¡REBELIÓN! 12 ¡Defiende a resistentes! 12 Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite! workers.org Vol. 62, No. 24 June 11, 2020 $1 Step one, movement demands ‘DEFUND POLICE!’ By Monica Moorehead for the rich. This rebellion has helped to generalize June 8— Today marks the two-week the issue of racist oppression by bring- anniversary of the public legal lynching of ing international attention to others George Floyd by four Minneapolis police who have lost their lives besides Floyd— officers. Thousands have filed by his open Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Manuel casket to pay their respects. And on June Ellis, Laquan McDonald, Eric Garner, 9, Floyd will be buried in his hometown Tamir Rice, Tony McDade, Sandra Bland of Houston. and too many others. Within this two-week span, a rebel- Within days, statues glorifying the lion has spread like wildfire, starting in Confederacy and other pro-slavery mon- Minneapolis, with the burning down of a uments have been physically removed or police precinct, then throughout the U.S. defaced by protesters. Officials, mainly in every state and then across the world in in the U.S. South, were forced to bring multiple cities on almost every continent. them down by the rebellion. The people of Millions of people worldwide have Philadelphia forced the city to once-and- been out in the streets in solidarity with for-all remove the repulsive statue and the demand “Black Lives Matter,” now mural of fascistic former Mayor Rizzo. transformed into an international mass In Bristol, England, a statue of a 17th struggle. This global rebellion has put century slave catcher was brought down, the repressive police force on trial for his neck stomped on and then thrown all forms of brutality, especially murder, in the river. Even the statue of the late Tens of thousands protest June 6 in Philadelphia. WW PHOTO: JOE PIETTE against Black and other people of color. British imperialist Prime Minister But white supremacy has also been put on Winston Churchill was defaced with the people, King Leopold II of Belgium, was of the White House. Next to it activists trial as the very foundation upon which word “racist.” The offensive statue honor- finally taken down in Antwerp, Belgium. painted "Defund the Police.” police violence rests to safeguard profits ing the colonial butcher of the Congolese Along with resistance to police pres- ence at protests has come an incredible Police budgets steal vital services amount of brutality and arrests in the While Congress is currently debat- thousands. Protesters, young and old, ing police “reforms,” legislation initially Black, Latinx, white, Indigenous and introduced by the Congressional Black Asian have been pepper sprayed and Caucus, the Black Lives Matter move- teargassed; injured by rubber bullets ment has been demanding the defunding and swinging batons; and knocked to of police budgets for years. Kailee Scales, the ground. These indiscriminate brutal managing director of Black Lives Matter attacks by the police have also happened Global Network, stated: “It is important to the media. to remember that modern-day policing This repression has not stopped the has its roots in slave catching. These sys- spontaneous mass outpouring of pro- tems were created to hunt, maim, and kill tests in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New Black people. York City, Philadelphia, Houston and “As we have seen in the example of elsewhere, despite curfews. The big- George and many others in this month gest protests so far took place last week- alone, the police are a force of violence end in Washington, D.C., where “Black that profiles, harasses, and inflicts harm on Lives Matter Plaza” was established by Black communities without accountability Black Mayor Muriel Bowser, along with ― and with far too many resources.” The In Oakland, Calif., on June 5, a memorial to Tony McDade, WW PHOTO: JUDY GREENSPAN humongous “Black Lives Matter” letter- police reportedly killed over 1,000 people killed by Tallahassee, Fla., police on May 27. ing painted on the National Mall in front Continued on page 9 Black Lives Matter solidarity Special issue dedicated No Pride without justice! to George Floyd By Minnie Bruce Pratt street battles against the cops were trans • Labor condemns murder 2 women of color like Marsha P. Johnson Fifty-one years ago cops assaulted and and Sylvia Rivera. That June rebellion • Racist monuments down 3 arrested LGBTQ2+ people—mostly Black was the origin of the current LGBTQ2+ and Latinx people— at the Stonewall Pride Month. • Why generals rebuked Trump 5 Bar in New York City. That police raid On June 2, NYC cops were again beat- • Police brutality in Buffalo 5 ARTWORK: WALEED AYYOUB and resulting queer resistance sparked ing and arresting queer people of color at three days of rebellion and ignited the the Stonewall Inn. Hundreds had gathered • Journalists under attack 6 modern LGBTQ2+ movement in the there as part of the rebellion against police • Media workers challenge racism 6 U.S. and around the world. Leading the Continued on page 9 • Palestinian activist in solidarity 7 • The real looters 7 Prisons and class war 4 • Global protests 8 Texas jail is COVID hotspot 4 • Uprising empowers NFL players 10 • EDITORIAL Cops out of labor movement! 