-4 A GREATER MEDIA NEWSPAPB <Yip|TRWO\ F P U B LIB I 165 r.RIN ST r.ATfiWAN, NwT 0 7747 SEPTEM BER 27, 1989 2 5 C E N T S VOLUME 19 NUMBER 39 The shofar sounds Sherry Krupka, director of the Bayshore Hebrew Academy, Aberdeen, shows a shofar to Rachel Kay, 5, Matawan; Johnathan Moshenberg, 51/2, Marlboro; and Malka Krupka, 5, Aberdeen. The shofar is a ram's horn that calls Jew s to repent during the High Holy Days. Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, will begin Friday evening. For stories about the holy days and Bayshore Hebrew Academy, see Page 7. T h e s'te. S e e 3ea. Photograph by William Perlman 2 SEPTEMBER 27,1989, THE INDEPENDENT [ P/T E IN' London Fogs Are Rolling In! Five D ay Sale... W ed. thru Sun., Sept. 27- O ct. 1 F o r H e r 1 2 9 . 0 0 OUR ENTIRE STOCK of W om en's full length zip out raincoats are on sale, including classic trenches, balmacaans and the latest fashion styles in neutrals and new colorations. Sizes for Misses, Petites and Wom en. Reg. 225.00-285.00. F o r H i m 119.00 & 129.0 SAVE 30% & MORE on Men's styles, including "Davis", shown here, a double breasted trench, and "Adams", a single-breasted style. Both have poly-cotton shells, zip out Thinsu- late linings, and split raglan sleeves. For Regular, Short and Long sizes in British tan. "Davis", Reg. 210.00, Sale 129.00. “Adams", Reg.170.00, Sale 119.00. STANDARD ALTERATIONS ARE FREE OF CHARGE! L o n D o n F 0 0 ' Quantities are Limited. Selections will vary by store Sorry, no phone or special orders. Morristown: Mon. thru Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-5:30, Sun. l2-5;The Grove at Shrewsbury on Rt. 35, Somerville Circle & Princeton Shopping Center 10-9, Sat 10-6,Sun. 12-5 THE INDEPENDENT, SEPT. 27, 1989 3 INSIDE STORY Cleffi takes reins Michael H. Cleffi is Hazlet’s new superintendent of schools, but he is not new to the district. Cleffi is fea­ tured In the Spotlight. SEE PAGE 12 Parents complain Kindergarden students are not get­ ting the attention they need in the Matawan-Aberdeen School District because of overcrowding, a group of concerned parents said Monday. SEEPA G E 13 India celebrated A Festival of India, which will spot­ light the varied heritage and traditions of the many states within the vast Asian nation, will be held Sunday at Brookdale Community College, Lin­ croft. SEE PAGE 14 Road a priority The repair of Mill Road, the subject of a residents’ petition presented to the Borough Council last week, has long been a priority in the borough. Photograph by Martin Petterchak BETHANY ROAD DETOUR SEE PAGE 2 6 Road construction in Hazlet and Holmdel townships is causing a temporary inconvenience to motorists. Bethany Road, from . North Beers Street to Hillcrest Road, will be closed until approximately Dec. 1, according to officials, in order to improve the To call The Independent safety and capacity of the intersection. The project is being administered through the offices of the Holmdel township engineer. Advertising....................... 542-4000 Circulation........................254-7000 Classified......................... 542-4000 Editorial............................ 542-4000 Sports................... 254-7000 Electrodyne plans to use Keyport tract Press releases and advertising copy Silvestri previously had presented an in­ er said the plant would run only at 60-per­ may be brought or mailed to The In­ Aerom arine site formal proposal to the council to develop cent capability, which would be during peak dependent office at 1 Register Plaza, the site for a tennis and yacht club. Those hours and some evenings in the summer. It Shrewsbury. eyed by developer plans were never formally presented and the would be powered by natural gas and in the borough's new Master Plan proposes to re­ case of a shortage would use oil. for pow er plant zone the property from industrial to The smoke stack height he said would be planned residential development. up to the DEP. He said he is concerned with Strohmeyers earlier plans to build in the making an attractive presence and had By Marilyn Duff I N D E X ' Union Beach Natco Lake area on borough- planned to incorporate an architectural fea­ ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT............. 2 8 KEYPORT — The developer of a pro­ owned property were enthusiastically wel­ ture to camouflage the stack. “It would have BUSINESS........................................ 2 9 posed cogeneration water and power plant comed by borough officials, but they were to be compatible with the community," he CLASSIFIED.............................. 4 1 -4 7 said Monday the plant will be located in spumed by the state Department of Envi­ said. IN THE SPOTLIGHT......................... 