[ N ovem ber 6 , 1 9 4 7 1 AS IT LOOKS FROM HERE I l V °'- S9’ No’ 451 M»MI IN TWO SECTIONS PART ONI Progress on Mail Delivery Real progrcs* in aolvfng the Short Hill# mail delivery pft^|<^l w u reveeled at the Glenwood A#soci#uon meeting [wt W’cdneaday night when Richard Meyer, ataociation prea- jdrat, announced that First Assistant Postmaster Donald* MILL BURN >uB *had instructed Postmaster Cahill to conduct another wney to ascertain “what per cent of the patrons have met, and tfr have agreed to meet, the requirements.” the phrase “or have agreed to meet” is an entirely new Mie in the Short Hills picture. Repeated surveys by Post* ITEM master Cahill have shown that only approximately JO per etui of the homes to be served were properly equipped with SHORT HILLS i »e num bers and mail boxes or door slots and it looked as U ,|)f postal authority requirements of 85 per cent would 0 ,r be met. Another new thought brought out at the meeting was n u t those residents desiring to retain post office boxes even Fo u n d ed 18 8 8 Puklifkcd every Thursday at)M ILLBU RN , N. J. SIX CENTS con thought mail delivery was inaugurated should not be counted Ki the purpose of determining the percentage of homes property equipped. Clarification on this point is presently XT * bfiiiK sought in Washington. i\ CVV A flglC S O fl War Memorial Committee PostmasteriViiimaater Cahill this week is starting the distribution 0 (,f nudstionnairea to all post office box holders. The ques- ! ,'naire contains six questions covering the point of agree- Mail Delivery Issues Progress Report io meet the requirements as well as retention of boxes A solution to tbs abort Hills jiter delivery atarts. mail delivery problem which baa Complete Account O f Progress To Date A nd • S prompt reply is desirable and very important for ft b»«n haigtf tire sines same* •. understood the institution of service esn Hinge on the re- *•* authorised 1# w a now ay- Future Plans To Be M ailed To A ll ,ulcs of this survey..W hether or not you are in favor of mail OUn- R e s i d e n t s deli'srv, fill in your questionnaire at once and deposit it in /ueociatton meeting on oe- 1 Following their first meeting of la that the eventual building will the special box In the post office lobby. tober ». At that lime Richard the fait ameoa, the War Memo­ conform substantially with the * Meyers, aaaoelsuon preside*!, rial Committee for the Township plana and repnawnuttlon* thus c , I . 1/ A I announced that a eemmwnlantion of Millbum authorised the prepa­ presented and that no major Congratulations votersi from w w a s s u u m po*tmaaur ration and mailing to all Town­ changsn or curtailment of Ihooe ,*■*' General Donaldson had etatad be ship residents, ss well ss to out- plant wU! be permitted' In au editorial last week1 we slated approximately 50 per had Instructed Posunaeur CahiU o?-Township contributors of a re­ PLANS FOR COMPLETION .mi of the registered voters would go 10 the poll* on Election <0 conduct nnotbar eurvey to as- port covering the progress of their "It ta your Committee’s Inten­ Actually more than 50 per cent did cast ballots, an ^ ^ . r * * * activities In connection with the tion to continue the #>»iematte excellent record In view of the lack of national issue* or |# mi#l_ r,q Ulr, m, nU- planning, finsneing and erecting canvassing of all Township rwk- of the new Memorial Library. dcota not yet successfully reached candidates and in view of the terrible weather which lasted Tb» requirements rafarrad to. J AIJtERT deGAMP reelected WILLIAM B GERO, newly E BERNARD WARD who was This report, which In now off and I© contact potential donors of •no,! of the day, house numbers and s mall boa or to the Township Committee. ebNted rgember of the Township reelected aa Townsihp Tax Col­ the proas, will In the next few large gifts on which they at# Those who voted are to be congratulated on utilizing do°r slot on as per cent of the Committee. lector in Tueoday'a election, days, be put Into the moll* to counting. With respect ta your Commit­ their '" tin g privilege, a privilege grossly abused by the W ★ * reach ail contrbutors and proe- registrant* who did not go to fhe polls. pec live contributors. tee's expenditure#, extreme caro of service since authorisation al­ The following la a complete quo­ has been taken to keep ait dis­ most four years sen However, 125 Students * Gero, deCamp tation of the Committee’s Prog­ bursement# at a minimum. The no previous communication from Beanies Needed Beanies for patients at Lyons ress Report: only single outlay of six# was for postal authorities had ever con1 Hospital are urgently needed ^ the purchase of a