H'OME AND STATE Volume 29, No. 8 WESTERVILLE, bHIO, AUGUST-SEPTEMBER, 1928 $1.00 Per Year America as their second emancipation proclamation. The first fr.eed them PROMINENT DEMOCRATIC DELEGATE DEMANDS SMITH AND of manual bondage, the second frees them from political slavery. Colo­ RASKOB RESIGN rado's Negro voters will give to you and Senator Robinson, in our judgment, 80 per cent of their voting strength." Lancaster, Pa., July 19.-Mr. John A. McSparran, Democratic delegate at large to the Houston Convention, and a prominent leader among the agri­ TEXAS NEGROES TRY TO FORCE THEMSELVES INTO culturists, today wrote Governor Alfred E. Smith and John J. Raskob tore­ THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY sign their respective places upon the Democratic tick_et. Mr. McSparran The press reports that R. D. Evans, a negro attorney of Waco, is repre­ wrote: senting two Houston negroes and claims that the action of the judges in re­ "The best thing I can suggest is for both of you, Smith and Raskob, to fusing negroes the right to vote in the primaries nullifies the Fourteenth .resign before you get the darndest licking that any one ever got in a presi­ and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. He sought an injunction dential election and give the party a chance to take up the real issues with to restrain Guy C. Harris., chairman of the Democratic executive committee men who are willing to stand on a legally drawn platform." of Harris County, and the election judges of that county from preventing negroes voting in the Democratic primary. Rapidly the distinction between Democratic and Republican parties NEGROES TO VOTE FOR AL SMITH among the negroes is breaking down and no longer can it be said that the The wet Democrats, led by Jed Adams, are trying to throw a scare into Republican party is the party of the negroes. the ranks of the Democrats to bluff them off from voting for Hoover, by injecting the negro question. But the worst element of the negroes are CAN AL SMITH TAKE THE OATH OF OFFICE AS PRESIDENT? going to support AI Smith, he being more to their liking. If Al Smith should be elected, the oath of effice he will have to take is as follows: On July 16, Mr. J. M. O'Hara, organization manage( for the Republican "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution state convention, and W. M. "Gooseneck Bill" Mc:Oonald, political leader of the United States." among the Texas negroes, gave out a statement through the press, stating This oath of office indicates that while a citizen may have the right to advocate the repeal of any part of the constitution, such a privilege does not belang to the ruler of that their faction (the "Black and Tan") of the Republican party would our nation. The man who is placed by our people in the office of president, is put there support AI Smith, and claiming 250,000 votes.. Of course the number to preserve the constitution, and not to repeal it. If any part of it needs repealing, that is the function of the people, not of the president. Otherwise this oath could not be claimed was all out 9f reason, but it will be recalled that that faction of the administered. Republican is largely made up of negroes. As stated in the last issue of the But Al Smith in his telegram of acceptance stated that he would consider that it was his duty as the leader of his people to seek what is in effect to repeal or nullify that Home and State when they first announced they would bolt the Republican part of the constitution. He has said before that there are parts of the constitution party, Mr. Creager claimed that 16 of the 20 leaders were negroes. "Goose­ which he hates. He could not take the oath of office honestly. But such matters as neck Bill'' McDonald is probably the most noted negro leader iu the state. sincerity in taking an oat~ of office does not seem to bother AI Smith. He took an oath as governor to support the constitution of the United States and immediately recom­ On Sunday, July 8, a lot of wet Democratic leaders met in secret caucus mended that the only law upon the statutes 9f his state supporting the Eighteenth Amendment to the constitution be repealed. at Fort Worth. OuJ," intelligence bureau reports that in their caucus the This matter of nullification of the Constitution is a serious matter, to a Southern ~et Democrats from North Texas were very much perturbed over the Democrat. It means breaking faith with our citizenry. The South advocated secession but repudiated nullification. When the Southern leader, Jefferson Davis, on the eve of situation and were fearful lest Texas go for Hoover. To