Second Session - Thirty-Seventh Legislature of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba DEBATES and PROCEEDINGS Official Report (Hansard) Published under the authority of The Honourable George Hickes Speaker Vol. LI No. 30- 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 15, 2001 ISSN 0542-5492 MANITOBA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thirty-Seventh Legislature Member Constituency Political Affiliation AGLUGUB, Cris The Maples N.D.P. ALLAN, Nancy St. Vital N.D.P. ASHTON, Steve, Hon. Thompson N.D.P. ASPER, Linda Riel N.D.P. BARRETT, Becky, Hon. Inkster N.D.P. CALDWELL, Drew, Hon. Brandon East N.D.P. CERILLI, Marianne Radisson N.D.P. CHOMIAK, Dave, Hon. Kildonan N.D.P. CUMMINGS, Glen Ste. Rose P.C. DACQUA Y, Louise Seine River P.C. DERKACH, Leonard Russell P.C. DEWAR, Gregory Selkirk N.D.P. DOER, Gary, Hon. Concordia N.D.P. DRIEDGER, Myrna Charleswood P.C. DYCK, Peter Pembina P.C. ENNS, Harry Lakeside P.C. FAURSCHOU, David Portage Ia Prairie P.C. FRIESEN, Jean, Hon. Wolseley N.D.P. GERRARD, Jon, Hon. River Heights Lib. GILLESHAMMER, Harold Minnedosa P.C. HELWER, Edward Gimli P.C. HICKES, George Point Douglas N.D.P. JENNISSEN, Gerard Flin Flon N.D.P. KORZENIOWSKI, Bonnie St. James N.D.P. LATHLIN, Oscar, Hon. The Pas N.D.P. LAURENDEAU, Marcel St. Norbert P.C. LEMIEUX, Ron, Hon. La Verendrye N.D.P. LOEWEN, John Fort Whyte P.C. MACKINTOSH, Gord, Hon. St. Johns N.D.P. MAGUIRE, Larry Arthur-Virden P.C. MALOWA Y, Jim Elmwood N.D.P. MARTINDALE, Doug Burrows N.D.P. McGIFFORD, Diane, Hon. Lord Roberts N.D.P. MIHYCHUK, MaryAnn, Hon. Minto N.D.P. MITCHELSON, Bonnie River East P.C. MURRAY, Stuart Kirkfield Park P.C. NEVAKSHONOFF, Tom Interlake N.D.P. PENNER, Jack Emerson P.C. PENNER, Jim Steinbach P.C. PITURA, Frank Morris P.C. PRAZNIK, Darren Lac du Bonnet P.C. REID, Daryl Transcona N.D.P. REIMER, Jack Southdale P.C. ROBINSON, Eric, Hon. Rupertsland N.D.P. ROCAN, Denis Carman P.C. RONDEAU, Jim Assiniboia N.D.P. SALE, Tim, Hon. Fort Rouge N.D.P. SANTOS, Conrad Wellington N.D.P. SCHELLENBERG, Harry Rossmere N.D.P. SCHULER, Ron Springfield P.C. SELINGER, Greg, Hon. St. Boniface N.D.P. SMITH, Joy Fort Garry P.C. SMITH, Scott, Hon. Brandon West N.D.P. STEFANSON, Heather Tuxedo P.C. STRUTHERS, Stan Dauphin-Roblin N.D.P. TWEED, Mervin Turtle Mountain P.C. WOWCHUK, Rosann, Hon. Swan River N.D.P. 1723 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA Tuesday, May 15, 2001 The House met at 1:30 p.m. READING AND RECEIVING PETITIONS PRAYERS Manitoba Hydro Lines Routes ROUTINE PROCEEDINGS Mr. Speaker: The honourable Member for PRESENTING PETITIONS Springfield (Mr. Schuler), I have reviewed the petition, and it complies with the rules and Manitoba Hydro Lines Routes practices of the House. Is it the will of the House to have the petition read? Mr. Ron Schuler (Springfield): Mr. Speaker, I beg to present the petition of Michael Teriaco, An Honourable Member: Yes. Rose Cipriano, Shelley Wilson and others, praying that the Legislative Assembly of Mr. Speaker: Clerk, please read. Manitoba request that the Minister responsible for Manitoba Hydro (Mr. Selinger) consider Madam Clerk (Patricia Chaychuk): The alternative routes for the additional 230kV and petition of the undersigned citizens of the 500kV lines proposed fo r the R.M. of East St. province of Manitoba humbly sheweth: Paul. THAT the R.M. of East St. Paul has the highest concentration of high voltage power Kenaston Underpass lines in a residential area in Manitoba; and THAT the R.M. of East St. Paul is the only Mr. Frank Pitura (Morris): Mr. Speaker, I beg jurisdiction in Manitoba that has both a 500kV to present the petition of R. Haas, C. Polanski, and a 230kV line directly behind residences; and Deb Brown and others, praying that the Premier THAT numerous studies have linked cancer, of Manitoba (Mr. Doer) consider reversing his in particular childhood leukemia, to the decision to not support construction of an proximity of power lines. underpass at Kenaston and Wilkes. WHEREFORE YOUR PETITIONERS HUMBLY PRAY THAT the Legislative Mr. John Loewen (Fort Whyte): Mr. Speaker, Assembly of Manitoba request that the Minister I beg to present the petition of Anne Juskow, responsible fo r Manitoba Hydro consider Valerie Strong, Jeannine Robert and others, alternative routes fo r the additional 230kV and praying that the Premier of Manitoba (Mr. Doer) 500kV lines proposed fo r the R.M. of East St. consider reversing his decision to not support Paul. construction of an underpass at Kenaston and Wilkes. * (13:35) Mrs. Myrna Driedger (Charleswood): Mr. Kenaston Underpass Speaker, I beg to present the petition of Terry Hartling, Wayne Sperry, W. Henselwood and Mr. Speaker: The honourable Member fo r others, praying that the Premier of Manitoba Morris (Mr. Pitura), I have reviewed the petition, (Mr. Doer) consider his decision to not support and it complies with the rules and practices of construction of an underpass