City NP Atlanta 1-0 Santa Cruz 1-0 ϱϭ Dallas 1-0 Texas 4-0 Houston NP Wasatch 1-0 Minnesota 1-0 © 2017 Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Page 3 of 26 VICTORIAN SKATER DATA Skater BG Bj Bjm BM Bj/M Pj PH PjH% JG Jj Jjm Jt JGSm JjSm JM JjMr Lr JH JHm jH% 0 IvyKnivey* 4 35 9 128 32 3.66 6 5.8 71% 0 0.0 0% 10 Bicepsual* 4 92 23 10 9.2 4 0 0% 11 Sarah Chambers 4 26 7 135 34 5.19 6 4.3 62% 0 0.0 0% 117 Chop Chop 128 Amy Booth* 130 Dire Skates 14 Christy Demons* 4 38 10 182 46 4.79 4 9.5 58% 0 0.0 192 Foxy La Roux 20 Lorrae Evans* 4 74 19 9 8.2 0 0 24 Sandrine Rangeon 2806 Dani Darko* 4 65 16 15 4.3 59 0 0% 307 Shaina Serelson* 4 81 20 12 6.8 0 0 314 Pi Curious 35 Anna Conned Her* 358 Jaana Nuku* 4 74 19 7 10.6 0 0 38 Bone Shaker* 4 74 19 4 18.5 14 0 0% 4000 Anna Pave-U'Ova* 54 Lady Trample* 4 42 11 266 67 6.33 9 4.7 69% 0 0.0 0% 66 Screw Barrymore* (C) 4 86 22 7 12.3 79 0 0% 85 Bianca Sciarretta* 4 81 20 9 9.0 0 0 NOTES: TRANSFER IN: IvyK’Nivey pronunciation: I V K knivey 14 returning skaters (*) Chop Chop ( Sun State) Sarah Chambers formerly: Power Pout Lorrae Evans pronunciation: Lor-ay Evans TRANSFER OUT: Shaina Serelson short: Serelson Giles (Gotham) Jaana Nuku pronunciation: Yana Nukoo Bone Shaker pronouns: they/them COACHES: Screw Barrymore short: Barry Matthew Clanahan, Paul Campbell, Rosie Richards Bianca Sciarretta pronunciation: Bianca Sha-ret-a © 2017 Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Page 4 of 26 TEAM STATS HIGHLIGHTS TEAM BLOCKERS DALLAS 11 Games 19.91 Blocker Penalties/Game 437 Jams 219 Blocker Penalties (7.98 Bj/M) JAMMERS SEED #2 5.0 Jammer Penalties/Game TEXAS ROLLERGIRLS 55 Jammer Penalties (7.95 Jj/M) 51% Lead Rate Team Name: Texecutioners PIVOTS LOCATION: Austin, Texas, US 67 Star Passes (15.33% of jams) DARK: Black 6.09 Star Pass/Game LIGHT: White Original WFTDA Member SANCTIONED RECORDS 2017 SEASON (8-7) Hometown Throwdown WFTDA PLAYOFFS HISTORY 6/25/2017 London L, 146-148 6/24/2017 Angel City L, 201-120 2016 Lost in Quarterfinals at Championships 2009 2nd Place at Championships 6/23/2017 Rose City L, 205-99 2015 Lost in Quarterfinals at Championships 2008 4th Place at Championships THE BIG O 2014 Lost in Quarterfinals at Championships 2007 3rd Place at Championships 5/7/2017 Victoria L, 187-77 2013 2nd Place at Championships 2006 WFTDA Champions 5/7/2017 Terminal City W, 209-67 2012 