1811 Pueblo Vista Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89128 Parish Office 702-228-8311 Fax 702-228-8310 School 702- 804-8328 www.seaslv.org www.edline.net/pages/seaslv CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 6:30 am, 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 10:00 am Chapel, 12:00 Noon, 4:00 pm, 6:00 pm Mon.-Sat.: 8:00 am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays: 8:30 AM (or by appointment) PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri: 8:30 am 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm -5:00 pm Sat: 8:30 am-12:00 pm 1:00 pm-4:00 pm March 24, 2013 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Page 2 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church 702-228-8311 Staff Welcome to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Mass Intentions Pastor Saturday-3/23 Fr. Bede Wevita 804-8312 8:00am †Mary Wohlford [email protected] 4:00pm †William Newton, Jr. Associate Pastors Fr. Frank Yncierto 804-8303 Sunday-3/24 [email protected] 6:00am †Albert Holland Fr. Paul Oye, O.P., 804-8370 8:00am Nelisha Silva, In [email protected] Thanksgiving 10:00am Parishioners of SEAS Deacons 10:00am Chapel Parish Book of Deacon Joe Deegan Deacon Frank Pemper 341-8931 Register in the Parish In order that we may better serve you, Remembrance (Red Book) Deacon Steve Doucet 804-8377 please register in the parish. This way you are known to us 12:00pm †AntoineƩe Ardonez when requesting the services of the church. Registration forms 12:00pm Chapel Nursing Class Administrative Assistant to are available in the gathering space of the church or in the gift 1994 shop. Fr. Bede 4:00pm †Mr. & Mrs. Wohlford Rosie Arellano 804-8312 6:00pm †Emily Schumacher [email protected] Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms for infants and children up to 7 years of age are celebrated on Sundays during Mass or on the School Principal 1st & 3rd Sundays at 1:45pm. Parents should be registered in Monday-3/25 Dr. Carey Roybal-Benson the parish and should attend the baptism class on the first 8:00am †Robert Keith Marks 804-8328 Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in Room 2 of the Church. Con- [email protected] tact Mary Kay at 804-8302 or [email protected] for more Tuesday-3/26 information. Director of Religious Education 8:00am †Carol Sue Margan Mary Del Giorno 804-8386 [email protected] Sacrament of Matrimony At least one party must be a Wednesday-3/27 registered, participating member of the parish for at least 4 8:00am †Gervasio Bayron months. A 6 month minimum time period is needed to Director of Youth Ministry, Confirmation, complete the marriage preparation requirements. The first step Meghan Hernandez 804-8313 is for both parties to attend the marriage preparation class on Thursday-3/28 [email protected] the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in Room 1 of the 8:00am Morning Prayer Church. If either party was married before, he or she is to make Director of Music Ministry an appointment to speak with a priest prior to attending the Friday-3/29 Dee Dee Brunelle 804-8308 class. 8:00am Morning Prayer [email protected] Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Call the parish office at any Saturday-3/30 Outreach Coordinator time if you need to receive the anointing of the sick. In case of 9:00am Morning Prayer Jeanne Kilduff 804-8311 hospitalization, let the hospital staff know that you would like [email protected] to have one of the Catholic priest chaplains see you. Sunday-3/31 Receptionist, 6:00am †Nicholas Barberiru Gift Store Manager Holy Communion to the Sick If you are at home, please call Mary Kay Bellinger 804-8302 Tom & Patty (285-5573) or Marlene Palmatary (648-5024) and 8:00am [email protected] an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion will visit you. In 8:00am Hall Parish Book of case of hospitalization, inform the admissions department that Remembrance (Red Book) Parish Accountant you are a Catholic and would like to receive Communion. 10:00am Parishioners of SEAS Michelle Sullivan 804-8315 10:00am Hall †John & Regina [email protected] Mass Intentions Mass requests are scheduled through the par- Zachary ish office during office hours. If a specific date is desired, please 12:00pm †Anthony John Financial Assistant schedule as far in advance as possible. Costello Sal Milano 804-8322 [email protected] Funerals In the event of a death of a loved one, please contact 12:00pm Hall Deceased the Funeral Ministry at 403-8416 BEFORE making arrangements Members of Tobias Wood Kitchen Coordinator, Family Outreach Assistant with any of the professional services. Pre-planning is available. Maureen Cerza 804-8307 [email protected] House Blessings For those who live in our