Index INDEX A West End, 96–115 museums, 6–7 Abbey Ales, 413 West London, 115–119 top attractions, 95 Abbey Museum, 134 Windsor and Eton, 382–384 travel experiences, 3–4 Academy (bar), 311 Auerbach, Frank, 39 Bethnal Green, 249–250 Accessories, 286–291 Auld Shillelagh, 318 BFI London Film Festival, 47 Accommodations. See Lodging Austen, Jane, 410 Bicycles, 51–52, 186, 334, 397, Ackroyd, Peter, 41 425, 426 Admiral Duncan (bar), 329–330 B Big Ben, 82, 125 Admission, museum, 129 Bacon, Francis, 39 Big Bus Tours, 51 Aikens, Tom, 230 Balham Bowls Club, 311 Billingsgate Market, 278 Air travel, 375–376, 415–418 Ballet, 310 Bingo, 332 Albert Memorial, 32, 118 Banglatown, 38 Black Death, 21 Aldwych, 20 Bank holidays, 48 Blackfriars, 21 Alfred, 20 Bank of England Museum, Blake, William, 29 Alibi (bar), 311 26, 147–148 Bligh, William, 138 All-Hallows-by-the-Tower, Bankside, 73, 235–236 Blind Beggar, 40 20, 25, 157 Banqueting House, 24, 97 Bloody Tower, 155 All Hallows on the Wall, 19 Barbican Art Gallery, 309 Bloomsbury, 21, 26, 60–61 All-Star Lanes, 333 Barbican Centre, 37, 309 dining, 216–217, 258 Almeida, 308 Barbican Library, 309 lodging, 341, 344–346 Alt-cinema, 331–332 Barclay's Cycle Hire, 49 Bloomsbury Lanes, 333 Alternative entertainment, Bar Italia, 261 Bloomsbury Square, 25 331–333 Bars, 311–325, 389 Blues Kitchen, 324 Amateur Dramatic Club, 404 and cocktail lounges, 311–314 Blumenthal, Heston, 2, 5, Amphitheatre, Romanesque, 20 gay and lesbian, 329–331, 389 195, 228 Amused Moose, 328 live music venues, 321–325 Boathouse Cafe, 174 The Anchor (pub), 404 pubs, 4, 314–321, 389, 396, 404, The Boat Race, 334 Anne, 26 408, 413 Boats, 8, 49–50, 390, 395, 425 Antiques, 281–282, 403, 413 restaurant, 202, 216 Bodleian Library, 392–393 Apartment rentals, 377 Bartholomew Fair, 27 Bond Street, 270, 272 Apple Market, 279 The Basement (club), 389 Bonfire Night Celebration, 24, 47 Apsley House, 96–97 Bath, 408–413 Book Club, 311 Area codes, 427 Bath Abbey, 409 Books, 19, 37, 284–286, 396, 403 Art galleries and museums, 209. Bathhouse, 328–329 Book Slam, 332, 333 See also specific galleries Battersea, 72–73 Borough, 236, 238, 258 and museums Battersea Park, 120 Borough Market, 5, 274, 278 Arts and crafts, 282–283, 403 Bayswater, 68, 220, 221, Boudicca, 18, 19 Arts and Crafts and Local 356–358 Bourne & Hollingsworth, 311 Produce Market, 403 Bazalgette, Joseph, 32 Boutique hotels, 376 The Ashmolean, 392 BBC Tours, 52–53 Bowling, ten-pin, 333 Assembly Rooms, 409–410 B&Bs, 362, 377 Brat Inn, 396 Attlee, Clement, 37 Beatles, 40 Bread & Roses, 320 Attractions, 2, 95–192. See also Beauchamp Place, 272 Breakin' Convention, 44 Children, activities for Beauty supplies, 284, 384 Bridge of Sighs, 396, 402 Bath, 409–410 Beck, Harry, 33 Brighton, 385–389 Brighton, 385–388 Bedford & Strand, 197 Brighton Fishing Museum, 385 Cambridge, 398, 400–403 Belgravia, 71, 225, 361–363 Brighton Museum & Art the City, 146–158 Bell (pub), 413 Gallery, 386 East London, 158–165 Benet Street area, 403 Brighton Pier, 385 north and northwest London, Benjamin Franklin House, Brighton Smokehouse, 385 166–175 COPYRIGHTED97, 100 MATERIALBrighton Square, 388 outlying areas, 