THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY ---------- PAGE 10 MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2004 SINCE 1868 50¢ Radicals target U.S. contractors in Saudi Arabia BY CRAIG WHITLOCK Abu Ghraib AND RENAE MERLE prison outside WASHHlTOO POST of Baghdad and the Guan­ LONDON - The three t~namo Bay Americans killed or kidnapped detention by Islamic radicals in Saudi facility in Arabia in the past week were Cuba_ likely selected as targets many Although days or weeks in advance and Johnson Johnson was singled out because of their Iddnapped employed by work as military contractors, Lockheed Mar­ U.S. and Saudi officials said on tin, the telephone number on his Sunday. business card indicated that he Authorities continued to worked at the Riyadh headquar­ search for the kidnapped Amer­ ters ofAdvanced Electronics Co., ican, Paul M. Johnson Jr., 55, a Saudi technology firm that an employee of Bethesda, Md.­ manages a number of defense based Lockheed Martin Corp., contracts for the Saudi govern­ whose family reported on June ment. 12 that he had vanished in Advanced Electronics was Riyadh, the Saudi capital. the employer of American Ken­ A group calling itself AI neth Scroggs, who was gunned Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula down by three assailants as he issued a statement on June 12 pulled into the garage of his saying it had captured John­ Riyadh home on June 12, Daily son and would treat him in the Saudi officials said. Nedra Johnson plays at the Mill Sunday night as part of the Gay PrIde Festival and Gay Pride Mon1h . The show's proceeds, along with a silent same way that U.S. troops treated Iraqi detainees in the Sa IAIIIII, PAGE 3 auction held al the Mill, will support the 2OD4loW3 Women 's Music Festival, which will be held Sept. 18. r Police union takes !' Out of the closet &into the Pride Iowa City to court .( BY LINDSEY IGNACE the parade as we walked Month, and since 1969, gay, adding that the festival pro­ THE DAlLYIOWAN through." lesbian, bisexual, and trans­ motes visibiHty of gay families He estimated that 900 peo­ gender communities through­ and equal rights. I Techno music blared from ple from allover the Midwest out the world have held Though the Pride Festival in health squabble s peakers next to a stage on participated in the June 12 parades and festivals in recog­ and Parade was the main June 12 in College Green Park, ( events, which featured musi­ nition of that. event of Pride Month, Iowa The union alleges that dur­ where a large crowd gathered BY JESSICA SEVESKA cians, dancers, and speakers. After the parade finished, Pride has events planned ing mediation, the labor organ­ for Iowa Pride's 20th Gay Pride THE DAlLYIOWAN "Things went really well,' he people continued to gather in throughout June. Singer ization and the city agreed to Parade, part of the Pride Festi.!' said, adding that this year's the park to listen to a variety Nedra johnson performed at The union representing Iowa cap monthly health-insurance val a nd Gay Pride Month in theme is "Together in the of music and speakers, includ­ the Mill on Sunday night, and City poLice filed a request for a premiums at $40, but now the Iowa City. Name of Pride,· which focuses ing House of Representatives on June 23 there will be a temporary injunction against city is threatening to violate " People of all ages met at the on current issues for the gay, candidate Dave Franker and showing of the film The Iron Iowa City on June 9 in 6th Dis­ that agreement. City officials park before marching through lesbian, bisexual, and trans­ Iowa City City Councilor Rege­ Lady at Public Space One, 6112 trict Court, alleging that the now propose to eliminate the \ downtown, pausing at the gender community. ·We are nia Bailey. Dubuque St. city is planning to deduct more premium cap. intersection of Linn and Wash­ celebrating diversity in Iowa "I come to this every year," "We want to recognize and pay for health insurance than According to the current the two parties had previously ington Streets to take a City. It represents aU identities she said. "It's one of my honor the people that came labor contract, "The city pays agreed upon. f moment of silence to honor the coming together.' favorites because it is a family the majority of the cost of such before us in Iowa City and Records show the current insurance, but members pay 5 ( victims of AIDS and AIDS­ Civil unions and basic civil and community event." nation-wide, as well as pursue labor contract between the city related illnesses. rights were among the topics The Pride Festival