The Ratha-yatra festival in downtown Chicag Hare Kr~Qa, Hare Kr~Qa, Kr~Qa Kr~Qa, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare The scene is a downtown area in a great Jagannatha, the Supreme Lord of the universe. Al­ metropolis: honking horns, vendors' shouts, though Ratha-yatra has been observed for thou­ crowded streets. Business goes on as usual as the sands of years in India, it is not an Indian or Hindu towering canopies appear in the distance, accom­ festival. The location of the above scene could just panied by the rhythmic sound of drums and hand as easily be London's Trafalgar Square as Puri, cymbals. Suddenly, the parade explodes into India. Since 1966, as a result of the efforts of the view-three enormous, gaily decorated carts sur­ International Society for Krishna Consciousness, rounded by waving pennants, astonished the joyful Ratha-yatra festival has become an onlookers and dancers in saffron robes. As flower international event. People of all ethnic and petals rain down, the chanting rolls through the religious backgrounds now celebrate Ratha-yatra city streets in waves, inundating everything and in cities all over the world. everyone with transcendental sound-Hare Kr!?r:ta, This year, ISKCON will again present the tran­ Hare Kr!?r:ta, Kr!?r:ta Kr!?r:ta, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, scendental Ratha-yatra festival in major cities Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. This is the throughout the world. This issue of BACK TO GOO­ maha-mantra, or Great Hymn for deliverance from HEAD explains what the Ratha-yatra festival is and material contamination. Composed entirely of the how it came to the West. We invite you to ex­ names of God, it is profusely chanted at the Ratha­ perience the spiritual excitement of Ratha-yatra by yatra festival described above. joining us in the streets of your city or by reading Ratha-yatra is an ancient festival glorifying Lord the pages of this magazine. His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness BACK TO GODHEAD 1 BACK TO GODHEAD THE MAGAZINE OF THE HARE KRISHNA MOVEMENT CONTENTS FOUNDER Elev ation to Ecstasy 3 (UI~d('r d1e dirt'('civn of Hi) l>a\·inr Gun: A lecture delivered at a Ratha-yatra festiva l in ~rl Srirmd Bh:alwsiJdha nt :a S;au)v.ati Pr:ahhupld:a) Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Hi\.l)i,·inC' G r;ac.'t' by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. A .C . Bhakti vedanta Swami Prabhupada Rat ha-yat ri : An Ancient Festival Comes t o the West 7 How a festival previously celebrated only in India SENIOR EDITOR His Holiness Satsvarupa d:isa <;osvami has become an annual event in major cities throughout the West. by Visakhil-devi dasi MANAGING EDITOR j aga nn ~ t h a-sGu daS) EDITORIAL BOARD Satsvanipa d~s a Gosvirni, Whose Worship Is Idol Wor ship? 14 Jayadvaita d:isa, Yaduvara dasa, Visakha-devi dasi A senior member of the Krsna consciousness movement dispels a commonly held misconception. SANSKRIT EDITOR Santosa d:l>a by Jayadvaita dasa ART DIRECTOR Navadvipa dasa The Appearance of Lord J aganni tha 25 ILLUSTRATORS M ural idhara dasa, Bharadraja dasa , Lord Jagannatha: Who He is and Yadu r:ivi-devi dasi, Pariksit dosa how He made His transcendental appearance. by Nitai dasa PHOTOGRAPHERS Bhirgava diso, Yaduvara disa. Muralivadana dasa. Visakha-dcvi d:isi The Dance of Div ine Love 20 An excerpt from Sri Caitanya-caritamrta recounting the miraculous TECHNICIANS Madhus(tdana disa. Yarnaraj) disa. pastimes performed by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu at a Cakradhara disa. Arcita dis) Ratha-yatra celebration almost 500 years ago. PROOFREADERS Dravic)a d~sa. Jayasac lnandana dis), iranslalion by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Gopiparit.>adhana disa. Dcvimrta dasa TYPE COMPOSERS M atsya disa, Jayad harma dasa, llalai-dcvi dasi INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS CENTERS AROUND THE WORLD 4!llr; Publ ished monthly. S6 .00 per year ($7 .00 outside AFR ICA: Johannesburg. S. Africa- 59 Muller St.. 764-1373: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic- Cane U USA) . by the Bhaklivedan<> Book Trust. 3764 Yeoville/ 43-2006: Lusaka. Zambia- Twin Palms Roacl. Cayetano Rodriguez No. 36. Watseka .'we. Los Angel<>. Calif. 90034. P.O. Box 97 1 (Central Africa) : Mombassa. Kenya­ Maungano Road, P.O. 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