E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 No. 134 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was all-State performer in track and was my colleagues continue to debate its called to order by the Speaker pro tem- the kicker on the football team in high validity. Well, if the devastating global pore (Mr. ALLEN). school. After graduating from North and environmental threats aren’t proof f Hardin High School near Fort Knox, enough, let me share some of the nega- Cameron joined the U.S. Navy, turning tive impacts climate change is having DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO down a track scholarship. on our air quality and public health TEMPORE More personally, Cameron was a son, now. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- an uncle, and a fiance. Cameron grad- Simply put, climate change and air fore the House the following commu- uated from the Kentucky State Police pollution make a dangerous pair. In nication from the Speaker: Academy in January and had been a fact, air pollution is among the most WASHINGTON, DC, trooper for less than 9 months. serious, indirect health effects of glob- September 17, 2015. Among the many condolences that al climate change. The same power I hereby appoint the Honorable RICK W. have been shared are those of his plants that release harmful carbon di- ALLEN to act as Speaker pro tempore on this former Navy colleagues, who talked oxide into our atmosphere also create day. about his devotion to our country. dangerous levels of soot, smog, and JOHN A. BOEHNER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. While Cameron was taken far too ground-level ozone. The result is a soon, his commitment to service and combination of ozone and fine particles f community has not gone unnoticed. I that can have devastating health im- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE join with all of Kentucky’s Second Dis- pacts. In all, 147 million people in the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- trict in sending prayers to Cameron’s U.S., nearly half of this Nation—our ant to the order of the House of Janu- family, friends, and his Kentucky State Nation—are breathing unhealthy air. ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- Police brethren. We will miss him and And the news is far worse in Beijing, nize Members from lists submitted by are thankful for his service. where a new study claims that the air the majority and minority leaders for f in Beijing is so polluted, breathing it does as much damage to the lungs as morning-hour debate. CLIMATE CHANGE AND PUBLIC The Chair will alternate recognition smoking 40 cigarettes a day. That is HEALTH between the parties, with each party simply unacceptable. limited to 1 hour and each Member The SPEAKER pro tempore. The To make matters worse, the warmer other than the majority and minority Chair recognizes the gentleman from temperatures from climate change are leaders and the minority whip limited Illinois (Mr. QUIGLEY) for 5 minutes. only increasing the frequency of days to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, there with unhealthy levels of ground-level bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. was a time when climate change was a ozone. If emissions of air pollutants re- concern for future generations, a time f main fixed at today’s levels until 2050, when we focused on predicting the pos- warming from climate change alone IN MEMORY OF CAMERON PONDER sible problems and brainstorming the could increase the number of red ozone The SPEAKER pro tempore. The possible solutions, a time when the alert days by 68 percent in the 50 larg- Chair recognizes the gentleman from threat was real, but we still had time est Eastern U.S. cities. Kentucky (Mr. GUTHRIE) for 5 minutes. to act. We had not come face-to-face Studies have also linked breathing Mr. GUTHRIE. Mr. Speaker, I rise with our tipping point. and ozone pollution to an increased today in memory of Kentucky State That time has passed. President risk of premature deaths and difficulty Trooper Cameron Ponder of Rineyville, Obama put it best when he said: ‘‘We breathing. If there are no changes in Kentucky. are the first generation to feel the im- regulatory controls, the CDC predicts I believe many people watched or saw pacts of climate change, and the last up to 4,300 additional premature deaths with horror the news that spread generation that can still do something in the United States by the year 2050 across this country that another one of about it.’’ from combined ozone and particle our public service officers was killed The time to act is now, and the call health effects. this week. Only 31 years old, Cameron to action cannot be any clearer. De- The good news is that air quality has was shot and killed during an on-duty spite the fact that more than 12,000 improved dramatically in many Amer- traffic stop earlier this week. peer-reviewed scientific studies are in ican cities over the past 40 years due to Known by his peers and in the com- agreement that climate change is real the Clean Air Act. The Clean Air Act munity as an athlete, Cameron was an and humans are significantly to blame, has a track record of cutting dangerous b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6079 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:32 Sep 17, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17SE7.000 H17SEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6080 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 17, 2015 pollution and has prevented more than being forced out due to these new hur- end, the joint employer decision will 400,000 premature deaths. In fact, it has dles. disrupt this relationship and poten- helped to cut ground-level ozone by In fact, the number of small contrac- tially discourage future contract ar- more than 25 percent since 1980 and re- tors who submit bids for Federal con- rangements. duced mercury emissions by 45 percent tracts have declined by more than Mr. Speaker, I ask for my colleagues since 1990. If that isn’t enough, the eco- 100,000 since 2013. This is unacceptable. to join with me in demanding this ad- nomic value of these improvements is While these mandates range from forc- ministration to stop continually add- estimated to reach almost $2 trillion ing contractors to provide additional ing burdens to our Federal and private by the year 2020. employee benefits to being required to contractors. The recently announced Clean Power report additional information during f the bidding process, the one thing that Plan offers us the opportunity we need RACISM AND VOTING RIGHTS to continue to better protect public each of these new directives has in health. It is projected to contribute to common is that it will make it more The SPEAKER pro tempore. The significant ozone pollution reductions, difficult for small contractors to com- Chair recognizes the gentleman from ´ resulting in important benefits includ- pete for Federal contracts. A prime ex- Illinois (Mr. GUTIERREZ) for 5 minutes. Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I re- ing avoiding up to 3,600 premature ample is the executive order known as watched recently one of my favorite deaths, 90,000 asthma attacks in chil- the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces, movies. ‘‘Selma’’ tells the story of the dren, and 1,700 heart attacks. which the President signed in July fight to register voters in Selma, Ala- However, the continued effects of cli- 2014. While intended to award Federal bama, culminating in the march from mate change and our inability to act contracts only to responsible contrac- Selma to Montgomery, led by Dr. Mar- are impairing our continued progress. tors who have not committed recent tin Luther King, Jr., in 1965. Spoiler Climate change is creating conditions labor violations, the actual outcome alert: After being turned around, that make it harder for us to clean up will lead to additional reporting re- threatened, beaten, tear-gassed, and our air and reduce pollution. Without quirements, increased administrative killed, Black people got to vote in addressing one problem, we eliminate costs, and the potential for a con- America. our progress on another. tractor to be blacklisted from bidding A young and handsome JOHN LEWIS is Unfortunately, Members of this body on Federal contracts while they prove depicted in the pivotal role of the com- use every opportunity possible to at- that they are innocent from the ac- munity organizer who helps lead the tack the Clean Air Act and now the cused infraction. movement. Another spoiler alert: JOHN Clean Power Plan. These unprece- Mr. Speaker, by using executive or- is a Member of this body and serves dented assaults block, weaken, or delay ders to bypass congressional authority, with distinction from the State of a host of long overdue clean air safe- this is nothing more than an attempt Georgia. guards. As my colleagues continue to by this administration to implement It is among the highest honors of my stand in our own way, we are harming their agenda without regard for the life to know JOHN LEWIS and to work the environment and ultimately hurt- negative impact it will have on busi- with him.
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