The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus Another Chapter ANOTHER issue of the Notre Dame everyone from the president of the V«L47 ALUMNUS brings still another University to his roommate to do chapter in the life of a growing uni­ something for or about Notre Dame. James D. Cooney versity. This time the news con­ And not once did he fail in his EXECUTIVE SECKETAKV cerns the move towards full co­ assignments. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION education between Notre Dame and A government major, the ol' John P. Thurin '59 ENTOK St. Mary's . the graduation of redhead was a member of the Univer­ Tom Sullivan '66 another Notre Dame class, the '69ers, sity's Student Life Council and MANACINC EDITOR itself a commentary on the tenor president of Farley Hall. Next for Meg Zweis of this institution ... the University's Mike is a two-year tour in Ceylon ASSISTANT EDITOR Bai Mitchell "71 view of ROTC on the Notre Dame with the Peace Corps. He then Mike McCa-jIcy '69 campus ... the $1 million gift by plans to earn a degree in public ad­ John MeDermott '70 Gulf and Western, a demonstration Jeanninc Doty ministration or law. Whatever his EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS of that corporation's "commitment course, Mike will do well. In our M. Bruce Harlan '49 to higher education" ... the estab­ book—and, admittedly we are CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER lishment of "The Robert F. Ken­ ALUMNI ASSOaATION OFFICERS biased—he's number one. If you ever Richard A. Rosenthal '54 nedy Institute for Social Action," meet him, you'll agree too. To HONORARY PRESIDENT a sort of clearinghouse to mobilize him goes our sincere appreciation Leonard H. Skoslund '38 student as well as faculty and t^tESIDENT for a job well done. Edward G. Cannvcll '24 administration resources to meet the Mike's departure signals the pro­ ViCE-BlESIDENT needs of impoverished people . motion of our other two students. Bill Edward B. Fitzpatrick Jr '54 and, of course, a report on this year's ViCE-RlESIDENT Mitchell, a junior-to-be theology major John J. Reidy '27 Blue and Gold game, a glimpse who's been with us for two years, ViCE-ftlES IDENT of what Irish fans might expect James D. Cooney '59 will be the new custodian of the ExEcum'E SECRETARY this fall. ALUMNUS student column and will continue his fine work on feature DIRECTORS TO 1970 This issue of the ALUMNUS also Edwaid G. Cantwcll '24 (PuBuc RELATIONS marks a change in the magazine's shories for both magazines. Senior-to- AND DEVELOPME-NT) 700 Binns Blvd., staff. Each year graduation takes its be John MeDermott, our "walk on" Columbus, Ohio 43204 Edward B. Fitzpatrick Jr '54 (STUDENT AF­ toll in this office. This June we've this year who was looking for work FAIRS) 5 The Maples, Roslyn Estates, NY lost senior Mike McCauIey, one and writing and who found lots of 11576 both, will be our man in student af­ Richard A. Rosenthal '54, P.O. Box 200, of three student writers on the com­ South Bend, Ind. 46616 bined ALUMNUS-INSIGHT: NOTRE fairs. His job will be to stay on top of John J. Reidy '27 (ACADEMIC .\FFAIRS) 11850 DAME magazines staff. Anyone who the Campus scene particularly when Edgewater Dr., l.akcwood, Ohio 44107 Leonard H. Skoghmd '38 (ATHLETIC, SENATE has followed us in the last two years and where it involves students. RELATIONS) 426 Dover Ave., LaGrange knows Mike's contributions have We hope to stay on top of the F^ik, lU. 60525 been frequent and valuable. In addi­ entire Notre Dame scene for you DIRECTORS TO 1971 tion to writing the regular student again next year because the chances W. Jerome Kane '38, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, column, he also handled numerous are good that we could preface Wash. 98124 news and feature stories. We even de­ Walter M. Langford '30, 1315 Otsego St., each new issue as we did this one: South Bend, Ind. 46617 signed him into the December, 1967, "Another Notre Dame ALUMNUS . Donald F. O'Brien '42, 1113 Rocky River ALUMNUS cover on "Student Power." still another chapter in the life Rd., Hoouston, Texas 77002 As a matter of fact, we liked the of a growing university." Francis J. Wilson '28, 6105 Howe St., guy so much that we kept him on his Fittsbuigh, Pa. 15219 beat until graduation day. His last DIRECTORS TO 1972 assignment was his part in the profile Robert A. Erkins '47, P.O. Box 546, Buhl, Id. John T. Iklassman '56, 3917 Broadway, Kansas on the Class of '69 which begins on Caty, Mo. page 37. But Mike was more than Frank L. McGinn '52, 900 Building, Porapano "our man." He was called upon by Beach, Fla. Robert L. McGoIdrick '56, 15 Drury Lane, West Hartford, Conn. Leanaid H. Tose '37, 64 W. 4th St., Bridge­ port, Pa. 1968 Notre Dame ALUUNUS, University of . Notre