

_ ..~ * * * . * * .iIt l!-t, * * • v."r ..." ~t ' .. ~'t l~ r- * * * * * * * * * USAF SUMMARY • JANUARY 1976 DI RECTORATE OF MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS I COMPTROLLER OF THE AIR FORCE (AF/ ACMI/53980) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY -(_1~~;~~:~)~~i:~,::'t-~' -:~\{::?~;F-;>i.F~~~~,~:-~>_~":~~~g$,;.,,~.,_-_-;7);,; ~'1V/'" '-<'-;'. "~',~es ••.•.O;t7'••Subj~~ ..ilt>c~.~'ti.•e~"~vi~e~"~o ..yOur ..Of~,.,.f:~;~' ~~<~~~s~ ...wee~'l..•r; • :'~il41?1:6.:,~~1i~~~sa;CJR~~~t ..~P9~:L .•~." ff'~'.MOU.l,~.::e,/~.,.t;J!;-t~d ...•in'.y()lU':..~~~!I!S.l>f.;.t1t',U~~~l"Yt.: 1t .....,.":t.iOn.l):y.i~n.~J) chang$sshOUldb~'JRaa., 9J).~9$.:); '. RE!,<~ .(R~feren~~$ctCtipn) ;" .<l . ...~, ~~:;,4~' - -" . - -, - <~"...». ....."~iaerJk:)USe~ppX"opit' !(;t~' •.:;~:r~~:~~~eOtHollon ~~G.'".....': .'.>'~!tf.fil~e~$~~~tlttO~nta~ijJ(pj~!.i.. ,oJ:'~;',.D're~orate Ofrd:ma&,~~tmfA7iabsls...... " ;;i~..w' ,,~'i ~~:~.., ~r',%.l , , "'-k.;,>c':::- .- .. This is t:he fi.r'st. edItion of the USAFs~~y. Thisp1.1bli... oation , t0ge~er witp. tbf!exPand~d USAFStattsti~al Dii!s"t, re- places the '~¥F..Management.Summary. The USAFS~Yis designed to. provide, in all URcluSlfiea pUblicat.ion, info;rmation~!l a- variety of selected topicsrele~lln~ to gener~1 Air E'orce manag~nt needs. Info.pnationis provided. on the current year and budget year as well asanhist()rical data base .inmany areas. The Summaryis divided into six sections with anindexdat the beginning of each section.,l:twill be updlltedperiodically Qd' published as a complete/d~ntwit,h eachupaate. 'the USAFS\Ilnlnaryis compil~ and published by the Dir~x:a~ < _ -. _ <:><~. ' ", _' _ . _ >- '_ ' '. _ _ .. ,_x::-':~~:;.~',_" >\~t~i;ii ofManagementAnalysis,ComptroU,er oft.he .Air rorce {ItQuSJlAle~f\' ~~~~sibie Air Staff ofefic$s pU1;i.ciPate'bY'Pro~idiRg c~r::n~'- .' . ..... infort'l\Ct,tionfor each update • '!'ht!: office of>oriqin ind:i.cated on individual pages should be contacted if further inf6i'tlla.tion. is required. tnq~iries or suggestions regarding this publication shO~ld be addre.ssedto HQUSAF/ACMI(OXS"'!3980). .. Flllf1tllL FINANCIAL FIN TITLE Page No. U S Public Spending 1 Federal Unified Budget Outlays 2 Comparative Financial Statistics 3 Total DOD Outlays 4 DOD Current and Constant Dollar Outlays 5 DOD Program, Strategic Offensive Forces 6 DO D Program for the TRIAD .7 DOD Program, Strategic Defensive Forces 8 Financial Program by Service 9 Air Force Outlays 10 Air Force TOA 11 AF TOA by MFP and Appropriation 12 Shift in Air Force Expenditures and Economic Escalation 13 Air Force Budget Trends 14 Volume of Military Assistance 15 ,. .... ~\ '" t AF!ACMI/53980 111.11 u.s. PUBLIC SPENDING * ~ FEDERAL - STATE - LOCAL $ lillil.s $ liIIillS 500 400 ,nElliS, f(lUIl IEiT I.TElUT, S'ACE AI, 308 IUnUTI.UL ,unAIS $ICllL nD ECU.IIC PlOGUIS 208 ,.',.' ~--------- ....... " ~ . .