EDAME STIC PUBLISHED WEEKLY - FOUNDED 1867 Volume 74 MARCH 14, 1941 Number 18 Two Champions Get Ready to "Come out Fighting: LET'S GIVE "ALL-OUT" AID TO BENGAL! Attend the Tenth Annual BENGAL BOUTS IN THE NOTRE DAME FIELD HOUSE PRELIMS—March 18,19, and 20 All Seats — 10 cents Gates Open 7 p.m. Fights Start 8 p.in. FINALS—March 22 General Admission ...35 cents Ringside Seats -50 cents Gates Open 7 p.m. Fights Start — 8 p.m. • Honorary Referee—Frank Leahy Honorary Judges—Ed McKeever, Joe McArdle, and John Druze. Shout^a ducked! On your toes! THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC the Daily files and the dim recesses of his memory to gather material for sev­ eral columns, concerning former mem­ COLLEGE PARADE bers of the Daily staff. The last such article dealt with a fellow member of RAYMOND J. KELLY the Kelly clan, one Jack. Though he was a nice sort of a fellow, his column was In Little Old New York sanctity of the Sabbath by such crim­ satirical, we were told. Kelly found fault inal acts as fishing on any of the lakes with the Minnesota co-eds and with the Though we have read, at one time or or streams of the state. Yet, in open de­ coffee in the Union limch room. Once, another, every column that tells of life fiance of this ordinance, several of the after a particularly stirring outburst in Manhattan and thereabouts we still men from Sorin have intentionally and against the coffee, during which he had turn to The Queen's Journal for the one premeditatively broken the law and referred to it as "grounds for divorce" that is consistently most enjoyable. Put­ even boasted of their exploits. However, he stopped in the Union- for his after­ ting Beebe, Sobol, Winchell and their last week Gov. Schricker signed a bill noon cup. When he approadied the ilk well behind, "Wide-eyed in Gotham" repealing some of Indiana's "blue laws" cashier, he was waved away. "It's free. tries to gather the real flavor of including the ban on Sunday fishing. I liked the publicity you gave us in your the entire city. The writer manages to Thus, by a stroke of the pen, the activi­ column and I've set up the Kelly Me­ make New York look like a huge place ties of the Sorin outlaws became legal morial Coffee Fund. You and all your with hundreds of different kinds of peo­ and no longer can the Parade lurk friends can have all the coffee you want, ple living in it, instead of just the only along the lake shore, hoping to see a free." To prove it, the cashier got coffee city that can contain Sherman Billings- squadron of State Police swoop down for two of Kelly's friends who happened ley, Ole Olsen, Elsa Maxwell and Fiorello and carry the entire crew off to jail. to come by and two co-eds who were all at the same time. standing at the counter. Each time, he explained "It's being paid for out of the In his last issue, Reuven Frank who Kelly Memorial Coffee Fund." For a is responsible for "Wide-eyed," emptied The Ancients while, Kelly was tremendously tickled by his pockets of all the little notes that he Ted Peterson, the columnist who fills the whole set-up. Then he learned that had been accumulating for weeks and the coffee was actually being paid for wrote a long description of New York the Minnesota Daily with tales of his home town, Albert Lea, has begun a out of a dollar in change he had for­ in which he said that New York was gotten on the counter a few days before. like any other city but— new series of articles. He went back into A few years ago in a Brooklyn saloon, a Dodger fan overheard a stranger knocking his favorite team and shot him on the spot. Every day a missing person is reported to the Missing Persons Bu­ reau and never found. A musical show called "Crazy with the Heat" opened sometime ago but closed in a hurry. The producers then announced that they would reopen with a new cast, new songs, a new book, new costumes. Three weeks later the show reopened without a major change and became a great hit. "New York has the highest standard of living in the world and the highest per capita crime rating, the highest build­ ings and the lowest slums, 12 or 13 col­ leges and universities and universal ig­ norance." Speaking aside and in sotto voce, the Parade still prefers Detroit and will mail Chamber of Commerce literature upon request. The Law Moves On A great thing happened at Notre Dame last week. Few noticed it but those who did felt a great weight lifted from their troubled hearts. To under­ stand the significance of the change, one must realize that for many years it has been in violation of the statutes of the "For leaving any residence hall by any other than the regular exits, the penalty sovereign state of Indiana to violate the shall be mandatory — suspension from the University." THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC • I Holdins Up The Hills." Tuesday. The first sketch dealing with the Confraternity was broadcast at 3:30 By Father Ward, Appears p.m. last Tuesday. It was written by NEW DEAL IN NEWS The Rev. Leo R. Ward, C.S.C, head Miss Mary DriscoU.