SHADOWS I A I.L: HOOPDRHAMS: Punxsutawney Phil makes his Women's basketball loses a nail prediction for spring -- B-8 biter to ItJP this week - B-l SLIPPERY ROCK UNIVERSITY Changes to liberal studies proposed By Sheryl McGlory venting degree requirements liberal study credit hours in- studies requirements. Rocket News Editor from exceeding 120 credit stead. Discussions have been "We've always required more hours, SRU President Robert ongoing for the past two years, liberal studies than the state SRU faculty members will Smith said. Smith said, and three models requires," Smith said. soon vote on proposals to alter Smith said that in order to for change have now been cre- Each proposal decreases the the liberal studies require- allow degree programs to keep ated. required liberal studies credit ments for graduation. currently required core classes The program revision models hours by three. The proposals for change for students, a committee was are titled X, Y and Z and each One of the biggest changes is Professor votes in election have been brought about be- formed to discuss possible presents a different way to cause of a state mandate pre- ways to decrease the number of change the current liberal SLIPPERY ROCK: A Slippery Rock LJ Please see PROPOSAL on A-3 professor that holds dual citizenship in the United States and Iraq voted Janu- ary 30 in the Iraqi | elections. Dr. Abbass Senators I Alkhafaji, a professor Playing games at SRU's school of business, traveled to Michigan with family sworn in to cast his ballot for the first democratic election held in Iraq. toSGA I Alkhafaji has been an outspoken critic of the Saddam Hussein regime and frequently By Frank Skrip travels to the Middle East for lectures Rocket Assistant News Editor and research. The Slippery Rock Univer- Alkhafaji declined to comment on the sity Student Government As- Iraqi election. sociation swore in two com- muter senators during its meeting yesterday. Former officer dead The two new commuter senators are Mark Kratz and SLIPPERY ROCK: A former Slippery Danielle Vinglish. Kratz is Rock University campus police officer the creator and president of was found dead in his home early Sun- the College Republicans at day morning. SRU. The officer, Christopher Messina, re- Vinglish has participated tired from the department in March in the Freshman Leadership 2004 for health reasons, after seven Program and said she has years of service. been waiting patiently for "(Messina) was an excellent, hard her chance to become in- working officer while he was with us," volved in SGA since then. Campus Police Chief Robert Christy While SGA welcomes these said. "It is such a shame to lose him at new senators, two other sen- such a young age." ators, Nancy Yonkey and Christy said Messina had a good sense Bethany Lawrence, relin- of humor and also that one of his hob- NATHAN COLLINS/THE ROCKET quished their roles as com- bies was target practice, for both pro- Slippery Rock University students (LEFT TO RIGHT) Brandln Jones, Thomas Ralney and Nathan Woolridge play "Halo 2," a video game, In the Uni- muter and North Hall sena- fessional and recreational reasons. versity Union on Wednesday night. tors, respectively. Messina was one of the first officers Game nights are held weekly In the Union lobby on Wednesdays and are sponsored by the SRU game club. Students are Invited to bring their SGA Vice President for on the "SRU Bike Force," and was said own games to share or they can use games provided by the club. Administrative Affairs to be very active and physically fit. Board games are offered to students who want to participate In game night but do not wish to play video games. • Please see SGA on A-3 Worker productivity up WASHINGTON (AP): The productivity of American workers, the critical com- ponent for rising living standards, in- Panel addresses issues creased by 4.1 percent in 2004, capping a remarkable three-year period in which worker efficiency climbed at the for women in science fastest pace in a half century. The Labor Department reported By Kim Dishler Mary Dominiecki, assis- Thursday that productivity for the final Editor-in-Chief tant professor of biology three months of the year was up at an and Tamra Schiappa, as- annual rate of just 0.8 percent, which Three SRU faculty sistant professor of geog- was the slowest quarterly increase in members led a panel dis- raphy, geology and the en- almost three years. cussion about the obsta- vironment, directed the The rapid gains in productivity began cles facing women in sci- panel entitled "Women slowing in the July-September quarter ence-related fields and and Science: Challenges when productivity rose by just 1.8 per- the importance of persist- and Rewards." cent after increases of 3.7 percent in