this, wet Demo­ the Civil War spoke upon the floor of the United States Senate, he said, ••1 hope that crats from the Southern part of the state replied in substance, "Oh, don't none who hear me will confound this expression of mine with the advocacy of the right of a state to remain in the Union and disregard its constitutional obligations by the worry. Give us plenty of red liquor and we will corral the Republicans and nullification of law. Such is not my theory. Nullification and secession so ojten con­ negroes in South Texas to the Al Smith camp." founded, m·e indeed antagonistic principles." The South respects the constitution. The South has no patience with nullifi­ There is no question but what the lower element of the negroes will cationists, but certain Democratic leaders of the South, into whom Tammany Hall, New vote for AI Smith, but our information convinces us that the higher class York, has fastened its grappling hooks, laud Al Smith, the nullificationist, and praise his courage. WE CAN NOT! We agree with Senator Borah who, in an address at Augusta, negroes, at least the church element among the negroes, will vote for Georgia, July 18, 1926, said, "Nullification is not revolution. It has none of the open, ~ Hoover. manly qualities of revolution. N-ullification is the slinking, silent, cowardly sapping of the very foundation of all order, all government, the evasive betrayal of a nation, and the TA~riMANY HALL, NEW Y_ORK, LARGELY COMPOSED OF spirit and motive of anarchy, without either its courage or its faith.." NEGROES Mr. Ira Champion, of Washington City, a dry Southern Democrat of SOME CQMPUMENTS (?)FROM THE SMITHYTES nigh integrity, furnished us the following statement from a source which he says is thoroughly reliable and informed. OF THE SOUTHERN CHURCH PEOPLE "Some twenty years ago, Tammany Boss Charles F. Murphy, or­ We hav_e received from Washington City a copy of an editorial on "White Trash" with the notification that it applies to all us Southern Anti-Smith folks. Referring to ganized or had organized a negro branch of Tammany Hall and placed a the Southland this editorial written by a supporter of Al Smith, says: negro in charge. The present Tammany recognized Tammany Hall negro "There is no other section where so large a percentage of the male population will lie to make a dollar. There is no other section where so many men make debts they do boss is Ferdinand Q. Morton, member of the Municipal Civil Service Com­ not try to pay. There is no other section where deadbeats and liars are accepted by Inission and superior officer over one hundred and fifty white men and society as a whole and treated as courteously· as honorable men. There is no other section where so many men make vulgar and insulting remarks about women, delight in women. Negro branch of Tammany Hall is located in Harlem but it has a filthy sex stories and abuse their wives. There is no other section v."here men who thinl-c strong sub-branch on the upper west side of Manhattan between 59th and themselves chivalrous continue to treat women as inferiors who belong in the kitchen. There is no other section where men who boast of being gentlemen are so abysmally 72nd streets. The membership of this recognized negro branch of Tam­ ignorant of the qualities required in tne making of a gentleman. There is no other sec­ many Hall has been variously estimated but a reasonable estimate would tion where church membership and professed Christianity leave men so free to practice the immoralities frowned upon by all churches. There is no other section where church be that it caters to about 100,000 negroes." people, while professing to believe the use of intoxicants sinful, co:nsume so much moonshine whisky. There is no other section where so many people who denounce NEGRO ORGANIZATION IN THE WEST WIRE PLEDGE OF danc:ng and card playing sj;oop to lying, cheating, slandering and stealing, there is no other section where so many church people frown on gambling and yet gain and lose SUPPORT TO AL SMITH money in gambling in cotton futures. There is. in short, no other section of the United The statement below was taken from some letters and telegrams of States where so large a percentage of the population is composed ·of self-righteous hypocrites. What is the explanation? You know these things to be true. Have you congratulation sent to Governor -Alfred E. S~ith upon his nomination as the tried .to d scove.o.: a rea•:;on for them? I hJ.ve thought over the matter for years, trying to Democratic candidate for the presidency.
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