10 Page 2 June 11, 2020 workers.org California labor condemns police murder of George Floyd this week By Dave Welsh these scenes repeat, over and over. We’re on a vicious loop ◆ In the U.S. that ignores the desperate need for change and cements Step 1, movement demands ‘DEFUND POLICE!’ . 1 This is big. Seemingly out of nowhere, the “silent major- the systemic racism that’s plagued our nation since its No Pride without justice!........................ 1 ity” of the working class took to the streets in towns and founding.” cities across the land— in a time of COVID-19 lockdowns The California labor statement called for ending the Calif. labor condemns police murder of G. Floyd . .2 and state-ordered disruption of normal human interac- school-to-prison pipeline by creating decent jobs and Racist Rizzo statue taken down . 3 tions— to condemn the police lynching of George Floyd “zero tolerance of police officers who commit any acts of Historic protests topple monuments of racism.....3 in Minneapolis. violence against our communities.” Prisons and class war . 4 Organized labor didn’t lead it, but it did join in this his- toric, largely spontaneous movement against police impu- “A once-in-a-generation call to action” ‘This jail is a COVID-19 hot spot’ . 4 nity and the entrenched system of white supremacy that On the same day, four Bay Area central labor councils, Will U.S. troops be used against protesters? . .5 lies behind it. representing half a million working families, issued a joint In Buffalo, N.Y.: Viral video exposes police lies . 5 Longshore unions plan to shut down West, East and statement entitled, “Unions must help lead the fight for Growing revolt by Black journalists...............6 Gulf Coast ports on June 9— stopping work for 8 min- racial justice.” The statement asked, “What type of soci- utes and 46 seconds, the duration of Floyd’s streetside, ety do we want for our grandchildren? Do we want more Journalist reporting on Black uprisings attacked ...6 slow-motion execution at the hands of Minneapolis police. schoolhouses or more jails? More teachers or more police? These looters pocketed $11.7 billion .............. 7 “We’re living in a recurring nightmare in America,” said “This is a once-in-a-generation call to action. The fight Rebellion empowers Black NFL players..........10 the California Labor Federation in a June 4 statement. for racial justice is our fight.” “Over the past few weeks we’ve seen the senseless killings It’s no secret that the mainstream of organized labor ◆ Around the world of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, David McAtee, Tony has been slow to act against white supremacy and police From Palestine to Minneaoplis .................. 7 McDade and George Floyd. And for centuries, our broth- violence. You could say this has been an “Achilles heel” of ers and sisters have been murdered for no other reason the unions—an obstacle to uniting with the great mass of Worldwide anti-racist protests for George Floyd . .8 than the color of their skin. unorganized workers, the gig workers, the migrants and ◆ Editorial “Every time a Black person is brutalized by the police, farmworkers, including members of oppressed nations individuals and organizations condemn it. When racism and nationalities within the borders of the United States. FTP! Cops out of labor movement, youth in!......10 leads to a modern-day lynching, we express shock. But We’re talking about uniting the most numerous and essential class of all, the working class, without whom no ◆ Noticias en Español commodity would be produced and no service would be No es un motín - ¡REBELIÓN! . 12 performed. ¡Defiende a lxs resistentes y al levantamiento! . 12 One thing the murders of George Floyd and the others have illuminated for all to see is, first of all, how brutal and corrupt is the system of the exploiters and oppressors and, second of all, how quickly and powerfully the many sectors of the working class can spring into united action to confront them. PHOTO: INTERNATIONAL LONGSHORE WORKERS UNION International Longshore Workers Union leaders traveled from Welsh is a retired letter carrier with the U.S. Postal California to Houston to attend George Floyd’s memorial Service and a current delegate to the San Francisco service, June 8. Labor Council. Workers World 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl. New York, NY 10011 Phone: 212.627.2994 Join us in the fight E-mail: [email protected] for socialism! Web: www.workers.org Vol.
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