iT l ( m Good morningr D o th e ‘EHokey Poke};y’ aind ... I']Fry: Ta:IX hike mightn Today’s forec:ecast: Sunny with highighs in the mid- to upper ------------ fiOfi^LowK-in-Jhe-m5 mid-30s:---------------------^— ___________ follow plajsiiagejofA%_ Page A2 TheTl Times-News about the 1 Perci’ercent Initiative, the ballot measure lhalJl ilif passed would liinil TWIN I-ALLS - An id;ihc.ho slale lax properly laxeses tot I pereent of market commissioner predicted Frida,Jay lhal the value, mmm Lc Legislature will have lilile chi)hoice hui lo lie eniphasi/esi/ed lhai both lie and the , Construction»n begins niisenii laxes ne.xl winter if iliee 1 Percent rest o f the taxIX cuniniissionc are iieulra) IniliiiliveIni passes ihis fall. on the issue. '■ The band playedi'cd and colored balloons "rve heard a number of' legislatorsli Alan Domfesi.fesl. a tax policy spccialisl rose as WendellI patronsp; celebrated the saysa) thal (they won’i alleinptpt lo offset wilh the commis:mission, has estimated that b7art o f eo n struiction cti of the new high llic _schooI Friday. llie loss in properly tax revevenue w-ith the 1 Percent’st's passagef will com local Page Bl slaleslil revenue if the iniiativee passes)." governm ents: andam si'luiol districts ilial , '1® RobertRo i-'r)’ said following a speechsp to a depend on propeiopeny taxes heiwcen SII-} conference on aging al the TTi urf Club, and S150 millionlion a year. Old news "I^ "Bui realistically, I ihink theIlCR- would ..o r ,.......„p,iopiions I've heard. I think heho sucli great pressure from fl ^ If you're lookinging for a Royal Doullon ' ■ liriaiKia y ,hohe ssales lax to include at ^ strappedsir: school districis lh;l bouillon cup hand-]id-painted witli 24 carat lull Ihcy II s„„,Acr%.|c,rvices. or maybe raising it. gold, or a wool' WorldW War I uniform haveha\ lo do someihing." i.*; Ihc mo.s'l J/kch'. -. _ . „_F Fry ,s-;iid. ________ ^ivith d irty 'b 'a ^ aand n i gloves, of a 19th —Fry,-a-meniber of iho fou)ur-person ----- , , , all areas of luahoans nowJW fpay 5 percent sales tax. century Dutch pineline sideboard complete commissioncoil that administers al - •• - siai ■ ices are exempt.' with authenlic Dutclulch nicks and scratches, Slate.lax equali/aiion and cco d lcclio n , • >>“' tivcn th e M agic ValleyVj Mali’s annual ' wxs in tovvn.lo.ialk lo the eoconference - Please see TAX/A2 ' i antiquesihe fair place is the for you to be ihis weekend. j Page Bl J:Augusst tradie I Williams quitsits The «lireclor of the United Way of M agic Valley hass resignedrt a month into ihe 1992 fund-raisinsing campaign. c S9M [ PageBI deficit hits $ F o r y e a rs , Larry LaPrise T p u t h is le ft f o o t E^ x p o rts WOI»rst in alm ostst 5 y e a rs outc and shook -osLos Angeles Times __________ ^ter\^rries , It all about. __ the song -WASHI'y NGTON — The iiiial'ion's~~ ............ A Rupert farmer:r has1: submitted a letter rade dellcit jumped 23.6 pei)erccni In Vw rite r still g e ts to th e M in id o k a1 !iIrrigation District’s uigusi .IS U.S. exports posUUed Iheir board of directors,i, askinga for three of its a kick out of Xrharpest decline in-almost llvi five m em bers to rcsi,csign or possibly facc'a the popularity the1C DepanmentI of Commerce■; rcponc'cii W l e r c hh&V\('ri'-.h ? : recall election. o f th e 'H o k e y Tridiridiiy. Page B3 P o k e y .’ TheTl S9 billion trade deficit in trad&^d is> thelh largest monlhly imbalia 1 ance in BiS/onsofOo/lar*.«. aeomneBysei oOjaaioa; tmpori early iw o y e a rs and is IheIh fifth shipping and InsuroiKO. monilonthly decline in ihe lasi sixX months.: AI FederalFc Reserve index aiso) reponedr „---------------------- Bruins win Frid:riday liiat industrial produclionin slipped 0.2.2 rperceni in Scplember, anotlJther sign ;..... .] Twin Falls wailailed until the final I i thilllat theI economic recovery is falaltering. _ _____... i minutes Friday nighlight to beal the Boise ^ I f Braves 26-22. a Page B6 IndustrialIn output - C l - - - o Wilh less ihan three weeks bebefore ihe B _ I Gam e 1 previewiew residential election, ihe sluggishsl !■ The World Seric!ries kicks off tonighl • • • ' *e a r n ir s 5versees sales do noi help I’rI’rcsidcni — I - with Atlanta playinging at home against the Bushush's efTons Io portniy increast:ised trade __ j l Tocontq Blue Jays. as> one01 of the adniinisiration'si's major, , ■ ■ Page B6 •'............... eco'n;6'nom'ic a cco m p lish m ennts. t In ■ . nego;goiialing the North Americ;ican Ffee ° SO N 0 JJ P M A M J - J A Trud ill1M2 ■. •' I Big Apple bouiund........................... rade Agrecmcn!, Bush repipealedly , "lo'ulciuled free trade as a key ingredidieniQfa ~ "AUgr’g t rJuly-92"-A-U^*92-.Ju ............ The Goodwill Ganja m e s w ill be" heading o ff r o y j ihriviriving economy.. I 7.28 I ri^OO . 10 N ew York City •in.in 1994. This year, the TheTh Augusi trade deficit wa:..S S I.7 2 games will be heldI in Russia. billicllion greater than July. FirIn a n c ia l sourw. i/.s o«.pj o/c<vr/ Commvrtv AP ' ' Page B6 ByTerreUWrniams faniasiic,'' he suid. analylalysls had predicied an incri:rease of mainly a rcneciioi:tion of weak consumer Times-News correspondcndent “ It onlyily SI20 million. Bul e.xponss fell 6.1 demand during recirecession. In ilie last six I y e a ]rio. also known as pol'dii'cenl in A ugust, to S35.5 billion,b monlhs. the ircnrend has reversed, as WENDELL - When:n Tom1 Selleck dances tlic >e needed a song lo whilehile imports dropped just 0.6f> percent] apparent increasesses in con.surncr demand the “Hokey Pokey" withith a group of Japanese loo ;l strangers to mi.x. toS4iS44.5 billion. have pushed imponipons higher, Stallings has adadvice baseball players in hisis currentc movie, “Mr. " ikc a square diincc, OvOver the last three years,. expori> Economists voi<voiced mixed opinions Baseball,” Larry LaPrisirise o f W endell gets a rea: around. You shake growlowih has-generally outpaced increasesin' .ibout whal the shasharp rise in the deficit Congressman Richichard Stallings wants bonus on his royalty checlieck. it a a circle, and il gels in imimports, slowly chipping aw;way ai a portended for econiconomic recovery. the National Marineie 1Fisheries Scrvice to . LaPrise, who willl .bb c 80, on N o y .J l ... thei ___________________ ...tradeide. imbalance thut.has. doggUgcd .llicl.... .!!lt’s.disturbing."ng.".s;iid Dayid Kolley, — . easciup.on-its-ati-a tte m p t- to - c o n tr o l ------- " invented the "popular daiidance ditty back in the aL i d e sct in the middle o f naliortion for over a decadc. Overse:icas sales economist of Data^aia Resources Inc, "’it rcscrvoiTYonlhcUpijiippcrSnakc-RivCT:-------- late 1940s while workirrking as a musician in' the anccrsS whal lo do comrniribuied aboUl 70 percentIt of the raises the risk'lhatUlt exponst c.in’i lead the PageAS Sun Valley. ) s e e PO K E Y /A 2 . naiiorlion’s economic growth sincc: 1989.1 recovery, and lhat!iat we\ wilt have to do it •’The reoction to it was far •______ I ThiThe import levels, howeverer; were ourselves. It went over big.” As leader ofthe Ram Trio lie Sun V alleyT rio, LaPrise r After the quakeke 2 Qaayieef^ush30sen up the crow d nnd gelitln si tte3 cluteh ’‘The 'Hokey Pokey' is like —^---------- Thrcc-jfcars-latcrr!Tj"San”FnmciscoTjrcii udge :ally,” he said. “ You tum arc residents still feelcl thei effects of the The Associated Press : all about. Everyone is in a c earthquake that shook)ok up the ciiy and the lera. aIl.involvc(L'’.__________ outlying areas. FAYETTEVILLE, N.Ci.e. — Vice I’resideni Da Page A3 LaPrise said he would getQuayle i pounded away at BillBil Clinlon’s characlcr Frida, headss Iraq ie circle and show the dancand tum ed to baseball ima]magery lo predict a drnmaiiItic It’s notover uniintili.. P le a s ecomeback si to overtake the DeDemocratic frohtrunner. President Bush andnd Bill Clinion cite an Reactions to deJebate No. 2 - A4“ loan pprobe old baseball hero loto sum; up this year's presidential race. t will hii "W e’re the Atlanta Braveaves and when wc get lo lhthe The B altimore Suna '■ PageA3 bottom of the ninth inning: anand ii’s two outs, w e’re goinjing to'D score another run and wc'rcwc going to win," Quaylylc WASHINGTON — The Bush lold 1.500 cheering supportemcrs at Fayeiicville Technicacal administration’s loitop legal official Community College. named a fonner fedeicderal judge Friday ith to investigate possitissible governm ent QlThe Braves won the Nalilational League playoffs witl Cautionary talelie just such a com eback on WeeVcdnesday. wrongdoing in the scandal over Here in this military towrjwn thai is home lo the 82n(;nd billions of dollarsrs iin U.S.-backed As Iddhoans pondjnder the 1 Pcrccnt Airborne, Quayle recalled1 takingta basic training for twtwo loans to Iraq in thehe years) before the Initiative, Oregoniansans are leaming how m onth^at Fort Bragg in .196'^ ^ a n d inyoke<l_memories_oof_ Persian Gulf War.___ ____ — to-deal-with-a-similaililar-laWrMeasurc-j.— ~ tli^ e r s ia n G u lf War.
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