Locklin, Linda@Coastal Flom: Christine Fimbres <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 201.9 l-2:28 PM To: Coastal Hollister Ranch Subject: Hollister For 70 years I have loved the beach since going as a child to contemplate the beauty and meaning in life--especially impactful was gazing at the horizon meeting the sea. Now I view most beaches in sorrow at the wanton trashing by my compatriots. Look anywhere, the carelessness and filth spread by so many people is undeniable, despite Susan Jordan's claim that "we all care about the environmentrr. The Coastal Commission may "have decades of experience" protecting "balance" at Big Sur precisely because it is so remote. To describe the public's activities at Joshua Tree and Elsinore is NOT demonization, -iust admission of obvious fact. Perhaps the Coastal Comm thinks those "elites" at Hollister are "no better than any other human being," but they are obviously cleaner and better stewards than the general public. I am grateful there are still some unspoiled beaches nearby. Just because I cannot go there to "enjoy" (with all the traipsing about involved), the idea that such places exist: it is reassuring and nourishing to the spirit. I Tlre Crty d{h Prolecl v.l8r.qlyf r0rrirclL:a.cr,l April 15,2019 John Ainsworth, Executive Director, California Coastal Commission Sam Schuchat, Execulive Officer, California State Coastal Conservancy Jennifer Lucchesi, Executive Officer, California State Lands Commission Lisa Mangat, Director, California Department of Parks and Recreation V ia e m a il Hol I iste r@coa sta l. ca.gov RE: Hollister Ranch Contemporary Coastal Access Program Dear lr,4r. Ainsworth, lVlr. Schuchat, Itr1s. Lucchesi, and N,4s. [ilangat A. Overview The City Pro.lect applauds the California Coastal Commission, State Coastal Conservancy, State Lands Commission, and Department of Parks and Recreation for your agreement to develop a contemporary Hollister Ranch coastal access program. We look fonvard to working with you and the people of California to develop and implement the plan for coastal access and environmental justice. We submlt these comments in support of the collaboration agreement and its implementation.l We recommend two additional reports as starting points for analysis. One, the Coastal Commission's 2019 Environmental Justice Policy and Report provide a blueprint for implementation at Hollister with support of an Ranch. The Commission unanimously adopted the Policy and Report, lhe . unprecedented group of diverse alliei, at a historic hearing in Los Angeles on March 8,2019.2 Two, the 2004 National Parks Service study ofthe Gaviota Coast describes best practices for a coastal access program at Hollister Ranch that is fair, fiscally responsible, environmentally and economrcally- sound, and complies with state and federal environmental justice and civil rights laws and principles.3 These three documents together - the Collaboration Agreement, the Commission's Policy and Report, and the NPS Study - offer a remarkable opportunity to develop and implemenl a coastal access program al Hollister Ranch. The City Project is committed to working with the four agencies to broaden and diversify public engagement in, and support for, this goal. Section B summarizes coastal access, environmental justice, and civil rights authorities relevant to the collaboration agreement. Seciion C discusses the Hollister Ranch background and demo,graphics. Section D discrJsses best practices for the coastal access program, and Section E describes a framework for planning, participation, and compliance (March 2019) (the 'Collaboration r Collaboration Agreement for the Development a Contemporary Hollister Ranch Coaslal Access Prograrn 1, nqr;".unr,,), at httpsJ/www.slc.ca.gov/conlenl-types/collaboralion-agreement-forthe-development_of_a-contemporary_hollister- ranch-coastal-access-program/."ru'itaute tolaling 21 pages, ,Jhe Coastal Commissio-n approved one docnment called "Environmental Justice Policy" on N,'larch 8. Thal document. statemenl of principles, and inciua"" u on"-p"g" srateme;t called "Environmental Juslice Policy' on page 4, in addition to an introduclDn, as a whole as the implementation plin. For claity, these comments reter to the slatement on page 4 as lhe "Policy," and lo the document :;p6ii"v i"p",t.' bair"rnia Coastat commission, Environmental Justice Policy, Unanimously Adopted March 8, 2019. available at at v'/ww.coaslal.ca.qov/env- hn;;://documents.coastal.ca.gov/assets/env-iustice/CCC_EJ-Pohcy-FlNAL.pdf. Relaled information is available tuslrce/ are fiii, crwota coust f easibitity study & Environmenlal Assessmen, (2004) (NPS Study) The final. drafl, erraia and transnrittalletter availa;le at parkplanning.nps.gov/document.cfm?parklD=422&projectlD=72730&documentlD=80018' i,ri, ,lr:,;rt !)t),ttt:)t,\:1, !.itn: i )\ti,trit)r j.,t ;\l! lr,ri;ri\'lrrt:11 r. r i''1,1.., (iii;,r,1rr,r:i:'1tl'ar:rr1)r:.,rnrl J 5 r"i, rl:i i'!!r-irrrrir:r')rir'rr-(r!"rrl Honorable tvlr- Ainsworth, It/r. Schuchat, ['4s. Lucchesi, and