Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC May 1963 Daily Egyptian 1963 5-3-1963 The aiD ly Egyptian, May 03, 1963 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_May1963 Volume 44, Issue 91 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, May 03, 1963." (May 1963). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1963 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1963 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Negro lratrtuqUlld IftW~ DAILY, EGY'PTI-'AN Football Prea;wu; Page 6 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Page 7 Vol ••• 44 Corbooclal., Illinois Fridoy, May 3, 1963 Humber 91 F~nwi~k Vetoes Coun~il , ActiC?u On Egyptian A to ·t· Opposed To Dropping ? ' • C 'v• •es Paper From Fee Study HonorDay Student President Blll Fen­ flIf there is somethlng that wick vetoed the Student Coun­ would justify its destruction, cU's move to delete the then let us be Informed. 'But Set May23 Egyptian account from the Stu­ when 'l review the resolution Tile 10th Annual Activities dent Activiry Fee study. [ find no reasons ex!pt thar FenWick's veto message Recognition Day is scbeduled it carries national 1a d inter­ for 10 a.m. May 23 in Mc­ was read by Council Cbalr­ national news which as been Andrew Stadium, according to man Ted Hutton, Fenwick was the desire of the pa t three Ted Hutton, student body vice absent from tbe campus at the Student Councils. " president. time. Fenwick said, "I a well "I feel that tbe resolution aware of the fact that this is Hutton said all recognlzed passed was not a posi,tive tbe founh time [ have used 'I campus organizations have -,pproach ·to the problem,'.' this power (of veto). I do it been sent letters asking them the statement said. "If one this time fully realizing that to submit the name of a person disagrees with a procedure I may jeopardize tbe future in tbeir organization wbo bas or practice, one sbould at­ existence of the executive contributed most to the group tempt to change (it)." veto. In fact, I was told by a tbrough leadership and Tbe Council was provided Council member•• ,tbat rbe service. an 'al te rnati ve in tbe veto power of veto would not be These names are to be . statement: Incluc;led in' the new constitu­ turned in at the Activities De­ "It seems tbat those voting tion." velopment Center by May 13, on the ' prevalllng side -felt Tbe present Student Gov­ be said. Certificates of award they were voicing the senti­ ernment Constitution states ' will be given to the persons SPRING RETURNS - WIlli III. r.turn of good woo"'.r, sprjng Is ment of tbe student body. [ that the executive may veto during the assembly in again bringing forth its blooms. Weekend forecast: good weather doubt tbls. Perbaps the issue any act of the Council within ¥cAnttrew. for taking a walk around campus. ' sbQIJld be submitted to the five days after it is presented The annual event is spon­ Tomorrow At 7:30 p.m.: student body because the ex­ to him. It takes two-thirds of sored by Student Government. ecuti ve does not believe that the C 0 u neil to negate the Student Body President Bill the student body wlsbes to president's veto. Fenwick will give a sbon talk Galaxy OJ Talent In discontinue the Egyptian." Tbe student president said: • and a brief musical program The Council's move last "[ notice tbat only five people Is also planned. week: meant that it would not made a deCision that should Music Under The Stars recommend to the SIU Board have been made by fifteen Electronic Music A galaxy of area talent wlll conduct the orchestra at the of Trustees that tbe Egyptian people ... Prlor to this issue, be featured in the 1963 festival. Van Bronkhurst receive $45,000 In student fee the prevalling side refused • Symposium Topic uMusic Under the Stars" studied at Eastman Scbool of allocations. to vote ••• because only five Spring Festival to be held In Music and ha§ taught at the Fenwick's statement point­ yeas would have been required MCAndrew Stadium Saturday Unlverslry or-Hawaii and Chi­ for a majoriry. Electronic music--a recent at 7:30 p.m. co (Calif.) State College be­ ed out, "The Egyptian does fiAt that time two of these development in 20tb century The Southern illinois area fore joWng tbe SlO staff In the have a function ••• [t is tbe only people deliberately left the medium on campus that can 'muslc--wlll be the subject wlll provide the master of fall of 1962. room to prevent the presence of a two day syposium on the ceremonies, the four guest be used to communicate to of a quorum. I would fully campus Sunday and Monday. conductors, the piano and The fourth guest conductor a majority of students." expect tbe