US 201001 20003A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0120003 A1 Herman (43) Pub. Date: May 13, 2010 (54) HOLISTIC APPROACH TO LEARNING TO Publication Classification TYPE (51) Int. Cl. G09B I3/00 (2006.01) (75) Inventor: Rita P. Herman, Pittsburgh, PA (52) U.S. Cl. 434/227 Us) - - - - -- r. (US) (57) ABSTRACT Correspondence Address: The present invention is directed to a method of teaching THE WEBB LAW FIRM, P.C. typing wherein the student associates the keys on the key 700 KOPPERS BUILDING, 436 SEVENTH board with a person, place, thing or emotion and is able to AVENUE more readily learn the position of each key. Further, the PITTSBURGH, PA 15219 (US) method of the present invention provides immediate gratifi cation to the student as they are able to instantly visually and (73) Assignee: Keyboard Town PALS, LLC, auditorily appreciate the accuracy of their typing on a com Pittsburgh, PA (US) puter monitor or screen that is attached to the keyboard. The delete key and/or backspace key may be inactivated during (21) Appl. No.: 12/269,916 operation of the program. Further, the color of the letters and background displayed on the monitor or screen may be vari (22) Filed: Nov. 13, 2008 able. As Patent Application Publication May 13, 2010 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2010/01 20003 A1 z NMOINMOGA. Patent Application Publication May 13, 2010 Sheet 2 of 4 US 2010/01 20003 A1 Nºwolqawoaxax zºsi Patent Application Publication May 13, 2010 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2010/0120003 A1 Patent Application Publication May 13, 2010 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2010/01 20003 A1 FIG. US 2010/01 20003 A1 May 13, 2010 HOLISTIC APPROACH TO LEARNING TO method of the present invention provides immediate gratifi TYPE cation to the student as they are able to instantly visually appreciate the accuracy of their typing on a computer monitor BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION or screen that is attached to the keyboard. The method for teaching a student to type on a computer has the steps of 0001 1. Field of the Invention 0009 a) providing a computer terminal having a first por 0002 The present invention relates to a visual method for tion and a second portion; teaching typing. 0010 b) providing a keyboard coupled to said terminal; 0003 2. Description of Related Art 0011 c) providing a word processing program; 0004. The most widely accepted method for efficient key 0012 d) correlating keys of the keyboard with stories, board input is the touch typing procedure. In this procedure, wherein the keys of the keyboard represent a fictional town the typist places the fingers on the correct home keys across and the stories enable the student to associate a relative loca the width of the keyboard, which read “ASDFJKL.” from left tion of the keys on the keyboard, and, wherein puppets are to right. The right thumb is placed over the space bar. Each used to assist with the step of correlating keys of the keyboard finger rests lightly on its home key and does not move unless with stories; it reaches to strike keys immediately above or below the home 0013 e) displaying the stories on the first portion of the key, or, in the case of each of the index fingers, the additional terminal; and two keys immediately to the sides of the home keys. The 0014 f) typing keys on the keyboard and having letters finger quickly returns to its home key. Thus, each finger has that correlate to the typed keys displayed on the second por only certain keys that it should strike. tion of the terminal for immediate viewing by a student. The 0005. Heretofore, keyboarding has been a skill taught at letters displayed on the terminal may be of a sufficient size to the high School level. Many suitable teaching systems exist be easily read by the student. Further, the letters displayed on for students of that level. However, the explosive growth in the terminal may be of different font styles. The stories told by the use of computers has reached as far down as elementary the puppets to the student enable the student to associate the School, and students as young as kindergarteners, if not relative location of the keys on the keyboard. At least one of younger, are now using a computer keyboard to work various the keys on the keyboard may be texturized. Further, the keys computer programs. Evenifa program requires the striking of of the keyboard may represent a fictional town. In the method only one or two keys on the keyboard, the students are striking of the present invention and as stated above, the typed keys keys with the wrong fingers and using other incorrect key displayed on the terminal provide an instant gratification for boarding techniques. Typing teachers agree that students who the student. The stories can include auditory and visual fea form incorrect keyboarding techniques are extremely difficult tures. The colors of the letters and backgrounds on the display to retrain. It is much more difficult to teach a student who has can be variable. ingrained, incorrect habits of keyboarding than to teach a 0015 The present invention also provides a method for student who has never used the keyboard. Breaking incorrect teaching a student to type on a computer having the steps of habits is frustrating and next to impossible in many cases. 0016 a) telling a student at least one story that correlates 0006 Young students and/or students with learning dis individual keys of a keyboard with at least one of a person, abilities can find it difficult to learn the keys on the keyboard. place, thing, emotion or expression, wherein the keys of the The keys are not in alphabetical order and even locating a key keyboard represent a fictional town and the at least one story many times is difficult. Further, many students attempt to enables the student to associate a relative location of the keys strike keys with the incorrect finger. The keyboard is an over on the keyboard and correlate each key with an appropriate whelming mystery to these students. Moreover, the poor hab finger of the student to activate the respective key: its that they learn at this age will significantly hamper their 0017 b) providing a computer terminal; ability to learn correct typing procedure. Further, many stu 0018 c) providing a keyboard having a delete key and/or dents of typing find it frustrating that they do not see the backspace key coupled to said terminal; results of their typing efforts until after they have completed 0019 d) providing a word processing program, which a lesson or a typing drill. This is because it has been widely inactivates the delete key and/or backSpace key during opera thought that one should not look at what they are typing when tion of the program by the student; they are learning how to type. Instead, teachers have 0020 e) having the student place at least one hand on the instructed students of typing that they should be looking away keyboard; and from what they are typing and at the paper copy from which 0021 f) retelling the at least one story as the student they are learning to type. One prior art system is disclosed in presses individual keys that correlate to the story while view commonly owned co-pending U.S. application Ser. No. ing the computer terminal, wherein puppets are used to assist 11/318,962, which is hereby incorporated by reference. with the step of telling of, retelling of, or both, to the at least 0007 What is needed and has not heretofore been devel one story. oped is a method of teaching typing that creates an association 0022. The letters that correlate to the pressed keys are with the keys on a keyboard and enables the students to have displayed on the terminal for immediate viewing by the stu their thoughts automatically presented to a screen in front of dent. Further, the stories enable the student to associate the them. relative location of the keys on the keyboard. The stories can include auditory and visual features. The colors of the letters SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION and backgrounds on the display can be variable. 0008. The present invention is directed to a method of BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS teaching typing wherein the student associates the keys on the keyboard with a person, place, thing or emotion and is able to 0023 FIG. 1 is a top plan view of a chart that correlates the more readily learn the position of each key. Further, the keys of a keyboard to a story; US 2010/01 20003 A1 May 13, 2010 0024 FIG. 2 is a top plan view of a chart showing the keys town bottom row 20 to the “X” key because he is Exercising. of a QWERTY keyboard; He went up two rows to the 'W' key to ask himself to “watch 0025 FIG. 3 is a side perspective view of a child typing at the Weights”. The students will begin to learn the location of a keyboard and viewing the monitor or screen; and the individual keys through stories of this type. In a next step, 0026 FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a monitor or screen the teacher will tell the stories with the student having their having a split screen and a keyboard. fingers properly positioned on a keyboard that is coupled to a computer terminal that has a word processing program Such DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION as Microsoft(R) Word(R).
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