—Robert LeMense. of the graduate philosophy department, By Fitzpatrick & Maguire has again displayed his versatility in his latest book, Holding Up the Hills Catholic U. Players Do (Sheed and Ward, New York, 19il, 216 Expert Job in "God's Stage" CAIRO. EGYPT, MARCH 11—Four arche- pages, $2.50). Father Ward's book is Last Sunday evening on the stage of ologists of the Royal British Museum to­ sub-titled "The Biography of a Neigh­ Washington Hall, the Catholic Univei-- day announced that the mystery of the borhood," and concerns life in an Iowa sity Players presented "God's Stage," ancient scroll found in the tomb of farming commuunity. "He makes a por- an experiment in theatre. Tracing the King Tutkrosian has been solved. After presence of the Divinity in drama from two years of constant study and re­ Aeschylus to T. S. Eliot, with classic search, they revealed the writing to simplicity, the production was swift, read: "Put five bucks on Cleopatra to efficient, and exciting, topping every­ show in any race." thing theatrical that has been presented to a campus audience this year. With Grecian fluidity and precision SLEEPY EYE, MINN., MARCH 10.—The of movement a speaking chorus of eight entire population of Sleepy Eye gathered women supplied presentational unity, on the banks of the Minnesota River to­ and spotlighted narrators wove the var­ day in a farewell salute to Frederic B. ied scenes together for organic unity. Slurp, Sleepy Eye correspondent of the The non-realistic acting unit and the London Times, as he started on one of stage-space directorial approach were the most dangerous missions of his entire only two of the many experiments at­ career. At 7:09 p.m. Slurp set sail on a tempted in the production; mood music specially constructed cake of ice in flowed through the theatre, constantly search of Joe Glumpf, the prosperous abetting each individual scene. New York sandwich man who fell into Emotional and dramatic continuity, the East River recently and was carried Rev. Leo R. Ward, C.S.C. ordinarily difficult to maintain in any out to sea on a cake of ice. Slurp's re­ stage production, was ever present. For ports will be earned exclusively in this trait-gallery of the men and women this the individual actors are to be column. whose personalities made the atmosphere praised. Of the many, Anthony Messuri of that place, as of a thousand other stood out in the Death Scene from Mai*- places in the middle-West. But it is more lowe's "Dr. Faustus." Messuri, despite than a portrait gallery he gives us; it being temporarily handicapped by laryn­ NOTRE DAME, IND., MARCH 10—In is a community." Like his intensely ap­ gitis, was superb. Concetta Alonzi gave keeping with the modern trend which pealing God in an Irish Kitchen, this depth and feeling to Claudel's Mara in was started a few weeks ago when latest eifort is not altogther fiction, nor the excerpt from "The Tidings Brought Princeton authorities announced that for altogether detached journalism. Rather, to Mary"; hateful and pitiable was the the first time in 150 years Princeton it is these coupled with a third kind of excellent "Athaliah" from Racine, students will be allowed to have liquor contemporary art, that of photography played by Bette Davis-ish Mimi Norton. in their rooms, the officials of Notre which gives his writing richness, per­ The outstanding feature of the entire Dame have cut the cost of Ginger Ale spective, and the vitality of forceful production was the excellent direction in the University cafeteria from 15 to realism. and supervision. Credit for this goes to 10 cents. Walter F. Kerr and Dr. Josephine Callan of the faculty of Catholic U. Kerr's Walt Brennan Chairman mainstay was the movement and inter­ KEWPEE'S SANDWICH SHOP. MARCH 13 For Confraternity Meet pretation of the individuals; the ken of —Speaking at the annual testimonial Miss Callan was the chorus. The syn­ banquet for the Press Club Ski Team Walt Brennan, campus chairman of chronization of the two resulted in a which was held here tonight, Franklin the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, magnificent production.
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