
March ~o, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 5601 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONGRESSIONAL SCHOLARSHIP Laura A. Huhn, Mother of Mercy H!gh should be a reasonably simple procedure School. for Congress to regain its rightful au­ PROGRAM Carolyn Switzer, Mt Healthy High School. Julia Davis, Mt Notre Dane High School. thority on equal levels with its two Laura Jane Ruter, North College Hlll High brothers of democracy, the executive and HON. WILLIS D. GRADISON, JR. School. judicial branches, but then nothing this OF OHIO Rick Rieger, Northwest Senior High School. Congress has ever done is simplistic. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dee W11llams, Oak Hills High School. Commonsense should tell this Congress Patricia Weller, Our Lady of Angels High that this must be done if the integrity Tuesday, March 20, 1979 School. and credibility of the Congress with the Mr. Laura Shaffer, Princeton High School. people is be regained. e GRADISON. Mr. Speaker, I Francis X. Tafuri, Princeton High School. to would like to extend formal recognition Ken Burke, Roger Bacon High School. Any journey must start with the first to a group of high school seniors partici­ Barbara Cain, St. Bernard High School. step; therefore, I ask my colleagues to pating in the Greater Cincinnati Cham­ Tara Elizabeth Brown, St. Ursula Academy. push forth for hearings and ultimate pas­ ber of Commerce congressional scholar­ Thomas Paquette, St. Xavier High School. sage of two pieces of legislation-No. 1, ship program, now in its 9th consecutive Kim Wiseman, Scarlet Oaks Career Voca- Sunset legislation, and No. 2, one house year. In sponsoring this program, I am tional School. veto power over bureaucratic rules and Barbara Moore, Scarlet Oaks Career Voca­ undertaking to provide indepth insight tional School. regulations. These pieces of legislation into the functioning of our Federal Gov­ Kathy Gardette, Seven Hills High School. are far from the total solution but at ernment to those who will undoubtedly John Schroeder, Summit County Day least provide a step in the right direc- be among the leaders of their generation. School. tion. The 53 students participating faced stiff Linda Symons, Summit Country Day What is at stake?-Government by the competition in order to qualify for this School. people, for the people, and of the people program and deserve to be proud of Scott A. Meyer, Sycamore High School. Nothing less.• Andrea Loveless, Taft Senior High School. their achievement. Mark Frederick Leininger, Taylor High For the next 3 days they will meet with School. an impressive array of persons repre­ Kim Wolk, Turpin High School. senting each of the three branches of our Brad Van Etten, Turpin High School. EQUITY IN ANNUITIES Federal Government. Not only the lead­ Jane Rue, Walnut Hills High School. ership of the House of Representatives, Derrick Strayhorn, Walnut Hllls High School. HON. S. WILLIAM GREEN but also several Members of the Senate OF NEW YORK will give the students their perspective Dennis Stadelman, Wm. Henry Harrison High School. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on the role and functioning of the Con­ Grade Renee Walt, Woodward High School. gress. The students will be able to ques­ Sylvester Earle Williams, Woodward High Tuesday, March 20, 1979 tion each of these leaders at some School. •Mr. GREEN. Mr. Speaker, the Social length. Tom Pettit will explain to them Aaron Samuel, Wyoming High School. Security Amendments of 1977 <Public the responsibilities of the Press. A fell ow Lane Benford, Alken High School. Sheila Webster, St. Bernard High School. Law 95-216) and the civil service retire­ Cincinnatian, Justice Potter Stewart, ment survivor annuities-reinstatement will reflect on the crucial function of the CHAPERONES <Public Law 95-318) provided that judiciary in our democracy. In addition, Mr. Steve Baker. widowed annuitants who had attained these young people will have the oppor­ Mr. Bob McKay. Mr. Robert G. Hood.e the age of 60 be permitted to remarry tunity to visit the White House. without losing their pension benefits. It is my strong hope that this experi­ Public Law 95-216 provided that wid­ ence will not only spur a few of these owed annuitants on social security who young people to someday serve in our GOVERNMENT BY BUREAUCRACY had attained the age of 60 be permitted Government, but also imbue them all to remarry without losing their social se­ with a real understanding and apprecia­ curity pension benefits and Public Law tion of its role in our society. I am HON. DOUGLAS APPLEGATE 95-318 provided that widowed annui­ pleased at this time to recognize those OF OHIO tants of civil service retirees who had who were chosen to participate in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES remarried before July 18, 1966, have their congressional scholarship program and Tuesday, March 20, 1979 pension benefits reinstated if such per­ the schools they represent. They are as sons had attained 60 years of age. follows: •Mr. APPLEGATE. Mr. Speaker, when Regrettably, when the 95th Congress Charles Klimko, Alken High School. are we in Congress going to wake up to made these changes in current law it Larry Cook, Anderson High School. · the realization that we have allowed our­ failed to consider the predicament of Jlll Brunner, Colerain High School. selves to be little more than puppets of widowed annuitants of Federal Judges Darius Burdrys, Colerain High School. the Federal bureaucracy? This great 60 years of age or older who had or were Tina Teague, Deer Park High School. body, conceived by the creators of our contemplating remarriage. Lisa Lindsay, Diamond Oaks Career Voca- democracy, to represent the people, to tional School. On March 14, 1979, I introduced H.R. Mark Wainscott, Elder High School. write law, and to serve them in their 2974 in order to correct this inequity in Chris Grotte, Elder High School. needs, has become the servant of a non­ current law. H.R. 2974 amends sections Robert Leugers, Forest Park High School. elected and unresponsive bureaucracy. 375 and 376 of title 28 of the United Veneeta Brewster, Hughes High School. We better do something about it soon. States Code, relating to judicial annui­ Loretta Houston, Hughes High School. Government by bureaucracy has ties, to provide that annuities under such Susan Brown, Indian Hlll High School. caused this Nation unnecessary expendi­ Kevin Ricke, LaSalle High School. sections shall not terminate by reason of Dale Harlow, Lockland High School. tures of billions of dollars, accelerated remarriage of an annuitant after attain­ Brent Laupenschlegar, Loveland Hurst the pace of this country toward inflation­ ing 60 years of age. High School. ary and economic chaos and caused un­ This inequity was brought to my at­ Kathleen Plaut, Madeira High School. told delays in moving the Nation ahead. tention by Mrs. Zdena Lawrence, widow Carmen Evans, Marian High School. The redtape is horrendous when a com­ of Federal Judge Charles D. Lawrence Scott Hamlin, Mariemont High School. munity or business is attempting to de­ who served with distinction in the U.S. Jlrlle Kemble, McAuley High School. velop a project. Customs Court for more than 20 years. Tony Clarke, McNlcholas High School. This Congress has been made a bunch If enacted H.R. 2974 will remedy this in­ Mark Skorcz, Moeller High School. of fools through its own stupidity. It equity with respect to annuitants of Jus- •This "bullet" symbol identi1ies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the B.oor. CXXV--353-Part 5 5602 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 20, 1979 tices of the Federal District Court, Fed­ the United States, and in July 1943 ar­ May 1953, J-1, Hq., U.S. European Com­ rived in Scotland under command of mand, Indigenous Labor Agreements w/ eral Court of Appeals, U.S. Customs NATO Countries, U.S. Dependent Schools, Court, U.S. Supreme Court, and other Capt. Mary A. Hallaren, the first WAAC Europe. Federal judges appointed for life term.• battalion to serve in the European The­ May 1957-60, Office of Secretary of De­ ater of Operations in World War II. fense (MP&R). Following her tour as Director WAC, CITATIONS/DECORATIONS Colonel Hallaren served in the Head­ Bronze Star Medal, Legion of Merit, Croix BILL TO APPOINT COL. MARY AGNES quarters of the European Command and de Guerre avec l'Etoile de Vermeil, Oak Leaf HALLAREN TO BRIGADIER GEN­ the Office of the Secretary of Defense Cluster to Legion of Merit, Commendation ERAL ON RETIRED LIST until her retirement in June 1960. Medal, Commendation Medal with Medal One of the most respected leaders of Pendant (Oak Leaf Cluster), Second Oak the Women's Army Corps, 5-foot-high Leaf Cluster to Legion of Merit, WAAC Serv­ HON. BARBARA A. MIKULSKI Colonel Hallaren is known to the Army ice Medal, EAME Campaign Medal, Legion OF MARYLAND as the Little Colonel, formerly Captain d'Honneur.e IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Peewee. She is also one of the most dec­ Tuesday, March 20, 1979 orated members of the WAC, having been awarded the Legion of Merit with • Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. Speaker, today IMITATION OR SUBSTITUTE two Oak Leaf Clusters; the Bronze Star DAIRY PRODUCTS I am reintroducing a private bill to au­ Medal with one Cluster· the French thorize the appointment of Col. Mary Croix de Guerre avec l'Etoile de ver­ Agnes Hallaren, U.S. Army retired to the meil; and the Legion d'Honneur. HON. F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER grade of brigadier general on the retired A native of Lowell, Mass., and edu­ OF WISCONSIN list. I introduced this bill last year on the cated in the parochial and public IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES day that Mary Agnes Hallaren retired schools there, Miss Hallaren started her Tuesday, March 20, 1979 first career as a teacher in the elemen­ from her third career, executive director tary and junior high schools of Lowell • Mr.
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