Trademark statistics Statistics of Trademark Applications and Registrations in 2009 Trademark Statistics of Statistics of Trademark Applications and Registrations in 2009 Domestic International Madrid Total Applications Filed for Registration 741763 51966 36748 830477 Applications Filed for Renewal 42397 10615 2792 55804 Applications for Opposition 26714 12537 185 39436 Modification Applications 72584 18259 5733 96576 Assignment Applications 54081 7988 2448 64517 Annulment Applications 4366 4299 13861 Cancellation Applications 5196 Applications for Recordal of 17447 17447 License Contracts Registrations Approved 737228 68471 31944 837643 Trademark Preliminarily 895994 31941 927935 Approved Trademarks Refused 274839 10386 285225 Trademarks Partly Refused 197463 4113 201576 Registered Trademarks Modified 98536 7522 106058 Registered Trademarks Assigned 63348 3460 66808 Registered Trademarks Renewed 55483 3248 58731 Registered Trademarks Anulled 60449 6217 68282 Registered Trademarks Cancelled 1616 Recordal of License Contracts 17733 17733 Handled Re-issuance of Registration 4949 4949 Certificates 97 Statistics of Domestic Trademark Applications Filedand Registrations Approved in 2009 ( Breakdown by Province / Municipality / Autonomous Region ) Valid Well-Known Geographical Chinese Applicants P/M/R Applications Registrations Registrstions Trademarks Indications registered in Madrid Beijing 57801 52686 195023 98 7 640 Tianjin 8733 8234 36754 49 4 118 Hebei 20012 21384 82200 80 15 159 Shanxi 5628 6741 24852 34 12 29 Inner Mongolia 6866 7327 25408 25 11 44 Liaoning 15963 16900 74345 79 22 156 Jilin 7126 8800 31961 39 21 42 Helongjiang 9675 11622 45869 27 9 88 Shanghai 41882 35855 143951 85 8 500 Jiangsu 49556 56517 218776 173 43 740 Zhejing 99934 108815 382548 173 103 2483 Anhui 14848 14930 49375 38 18 173 Fujian 41124 45352 157522 139 66 756 Jiangxi 9830 11553 35455 27 29 54 Shandong 41581 40993 157593 173 58 442 Henan 22395 23491 70554 47 17 87 Hubei 16840 15112 60844 38 25 154 Hunan 15777 16863 61750 82 32 103 Guangdong 132573 128175 504704 239 21 2102 Guangxi 6455 6754 25902 17 17 61 Hainan 2706 3763 14468 13 6 30 Chongqing 15475 9627 34015 33 20 109 Sichuan 25362 27012 103773 74 52 241 Guizhou 4646 3621 14928 12 10 14 Yunnan 12289 8537 29585 14 16 78 Tibet 352 513 1516 6 1 2 Shaanxi 13064 8362 35804 20 15 58 Gansu 2041 3535 13322 10 24 6 Qinghai 1346 803 3481 12 12 0 Ningxia 1457 1423 5272 9 11 9 Xinjiang 5452 6575 27808 11 32 40 Hongkong 21930 14175 65162 14 0 10 Macao 368 300 1409 1 0 0 Taiwan 10676 10878 66122 11 1 193 Total 741763 737228 2802051 1902 738 9721 Note: Applications and Registrations refer to Trademark statistics of year 2009; others refer to accumulative total by the end of year 2009 Annual Development Report on China's Trademark Strategy 2009 98 Trademark statistics Statistics of Foreign Trademark Application Filed in 2009 Trademark Statistics of Foreign Statistics of Foreign Trademark Application Filed in 2009 Country / Region Foreign Madrid Total Albania 0 3 3 Algeria 8 0 8 Afghanistan 16 0 16 Argentina 104 0 104 United Arab Emirates 244 0 244 Oman 10 0 10 Azerbaijan 38 94 132 Egypt 57 38 95 Ethiopia 0 162 162 Ireland 153 34 187 Estonia 5 0 5 Andorra 