Western Americana Inventory

Western Americana Inventory

Shirley Papers 212 Research Materials, General Reference, Western Americana Inventory Box Folder Folder Title General Reference 321 Western America 1 Abbott, Teddy Blue, 1964. 2 Abercrombie, William R, 1994. 3 Abolition & Pro-Slavery Struggle in Kansas, 1947-60. 4 Abousleman Family, 1997. 5 Ackland, Kit, 1959-60. 6 "Adam God", James Sharp, Religious Fanatic, 1909. 7 Adams, Charlie, 1955. 8 Adams, David, 1963. 9 Adams, James Capen "Grizzly Bear Adams," 1964-98. 10 Adams, John (California Lawman), 1999. 11 Adams, John Quincy, M.D., 1982. 12 Adams, Walter "Kid" (Alias John Carter), 1992. 13 Adams, William H. "Billy", 1946. 14 Adkins, Homer (family), 1972. 15 Adams Express Company, 1995. 16 Adkins, Joseph, 1982. 17 Advertising on the Frontier, 1971. 18 Adobe Walls- Battle of, 1922-2001. 19 Agriculture and Livestock in Oklahoma, 1939-96. 20 Agua Caliente Bandits of Arizona, 1998. 21 Aguilar, Porfirio (El Patron), 1962. 22 Aguirre, Don Epifanio, 1996. 23 Aguirre, Martin, 1985. 24 Ajax, Utah, 1982. 25 Alabama Indian Village (Polk County, TX), 1947. 26 Alamo, Battle of – General History, 2002. 27 Alaska, 1965-88. 28 Albro, George Tisdale, 1972. 29 Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1965-97. 322 1a Albuquerque, New Mexico, History of the Police Department, 1996. 1b 2 Alcatraz Island, 1973-76. 3 Albert City, Iowa, gun battle at- 1901, 1975. 4 Aldridge Brothers (Lon and Bert), 1974. 5 Alemanos, New Mexico, 1952. 6 Alexander, Marian T., 1982-83. 7 Alford, Fat, 1953-55. 8 Allen, Frank (Cattle King of the Gila), 1953. 9 Allen, John "Sheet-Iron Jack," 1964-94. 10 Allen Outlaws of Virginia, 1912. 11 Allen-Webster-Stoiber-Rood-Ellis, Lena (Helen) Alma "Captain Jack," "Jack Pants," 1967. 12 Allhoff, Martin, 1996. 13 Allison, Art, 1959. 14 Allison, Charles Ennis – Allison Gang, 1992. 15 Allison, Clay, 1947-74. Shirley Papers 213 Research Materials, General Reference, Western Americana Inventory Box Folder Folder Title 16 Allison, Clay cont., 1975-98. 17 Allison, John Williams, 1997. 18 Almer, Jack (Alias: Red Jack, Sunbonnet Sal), 1960-64. 19 Aldridge, Albert and Alonzo, 1971. 20 Almo Massacre, Almo, Idaho, 1994. 21 Alvord, Burt, the Burt Alvord Gang of Arizona 1935-2001. 22 Alzamora, Charles "Frying Pan Charlie," 1975. 23 Amador, Martin, 2002. 24 American West, definition, etc., 1990-92. 25 Ames, Judge Charles Bismarck, 1935. 26 Amish Families in Oklahoma, 1977-2000. 27 Anderson, Annie, 1964. 28 Ames, Oakes & Oliver, 1991. 29 Anaheim, California, 2000. 30 Anasazi Indians (the "Ancient Ones" – Cliff Palace), 1990-2001 31 "Andele" (Mexican-Kiowa captive), 1996. 32 Anderson, "Bloody Bill", 1928-93. 323 1 Anderson, Dr. Charles Lewis, 1966 2 Anderson, Jack "White-Eye", 1965. 3 Andrews, Francis Murl "Shorty", 1970. 4 Angel, Paula, 1963-96. 5 Anson, Billy, 1954. 6 Antelope Island, 1970. 7 Anton Chico, New Mexico, 1970. 8 Apache Indians, 1902-66. 9 "Apache Jack" (Matt Longley), 1972. 10 Apache Kid, 1897-2000. 11 Apache Pass, Battle of, 1997. 12 Apley, George W., 1971. 13 Applegate, Jesse, 1967-1995. 14 Appleby, John, 1959. 15 Appleseed, Johnny, 1989-1990. 16 Arata, Danny (Lynching of), 1988. 17 Arbuckle, Hank, 1958-84. 18 Arbuckle, John "The Coffee King", 1978. 