---....111111111111111111111111111111...- ted Bronco Ball Game Ends In Riot ps STRAINED RELATIONS Of TURNS BALL MEETING Says INTO FIGHT SHAMBLES DailyCollege By BEN MELZER E. Given San Jose State and Santa Clara relations were blasted again \ I IL. XXVI, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, W, I ). Y, APRIL 14, 1938 \ um wr I 1' Week yosteedsy afternoon on Ryan Field when a free for all shambles broke out between the two baseball teams, resulting in the game off in the fifth cant., ! being called Spardi Gras Meeting was even-steven at the timi- nt fact th.e. Score Sparta,- Full Moon Carpenter, For Dance Art Tonight an Burly consume Madame X Enters pill tosser. had slid into home plat, int of food knocking over Jack Roche, Bronc Since a decrease in the num- ce has a, catcher, while attempting to stretch Beard Growing ber of groups being allowed to Saturday Previews run. sponsor foou be a deamte a three base hit into a home concessions, a Roche drubbed Carpenter's neck in meeting of all organizations cessions the Contest on the ground, ana who have planned to sell food according to a fast melee on Spardi Gras Day all Carpenter retaliated with an au. - will meet Spartan organza Revelries Madame X, a dark horse, has of roundhouse rights, in the Publications office at mum a food sortment made his (or her) entrance into 7:45 p.m. tonight. fit instead of BLOOD! the beard growing derby which MILBRAE COUNTRY CLUB FURNISHES At that time the situation lumber have A few moments later the entire has attracted the limelight among will be straightened out and ROMANTIC SETTING FOR HOP squads from both sides were bomb- the numerous contests slated for groups will definitely know Joe Ftapose, leading male character in 'AY mg away with much gusto. Claret Spardi Gras day, May 6. the 1938 Spartan Rev- whether or not they will be elries, and Gail that emu was beginning to flow freely when Harbaugh, well known campus entertainer, have Preferring to keep his identity able to sponsor one. separated both teams. been added to the floor show of the Alpha pi Omega Full Moon are asked id, spectators a secret, the surprise entrant ham Bishop of State and Fitz- dance scheduled for Saturday night at Milbrqe Country club. to a meet* Coaches indicated that he feels confident Santa Clara decided to SINGS NEW GONG in the Pub. gerald of that he will easily walk away with game. Repose, who will play opposite owevenik call off the top honors. Elree Ferguson, will give Statels are will Late last night no action had ye, "I have no fear at all of cons- REVELRIES PREVIEW, DOUBLE their first chance to hear Jack e at, t. been taken by officials of either petition, especially of Jack Smith, Green's original piece, "I've a Pic- If conus,:, school. Sam Dunne, Santa Clara title holder, for when it comes to ture of You in the Moon". graduate manager, was very tight- raising a fuzz on my chin I'm FEATURE MOVIE FOR PARTY Miss Harbaugh will sing the title of all boom- lipped relative to the fracas and there batting a million," was the song from the show, "Hop, Skip by the era declared mincingly, "The incident statement made by Madam X late! TICKETS FOR PRESS CLUB AFFAIR and Cheer", written by Pianist special advh was unfortunate. Nothing will bc yesterday. Emile Bouret, while Miss Ferguson gard to cot. done about the matter as far as A valuable electric Schick razor ON SALE AT NOON will vocalize on another of Green's profit. IX: I know. However, as for a retura to be given as the prize for the compositions, "I didn't Mean a let for Apr game this year, it Ls out of the grower of the best beard has been Combining a half-hour preview of theater party scheduled for Wed- Word I Said". Bouret will accomp- basis of "4:-: question. We've completed our donated by a downtown store. A the 1938 Spartan Revelries, two nesday, April 20, is being looked any all of the numbers on the piano. season." !list of faculty judges will be an- full-length pictures, several shorts. forward to as a full evening of Music for this annual dance will COACH BISHOP SAYS: nounced later. the regular Broadway Handicap, entertainment. be supplied by Charlie Travis and Coach Gil Bishop denied any re. ' Headed by Madam X, the list and free Par-T-Pak drinks to every- QUAD SALE his 12-piece band, while special (Continued cCoatintsed on Page Four) :one who attends, the Press club Tickets will go on sale until the ach To on Page Four) vocal numbers will be done by night of the party, when a booth DudIcy Nix, former singer with wfil be erected at the American Tom Coakley's orchestra. thheenvetenreftorputhreehbenedflut eokf ettehoasse who cussion BIDS $1.25 