Dame, all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part without written permis­ sion b prohiibited. The Notre Dame ALUUNUS is published seven times .a year by the University of Notre Dame,, Second-class postage paid at Notre McCauhy Mitchell MeDermott Dame, IN. 46556. UNIVERSITY Two good neighbors for a century and a quarter have decided to get serious. Steps Toward CoeducaiMon THE presidents of the University of "virtually unrecognizable as separate." schedules, academic calendars and Notre Dame and St. Mary's College He pointed out that the current plan admissions. In order to develop a announced May 9 a program which does not commit either school to an more balanced ratio between the will begin initial steps toward co­ eventual merger and that it does not number of male and female students, education between the two neighbor­ rule out the possibility that Notre St. Mary's has initiated plans to ing schools. Long an issue under Dame may eventually seek another double its freshman class enrollment intensive study and examination, the way to go coeducational. to 500 students, thus producing a cooperative coeducational plan was The mechanics of the newly 1:3 ratio to Notre Dame's freshman made public by Rev. Theodore M. announced proposal appear in several enrollment of 1500, v^hich will be Hesburgh CSC, President of Notre phases. The immediate phase will maintained at its present level. Dame, and Msgr. John J. McGrath, involve coeducational classes for 245 Father Sheedy further clarified the President of St. Mary's. Both freshman students from each institu­ technicalities of the transitional presidents appointed Rev. Charles E. tion in four Arts and Letters courses program by stating that students Sheedy CSC, former Arts and Letters beginning next September. Also next would still receive separate diploma: Dean at Notre Dame and currently year, the existing "Co-Exchange" from their respective schools. Dean of the Institute for Advanced program which involves over 700 "However, if a woman becomes Theological Studies, to be in charge ND-SMC students will be doubled or totally involved at Notre Dame in her of both the theoretical and operational tripled^-enabling more students to academic program," Father Sheedy details of the new program. cross institutional lines in selecting added, "it would be logical for her The new program is not an actual, and taking courses. degree to come from Notre Dame legal merger of the two institutions The second phase of the co­ rather than from St. Mary's." As far but is designed to lead toward one. educational proposal will come in the as the undergraduate coeducational Father Sheedy personally visualizes fall of 1971 when both institutions program is projected at Notre Dame- the two schools ultimately as being will consolidate registration, class St. Mary's, Father Sheedy points Pretty, smiling faces will bring a neiv dimension to the Notre Dame community. to the eventual goal as being some­ Sheedy predicts, there could be a Notre Dame has looked beyond thing similar to the Harvard- total of 2000 ND-SMC undergradu­ St. Mary's in its efforts to attract more Radcliffe model. ates involved in the "Co-Ex" program female students into the Notre Dame In the area of faculty appointments by the spring of 1970. The four community. and control. Father Sheedy explained initial liberal arts courses presented to The idea of going Co-ed has been that the two colleges will be on a the freshmen in Phase I next fall totally accepted in principle by ad­ joint approval basis "as quickly as will be taught in sections at both ministrators and trustees of both St. possible." He said that control will campuses and will include seminars on Mary's and Notre Dame. While be placed where it can best be the humanities, and courses in world other proposals and alternatives were exercised, pointing out the example civilization, political science or open to Notre Dame, the logic of that St. Mary's would probably have government, and introductory developing the two colleges together control of the elementarj' and sociology. because of their close physical prox­ secondary education areas since that The historic announcement of imity and historical connections department is so strong across the May 9 was the immediate result of appears to have eventually swayed road. a yearlong study conducted by a the argument. Explaining the second phase of coordinating committee headed by The reaction among the faculty at the plan, Father Sheedy pointed out Rev. John E. Walsh, CSC, Vice- both Notre Dame and St. Mary's that the expansion of the "Co-Ex" president for Academic Affairs at has been generally favorable con­ program will enable more students to Notre Dame, and Dr.
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