VOL LVII.-- NO. Ill rtWieH, CONNj TUEIDAY MAY llj J91S TEN PAGE3 PRICE TWO CENTS The Bulletin's Circulation in Norwich is Double That o y Other Paper, and Its Total Circulation Is the Largest In Connecticut in Proportion to the City's Population Cu Paragraphs Lusitania Deaths Germany Regrets Condensed Telegrams Course United ALUES ARE FORCING Geven More Bodies Pound, ' Prisoner In Bins Sing prison crowd- Cork, May XI. 8,03 a. m, Seven ed the prison auditorium to hear bodies frem the Ltislt&nia were Henry Ford fepg&k. landed at Baltimore last evening from Wilful Murder Lossof Americans States Will Pursue a patrol beat, One million persons are expected to visit tbe Atlantis fleet during lta ten-da- y Japanese Cruiser Refloated. stay at New York. GERMAN RETREAT Toklo, May 10. The Japanese ACCORDING TO VERDICT RE- DESPATCH RECEIVED PROM FOR- INTIMATED BY PRESIDENT IB cruleer Asama, which ran ashore on Italy will begin restrictions on the the coast of Lower California on Feb- TURNED BY CORONER'S JURY. EIGN OFFICE. Importations of cotton from ship- PHILADELPHIA SPEECH. ruary 4, has been accordi- ments leaving foreign porta on May ng1 to official announcement made 10. here. The Asama will probably be docked TO REMAIN AT PEACE A Strong Movement Made Against the Enemy With and repaired at San Francisco. AN APPALLING CRIME ACT OF RETALIATION Fifty Inmates of the Connecticut re- formatory, taken from the first grade, Or. DoPage Identifies Body of His were out to work at road building Wife. Heavy Reinforcements Contrary to International Law Against British Government for Plao-in- g yesterday But Seek to Convince Germany Thai Queenstown, May 10. Dr. De Page, and medical director o fthe Belgian Red the Conventions of All Civilized Na- Embargo on Food for Civilian Col. L. Mervin Maus, Surgeon Gen- Sinking of Lusitania Was an Inju Cross, arrived here today and posi- eral of the Eastern Department of the tively Identified the body of his wife, tions Was the Murderous Attack on Population of Germany Saye Re- army, was honorably retired on his tice to Mankind Given Great Ova who was a passenger on the Lusi- 64th birthday. HAVE CAPTURED MANY PRISONERS AND GUNS tania. The body of Madame De Page an Unarmed Liner. sponsibility Rests with England. tion at Close of Address. was sent to London and thence will be Acting Mayor George McAneny of taken to Brussels. New York Issued an appeal for funds Philadelphia, May 10. SAYS VANDERBILT Kinsale, Ireland, May 10. The ver- Berlin, via London, May 10, 6.41 p. for the relief of sufferers from the President WORE dict rendered fcy the coroner's Jury m. The following despatch has been Lusitania disaster. Wilson gave to a gathering of 4,0X German Headquarters Admits That Allies Have Succeeded in A HEAVY OVERCOAT. which investigated the deaths resulting sent by the German foreign office to naturalized Americans tonight the Aral from the torpedoing of the Lusitania the German embassy at Washington: Charles McCormick, aged 63, of New intimation of the course which th Occupying Foremost Trenches in the Neighborhood of Dr. Owen Kenan Heard Mim Exclaim follows: "Please communicate the following York, was arrested at Evansville, Ind., United States government probablj Co-onc- will pursue "They r's Verdict. to the state department: as was trying to in the situation resultlni Have Got Us Now." he break into the from the loss of more hundrei Counter-Attack- Says British Government Is Respon- police station there. than a Carency Attacks and s on Both Sides Oueenatnwn Mnv r "We ind that the deceased met American lives on the British linei in tw death from proloj.ger immersion and sible. toy Kenan of Wilmington. N. One union carpenters Lusitania. He spoke implication Heavy C, who Is exhaustion in the sea eight miles "The German government desires to thousand are but his hearers interpreted his re- Sides are mo south-southwe- st are Continuous and the Losses on Both vi uuoiuuiia s passenger list as of Old Head of Kin-col- e, express its deepest sympathy Idle in Indianapolis, as the result of a marks as meaning that while tli coming from New York, was 7, 1915, at the lockout order issued by General seriously found Friday, May owing to the loss of lives on board the Lusitania. the United States would remain at peact British Line East of Ypres is Holding Firm ill in a hotel late this aft sinking of the Lusitania by torpedoes The responsibility re'sts, however, Contractors' association. it would seek to convince Germany o) to the ernoon. fired by with Dr. Kenan a German submarine. the British government, which, through the injustice to mankind of the tragedj said that as he went its plan of starving the civilian pop- The General Society, Daughters of of last Friday. Germans are Reported to be Making Preparations for a down with the ship he saw Alfred An Appalling Crime. the American Revolution, met in . ulation of Germany, has forced Ger- .. j. ...... , ... &a.lJBt a "We find tflat this appalling crime many Brooklyn delegates present from America Must Show Special Example gateway - to resort to retaliatory meas- with door and - that Mr. Vander- was committed contrary to interna- over "America," Further Movement Against the Russians in the Carpathi- H . 