180–187 Bermondsey Antiques Britannia (pub), 318 Oxford, 392–395 Market, 278 British Library, 9, 91, 166 Salisbury and Stonehenge, Best of London, 2–14 British Museum, 6, 9, 30, 100–101 406–407 for families, 8–9 Brompton, 72, 272 South Bank, 135–146 food and drink, 4–6 Brompton Cross, 272 southeast London, 175–180 free and dirt cheap activities, Brompton Road, 272 southwest London, 120–135 9–10 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 31 by theme, 188–192 historic experiences, 11–13 Browning, Robert, 31 top, 95 local experiences, 13–14 443 114_9781119990192-bindex.indd4_9781119990192-bindex.indd 443443 88/23/11/23/11 111:011:01 PPMM Buckingham Palace, 9, 11, 26, 83, lodging, 339, 354, 359–360 Coffee shops, 261 89, 101–102 in north and northwest London, Collective shops, 291 Bull & Gate, 321 166–167, 170, 172–174 College Chapel (Eton), 384 Burgh House, 166–167 in outlying areas, 180–184, Collins, Wilkie, 31 Burlington Arcade, 270–271 186–187 Colonnade Bar, 389 Buses, 9, 50–51, 88, 418, in Oxford, 394 Columbia Road, 3, 276 420, 422 in pubs, 318 Columbia Road Flower Bush Music Hall, 321 shopping, 283, 286, 297, Market, 279 INDEX Business hours, 96, 266, 299, 300 Comedy Café, 328 300, 427 in South Bank, 136, 138–144, 146 Comedy clubs, 328 Byrd, William, 22 in southeast London, 175–176, Comedy Store, 328 178–180 Commercial Street, 275 C in southwest London, 120, Congestion Charge Zone, 48–49 Cabaret, 328–329 127–132 Constable, John, 30 Cabbages and Frocks, 278–279 in West End, 101–102, 104, Consulates, 429 Cable (club), 325 106–108, 110–115 Context, 52 Café Oto, 324 in West London, 115–116, 118 Coram, Thomas, 104 Cam, River, 401 in Windsor and Eton, 383 Cork & Bottle, 197 Cambridge, 397–404 Children's zoo (Battersea Corney & Barrow, 197 Cambridge Arts Theatre, 404 Park), 120 Coronation Chair, 133–134 Cambridge Corn Exchange, 404 Chinatown, 66 Coronet (club), 322 Camden, 80, 252, 276, 279 Chinese New Year, 43 Corridor, Bath, 412 Camden Market, 276, 279 Chippies, 218 Corsica Studios, 325 Camel (pub), 318 Chiswick, 273 Cottesloe theatre, 307 Cameras, 298–299 Christ Church, 26, 393 Cottons, 311–312 CAMP (City and Arts Music Christmas Market, 274 Counting House, 315 Project), 322 Churchill Arms, 316 County Hall, 142–143 Camping supplies, 298 Churchill Museum, 124 Courtauld Gallery, 103–104, 112 Canal, Giovanni "Canaletto," 30 Churchill Square, 388 Covent Garden, 24, 27, 61, 64, 86 Canary Wharf, 38 Churchill War Rooms, 35–36, dining, 205–210, 257 Candy Bar, 330 121, 124 lodging, 341, 347–349 Carfax Tower, 392 Cinema, 47, 142–143, 331–332 shopping, 271, 279 Cargo (club), 322 Circus (Bath), 409 Coward, Noël, 37 Carlyle's House, 120–121 The City Cricket, 335 Carnaby Street, 40, 270 attractions, 146–158 Cricketers (pub), 389 Carols by Candlelight, 48 dining, 238–242 Crown jewels, 155, 156 Cartoon Museum, 102–103 lodging, 370–373, 376 Crystal Palace, 273 Casablanca, 389 neighborhoods, 74–76 Currency, 434–436 Cask & Glass, 320–321 pubs, 315–316 Current trends in London, 16–18 Cenotaph, 36 shopping, 275–276 Curve Gallery, 309 Changing of the Guard, 9, 83, City and Arts Music Project Curzon in Mayfair, 331 101, 102, 382 (CAMP), 322 