
July 8, 1970 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 23329 EXTENSIONS OF REMAR.KS BRIGHT FUTURE FOR NORTHEAST­ the Commonwealth, the Department of Com­ With a good reputation for action it is diffi­ ERN PENNSYLVANIA munity Affairs and the Department of Com­ cult to slow the momentum of a winner. merce wm benefit the northeast and other And it has not been done With magic, With regions as they work in the seventies. rabbits in a ha.t--not by any one local, state HON. HUGH SCOTT Once a Bureau within the Department of or federal agency, but with the combined ef­ Commerce, the Department of Community forts of responsible people, hardworking, OF PENNSYLVANIA Affairs has blossomed into an effective backed by substantial private investment-­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES agency for direct involvement in vital areas with faith, dimes, dollars, of people who be­ Wednesday, July 8, 1970 that have mushroomed into prominence in lieved it could be done. recent years. I believe it is an unheralded Specifically, the pace was set Dy successful Mr. SCO'IT. Mr President, on June 6, blessing for the citizens of the Common­ industrial expansion and relocation pro­ 1970, the secretary of commerce of Penn­ wealth of Pennsylvania to have such close grams. PIDA activity in a seven county area sylvania, Hon. William T. Schmidt, de­ cooperation and such common dedication of northeastern Pennsylvania resulted in 241 livered a speech to the conference of the among the personnel of two organiz.a.tions loans in the amount of $58,760,000 since 1956 that can provide so much assistance to them. to date (in excess of 25%). These projects Department of Community Affairs. In Our efforts in economic development have provided 36,101 jobs With an annual pay­ that speech he outlined the bright future been affected by recent legislative decisions, roll of $154 million. he predicts for northeastern Pennsyl­ but Governor Shafer has committed us to During the period 1965-1969, Luzerne vania. tax reform, and as I have said on numerous County led the state in expanded and relo­ Mr. President, since I, too, feel that occasions, "Don't hand out the band-aids, cated industries, Lackawanna County was this region has a great potential for we are not bleeding, because we have many third in the state, Schuylkill fifth. growth and increasing prosperity, and things going for us in Pennsylva.nia." Adding to the pattern was the major de­ since Mr. Schmidt has expressed that The nation's finest highway system; air, velopment of highways. From 1965 through rail, truck, and water transporta.tion facili­ 1969 accelerated construction of Interstate fact so eloquently, I ask that his speech ties; a rapidly expanding system of voca­ Routes 80, 81, 81-E joining the northeast be reprinted in the Extensions of Re­ tional-technical schools to keep a steady flow extension of the turnpike, and Interstate marks. of trained labor available; our geographic 84. There being no objection, the speech proximity to the world's greatest markets, When opportunity appeared through Ap­ was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, where more than half of the population in palachia assistance programs, a mountain as follows: the nation lives within 500 miles of the state; was literally moved into a. ravine to provide energetic public utilities; a most cooperative a modern airport and entrance to the jet ADDRESS OF HON. WILLIAM T. SCHMIDT banking community; cooperative community age. Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority "What's New?" leaders in local development programs; ex­ linked communities to solve waste disposal That can be a casual greeting of friends, cellent recreation diversification. problems for today, and provided opportunity a way of taking inventory, or the measure of We have had interest by firms from for­ for residential and industrial de~elopment man's planning in a community like the eign countries for relocation in Pennsylvania. in the future. northeast. If we ask wha1i's new in the way We already have attracted industries from Vooaitional-technical schooLs a.re being of accomplishment in our country today, we Norway, Italy, Canada, Germany, Mexico, built to help provide a continuing flow of can point to moon exploration, supersonic and France. We expect to pursue other pos­ skilled labor, new shopping malls, new aircraft, heart transplants, interstate high­ s.ible contacts this month during a reverse schools, new efforts to provide community ways, modern schools and hospitals, the high­ investment mission to Germany. Deputy services and attractive surroundings were est living standard ever achieved in the his­ Secretary Ketner will lead the Commerce part of the new image that said . "See tory of mankind. delegation. us as we are now, not as we were twenty If we ask the same question within the We face the challenge of competition