l\rls ltrlangat RE: Hollister Ranch Contemporary Coastal Access Program April 15,2019 Page 2 of 18 B. coastal Access, Environmental Justice, and Civil Rights at Hollister Ranch and recreational' The four agencies have agreed to "work collaboratively to identify..p! qll".3t:"t: Ranch.' cultural an-d educational eiperience opportunities and constraints" at Hollister laws and The Coastal Commission Environmental Justice Policy emphasizes that state and federal policies protect coaslal access for diverse people. The Policy applies to coastal access at Hollister Ranch. The Policy provides as follows: protecting coastal natural resources and providing public [T]he commission . is committed to aicess and lower-cost recreation opportunities for everyone. The agency is committed to race, color, ensuring that those opportunities noi be denied on the basis of background, culture' sexual orientation, or gender ietigion ]naf ionat origin, income, ethnic group, age, disability status, iJ"ilty. rn" Commiision will use its legal authority to ensure equitable access to clean, healthy, and accessible coastal environments for communities that have been disproportionately to permanent overburdened by pollution or with natural resources lhat have been subjected 'benefit "should for all who Jamage for ttre of wealthier communities." Coastal access be inclusive that work,'iive, and recreate on California's coast and provide equitable beneflts for communities The have historically been excluded, marginalized, or harmed by coastal development with the participation Commission retognizes thal all aspeits of our mission are best advanced and and leadersfrip oflsuchl people . The Commission is committed to compliance of environmental enforcement of Government,Code Section 11,135, as well as consideralion principtes as defined in Government Code Seclion 65040 '12 Further' the lustice '1 its 'commission'is committed to compliance with Title vl of the civil Rights Act of 964 and regulations.5 has a history of "discrimination that has persisted in The Policy Report explains as follows. The US tn" ;;lt,pi; Durins the 20th century, the civil rishts movement i;;": :"Y9!l]9,'::ii:]:9:ll',3T"populations."o The nut not full'y realized by African Americans and other marginalized ,r"r"i"rJ the uJ *fres of "environmental justice emerged out of the civil rights movement to describe "T "Environmental justice" under "on."pluppli"ltion of civil rights and social jusiice to environmental contexts with respect to the california law "means the fair treatment of people of all races, cultures, and incomes aloption, implementation, and enforcement of environmentat laws, regulations, and ;;;;"fi";i of social g'd Poticy and Report use "the term 'equity' as defined in the context ;;ti;;;r+;;h;ii,or", ,equity, groups and no one factor, equity, where refers to the fairness of outcomes for all I"alr"irr "'' such as race, can be used to predict outcomes 4 Collaboration Agreemenl, P 4. 5 Policy Report, P.4. 6 '19. Policy Reporl. P. ' has lhe.authorirv to applv n"pon, u," r"gi"trrure amended rhe coasrarAct in 2016 ro crarifv thar rhe commrssion ll'"%ffii#;'.ii;.';|,lsv advance envimnmental and ctvil rights prolections C,q Government coa-election il fgs ant ttre Coastal Acl, to ,ustice exislino law, rncludrnq permrt and requrres lhe covernor to iri" cor.,..ion ,rv consider envronmenlat iustrce wnen makrns decrsrons, ;i:'i# ff;; ;; ;i;. al Polrcv Repo'r p.2 n.1, ano p' 4 n 6' The relrusr,ce commrss,o;;i ffi;i; iB;""iiC;. sio, srars. zotol. arsiussed iatt (ie.'.the coastal Ac0' ;;;iv to puutic agencies implementins this division" ;66;;;ff;* imposed by (Gov' Code S 11'139)- protections, prohibiiion", .rn"uon. ,rit"i section 1113-5 et seq. are in addition ro any others 'aw also addresses funding pron "no puiil,triln"i", co".tul protection, ant Access for Atl Act of 2018) 68 {lhe Catifornra Drought, warer, -o-uldoor ;;in"ii",l" ,"s";di"g see, e.s., cA pRC 80001(bx8) 80002(b), 80008(c). ":";;$:#;i;. "Jasrataccess. p' s CA Government iooe Sectior 65040.12(e), Polcy Repon 4, 19 - and Equily Advanclng RaclalLquily and Iransforming 'policv Reoorl n.4 n.9 and rs cirrng rocai & i;tnaiGovernmentAlhance on Race Covernmenl. A Aesor-rrce Guloe lo Pul ldeas rnlo Aclion (2015) inlerchangeablv 10 inclucle low-lncome and mrnonly populations The policy and Repon use the terms 'arsJJvaniageo aia 'marqinatized" and recovea rrom adverse envrronmenlal mpacls' Pohcy Report a14' that are disproporlionately turoenec oy orlss to pr"u"nt, rJ.pona, "ot! (Ch. 587, Stars. 2016) ( disadvanlaged communilies" under 18, discussing Government coae section ill"oziniriiii""a ba 1'ooo iLeyva) oeneral plans). Honorable lr,4r. Ainsworth, Mr. Schuchat, [t/s. Lucchesi, and lr,4s. lrilangat RE: Hollister Ranch Contemporary Coastal Access Program April 15,2019 Page 3 of 18 Similarly, the NPS Study, which includes Hollister Ranch, emphasizes state and federal laws protect coastal access for diverse people.
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