- ..- ~ -- ..". """'" . ~ ••-._-~.:............................................................----_ ..--_ .... ...•.•... 1IllieiAl DEfEISE .............. 0' , , , , , , , , , I , , , , I I , I I , , , , 54 55 51 51 51 51 II II &2 13 &4 &5 1& &1 &I 61 10 11 12 13 14 75 1& 11 -.r-" lEst.) * Undistributed offsetting receipts FISCAL YEARS Source: Economic Report of the have not been deducted. President 1964, 1965 & 1975. "T1 Z.... :!! AFIACMI/53980 Z FEDERAL UNIFIED BUDGET OUTLAYS. ~ S IIUIIIS $ IIUIIIS. 501, ,581 451 451 400 ----------------,-.-~----------------,,/_1 411 . 350 350 311 300 250 251 SOCiAl & ECOIIOIIC PRUUIS 218 288 150 i T ~,'"'" 4150 ",'" _----_----'" VA, IIIUEST, SPACE 100 ~ 7" ",,4>--- & INTERlATlOIUl PROCUIS----;;;o •.a! 181 .",,- . l-=----------_~-:...,.- - - ..",."""-------..",." ......•...................................... 50 ~.::-::.-- - - .. -- - - - I'- _....... .•••• -,_.I 50 .._........ ...•.......•..........•...•..., . III TID III L DEFUSE D' I J J ! I I , I J , I I I I I I I ! , , , , ) 0 54 55 56 51 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 61 &8 69 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 ~~'. -")~ * Undistributed offsetting receipts have FISCAL YEARS Source: EconomicRe~e" Est not been deducted. President 1964, 1965 & 1976. 14; .. tl" 0/ .) -, • AF/AC8/53743 f C;OMPARA liVE FINANCIAL 51A 1151lC5 ($ BILLIONS) Pres Budget FY 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 19n 1973 1974 199'5 1976' ~ c;,.oss National Product 616.4 658.0 n2.4 773.5 830.3 904.2 960.2 1019.8 1111.8 1238.4 1358.6 1440.0 1593.0 1837.0 FederolOutlays 118.6 118.4 134.7 158.3 178.8 184.5 196.6 211.4 231.9 246.5 268.4 324.6 373.5 394.2 %ofGNP 19.2 18.0 18.6 20.5 21.5 20.4 20.5 20.7 20.9 19.9 19.8 22.5 23.4 21.5 DOD - Outlays 50.8 47.1 55.2 68.3 78.0 78.7 77.9 75.5 75.9 73.8 78.4 86.0 91.2 100.1 %ofGNP 8.2 7.2 7.6 8.8 9.4 8.7 8.1 7.4 6.8 6.0 5.8 6.0 5.7 5.4 % of Federol 42.8 39.8 41.0 43.1 43.6 42.7 39.6 35.7 32.7 29.9 29.2 26.5 24.4 25.4 AIR FORCE - Outlays 20.4 18.2 20.1 22.9 25.7 25.9 24.9 23.8 24.0 23.6 23.9 25.0 26.2 28.2 %ofGNP 3.3 2.8 2.8 3.0 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.3 2.2 1.9 1.8 1.7 r.s 1.5 % of Federol 17.3 15.3 13.8 11.3 11.6 11.0 10.4 9.9 9.3 8.6 8.4 7.7 7.0 7.2 %of DOD 40.4 38.4 33.7 26.2 26.7 25.8 26.3 27.7 28.5 28.9 28.7 28.6 28.7 28.2 2Constont FY 77 $ Federal Outlays 265.8 260.0 285,5 323.3 351.0 347.0 342.2 343.8 350.8 349.7 348.2 374.0 402.2 394.2 DOD - Outlays 113.8 103.7 117.0 139.5 153.1 148.0 135.6 122.8 114.8 104.7 101.7 99.1 98.2 100.1 Air Force - Outlays 45.0 39.3 41.9 46.1 49.8 48.1 43.1 38.5 36.3 33.6 31.0 28.7 28.2 28.2 1. Appropriation 8i11 - &timate Source: OSD(C) 20ASD(C) Deflators (Jan 76) OUTLAYS AS A PERCENT OF GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) 'ercent ~ 25 20 15 10 _-=:----DEFENSE 0 UTlAYS (% GNP) ~ ~ ... ... 