FellowshipAt, Bids for the hop are going fast, faculty n. Renquist Wins The price of admission will be and can be purchased from any thirty cents, and tickets may also lartment at member of APO or in the Controi- be purchased from members of the liege CV: ler's office for $1.25. II he Stanford; Flawless Record; club. ophy ot L.:. I The pictures selected for the ursday fret. :evening are "The Kid Comes Back", Student toom 14. NATURAL SCIENCE with Wayne Morris, Barton Mc- Leaders ussion to r STUDENT GETS Snubs 'B' Grades Lane, and June Travis; and "Inter- rill be "Pe- national Settlement" with George Endorse Spartan . RARE HONOR Sanders, Dolores Del Rio, and June Lang. udent cha. Daily Book Plan Jim Bailey, director of the Spar- munces pit - The first San Jose State natural tan Revelries, has promised to leader tEl science student to hold a straight t,riag several acts for the preview. ested "A" record for four years is Senior Athletes, Revelries' Melvin Renquist, who has been 1 up Girls Praise offered for his work a generoua fellowship to Stanford University. Alumni Music Campaign ***St*** Renquist, a physical chemistry major, originally entered State as Chapter To Be Enthusiastic agreement with the riefs an industrial art major. He was Spartan Daily's proposal for a in this department for two years cooperative-student-book exchange was ******0 and had a high "B" average when Organized Here heartily disclosed yesterday by he changed his objective to natural several members of the stu- MEET dent AM science. He began anew as a fresh- Climaxing a quarter of social body in interviews with staff end Tam. A man writers. d student and now is finishing and fraternal activities, Phi Mu the home Uanimous his fourth year with a flawless ! Alpha, national honorary music acceptance of the pro- Santa Oar, record the !fraternity, will organize an alumni posed textbook co-op as suggested er which has won for him evening by the Spartan Daily, was re- scholarship. chapter here on their annual ras were ported by outstanding The fellowship is one given by Homecoming Day Friday, at which athletes, ee aPPoinv havelries the late Dr. Stillman of Stanford. time they will also hold an initia- performers, and leaders as for "d In student It is unusual for a four-year stu- tion of six new members. affairs. he dent Their comments follow: to receive it as it usually 35 old members W01. Approximately goes to someone who has had a ire expected to attend the cele- Leroy Zimmerman, star football Year of post graduate work aft"* bration, marking the organizing! and baseball man: "We athletes HI receiving his A. B. Degree, and of the second alumni chapter in can't afford to pay "co-op" book us wow, So It Is a special honor to Renquist the history of the national soci- prices nor to receive such small charc- be in Bid the college that an under ety. which boasts 65 chapters in returns on used books." ire be 11' graduate receives the fellowship colleges and universities through- Harold "Swede" Smerfelt, spark - 'heater fro" this year. out the country. plug in Sparta's basketbaii team: under " A Santa is Clara high school gradu- Following alumni organization "It would bring about a better ate, Renquist Was active there as ceremonies, the Beta Eta chapter equalization of buying and selling a debater, a writer on the yearbook, will Initiate Bill Baker, Dennis of texts." and a member of the boy's counc.! Barrett, Tom Coleman, John Art Carpenter, gridder and base- )LANS lie came from there to State six ball player: "Excellent idea. It' id }look, Ben King, and Paul Lan- There years ago to begin his enviable isn't a student in the college who urn ni at 5:30 o'clock in Room a of Career. couldn't do with more money from ass " the Art building. This culminates Renquist, a June graduate, is an his used textbooks." water is Melvin the "Hell Week" activities held ties active Seen preparing an experiment in conductiess member of Phi Upsilon Pi, for the pledges. Harvey Green, active in Junior end. the Jose State college senior who has been offered a chemistry fraternity. Tau Delta Rcnquist, San class affairs: "A lot of the stu- vs for having a straight "A" A formal banquet at Tiny's for Plit men's scholarship to Stanford University scholarship fraternity. and alumni members fol- dents have books on their hands tarter Old consecutive years. Renguist, a physical chemistry active Der Deutscher Verein, the col record for four inders uro: attain such a record lows the initiation and alumni cer- that others would be glad to buy lege major, is the first natural science student to ri German society.
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