Curborough, Elmhurst, Farewell and Chorley Parish Council Minutes of the General Meeting held on 14 March 2019 at 7.30pm at The Mission Hall, Elmhurst. Present: Mrs J Smith (Chair); Cllrs. S. Brown (Vice Chairman); Mrs D. Robinson; G. Derry; N. Gulliver; T. Packwood; J. Careless; M. Hammersley and Mrs R Robinson. Ellen Bird (Clerk to the Parish Council) Public present: 1 1. Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Councillor E Onions and Councillor R Bailye. Noted 2 Declarations of Interest a) in accordance with Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011, members to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in items on this agenda. None made b) Clerk to report any written requests for dispensations in respect of items on this agenda. None made 3 Chairman’s Opening Remarks The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Council held a minute’s silence for their friend and colleague Councillor Mrs S. Hammersley. The Chair welcomed the new Clerk to the Parish. The Chair also took the opportunity to remind Councillors about the Elections timetable and the steps they needed to take for re-election. Noted 4 Councillor Co-option A Parishioner had expressed an interest in being co-opted to the Council. They were not able to attend the meeting so the Co-option was not discussed. There would not be another Council meeting prior to the Parish Elections therefore Councillors agreed to ask the Chair to inform the Parishioner of contact details for the elections team at Lichfield District Council. Resolved to ask the Chair to pass on information regarding the elections team at Lichfield District Council. Curborough Elmhurst Farewell and Chorley Parish Council meeting minutes of 14/03/19 Initials - 1 - 5 Public Forum One member of the public attended the meeting but did not raise any issues for consideration by the Council. 6 Minutes of 10 January 2019 Full Parish Meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on 10 January 2019 were reviewed. Councillors discussed the impact of the weight limit and turning restrictions on Local Farmers on A515. Resolved to a) Approve the minutes of the Full Council held on 10 January 2019. The minutes were signed by the Chair. b) Ask the Clerk to contact Councillor Tittley to request a meeting to discuss the effects of the turning restrictions/weight limits on local farmers. 7 Clerks Report a) A correspondence report from the Clerk was reported to the Council. • SPCA news – several issues. (Other correspondence will be notified at the meeting.) • Email – Images by Hand – item 9 • Lichfield District Council – Elections Team election Timetable • Alan Toplis advice regarding Elmhurst Mission • 4 March advice Alan Toplis regarding Elmhurst Mission • Marisha Place – Lichfield Police Partnership Manager • New Parish Phone Number Noted b) Finances i) Earmarked Funds Defibrillator Councillors noted that further funds were required for the defibrillator. Mission Hall Councillors noted the progress of conversations with the financial advisor regarding taking over the Mission Hall in Elmhurst. There had been initial discussions with the Church. The Council noted that the mission hall was attached to another building and any further involvement with the Mission Hall would result in taking on responsibilities for this building too. There were immediate and costly repairs required for both buildings including extensive roof repairs. Curborough Elmhurst Farewell and Chorley Parish Council meeting minutes of 14/03/19 Initials - 2 - Councillors discussed how the funds from the sale of the old school building should be invested. Resolved to a) ask the Clerk to try to establish whether the funds raised can be only spent in Curborough/Elmhurst or whether they had to be spent across the Parish; b) Earmark the funds in the accounts until the Working Party has resolved where the funds will be stored and how they will be spent. Chorley Traffic Calming Grants Councillors discussed funding received for road safety schemes in Chorley. Resolved to earmark the £2726.64 grant from Councillor Tittley, SCC and the £4820 from Staffordshire Road Safety Partnership for traffic calming projects in Chorley. Community Infrastructure Levy Councillors discussed the CIL and decided that this needed to be ringfenced Resolved to ring fence the CIL of £767.66 for Farewell and Corley for work on road safety. ii) Accounts for Payment The Parish Council were asked to approve the following payments at their meeting on 14 March 2019: Cost VAT Invoice No Cheque amount Number Ian Colclough (Locum £649.32 - REP19/CEFCPC 690 Clerk’s wages and Expenses February 2019) Clerk’s wages March/April £214.63 - - 691 2019 HMRC £53.60 - - 692 Clerk’s Expenses £52.43 - - 693 British Heart Foundation £600 £100 B-ORD-001245 694 Total Expenditure March 2019 £1569.98 The Parish Council agreed to pay and additional invoice received at the meeting for £2330 for the Chorley ‘Gateways’ to Mr A. Mather at Creative Carvings (Cheque 695). The Parish