324 1 Archaeology and Anthropology in Western States, 1905-2001. 2 Archer Gang (Thomas, Martin, John and Sam), 1993. 3 Architectural Origins in the Southwest, 1966-81. 4 Armijo – Cooper (Gunfight, NH Ranch, New Mexico), 1988. 5 Arizona (General History of), 1894-2001. 6 Arizona Rangers, 1906-96. 7 "The Arizona Strip," 1995. 8 Arizona Territory, General Lawlessness of, 1889-1992. 9-10 Arkansas City, Kansas (and Cowley County), 1950-93 325 1 Armer Gang, 1988. 2 Armstrong, John (Texas Ranger), 1961-63. 3 Arnold, Mason "Winchester Smith," 1997. 4 Arrington, Captain G.W., 1928-2001. Shirley Papers 214 Research Materials, General Reference, Western Americana Inventory Box Folder Folder Title 5 Ash, Ben, 1965-81. 6 Ash Hollow, Battle of – Nebraska, 1992. 7 Ash Meadows, Nevada, 1965. 8 Ashley, William H., 1967-70. 9 Ashley Gang (Florida), 1982. 10 Aspen, Colorado, 1890-1946. 11 Astoria, Washington (founding of), 1959-68. 12 Atakapa Indians of Texas, 1967. 13 Aten, Ira, 1941-83. 14 Atkins, Dave, 2001. 15 Atkinson, Limpin’ John, 1987. 16 Atlanta, Idaho, 1985. 17 Auburn, California, 1963. 18 Aubry, Francis Xavier, 1952-82. 19 Audubon, John James, 1961-86. 20 Augusta, Butler County, Kansas, 1985-96. 21 Augustine, Bob, 1997. 22 Augustino, Giovanni Marie, 1988. 23 Aurora, Nevada, 1962-74. 24 Austin, Texas, 1983-85. 25 Australian Wonder Advertising Company, 1996. 26 Autobee, Charlie, 1957. 27 Automobile on the Frontier, 1903-99. 28 Axelby, George, 1964-83. 29 Azbill, Willis & Henry, 1973. 30 Babb Family, 1964-91. 31 Babchuck, Joe and Marie, 1960. 32 Baca, Lieutenant Cipriano, 1981-96. 33 Baca, Elfego, 1912-2001. 34 Bacon, Sumner, 1967. 35 Badges of the Law, 1970-95. 326 1 Bagdad, Gulf of Mexico, 1973. 2 Bailey, Mary, 1959. 3 Bailey, Mollie, 1930-73. 4 Bailey, Nellie, 1964-71. 5 Baird, William, 1992. 6 Baker, Professor A. J., 1974-79. 7 Baker, "Uncle Bill," 1947. 8 Baker, Cullen, 1958-95. 9 Baker, "Young Crank," 1972. 10 Baker, Jim "Mountain Man," 1964-83. 11 Baker, Maggie, 1950. 12 Baker, Theodore, 1989. 13 Baker’s Battle, 1960. 14 Balch, Frederic, Homer, 1992. 15 Bald Knobbers of Missouri, 1972-88. 16 Baldwin, Frank Dwight, 1938-96. 17 Baldwin, Elias Jackson "Lucky," 1903-77. Shirley Papers 215 Research Materials, General Reference, Western Americana Inventory Box Folder Folder Title 18 Baldwin, Major Theodore A., 1971-72. 19 Balentine, Hamilton and William H., 1956-57. 20 Ballard, Charles, 1967. 21 Ballooning Through the Years, 1993. 22 Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, 1997. 23 Bandera, Texas (Massacre at), 1972. 24 Bandit’s Gold, n.d. 25 Banister, John R., 1974-77. 26 Banking on the Frontier, 1939-82. 27 Banks, Charles Wells, 1958-74. 28 Bannock Indians, 1965-2000. 29 Bannerman, Frank, 1995. 30 Bannigan, Peter "Pete," 1995. 31 Banning, Phineas, 1971. 32 Banta, Charles Albert Franklin, 1959-60. 33 Banta, O.W. "Tex" (Mountain Man), 1966. 34 Banta, William "Twenty-Seven Years on the Frontier, or Fifty Years in Texas," 1970. 35 Banty, William "Coyote Bill," 1982. 36 Baptiste, Jean (Grave Robber), 1988. 37 Barbed Wire, 1931-89. 38 Barbed Wire cont., 1969-95. 327 1 Barber County, Kansas, 1997. 2 Barber Gang (Ike and Bill), 1989. 3 Barbershops in the West, 2001. 4 Barbers on the Frontier, 1967. 