5 __ ---- ""AIR FORCE OUTLAYS(% GNP) ." pr'(• 604r 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 7. 75 76 77 n Z... AF/ACB/53743 ."z TOTAL DOD OUTLAYS ..... FY64-77 (BILLIONS Of CURRENT DOLLARSI Pres Budget FY 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 --1971 1977 RDT&E 7JO 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.7 7.4 7.2 7.3 7.9 8.1 8.6 8.9 9.1 2.5 10.5 INVesTMENT 17.8 14.2 16.9 21.5 25.3 26.3 23.6 21.1 19.2 17.5 17.7 18.8 20.1 5.7 23.0 OPERATIONS 26.0 26.7 32.0 39.7 45.0 44.9 47.1 47.1 48.9 48.2 52.1 58.0 62.0 16.5 66.6 TOTAL ~ 4Y:T ~ ~ ~ """"8.6 RRRS """'15'3 -n:o -n:s- ~ 86.0 """9a 2U" TOo.T (BILLIONS OF FY 77 DOLLARS) FY 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968. 1969 1970 1971 -1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1971 1977 RDT&E 13.5 11.8 11.6 12.9 13.4 12.4 11.2 10.8 11.2 11.1 10.8 10.1 9.8 2.6 10.5 INVESTMENT 36.2 28.4 33.2 40.9 46.6 46.8 39.9 33.6 29.5 25.5 23.8 21.9 21.9 5.8 23.0 OPERATIONS 64.1 63 ..5 72.2 85.8 93.1 88.8 84.4 78.4 74.2 68.1 67.1 67.1 66.5 17.2 66.6 TOTAL 113.8 10'3.'7 m:o T39.'5 T53.T 148.0 135':6 m:ll" Ti4':8 '104J lOD 99.T 98':'1 253 TIlO:T Source: OASD(C)P&S Billions Current Dollars Billions FY-77 Dollars Billions 8111ions ISO 150 140 140 130 130 120 120 110 110 100 100 W 90 80 80 70 DT&E 70 60 INVESTMENT 60 50~ 50 40 OPERATIONS 40 3Q 30 20 20 .~ 10 10 0- o 1Y8465 66 g 68 ~ 70 71 72 n ~ ~ 76 77 FY 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 ,e '" FIN 5 ...... , -1ft " 1\ .... ,~ - .. - \~ ) ,• - v , ~ I ~/ • .... ...... - , ; ..... - .. r' a: I GIl- - <:, , ==- - ',~~ "-.......... '~ ~ ........ ,~ 1ft ... - .,,- , - .. ..... - - -~ \ \ ...-.. ~ - ~ , \ ~ .... - -.. .. -~ .. ... 4 i - \ - - - \ ....-..... - - ... , 1ft - . 1ft "'"" ~ .. ~ I - 1< ( - - ~ ......... - ' ........, ........ ~ - -. 1\". 1ft I I , , , I , , I , -.. -----------------.,.,.- ...,---..- ... .. _--.,., .. --- FIN6 AF!ACMI/79J74 000 FIN A N CIA L PRO GRAM FOR STRATEGIC OFFENSIVE FORCES I (BY SERVICE] PERCENT 100.....,.....-------------- • 80 NAYY 60 AIR FORCE 40 20 o w-............... _ ................_ ............. _ ....... fiSCAL YEAR 65 6& 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 7& TOA \S BILLIONS) NAVY .73 .75 1.09 1.55 1.78 1.49 1.47 1.36 1.81 1.87 2.4& 2.65 AIR fORCE 3.9& 3.83 3.63 3.95 4.33 3.20 3.19 3.71 3.56 3.44 3.59 3.78 TOTAL fYOP 4.69 4.58 4.72 5.51 6.12 4.&9 4.66 5.07 5.31 5.31 6.06 6.43 SOURCE: F&FP 4.

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