at Kenaston and the House. Is it the will of the House to have the Wilkes. petition read? 1724 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA May 15,2001 Mr. Speaker: Clerk, please read. approximately $7.3 million in motorist delays every year. Madam Clerk (Patricia Chaychuk): The WHEREFORE YOUR PETITIONERS petition of the undersigned citizens of the HUMBLY PRAY THAT the Premier of province of Manitoba humbly sheweth: Manitoba consider reversing his decision to not support construction of an underpass at Kena­ THAT the intersection at Wilkes and ston and Wilkes. Kenaston has grown to become the largest un­ separated crossing in Canada; and PRESENTING REPORTSBY STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES THAT the volume of traffic for this railroad crossing is twelve times the acceptable limit as Committee of Supply set out by Transport Canada; and Mr. Conrad Santos (Chairperson): Mr. THAT vehicles which have to wait for trains Speaker, in anticipation of the evolving future, at this intersection burn up approximately $1.4 may I make my report for the Committee of million in fuel, pollute the environment with Supply. The Committee of Supply has adopted over 8 tons of emissions and cause certain resolutions, directs me to report the same approximately $7.3 million in motorist delays and asks leave to sit again. every year. I move, seconded by the honourable Member fo r Selkirk (Mr. Dewar), that the report WHEREFORE YOUR PETITIONERS of the committee be received. HUMBLY PRAY THAT the Premier of Manitoba consider reversing his decision to not Motion agreed to. support construction of an underpass at Kenaston and Wilkes. TABLING OF REPORTS Mr. Speaker: The honourable Member fo r Fort Hon. Diane McGifford (Minister of Advanced Whyte (Mr. Loewen), I have reviewed the Education): Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to table petition. It complies with the rules and the the Red River College of Applied Arts, Science practices of the House. Is it the will of the House and Technology 1999-2000 Annual Report. to have the petition read? Hon. Ron Lemieux (Minister of Culture, Some Honourable Members: Yes. Heritage and Tourism): Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to table the Supplementary Information Mr. Speaker: Clerk, please read. fo r Legislative Review 2001-2002, Departmental Expenditure Estimates fo r Manitoba Culture, Madam Clerk: The petition of the undersigned Heritage and Tourism, also Manitoba citizens of the province of Manitoba humbly Community Support programs, as well as sheweth: Manitoba Sport. THAT the intersection at Wilkes and * (13:40) Kenaston has grown to become the largest unseparated crossing in Canada; and INTRODUCTION OF BILLS THAT the volume of traffic for this railroad BilllO--Tbe Safer Communities and crossing is twelve times the acceptable limit as Neighbourhoods and Consequential set out by Transport Canada; and Amendments Act THAT vehicles which have to wait fo r trains Hon. Gord Mackintosh (Minister of Justice at this intersection burn up approximately $1.4 and Attorney General): I move, seconded by million in fuel, pollute the environment with the Minister of Finance (Mr. Selinger), that leave over 8 tons of emissions and cause be given to introduce Bill 10, The Safer May 15,2001 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA 1725 Communities and Neighbourhoods and Conse­ Mr. Speaker: Order. quential Amendments Act (Loi visant a accroitre Ia securite des collectivites et des quartiers et Mr. Murray: Thank you very much, Mr. modifications correlatives), and that the same be Speaker. Indeed, from what we understand, the now received and read a firsttime. private sector is a driving force to help revitalize downtown- His Honour the Administrator, having been advised of the contents of this bill, recommends Some Honourable Members: Oh, oh. it to the House. I would like to table the Administrator's message. Mr. Speaker: Order. Motion presented. Mr. Murray: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I can tell you we are always delighted on this side of the Mr. Mackintosh: Mr. Speaker, this bill replaces House when that side of the House recognizes The Community Protection Act. It establishes a the importance of the private sector. swifter, less complicated, safer and less costly scheme to help people who believe that property With the announcement that the private in their neighbourhood or community is being sector was driving the True North project and continuously or habitually used fo r such things understanding that the taxpayers of Manitoba are as prostitution, the unlicenced sale of alcohol, making a contribution towards True North, I the sale or use of illegal drugs, and the illegal wondered if I could ask the Premier if the sale or use of other intoxicating substances. Premier has looked at and studied the True North business plan.
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