5 Barger, Charley, 1982. 6 Barnett, Jackson, 1925-76. 7 Barnett, Joe Graham, 1999. 8 Barnett, Robert P. "Bob," 1996. 9 Barbette, Vender Clyde, 1994. 10 Barcelo, Gertrudes (La Tules), 1959-78. 11 Barclay, Johnny, 1961. 12 Bare, Delinda Hyde (Grandma Delle), 1974. 13 Barekman, Alexander Henry (Alec) & Anderson, Alexander Hamilton (Ham), 1994. 14 Barker, Bill, 1970-85. 15 Barnard, "Cowboy Bill," 1969. 16 Barnes, Will C., 1968-94. 17 Barnum, Phineas Taylor, 1956-99. 18 Baron de Bastrop, 1987. 19 Barrymore, Maurice, 1962-98. 20 Barter, Dick (Rattlesnake Dick), 1957-87. 21 Bartles, Jake, 1894-1999. 22 Bartleson - Bidwell Party (First to California), 1969. 23 Bartlett, Polly (Wyoming’s Poisoner), 1963-73. 24 Barton, Amasa M., 1971. 25 Barton, Jerry, 1986-2002. Shirley Papers 216 Research Materials, General Reference, Western Americana Inventory Box Folder Folder Title 26 Barton, Reese (World’s Oldest Cowboy), 1995. 27 Bascum, John, 1958. 28 Bascom, Sam, 1967. 29 Bass, Lon, 1990. 30 Bass, Sam, 1879-72. 31 Bass, Sam cont., 1972-2002. 32 Bassett, Charles, 1960-95. 33 Bastrop County, Texas, 1996. 34 Battey, Thomas C. (Quaker Missionary), 1970. 35 Battle Creek Massacre (Texas), 1964. 36 Battle Rock, Oregon (Siege at), 1968-88. 37 Battlefields of Indian Wars of the West, 1958. 38 Baugh, Levin P., 1969. 39 Baughman, Theodore, 1978. 40 Bauters, Jennie, 1999. 41 Bautista de Anza, Don Juan, 1963. 328 1 Bawdy Houses of the West, 1970-84. 2 Baylor. Col. W. K., 1923-25. 3 Baxter Springs, Kansas, 1958-87. 4 Bayliss, Sam, 1960 5 Baylor, John R. 1961-91. 6 Beach, E.E., 1973. 7 Beachy, Hill, 1960-97. 8 Beale, Edward F., 1961-71. 9 Beamer, Peter W., 1960. 10 Bean, Ellis, 1933-83. 11 Bean, Judge Roy (Law West of the Pecos), 1895-2000. 12 Beare, Nicholas, 1997. 13 Bearmouth, Montana, 1994. 14 Beatte, Pierre, 1987. 15 Beaver, Oscar, 1999. 16 Beaver Creek Massacre, 1959. 17 Beckham, Joe, 1983-84. 18 Becknell, Captain William, 1958-71. 19 Beckwourth, James B., 1946-97. 20 Bedell, Billy, 1992. 21 Beecher, Artemus, 1958. 22 Beecher Island, Battle of, 1906-67. 23 Beekman, Cornelius C., 1993. 24 Beeler Family, 1968. 25 Beeson, Chalkley McCarty "Chalk," 1970-97. 26 Begbie, Judge Matthew Baillie, 1962-98. 27 Behan, Johnny, 1976-99. 28 Behn, Herman, 1966. 29 Beidler, J.X., 1960-87. 30 Belew, Bud, letter dated 1966. 31 Belfils, Louis E., 1964. 32 Bell, Hamilton B., n.d. Shirley Papers 217 Research Materials, General Reference, Western Americana Inventory Box Folder Folder Title 33 Bell, Pike, 1967. 34 Bell, Tom, 1967-94. 35 Belle Fourche, South Dakota, 1962. 329 1 Bellows, Curtis and Bart, 1971. 2 Belmont, Nevada, 1950-64. 3 Bell County, Texas, 1985-97. 4 Benedict, Kirby, 2001. 5 Bennett, Cora (alias Freddie Bell), 1988. 6 Benson, General Ezra T. (Cache Valley Brigade), 1973. 7 Bent, Charles and William, 1954-99. 8 Benton, Jesse James, "Cow by the Tail," 1964. 9 Benton, Thomas Hart, 1955-62. 10 Beresford, Lord and Lady Flo, 1963. 11 Bernice, Oklahoma, 1937. 12 Bernhardt, Christian, 1969. 13 Berryman, Swen, 1973. 14 Besler, Coup Cane, 1967-78. 15 Bettina, Texas, 1992. 16 Betzinez, Jason, 1967. 17 Beverly, Bob, 1963. 18 Bevin, Oliver P. n.d. 19 Bickerdyke, Mary A., 1965-73.

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