the ing to achieve equality. Schiappa said barriers first quarter and 3.9 percent in the sec- On Wednesday, Jane to women in science have ond quarter last year. Fulton, former dean of the always been present, even NATHAN COLLINS/THE ROCKET College of Health, Envi- SRU professors Mary Dominiecki (LEFT) and Tamra Schiappa discuss challenges women In science face ronment and Science; • Please see SCIENCE on A-3 during a panel discussion Wednesday. Pope's health improving VATICAN CITY (AP): Pope John Paul II's condition is improving and he has not suffered any more breathing spasms, the Vatican. said, but the 84-year- old pontiff may have Coal bunker removal delayed until March to spend up to a week in the hospital to fully | recover. By Sheryl McGlory to Patterson Hall would be after coal bunkers used in the The demolition of the struc- Papal spokesman Rocket News Editor closed due to the work being eastern part of the state to store ture is now scheduled to take Joaquin Navarro- done. anthracite coal, Carlson said. place over spring break, when Valls said the Vatican The coal bunker located next Herb Carlson, assistant vice SRU uses bituminous coal, most students are off campus. would not issue an- to Weisenfluh Dining Hall is president of facilities and plan- which unlike anthracite coal, Some stages of the work have other medical bul- slated for demolition this ning at SRU, said the contrac- can be dangerous when stored already been completed, Carl- letin until Friday. spring. tor delayed the demolition date in large piles. son said, such as the removal of The Holy See has said the pope would The demolition was origi- due to difficulties locating a "It has a tendency to self-ig- nally scheduled to take place conveyors and a bucket eleva- spend a few more days at the Gemelli crane for the work. nite," Carlson said. "The first tor from the bunker. Polyclinic hospital. today and a mass email was Carlson said the coal bunker time we put coal in there, it "The Holy Father's general and res- sent out to students notifying was built approximately 20 started a fire." Once the structure is gone, piratory conditions show a positive evo- them that part of the parking years ago by a state agency, but The bunker has not been Carlson said an oil tank will be lution. The pope has rested well." lot next to Weisenfluh and the has only been used once. used since that first incident, placed on the concrete slab utility road from Kiester Road The bunker was modeled Carlson said. currently holding the bunker. Weather Seven-day forecast - A-2 Index C ontact us \ward$d Itl i>ln< < b] Socitty "i ('oUtgiaM newsroom: 220 Eisenberg Building lcu/imli'>l\ 21KI4 Friday Saturday Sunday A&K H* i >u- \ i Slippery Ruck I'mseisity Clauifiwli B-6 iaum \ ' (724)7314431 advertising: Slippers Rock. PA 16057 Some sun M .Smut) Comkt i* J BdiloriaU A-7 Mules (724)738-2643 e-mail: High: 42. 1 im 2d High 4/.low )| High: 48; Low 33 Fromth*Quad ..A-6 fax: (724) 7.W 4KW> lueket lettersCsiuetlu VW.uhu Page A-2 • The Rocket • Friday, February 4, 2005 News Speaker discusses Iraq war ROCK By Sheryl McGlory tions for keeping peace in Iraq Rocket News Editor and with other world nations. He said the United States needs Dr. Lindy Scott, an associate to apologize for its actions relating professor of Spanish and Latin to the Iraq war. Nous American studies at Wheaton Col- "That attitude that the world re lege, spoke with Slippery Rock volves around us is pretty domi- Volunteer Fair students Tuesday about the war in nant," Scott said. "I think most Is- The Institute of Community. Service- Iraq and ways peace might be lamic governments would like to Learning, and Nonprofit Leadership will achieved. hear the United States admit that Scott, also director of the Center we were wrong." host a volunteer fair on Feh. 10 from 12:30 for Applied Christian Ethics at p.m. to 2 p.m. in the University Union. Or- Wheaton, said that our nation's Scott said that the peacekeeping ganizations attending the fair will include process overseas needs to be in- history in dealing with Latin ternationalized so that Iraqis do Hospice, the I-Care House, the American American countries can offer in- not feel as threatened by a con- Red Cross and Special Olympics. Come sights to the motivations and repercussions of the war in Iraq. stant foreign presence in their check out new ways to volunteer. Scott spoke of times in the past country. when the United States invaded Scott said not to confuse the suc- Summer Job and Internship Fair Latin American countries and cess of Iraq's recent elections with tried to force its own idea of a desire for the United States to There will he a summer employment and in- continue its presense in Iraq.
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