11 3 A 1 ,,m. ures. all the country. he said, "must have th "i itueu uul iu mm, iney nave got tional law anil the conventions of all consciousness that on all sides 11 us now." v civilized British Merchant Vessels Armed. De-cisi- nations. It is estimated in Vera Cruz by touches elbows touches ve Mr. n nnm--r - that and heart wltt ans Advices Indicate That Italy is Ready to Take Vanderhil't ino- tw. "We also cuarpe the officers of said "In spite of the German offer to stop next November Mexico's corn shortage all the nations of mankind. The ex- Kenan, wore what looked like a very submarine and the emperor and gov- the submarine war in case the star- will amount to 39,370,000 bushels, as ample of America must be a special Action Should Austrian Reply Prove Unfavorable- - neavy overcoat around which a life ernment of Germany, under whose or- vation .plan was given up, British mer- no crops have been planted. example. And must be an example not belt had been buckled. Dr. Kenan ders they acted, with the crime of chant vessels are being generally arm- merely of peace, because it will not did not see him come to the rail of wholesale murder before the tribunal ed with guns and have repeatedly tried Richard Vanderwoll, aged 80, leap, fight, but because (peace is a healing the steamer. of the civilised world. to ram submarines so that a previous ed from the third story window of and elevating influence of the world Dr. Kenan declares he went "We desire to express sincere con- search was impossible. In land campaign in and Pass and we occuied the villages that his home In Paterson, N. J. His body and strife is not. the France down twice. The first time he was dolences and sympathy with these rel- "They cannot, therefore, be treated was impaled on picket fence. is such thing be- Belgium there." p rp-rr-l , , a "There a as a man there are intimations of a Ki; h m It oppmoil i P (,o i atives of the dcrceased, the Cunard as ordinary merchant vessels. A re- ing too proud to fight. is such strong movement of the allies against gone to kept eyes company United many There heavy ITALY AWAITS FINAL the fcattom. He his and the States, cent declaration made to the British The total number of tons of food a thing as being so right that it does the Germans, with reinforce- uiJKii aim iinauy saw xne ngnt. xnen of whose citizns perished in this mur- parliament by the parliamentary sec- food supplies shipped from the coun- not need to convince others by force ments. The French war office reports his head protruded from water, derous attack cn an unarmed liner." retary in answer to question by Lord up 8 the capture of many prisoners and REPLY OF AUSTRIA. the a try to May by the Commission that It is right." guns but stayed there only Ion genough for Second Torprio Was Deadly. Charles Beresford, said that at the for Relief in Belgium was 408,716. during the last two days and In the Meantime Important Decrees hirn to get a couple of gasps of air. present practically all British mer- Tumult of Applause. German headquarters admits that in He was pulled down again came Coroner Hor?an said that the first vessels were pro- These precipitated neighborhood Carency al- Are Being Withheld. and chant armed and The names of seven Americans, all remarks a tumult the of the up almost underneath two boats. He torpedo fired by the German sub- vided with hand grenades. privates, were on of of applause and patriotic enthusiasm lies have succeeded in occupying the was picked up moment marine did serious damage to the the list a fresh at- Paris, May 10, 9.30 p. m. "The gov- a later. Carried War Materials. Canadian casualty list Issued at Otta attended by a waving of thousands ol foremost German trenches. The Dr. Kenan was ill when he went Lusitania, but that, not satisfied with wa. They were among small American flags. The president tacks and counter-attack- s are contin- ernment of Italy today awaits the final this, the Germans had discharged an- "Besides, it has been openly admitted the wounded.
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