Customs, 427 Chapel of St. Peter and City Cruises, 50 Cutpurse, Moll (Mary Frith), 24 St. Paul, 178 City Guides, 52 Charing Cross Road, 93, 272 City Hall, 135–136 D Charles I, 24 City Sightseeing, 380, 382, Daily Express Building, 36 Charles II, 24 390, 398 Dalston, 76, 250–251 Charles Dickens Museum, Clapham, 273 Dalston Superstore, 330 31, 91, 103 Clapham Grand, 332 Dance clubs, 329, 389 Charter market, 408 Clarence House, 89, 91, 103 Darwin Centre, 128, 129 Chelsea, 71–72 The Clash, 38 Deacons (pub), 408 dining, 232–233 Classical music, 309–311 Defoe, Daniel, 29 lodging, 360, 367 Clerkenwell, 75, 239–242, 370 Denmark Street, 298 Chelsea Flower Show, 45, 129 Climate, 41 Dennis Severs' House, 25, 158–159 Chelsea Physic Garden, 121 Clockmaker's Museum, 148 Department stores, 291–293, 412 Cherwell, River, 395 Clothing, 40, 286–291 Design Museum, 136, 273 Cherwell Boathouse, 395 Clubs Diana, 116, 118, 186 Cheval Place, 272 caberet, 328–329 Diana, Princess of Wales Children, activities for, 187–188 comedy, 328 Memorial Playground, 118 best, 8–9 dance clubs, 329, 389 Dickens, Charles, 31, 91, 103 in the City, 147–158 gay and lesbian, 329–331, 389 Dickens Inn, 88 dining, 194, 202, 219, 223–225, and live music venues, 321–325 Dining, 2. See also Restaurant 233–234, 257–258 nightclubs, 325–328 Index discounts, 421 Coach House London best, 4–6, 194–196 in East London, 162–165 Rentals, 377 by cuisine, 262–266 family travel tips, 429–430 Cocktail lounges, 311–314 inexpensive, 215 444 114_9781119990192-bindex.indd4_9781119990192-bindex.indd 444444 88/23/11/23/11 111:011:01 PPMM late-night, 331 Emirates Stadium, 53 Fringe theatre, 308–309 practical matters, 266–267 Emmanuel College, 398 Frith, Mary "Moll Cutpurse," 24 pre-theatre, 308 Energy Hall, 130 Frommers.com, 426 teatime, 3, 258–262, 413 Engels, Friedrich, 31 Fulham, 233–234 Disabled travelers, 427–428 Entertainment, 3 Furnishings, 295–297 INDEX Discounts alternative, 331–333 for children, 421 in Bath, 413 G dining, 266–267 in Brighton, 389 Gainsborough, Thomas, 29–30 lodging, 346, 377 in Cambridge, 404 Gallery restaurants, 209 London Pass, 149 clubs and live music, 321–331 Games, 299–300 seasonal, 42 outdoor activities, 333–334 Garden Museum, 138 shopping, 301–302 in Oxford, 396 Gastropubs, 6 Discover Greenwich Centre (Old performing arts, 304–311 Gatwick airport, 375, 416 Royal Naval College), 178 in Salisbury and Stonehenge, Gay and lesbian travelers. See Dizzee Rascal, 38 407 LGBT travelers Docklands, 38, 77–78, 243 spectator sports, 334–337 Geffrye Museum, 12, 159, 162 Docklands Light Railway, 38, 421 Epsom Derby, 35 General Market, 403 Dr Brighton (bar), 389 Equiano, Olaudah, 29 George III, 26 Doctors, 428 The Espresso Room, 261 George V, 35 Dogstar, 13, 312 Essex Road, 277 George & Dragon, 330 Dominion Theatre, 306 Estelle, 38 George Inn, 25, 320 Donmar Warehouse, 307 Estorick Collection of Modern Get into London Theatre Donne, John, 23 Italian Art, 167 initiative, 43 Dove (pub), 316 Eton, 380–385 Gibbs, James, 25 Dover Street Market, 270 Eton College, 384 Gifts, 295, 384 Doyle, Arthur Conan, 31 Euston, 32 Gilbert, W.
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