same principle to Milton Babblt of Princeton vocal contest winners for the for "Music Under the Stars" "Whether It is fulfilling prevail In this decision." University, termed the fore­ festival, and the guest anlst, is F.C. Kreider, a resident of that function in the best man­ Fenwick's statement con­ most American composer of Colllnsvllle with a long musi­ ner is a matter to be de­ according to Roben Kings­ termined, but one will not cluded: "I have no reason to electronic music. and Mau­ bury, managing director of the cal background. He attended believe the Egyptian will not riCiO Kagel, West Germany's the St. Louis institute of determine this by destroying festival. the Egyptian," Fenwick said. improve in the future." leading figure In 'the field, Director of the elementary Music, Washington Univer­ He said he was not totally will both be on campus for chorus wlll be Marilee Mc­ sity, and DePaul. Kreider satisfied with the news cover­ the session. Haney, a graduate of SIU from will conduct the massed band Brougham Off age, but the Studen~ Govern­ On Sunday, Babbit will giv,e West Franldon. Mrs. Mc­ at the Festival. ment's responsibility is "to a lecrure and demonstration Haney is the vocal music The guest anlst selected Critical List suggest improvements and use on electronic music at Shryock teacher in West Frankton ele­ for the 1963 festival Is Lorna all of Its Influence and energy Auditorium at • p.m. At 8 p.m. mentary schools and has William Brougham, injured in getting tbem accepted and Jane Dallas of Carrier Mllls, in an aCCident in whicb two Sunday, a panel discussion served as music chairman activated." I on electronic music will be for Delta Kappa Gamma. a lyric soprano who has ap­ other SIU students were Idlled, peared on national television, beld in Morris Library Au­ The massed chorus from bas been taken off tbe critical ROTC Band To Play For ditorium, including B a b bit, In night clubs and In tours list and is conscious and able high scbools in the area wilf over9"as with tbe Belles of Kagel, and three members of be directed by J.T. Alexan­ to spe*, reponed a spokes­ Ka"uukia Dam Project [ndlana. a singing group from man at Doctor's Hospital. the SIU music staff, Arthur der of Centralia. Alexander the Unlverslry of [ndlana. Tbe Air Force ROTC band, Hunkins, Phillip Olson, and received his B.S. from Mis­ Brougham, 21 ; of Olympia Fields, has been In a state of directed by Capt. Roben B. Robe~ Mueller. souri State Teachers College Master of ceremonies for semi-consciousness since Fruler, will play at Shelby­ Monday at 10 a.m., Babbit He is currently teaChing ville Saturday during ground the outdoors affalr will be midnight. May ~6. and Kagel will give a joinr music at Centralia Township William Tudor, director of He was critiGally injured breaking ceremonies for a lecture and demonstration in High School and Junior Area Services for SIU. Win­ when the car he was driving dam on the Kaskaskia River. 'Altgeld Hall, especially for College. ners of the southern illinois ovenu-rned on Route 51 three Gov. Otto Kerner is scheduled music majors and other in­ Warren van Bronkhurst of piano and vocal contests will miles from Carbondale Idlling to be at Sbelbyville for the terested students. the SIU music faculty will also appear at the festival. his two passengers. ceremonies. Crush, Communist Snakes, Speaker Advises "It is high time we learned audiences at the 10 a.m. and but Russia when faced witb a In Hungary, which the Com­ that we should treat the Com­ I p.m. convocations in Shry- decision such as in the United munists have put down, have munists as snakes••• when ock Auditorium. Nations." only aroused the Communis~ they are down, crush them:' "Nuclear weapons may have Boldyreff suggested thatthe people," he said. an expen on the Communists prevented war, but they have United States demand that methods of world domination falled to stop Communism Americans beld prisoner in "They have had strikes told two SIU audiences yes­ from expanding," he sald. Cuba be sent back Immediate­ which are a very serious thing terday. If And economic assistance to Iy and that we stop negotiat­ in Russia and their news­ Constantin Boldyreff sald non-Communist countries is ing with Communists just for papers have been much freer that we bave three methods helpful and needed, but alone the sake of negotiating. in criticizing the government­ of'flghting communism -- mil­ it is not good." He pointed out that the in- more than Stalin would have itary stre ngth, ecooomic uTherefore, we have sent ternal situation in Russia is ever allowed," he added.
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