area, house blessings are available by appointment. Please register in the parish be- fore requesting your house to be blessed. Vocations Please consult with one of the priests. March 24, 2013 Palm Sunday Page 3 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church 702-228-8311 Pastor’s Note Dear parishioners, Church fasts because these are the days when Christ its Spouse was taken away.” (Circular Letter 1988) On Tuesday, on March 12, I established a This paschal fast is different from the penitential fasting Pastoral council for our parish. With a in Lent. As you know, Lent ends as the Holy Triduum pastoral council, I am able to consult the begins with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper on Holy leadership of the parish, acknowledge the Thursday. It is then, throughout the Triduum, that the wisdom of our parishioners, and share ultimate focus is made on what is to happen at the with them my responsibility for the Easter Vigil. With that special focus, the fasting of Friday governance of the parish. The purpose of this pastoral and Saturday is not penitential, but anticipatory. council is to investigate pastoral matters, to consider “There is a time in every human life when we turn them thoroughly, and to propose practical conclusions from food because we are so filled with something else. about them. The council’s task is, first of all, to study Perhaps we are in mourning, or in love, or writing an arti- those matters brought to its attention and shed light on cle, or painting a picture, or reading a wonderful them. Its second task is to reflect on them thoroughly, to novel….The paschal fast is being so filled with God that discern their true nature, to evaluate and to ponder nothing else counts, and other them. Its final task is to draw sound conclusions. The things could only distract. council presents these conclusions to the me in the form “The Paschal fast is (James field, “The Paschal Fast,” of recommendations. This threefold task of the council- being so filled with God Assembly, March 1980) investigating, considering, and recommending that nothing else conclusions-is called pastoral planning. This is purely ad- counts…” But this kind of fast is not only visory or consultative. Based on the recommendation of from food. It should also be the parish staff, I have chosen the following parishioners fasting from our usual routine and appointed them for a three year term; James Kohl of work, being entertained, too (Chairperson), Valarie Murzl (Vice-Chair) Craig Galati much talking and so forth. One should look to quiet the (Secretary), Larry Brown, Tom Carroll, Terri Janison, spirit and be less distracted by all that is in the world. Jeanne Kilduff, Greg Korte, Alice Roybal-Benson, Kenneth Catholics are to enter these days as no others, with a sa- Ryan, and John Kilduff, Ex-Oficio (President Parish cred Finance Council). I am grateful to each one of them for abandonment of all that is materialistic and a serious accepting my invitation to join this council and I look focus on the Lord and all that He did for us. We come to forward to working with them. understand what is meant in psalm 42, “As the deer longs for running streams, so my soul longs for you, O As we all know, the traditions of Lent and meatless Lord.” Fridays have given Catholics somewhat of an identity in the world. Being Catholic meant attending Mass every But these preparations for Easter are not done alone. Sunday, fasting at certain times and not eating meat on The people of the community of faith need one an- Fridays. These disciplines form us in the ways of the other...not only for support in these endeavors, but also worldwide community of faith and continue to form in us as practical examples to each other so that each can be the habits of the heart. encouraged to do his or her best. The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy in 1963 stated, It is imperative that these days of the Holy Triduum be “baptismal and penitential aspects” are to be given distinctly unique from other day if the reality of the greater prominence “in both the liturgy and liturgical events at the Easter Vigil is to be grasped. The commu- catechesis.” This document went on to say, “Let the pas- nity should be mentally, physically and spiritually chal fast be kept sacred...Let it be observed everywhere prepared to be able to participate with an “uplifted and on Good Friday and, where possible, prolonged through welcoming heart” in this three day liturgy, for they will Holy Saturday, as a way of coming to the joys of the keep late hours as they do the vigiling, renouncing, Sunday of the resurrection with uplifted and welcoming promising, baptizing, and the Eucharist.
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