SWEET SINFUL NIGHTS LAUREN BLAKELY Book One in the Sinful Nights Series Copyright © 2015 by L&'ren B(&ke(y L&'renB(&ke(y.co+ Co,er Design by © S&r&h H&nsen, Ok&y Cre&tions Interior L&yo't by Jesse Gor0on A(( rights reser,e0) Witho't (i+iting the rights 'nder copyright reser,e0 &bo,e. no p&rt o1 this p'%(i*&tion +&y be repro0'ce0. store0 in or intro0'ce0 into & retrie,&( syste+. or tr&ns+itte0. in &ny 1or+. or %y &ny +e&ns 2e(e*troni*. +ech&ni*&(. photocopy3 ing. recor0ing. or otherwise5 witho't the prior written per+is3 sion o1 both the copyright o4ner &n0 the &bo,e p'%(isher o1 this book) This *onte+por&ry ne4 &0'(t ro+&n*e is & 4ork o1 fi*3 tion) N&+es. ch&r&cters. p(&ces. br&nds. +edi&. &n0 inci0ents &re either the pro0'ct o1 the &'thor6s i+&gin&tion or &re 'se0 1icti3 tio's(y) The &'thor &ckno4(edges the tr&0e+&rke0 st&t's &n0 tr&de+&rk owners o1 ,&rio's pro0'cts referen*e0 in this 4ork o1 fiction. 4hich h&,e %een 'se0 witho't per+ission) The p'%(i*&3 tion7'se o1 these tr&0e+&rks is not &'thori8e0. &sso*i&te0 with. or sponsore0 %y the tr&0e+&rk owners) This ebook is (icensed for yo'r person&( 'se on(y) This ebook +&y not be re-so(0 or gi,en &4&y to other peop(e) I1 yo' 4o'(0 (ike to sh&re this %ook with &nother person. p(e&se p'rch&se &n &ddition&( copy for e&ch per3 son yo' sh&re it with. especi&((y i1 yo' en9oy se:y. e+otion&(. ro3 +&n*e no,e(s with &(ph& +&(es) I1 yo' &re re&ding this %ook &n0 di0 not p'rch&se it. or it 4&s not p'rch&se0 1or yo'r 'se on(y. then yo' sho'(0 ret'rn it &n0 p'rch&se yo'r own copy) Th&nk yo' for respecting the a'thor6s work) ALSO BY LAUREN BLAKELY The C&'ght Up in Lo,e Series 2E&*h %ook in this series 1o((o4s & 0i11erent *o'p(e so e&*h %ook *&n %e re&0 sep&r&te(y. or en9oye0 &s & series sin*e *h&r&*ters *rosso,er5 Caught Up in Her 2A short pre;'e( no,e((& to Caught Up in Us5 Caught Up In Us Pretending He’s Mine Trophy Husband Playing With Her Heart St&n0&(one No,e(s 2E&*h o1 these 1'((3(ength ro+&n*e no,e(s *&n %e re&0 %y the+se(,es. tho'gh they 1e&t're &ppe&r&n*e 1ro+ *h&r&*ters in C&'ght Up in Lo,e5 Far Too Tempting Stars in Their yes 21 Stolen #isses The No Regrets Series 2These %ooks sho'(0 %e re&0 in or0er5 The Thrill of It $ery Se%ond With &ou The Se0'*ti,e Nights Series Night 'fter Night 2/'(i& &nd C(&y. book one. in*('des the pre;'e( First Night5 'fter This Night 2/'(i& &nd C(&y. book t4o5 (ne More Night 2/'(i& &nd C(&y. book three5 < = LAUREN BLAKELY Nights With Him 2A st&n0&(one no,e( &%o't >iche((e &nd /&ck) Forbidden Nights 2A st&n0&(one no,e( &bo't N&te &n0 C&sey5 The Sin1'( Nights Series S)eet Sinful Nights 2Brent &nd Sh&nnon. /'ne !"#$5 Sinful *esire 2F&((. !"#$5 Sinful +onging 2!"#?5 Sinful +o$e 2!"#?5 The Fighting Fire Series ,urn For Me 2S+ith &nd /&+ie5 Melt for Him 2>eg&n &n0 Becker5 Consumed ,y &ou 2Tr&,is &nd C&r&. A'g'st !"#$5 This book is dedi*&ted to +y 0&'ghter. 4ho he(ped %r&instor+ the p(ot) Yo' &re bri((i&nt. +y 0e&r@ An0. &s &(4&ys. to +y 0e&r 1riend Cynthi&) CHAATER ONE Ten years ago I’d go any)here )ith you) Aeop(e s&i0 those 4or0s. %'t they didn6t &(4&ys +e&n the+) Brent 4&s s're Sh&nnon di0 tho'gh) She60 go &ny3 4here 4ith hi+) As he g'nne0 the engine on his bike. &(( he co'(0 think 4&s th&t in (ess th&n ten +in'tes it 4o'(0 %e h&ppening) He60 be 4&(king thro'gh the 1ront door &n0 gi,ing the 4o+&n he (o,ed the %est ne4s of their (i,es) We&,ing thro'gh the (&te &fternoon