from years ago." area we know as the northeast, we can say other states. We must overcome the image Perhaps with some nostalgic regret--but expansion of industry, development of rec­ of "sock it to business" ,taxes. We must seek not reluctantly-we saw recreation and tour­ reation, attention to problems of environ­ protection from foreign imports that com­ ism surpass the anthracite industry as a ment, improved transportation facilities, a pete with our native products. We must rec­ factor in the economy of the northeast. And booming tourist business, a new lease on life ognize the obligation of tighter environ­ we proudly accepted the designation as the for people who had much reason for despair a mental control of industrial waste, and we "Honeymoon Capital of the World," and decade ago. must qualify for the incxeasingly rigid re­ extended our sympathy to New York, Florida, That's why I believe that the most im­ quirements of corporations seeking new and California. We modestly acknowledged portant thing that ls new in the northeast sites. that in the northeast, our newly affluent so­ is not so much the material accomplish­ In that respect, John Harper of the Alumi­ ciety has the highest number of second home ments, but the "attitude." Theodore Roose­ num Company of America, ran down a ownership in the nation, another tribute to velt once said that "It is not the critic who check list of considerations important in our attractive facilities for rest and relaxa­ counts, not the man who points out how the choosing a site for a large facility. High on tion. man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds the list was the "quality" of a community, So what of the future? The Bureau of could have done them better. The credit be­ its attitude toward schools, its initiative in Labor Statistics in Washington projects a longs to the man who is actually in the tackling pollution problems, the ability of labor force in this country climbing by arena; whose face is marred by dust and its leaders. His firm studies fairness of taxes, twenty percent in the 70's to 100 million sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who attitude toward business, fiscal respon­ workers, with 26 million of them in the 25--34 errs and comes short again and again; who sibility, zoning and land use, anticipated age bracket. Has the northeast made itself knows the great enthusiasms, the great devo­ residential buildup, popula.tion growth pro­ attractive and available to this age group ... tions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; jections, transportation avaJI.ability and It has! who, at the best, knows in the end the costs, supply and cost of power, price of BLS says the work week Will decline in triumph of high achievement; and who, at land and availability of water, sk1lled labor hours to 38 to provide more leisure time. the worst, lf he fails, at least fails daring pool and at what r.ates, local management­ The northeast can supply the fun! The swing greatly." labor relations, attitudes toward modern to a service economy-including trade and Ladies and Gentlemen, it is our respon­ schools, hospitals, libraries, and even reli­ government--wlll accelerate, and the long sibilities, not ourselves, that we should take g.tous and political attitudes. term shift toward white collar jobs. seriously. That's what's new in northeast That's a large order and the community Training will continue. White collar jobs and that's a proven formula for success. that can meet those standards deserves a will total 50 percent of the work force by the That attitude is evident, too, in the major secure place in the industrial development end of this decade. Increases are predicted topics on the progmm today. So often we seem picture. But that's the way the rules are in demands for personnel in transportation, to take the government approach to the so­ written today, and that bridge must have a communications and public utilities. The cial and economic ills of the day, and place connection at both ends to handle the traf­ largest increase in service industries will rise too little emphasis on the improvement of fic. We in the Department of Commerce have about twenty percent, ma.inly in general man himself. found the northeast regional industrial de­ merchandise stores and eating establish­ The panels of the day are symbolic of the velopment programs a bustling expressway ments. awareness that comfortable and adequate to successful accomplishment. Services will enjoy a surge faster than the housing, security from lawlessness and fear, So what will be new in the northeast in the total employment rate, with all segments contribute immeasurably to the prosperity 70's? I have difficulty tempering my optimism benefitting. The northeast will be ready­ of a community and the well being of its so as to sound realistic.
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