Council were asked to note the following income: Source Amount Reference To be confirmed May Meeting Curborough Elmhurst Farewell and Chorley Parish Council meeting minutes of 14/03/19 Initials - 3 - Other cheques to be approved retrospectively • Cheque 687 is detailed in the payment log and the cheque book as not used • The Parish Council are asked to approve a new cheque for Farecroft Ltd (for defibrillator) for £540 (incl £90 VAT) as the previous cheque signature was rejected by the bank. New cheque number 688 to replace cheque number 686. The new cheque was written on 15.02.19 • Cheque 689 has been written to Staffordshire County Council (for Chorley Road Safety) for £1750 Resolved to a) Approve the accounts for Payment for 14 March 2019; b) To approve the cheques written between the meetings detailed above. 8 County and District Councillor Reports There were none. 9 Parish Forum Report No Parish Forum had been held. 10 Parish Map Councillors discussed creating a Parish Map for the Website. It was felt that as the Parish was in a state of flux with boundary reviews and large development plans for Curborough it was not worth investing at this time. Councillors felt that Google Maps etc provided a satisfactory alternative at present. Noted 11 Any Other Items Elections Councillors discussed the upcoming elections and Councillors discussed whether they would be re-standing or standing down at the forthcoming election. Noted Council Tax Leaflet A Councillor reported that the Council Tax leaflet that accompanied the 2019/20 Tax Bill from Lichfield District Council had a lot of interesting information in it and was well worth reading. Noted Curborough Elmhurst Farewell and Chorley Parish Council meeting minutes of 14/03/19 Initials - 4 - Meeting Dates • 11 April 2019 at 7.30pm, Chorley Village Hall – Farewell and Chorley Open Meeting • 25 April 2019 at 7.30pm, Mission Hall Elmhurst – Curborough and Elmhurst Open Meeting • 16 May 2019 at 7.30pm, Chorley Village Hall - AGM Meeting Closed at 20.35 Curborough Elmhurst Farewell and Chorley Parish Council meeting minutes of 14/03/19 Initials - 5 - Signed: …………………………………. Date: ………………………… Curborough and Elmhurst Sub Committee of 14 March 2019 1 Declarations of Interest a) In accordance with Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011, members to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in items on this agenda None made. b) Clerk to report any written requests for dispensations in respect of items on this agenda. None received. 2 Minutes of any Sub Committee/s and Divisional Meetings held since the last Full Parish Council Meeting The minutes of the Sub-Committee held on 10 January were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. Noted that there had been a Planning Meeting and Meeting of the Working Party. 3 Planning Applications Received There were none. 4 Update from the Hall Sale Working Group Councillors discussed the investment of the funds from the Hall Sale. The Working Group had held meetings with a financial advisor and had held conversations with the Church regarding the Mission Hall. Councillors discussed the CCLA (Charity Fund Managers) as a potential place to invest the money whilst discussions about how to utilise the money continued. Councillors agreed they had to make progress but cautiously, legally and transparently. Resolved to hold another meeting of the Working Group to discuss the investment of the funds. 5 Phone Box Update and Defibrillator Installation Progress Report Councillors noted that the defibrillator and the consultant’s costs had now been paid for and that work had begun. There would be some further costs as the defibrillator needed a constant heat source and some other works were required on the phone box. Curborough Elmhurst Farewell and Chorley Parish Council meeting minutes of 14/03/19 Initials - 6 - It was noted that copies of the Mercury Newspaper were available in the phone box. Noted 6 Highways Latest Saltboxes It was noted that the saltboxes had finally been filled. Noted Motorbikes on Dimbles Footpath It was noted that there had been motorbikes on the footpath. They were riding without helmets and at excessive speed. Resolved to ask the Clerk to report the Motorbikes to the local police. Curborough Road/Eastern Avenue Councillors were concerned about the proposals for traffic lights at the Curborough Road and Eastern Avenue Junction Resolved to ask the Clerk to write to The Lichfield District Councillor about the Council’s concerns. 7 Any Other Information None. Meeting closed at 21.00. Signed……………………………. Date……………………………. Curborough Elmhurst Farewell and Chorley Parish Council meeting minutes of 14/03/19 Initials - 7 - Farewell and Chorley Sub Committee of 14 March 2019 1 Declarations of Interest a) In accordance with Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011, members to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in items on this agenda There were none.
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