4 0 4 Angola 5 0 5 Anguilla 3 0 3 Austria 84 690 774 Australia 1088 1389 2477 Barbados 39 2 41 Bahamas 47 0 47 Pakistan 43 0 43 Paraguay 14 0 14 Palestine 4 0 4 Bahrain 1 0 1 Panama 38 0 38 Brazil 217 0 217 Belarus 7 8 15 99 (Cont'd) Country / Region Foreign Madrid Total Bermudas 265 0 265 Bulgaria 5 67 72 Benelux 0 63 63 Belgium 165 402 567 Iceland 52 52 104 Puerto Rico 4 0 4 Poland 47 142 189 Bosnia and Herzegovini 0 21 21 Bolivia 3 0 3 Belize 8 0 8 Burkia Faso 1 0 1 Denmark 316 1335 1651 Germany 2200 6192 8392 Togo 3 0 3 Dominican Republic 2 0 2 Russia 140 543 683 Ecuador 1 0 1 France 1706 2214 3920 Polynesia 6 0 6 Philippines 46 0 46 Fiji 1 0 1 Finland 118 523 641 The Democratic Republic of 4 0 4 Congo Colombia 40 0 40 Costa Rica 7 0 7 Georgia 0 10 10 Annual Development Report on China's Trademark Strategy 2009 100 Trademark statistics (Cont'd) Statistics of Foreign Trademark Application Filed in 2009 Trademark Statistics of Foreign Country / Region Foreign Madrid Total Cuba 1 0 1 Kazakhstan 8 25 33 Republic of Korea 3431 691 4122 Netherlands 726 845 1571 Netherlands Antilles 188 48 236 Kyrgyzstan 1 2 3 Guinea 3 0 3 Canada 914 3 917 Cambodia 3 0 3 Czech 38 132 170 Cartel 17 0 17 Cayman Islands 1077 0 1077 Ivory Coast 3 0 3 Kuwait 43 0 43 Croatia 0 26 26 Kenya 20 1 21 Cook Islands 8 0 8 Latvia 0 13 13 Lebanon 49 0 49 Lithuania 5 19 24 Liberia 1 0 1 Libya 17 0 17 Liechtenstein 55 175 230 Luxembourg 181 348 529 Romania 20 71 91 Isle of Man 25 0 25 101 (Cont'd) Country / Region Foreign Madrid Total Malta 22 24 46 Malaysia 759 0 759 Mali 3 0 3 Marshall Islands 20 0 20 Mauritius 53 0 53 U.S.A. 14387 4665 19052 Mongolia 8 0 8 Bangladesh 11 0 11 Peru 8 0 8 Myanmar 19 0 19 Republic of Moldova 11 2 13 Morocco 25 10 35 Monaco 19 31 50 Mexico 250 0 250 South Africa 202 0 202 Nepal 5 0 5 Niger 1 0 1 Nigeria 59 0 59 Norway 72 626 698 Portugal 45 77 122 Madeira Island 4 0 4 Japan 10085 3255 13340 Sweden 414 1058 1472 Switzerland 812 1953 2765 Serbia 1 22 23 Cyprus 26 73 99 Annual Development Report on China's Trademark Strategy 2009 102 Trademark statistics (Cont'd) Statistics of Foreign Trademark Application Filed in 2009 Trademark Statistics of Foreign Country / Region Foreign Madrid Total Seychelles 60 0 60 Saudi Arabia 113 0 113 San Marino 11 1 12 Sri Lanka 11 0 11 Slovakia 3 73 76 Slovenia 2 148 150 Sudan 1 1 2 Tajikistan 1 0 1 Thailand 266 0 266 Tanzania 1 0 1 Tunis 3 0 3 Turkey 63 993 1056 Guatemala 2 0 2 Venezuela 8 0 8 Brunei 9 0 9 Ukraine 16 63 79 Uruguay 12 0 12 Uzbekistan 0 7 7 Spain 683 782 1465 Western Samoa 113 0 113 Greece 84 148 232 Singapore 1594 535 2129 New Zealand 287 0 287 Hungary 14 50 64 Syria 33 1 34 Jamaica 25 0 25 103 (Cont'd) Country / Region Foreign Madrid Total Armenia 2 1 3 Yemen 23 0 23 Iraq 127 0 127 Iran 62 21 83 Israel 245 0 245 Italy 1368 2693 4061 India 384 0 384 Indonesia 183 0 183 United Kingdom 2618 3041 5659 Channel Islands 11 0 11 Guernsey 4 0 4 British Virgin Islands 1668 0 1668 West Indies 80 0 80 Jordan 46 0 46 Viet Nam 55 8 63 Jersey Island 2 0 2 Gibraltar 7 3 10 Chile 142 0 142 Total 51966 36748 88714 Annual Development Report on China's Trademark Strategy 2009 104 Trademark statistics Statistics of Foreign Trademark Registration Approved