site and tbit, aa Vanderbilt talned the phrase "or «freed to On Honor Roll PROGRESS REPORT REGARD- according to an appeal from pointed out earlier la this report, meet" and no aurvey of the area Elected ING THE MILL8 URN-SHORT One hundred-dfnd twenty-five the Millburn-Sbort Hills Red was a particularly advantageous had been made with that phrase HILLS WAR MEMORIAL etudents #1 fflllburn High School Cross Chapter. Anyone desiring J. Albert deCamp and William buy that wiU serve to stretch In mind. i LIBRARY Named Judge wgre named on the. Honor Roll to knit one ia requested to call B. Gero. Republican candidates It wea also brought out at the T h e many Individuals who fund# for the first oMpting period ac­ •». headquarters in Washington for the Township Committee, were "The property, with a frontage Officials of the Esse* County meeting, attended by more than have contributed to the Fund for cording to an jyouncemcnt this School where wool and dirtc- elected at Tuesday's election, poll- _ along Millburn avenue, la backed 100 Glenwood residents as well ss Ortsiilutioit of the Republican week The tlfOTPth grade topped ing 2788 and M90 votes respective- our Township’. War Memorial by our high school’s new athletls representatives of other Short t'ons may be obtained. >arty gave • fareyrsll breakfast all others with S3 qualifying fol­ |y. Adrian F Dedecker. J r, only Library and a substantial bum- field. In consideration of the Hills sres associations, that under Democratic candidate for the com- her who have yet to be contacted I the Dow# Town Club last Mon­ lowed In order by the eighth grade common use of an entrance and the U per cent ruling. It would mittee, polled 949 votes E. Bern- are undoubtedly Interested In ey 10 mark the retirement of be virtually impossible to start with H, twelfth grade with 22. exit driveway, the Board of Edu­ Bldg. Permits ard Ward, Republican Incumbent, knowing how far the Committee cation ha# added considerable he Hon. Arthur T. Vanderbilt of home delivery as probably more ninth grade with 19, tenth grade With110 id.0 endana asventheevemn *rwu»grade »with » » 11 , was ree!ected tax collector, poll- " .^ ‘VrWnal £ »r«a to lha Library ait*. Includ- B* Hobart avenue, Short Hills than IS per cent of the residents apace would desire to retain their post Namce of tbe students by •> \J i||in n . , , ■ Im-i Iv, *re contemoleted and whet use of It# parking rom active leadership I# the lo­ grades follow. v / V t l - i M l l l l O n on the adoption of a pension plan Jecllve are contemplated andI wbat •■AeeullActual bulldin*building operationsonerath will office boxes and therefore would for Township employees was plans are being made to complete ll Republican organisation Mr. not be begun until tbe emergency not Install a home mall box or SEVENTH GRADE Building activity In tbe Town­ adopted by a vote of JIM against the project. ianderbilt last week was ap- door slot, thus blocking mall de­ William Brown, Charlotte Cliff bousing situation la well In hand ship continued active during Oc­ 578 and the new constitution was “It with the greatest of pleas- and until building costa have be­ inted Circuit Court Judge by livery forever. j f Helene Ebel. William Hageman. tober when permits were Issued approved here by a vote of 2789 Ure that your Committee Is able G. William Herkntr. Peggy Ann come stabilised. It la hoped that governor Driscoll, and it ia bc- Postmaster Catty stated that in the emount of U .003.030, accord- to 382, to make tbe following highly to- thosa residenJgMUPirtnf to retain Hunt. VYiStfm D. Lewan. Sandra at such time cost# will be sub­ Jeved that he will eventually __ __ , ... ^ r . • .. lM . v, ing , j EH# report of Budding In- Despite the Inclement weather cuuraglng report; stantially lower and that present „ , ARTHUR T. VifrrmnrTT .MT* wlUn • should not be Oechier. Frank E. Retd, Sue 811- spccto^ Daly, submitted at Mon­ veiatiln and Mary Anne Win la m . moat of the day, belter than 50 CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED fund*, together with additions day night's Township Committee percent of the registered voter* "To date, contributions cover- anticipated, will be adequate for ntrodir sSFSft cent. In 'lJ)K?V2rchecking with him£ Zon EIGHTH GRADE meeting. Committeeman Clark inder the New Constitution. Judge by Governor Driscoll. cast ballots. There were *648 per- |ng pledges and cash payments the proper execution of the orig­ Hits point, he stated that this was Judith M. Rcutllngcr, Carol M announced that the October figure |0 |)| (0 Vote and 3551 voles total approximately W0,000.
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