Boston tr&ffi*. he 1&st3for4&rde0 to the ne:t fe4 4eeksBthey60 go to the (&n0 o1 s'nshine) He60 t&ke her 1&r &4&y 1ro+ Boston. &n0 keep her 1&r &4&y fro+ &(( the other p(&ces she didn6t 4&nt to be) He co'(0 see the+ ho(e0 'p in & (itt(e one3%edroo+ &p&rt+ent in Los Ange(es. spending their nights 1'cking. their 0&ys 4orking) Fine. she didn6t h&,e & 9o% yet. %'t there h&0 to be 4ork in Los Ange(es for &n in9're030&n*er3 t'rne03entry3(e,e(3*horeogr&pher. rightC D = LAUREN BLAKELY With e;'&( p&rts e:cite+ent &n0 &nticip&tion r&di&ting thro'gh his bones. he 0&rte0 thro'gh the st&((e0 *&rs) Up &he&0. +&ybe fi,e h'ndre0 1eet. 4&s the e:it th&t 4o'(0 t&ke hi+ to his &p&rt+ent. 4here she60 been (i,ing for the (&st t4o 4eeks since her (e&se r&n o't &fter they60 gr&0'3 &te0) His 4&s 'p ne:t 4eek. Aerfe*t ti+ing to (e&,e to4n together) F(ipping on the %(inker. he t'rne0 o11 the high4&y. then 9ette0 do4n the ro&0 to his %'i(ding) Soon. he p'((e0 into the &sph&(t (ot. sh't o11 the engine. &n0 'nsn&ppe0 his he(3 +et) He he&de0 to the concrete st&ir4e((. t&king the st&irs t4o %y t4o. 'p to the third 1(oor) He 'n(ocke0 the front door ;'ickly &n0 tosse0 his keys on the entry4&y t&%(e) The (&te &fternoon s'n shone thro'gh the dirt3stre&ke0 4indo4. %'t the (i,ing roo+ 4&s e+pty. the gr&y. r'+p(e0 co'ch +issing his pi:ie3si8e0 4o+&n) Then &g&in. he60 ne,er kno4n Sh&nnon to sit sti(( or (ie do4n) Un(ess her (egs 4ere 4r&ppe0 &ro'n0 his 4&ist. &n0 he((. th&t 4&s 4here he60 (ike the+ to be in &%o't three +in'tes. be*&'se this *&((e0 for & *e(ebr&tory ro'n0 or t4o in the s&ck. He t'rned into the kit*hen. (ooking for her) EB&be.F he *&((ed o't) The ho+e 4&s sti(() Their &p&rt+ent cr&ckled 4ith si(ence) It 4&s the tiniest &p&rt+ent in &(( o1 Boston. &n0 for & sp(it secon0. +&y%e +ore. his he&rt stoppe0 be&ting. &n0 & r&bi0 fe&r s4oope0 do4n o't o1 no4here) B't then. it 4&sn6t entire(y fro+ no4here) It 4&s born fro+ the (ife she6d (i,ed before she *&+e to co((ege) A door s;'e&ke0B& s(iding g(&ss door %&0(y in nee0 o1 oi(ing) He sp'n &ro'n0. ret'rning to the (i,ing roo+ &n0 SWEET SINFUL NIGHTS = G the tiny %&(*ony th&t he h&dn6t tho'ght to check. There she 4&s. 4&(king inside. the 4idest s+i(e in the 4or(0 on her gorgeo's 1&ce. her %right %(on0 h&ir. short &n0 s(eek, p'shed %&ck in & s(i+ si(,er he&0%&n0) EI h&,e so+ething to te(( yo'.F she s&i0) Her eyes (it 'p &s she he(d her 1(ip phone in her h&n0) EI h&,e so+ething to te(( yo'. too.F he s&i0. &n0 rope0 his &r+s &ro'n0 her 4&ist. e&si(y (ifting her ('sh. (i+ber body) Inst&nt(y. she 4r&ppe0 her (egs &ro'n0 his 4&ist &n0 droppe0 her +o'th to his. kissing hi+ h&r0) She 0&rte0 o't her tong'e. s(iding it %et4een his (ips. &n0 he gro&ne0. 4&nting to t&ke her right there &g&inst the 4&((. on the %&(3 cony. on the 1(oor) Or he((. 9'st st&nding 'p (ike this 4o'(0 be fine) Being +&0(y in (o,e 4ith & 4o+&n 4ho co'(0 ben0 &n0 +o,e in h&r03on in0'cing 4&ys 4&s pretty +'ch the gre&test thing in the 4or(0) Ye&h. he 4&s & ('cky %&s3 t&r0) EL&0ies first.F he s&i0. setting her do4n. then gest'ring for her to t&(k. ENo) Yo' go.F she s&i0. her forest green eyes t4inkling) EI 4&nt to he&r &(( &bo't yo'r big inter,ie4)F She re&che0 for the co((&r on his shirt. t'gging both ends) EI %et they &0ore0 yo') I %et yo' &(re&dy h&,e yo'r secon0 inter,ie4 (ined 'p)F EBetter th&n th&t.F he s&i0.
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