1 2 Keyport. ronmental Protection which objected to When Mayor Edward Flynn brought up filling in a small portion of the former clay the former landfill, which he said contains LETTERS ........................... 4 -5 Charles Strohmeyer. president of Electro­ NEWS BRIEFS.................................. 2 5 quarry. 30 to 40 feet of gargabe, Strohmeyer said he dyne Research Corp., Gladwyne, Pa., who would take water from an area toward Con- OBITUARIES .................... 3 4 -3 5 Although Union Beach officials have or­ until recently had hoped to locate the plant ganized a petition campaign to keep the asconk Point or slightly offshore. Water in neighboring Union Beach, said he will OFFBEAT......................................... 5 plant and are also searching for other bo­ would be drawn from shallow wells. OPJNION.............................................. 4 file a bid to supply power to Jersey Central rough sites. Strohmeyer said he cannot If there was a problem with contami­ PEOPLE IN THE NEWS................... 2 0 Power & Light Co. based on the Aeroma­ change the site now with bid preparation in nation. Strohmeyer said it would be possi­ POLICE BEAT............................ 3 2 -3 3 rine site in northeast Keyport. ^ last-minute stages. ble to remove harmful materials. He said PULSE.................................................. 6 The bidding deadline is Monday. He said he regrets having to leave a situa­ desalination, the process which would be PROPERTY LINES........................... 3 S At an initial meeting last week with Bo­ tion such as Union Beach offered where ev­ used to provide potable water, has been REAL ESTATE NEWS...................... 4 0 rough Council, Strohmeyer said he was cur­ eryone seemed so supportive and he is used to remove radioactive materials. SOCIAL NEWS................................. 2 2 rently negotiating with the owners of the hopeful they can profit in some way when While he said test wells at the Aeroma­ SPORTS...................................... 3 6 -3 8 former Aeromarine Plane & Motor Corp. the plant goes on line. As for the DEP, he rine site “show pretty clean.” Strohmeyer WHAT'S HAPPENING.................... 8 -9 through local developer Joseph Silvestri. He said he did not know what they were trying told the council he does not want to make a said the power plant would require approxi­ to protect in turning down the Natco Lake specific commitment about what the com­ WILLIAM R CANINO mately six acres of land. site. pany will do with the water used in produc­ V ic* President The lease agreement would be contingent “We didn’t even have a chance to explain ing power. But he did guarantee building a 0AVI0 THALER on the success of the bid with JCP&L. ourselves,” he said Monday. “I think the desalination facility and selling water to the P u b l i s h e r In the meantime, Strohmeyer has joined main concern was we were competing with town when it is available. However, he said JUDITH S KLEIN forces with the Bechtel Development Corp., the (Manasquan) reservoir. It all gets back desalination would be viewed as a second Executive Editor which will serve as the engineering and con­ to water.” process. JUDITH McGEE FEENEY struction arm, and Pacific Gas and Electric, Since the property in Keyport is privately • He said the plan will not be so much a M anaging Editor which will operate the power facility owned and zoned industrial, Strohmeyer pilot plant for desalination, but rather a a MARK ROSMAN through a subsidiary. The three-way part­ said he just has to abide by permitting laws. learning experience. Sports Editor nership is being formed for the devel­ The proposed new Master Plan rezones As far as supplying potable water, he said ;| ANTHONY ROSELLI opment of cogeneration facilities, Stroh­ the site for planned residential use. Howev­ the issue has to be resolved with the DEP. Advertising Director meyer said. er. it has not been formally adopted. When But the plant has to be built before that If the JCP&L bid is successful, construc­ it is, Borough Council will have to amend issue can be resolved. Sayshot-' "dependent (ISSN 10*52389) ts pub­ lished , by Greater Monmouth Publishing tion of the $90-million plant could begin by the zoning ordinance to implement it. He said at some point they will submit a Co. 1 Wee ster Plaza Shrewsbury, N.J 07702­ late 1991 or the beginning of 1992, Stroh­ Strohmeyer said discussions already have bid as a cogenerator, at which time they will 4320 Slit:-; ;nplton price is $22/yr Second-class meyer said. It would be timed for startup in been held with JCP&L about how to trans­ have to prove to the DEP that the process is postage pe al Bank N.J. 07701 POST­ 1994 when JCP&L would require the addi­ mit power out of the Aeromarine site. Op­ sound. He called the DEP foolish for not MASTER Send address changes to; tional power.
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