4th Place at Championships 5/6/2017 Minnesota W, 193-133 2011 3rd Place at Championships 5/5/2017 Denver W, 195-162 2010 Lost in Quarterfinals at Championships dĞdžĂƐϭϯDŽŶƚŚZĂŶŬŝŶŐDŽǀĞŵĞŶƚ 4/22/2017 Dallas W, 277-66 :ƵŶͲϭϲ :ƵůͲϭϲ ƵŐͲϭϲ ^ĞƉͲϭϲ KĐƚͲϭϲ EŽǀͲϭϲ ĞĐͲϭϲ :ĂŶͲϭϳ &ĞďͲϭϳ DĂƌͲϭϳƉƌͲϭϳ DĂLJͲϭϳ:ƵŶͲϭϳ ϭ 2016 WFTDA D1 CHAMPIONSHIPS 13 MONTH 11/5/2016 Rose City L, 196-172 ϰ 11/4/2016 Rat City W, 238-50 ϭϭ ϲϲϲϲϲϲϲ ϱ ϲ 2016 WFTDA D1 PLAYOFFS MONTRÉAL WFTDA 9/4/2016 London L, 146-135 RANKINGS 9/3/2016 Bay Area W, 227-81 Ϯϭ 9/2/12016 Rocky Mountain W, 391-30 2016 SWEATFEST 7/23/2016 Rose City L, 152-108 ϯϭ 7/23/2016 Atlanta W, 221-96 AGAINST D1 DALLAS OPPONENTS ϰϭ Arch Rival 1-0 Philly 6-2 Arizona 2-0 Queen City NP ϱϭ Atlanta 8-0 Santa Cruz NP Dallas 5-0 Victoria 0-4 Houston 7-0 Wasatch NP © 2017 Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Minnesota 4-0 Page 5 of 26 TEXAS SKATER DATA Skater BG Bj Bjm BM Bj/M Pj PH PjH% JG Jj Jjm Jt JGSm JjSm JM JjMr Lr JH JHm jH% 03 Olivia Shootin' John* 6 33 6 10 3.3 29 2 7% 11 110 10 469 43 4.26 8 13.8 62% 16 1.5 15% 07 Jackie Daniels* (C) 11 211 19 21 10.0 78 5 6% 100 CC Boom* 5 85 17 9 9.4 0 0 12 DeBella Deball* 10 99 10 11 9.0 0 0 15 Trauma* 9 170 19 20 8.5 93 14 15% 1 2 2 0 0 0.00 1 2.0 0% 1 1.0 50% 16 Aja Gair 11 231 21 38 6.1 4 0 0% 202 Freight Train* 1 1 1 0 1 0 0% 11 150 14 648 59 4.32 14 10.7 53% 16 1.5 11% 22 Polly Gone 11 176 16 22 8.0 12 2 17% 27 Peacewar* 11 208 19 32 6.5 14 2 14% 33 Gravy, Baby! 1 1 1 0 0 0 11 70 6 267 24 3.81 8 8.8 40% 9 0.8 13% 34 Bo Jacks'Em* 9 101 11 3 33.7 0 0 42 Alley Oops 2 10 5 32 16 3.20 0 50% 4 2.0 40% 420 Stone Her* 11 185 17 28 6.6 49 11 22% 3 4 1 10 3 2.50 3 1.3 25% 1 0.3 25% 5 Smarty Pants* 11 183 17 19 9.6 153 31 20% 8 34 4 138 17 4.06 7 4.9 56% 5 0.6 15% 55 Hauss The Boss* 68 Hough Love 7 Nine Lives 1 1 1 0 0 0 82 MariEZ Livin' 5 27 5 5 5.4 0 0 NOTES: COACHES: Hough Love pronunciation: Huff Love 11 returning skaters (*) A Train, Priss N Vinegar, Prancing Johnny © 2017 Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Page 6 of 26 TEAM STATS HIGHLIGHTS DALLAS TEAM BLOCKERS 7 Games 21.71 Blocker Penalties/Game 295 Jams 152 Blocker Penalties (7.76 Bj/M) SEED #3 JAMMERS ARCH RIVAL ROLLER DERBY 4.86 Jammer Penalties/Game 34 Jammer Penalties (8.68 Jj/M) Team Name: All-Stars 48% Lead Rate LOCATION: St.
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