in 2009 Registration Trademark Statistics of Foreign Statistics of Foreign Trademark Registration Approved in 2009 Country / Region Foreign Madrid Total Albania 0 3 3 Afghanistan 4 0 4 Argentina 110 0 110 United Arab Emirates 254 14 268 Oman 3 0 3 Azerbaijan 11 37 48 Egypt 8 12 20 Ethiopia 4 0 4 Ireland 171 62 233 Estonia 1 33 34 Andorra 1 0 1 Angola 2 0 2 Anguilla 1 0 1 Austria 207 597 804 Australia 1150 728 1878 Barbados 30 2 32 Papu New Guinea 2 0 2 Bahamas 89 5 94 Pakistan 20 0 20 Paraguay 4 0 4 Bahrain 12 0 12 Panama 41 5 46 Brazil 181 8 189 Belarus 5 36 41 Bermudas 178 7 185 105 (Cont'd) Country / Region Foreign Madrid Total Bulgaria 7 101 108 Benelux 0 1944 1944 Belgium 144 0 144 Iceland 24 114 138 Puerto Rico 12 0 12 Poland 102 181 283 Belize 6 4 10 Denmark 339 555 894 Germany 3488 7197 10685 Togo 0 5 5 Dominican Republic 2 1 3 Russia 262 954 1216 France 2148 3300 5448 Polynesia 17 0 17 Philippines 127 0 127 Fiji 3 0 3 Finland 246 368 614 Colombia 59 0 59 Costa Rica 6 0 6 Georgia 0 3 3 Cuba 9 0 9 Kazakhstan 5 43 48 Republic of Korea 4233 185 4418 Netherlands 1006 0 1006 Netherlands Antilles 45 3 48 Honduras 1 0 1 Annual Development Report on China's Trademark Strategy 2009 106 Trademark statistics (Cont'd) Statistics of Foreign Trademark Registration Approved in 2009 Registration Trademark Statistics of Foreign Country / Region Foreign Madrid Total Kyrgyzstan 3 0 3 Canada 1139 16 1155 Cambodia 1 0 1 Czech 83 204 287 Cartel 6 0 6 Cayman Islands 671 2 673 Kuwait 6 0 6 Croatia 0 8 8 Kenya 2 0 2 Cook Islands 21 0 21 Latvia 3 30 33 Lebanon 28 1 29 Lithuania 1 20 21 Libya 6 0 6 Liechtenstein 101 250 351 Luxembourg 169 0 169 Romania 22 65 87 Madagascar 0 1 1 Isle of Man 31 0 31 Malta 7 4 11 Malaysia 579 7 586 Mali 6 0 6 Marshall Islands 13 0 13 Mauritius 89 0 89 U.S.A. 21018 2436 23454 Mongolia 3 3 6 107 (Cont'd) Country / Region Foreign Madrid Total Bangladesh 3 0 3 Peru 9 0 9 Myanmar 7 0 7 Republic of Moldova 2 4 6 Morocco 10 31 41 Monaco 23 42 65 Mexico 460 0 460 South Africa 210 0 210 Nepal 2 0 2 Nigeria 30 0 30 Nevis Island 1 0 1 Norway 66 215 281 Portugal 49 103 152 Madeira Island 1 0 1 Japan 14119 1607 15726 Sweden 634 594 1228 Switzerland 1111 2564 3675 Serbia 1 18 19 Senegal 1 0 1 Cyprus 62 60 122 Seychelles 10 0 10 Saudi Arabia 40 5 45 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1 0 1 San Marino 8 27 35 Saint Vincent 1 0 1 Sri Lanka 20 0 20 Annual Development Report on China's Trademark Strategy 2009 108 Trademark statistics (Cont'd) Statistics of Foreign Trademark Registration Approved in 2009 Registration Trademark Statistics of Foreign Country / Region Foreign Madrid Total Slovakia 3 43 46 Slovenia 11 73 84 Sudan 0 1 1 Suriname 2 0 2 Thailand 272 1 273 Tunis 2 0 2 Turkey 80 435 515 Vanuatu 2 0 2 Guatemala 9 0 9 Venezuela 51 0 51 Brunei 11 0 11 Ukraine 44 62 106 Uruguay 2 0 2 Uzbekistan 4 0 4 Spain 945 794 1739 Western Samoa 94 0 94 Greece 56 24 80 Singapore 1367 226 1593 New Zealand 375 7 382 Hungary 29 90 119 Syria 29 4 33 Jamaica 5 0 5 Yemen 9 0 9 Iraq 6 0 6 Iran 41 43 84 Israel 189 1 190 109 (Cont'd) Country / Region Foreign Madrid Total Italy 2571 3465 6036 India 333 5 338 Indonesia 145
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