also had current situations and and the Police Labor Relations per cent per month of the "The parade kicked [the fes­ discussed, as well as employ­ vendors and booths with every­ progress," Hansen said. "We've Organization of Iowa City monthly premium, subject to a tival] off very nicely," said ment, housing, and individual thing from free hair wraps to come a long way but we stilI expires on June 30. The two maximum of $35 per month Chuck Howes, an Iowa Pride rights, said Thny Hansen, a co­ rainbow stickers. have a way to go yet." parties met with a mediator in during the first six months of co-chalrman and a UI senior. chairman of Iowa Pride. "I love to come to gay pride,' E-mail 0/ reporter U.., "lICe at: February in order to construct "It was nice to see people join June is National Pride said Anne Pollock of Iowa City, lindsey- Ignaceculowaed~ a new labor contract. Sa POIJCE LAWlUn, PAGI: 3 New Brown Deer wows City shows off its glitzy new Public Library Coralville, area golfers BY NICK PETERSEN ~I have one warning to give: Don't TIlE ~LY IOWAN get lost out there,· said Library Director Susan Craig. "I was dusting BY AMY JESSE "The golf was terrific/ he The re-opening of the Iowa City and rearranging furniture when I THE DAllY IOWAN said. "I'll golf here a lot." Public Library on June 12 prompted realized that I didn't have my purse. The new nine holes are laid an emotional Shaner Magalhaes to It took me more than 15 minutes to Assistant golf professional over a stretch of freshly trimmed ft hold up a sign reading "Library Yes find it." Tommy Dee summed up the green located to the north of the that struck up chants from onlookers The bUilding has nearly doubled new Brown Deer Golf Course in br and-new, full-service club­ impressed with the breadth of the one word: spectacular. house, which also opened June in size. from 47,000 square feet to new city building. 81,276. The size is most notable on The course, 1900 Country Club 12. It in.cludes a banquet hall, '"lb quote pop culture icons Wayne Drive in Coralville, opened under pro shop, and restaurant. the second floor, where a corridor and Garth ofWayne'B World , 'I am not a beating sun on June 12 after UI junior Jason Decker said lined .with 36 bookcases and a refer­ worthy',~ said Library Board Presi­ almost two years of construction. Divots, the bar and restaurant ence desk overlook Dubuque Street dent Magal.haes as he stepped to the The ni ne new holes will that overlooks the golf course, is on one end and Linn Street on the side of the podium and bowed with expand the Brown Deer golf a perfect place for university other. both arms outstretched. 'This is a fes­ course to 18 holes after renova­ students to hang out because The addition provides growth tions on the "old nine" are com­ the food is inexpensive but good. tivity; this is a celebration. I am giddy space for collections of books and pleted in August. "College kids will also appre­ with excitement.· multimedia; many of the bookcases .,n. Tee-times were booked in ciate the great golf course and Patrons filled the 193 seats in the have empty shelves. advance of the June 12 opening, its reasonable prices,· said building's Meeting Room A while the "The increase in the volume of with golfers excited about the Decker, a waiter at Divots. remainder of the audience stood m.aterials it1l be able to handle is a opportunity to try the new holes If the goJrers' words and smiles against the walls, waiting to get their great improvement,· said Iowa City were not enough to prove Brown at Coralville'S only public course. first glimpse of the 23-year-old build­ resident and donor Bob Libby. He Deer's appeal, the reservations ing's renovation. added that the new self checkout "The place was pa cked all were. By the aftemocIl rJ: JWle 11, 2-3 day," said Steve McLeran, a Sunlight pouring through floor-to­ stations are intriguing. all theJune 12 tee times Iiun 8 a.m. ceiling windows yet to be equipped Other technology advancements Brown Deer assistant golf pro­ to 2 p.m. were lxdIed, Dee said. By grounded out with shades made it difficult for include both wireless and Ethernet fessional. He said there was a JUDe 12, n:ot rJ: the l'mIIIiniqr tee similar turnout on Sunday. patrons to see a video about the con­ connections in addition to perma­ the times were also l'EIIII!I'IIed. inninB Despite hot, humid weather, The banquet hall also grabbed struction process on a garage-door­ nent computers, completing the 11 bits, all but the Brown Deer staff got a very sized projection screen.
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