r t - ... - , f y itie TIMES' circu- i CT XCUUSITE all-da- nerrlce ol tbs was - i p 'rw v L(" "u Mr United Press, New England As 295,618 lation for last week. kB auciuied 1'resn, Southern Imv oluted Press, Now York Stuto Associ- ated I'rcsH,.snpplenienieu' toy too publish. STAR'S right to Jn Washing The circulation I7Q 00 t-- ton tUo New iXork' Herald copyright Cable" Service. for last week was . iw70B l4j9 ff VOL. 1. INX). 263. WASHTtfGTO, D. C, FRIDAY EVNOTG, JUSTE 5,-- 1&96 EIGHT PAGES. ONE CENT. For all his life, the witness testified, he LATEST WORSHIPPER. NO THOUHLE ANTICIPATED. STORY had lived In the old Holt's Bottom, down T' PLACED OHTHE CfeLEHDIR Bill STERRETT'S by the sleepy Ohio. Tradition said the Deport Thut England "Will Use Force place went into the hands of his family in Agnlnut Hawaii Unfounded. 1811. The rather of the witnesslived there, San Francisco. June 5. The sensational and that was tho place the distinguished report published yesterday by an evening With Judge Holt judge advocate general loved, and said, ac- paper asserting that Englanll was endeav- Mr. P..organ's Competitor Reso- His Relations cording lo some witnesses heretofore, was oring to coerce President Dole into allow-ln- g the tmly spot on earth ho regarded as home. ColVolney O. Asbford, who bad been Soon Told In Court. "Where were jou during the war?" deported from the Island on conylct'on of lution. Was Settled. asked Judge Wilson after Mr. Holt had re- misprison of treason, to return To Hawaii, lated with considerable detail many of the and intimating that P.rcsfdent Dole had ap- Incidents of his early lire." pealed to Washington to prevent the ex- HIS VERY THOSE BOTTLES AND CORKS "I was at home and at school until 1804. pected coercion on the part of Great Britain, EARNEST SPEECH and then I entered the Confederate army." and that In consequence n clash between "Did your father correspond with Judge British and American naval forces was Holt during the war?" threatened at Honolulu, tt.ns out to have "Col." Does Call Them nnb-bls- h "They wrote occasional letters." been brought by a passenger who arrived Declared Thnt the rrcsldent Should The Not your Tho Inters lew Huliveeu Luko "Did uncle Joseph visit the old from Honolulu on the Alameda Inform the Semite Whut lias Been homestead after the war and while your The utter absurdity of these stories was Done Consre-H- Mionld Not Devlin und "Washington Holt The was living?" by father shown the met that Col. Ashford has Ameri- Central Figure In tho Case on tho "He did. In about 1870. He- visited been confined for nearly nine months in the fetnnd. again after that." French hospital of this city, .suffering from cans sentenced to Death by Spain. Witness "When was that?" a variety of Ills, which culminated In a "I am not certain. I know he came paraljtlc stroke, and for six weeks past shortly my after father's death, and I his nourishment has been given him by In the absence of both Vice President Tlic Ilolt will tlral was resumed this think he visited us between 1870 and mentiBof a tube. again 1876." At the present time he Is undergoing Stevenson and the president pro tern, morning with Col. "Bill" Sterrctt ot Frye Maine, As to There were no manifestations of animos- some slight Improvement, hut was not in a the Senate, Mr. of the chair la tlie witness cliair. be advanced was Mr. top of his ity between Judge Holt and the father of condition to be Intenlewed. His brother. taken today by riatt. Ins seat lie fastened the button the witness. Judge Holt visited the old Clarence, however, is iburoughly familiar A resolution to amend tbe rules so as to elfectually resist tlie - coat as If to roire home two or three times eicrj- year after with the cohjuel's affairs, and denies that have the general appropriation bills re scathing winds of Queries and iross-quen- lb7G. The distinguished guest took much the latter has nskeil permission to return ftrred to the several committees havtngttc that were likely to follow. to the Islend. He says that If such were subject In charge, wa soffered by Continued on Second Page. he would accept, It.-- mutter Mr. Worthlngton Immediately showed the were granted, refuse to Committee containing Mr. Proctor and referred to the witness two newspapers lens on on Rules. news accounts of Judge lit It's deatii SURE THEY HA YE HERMANN THE DISnICTcON6RESS Ameiiuments to the Joint resolution as Wednesday, August 1, 1S04. In ore of to the lecrganization or the Northern Pa- the papers tlie story was placed on the TrtJit cific Railroad Company, in reference to page.ln theothcr on the secendpage. lUitli the lands of the company, were offered by I'ublicatloiib had large "stare" heads. Minister-Murder- er Has B9en Locat- senator Fau'knsr Retires From f ha Senators Mitchell and Nelson, and were The attorney later asked leave to offer referred to the Judiciary Committee. show wide ed by the St. Louis Police The resolution offered last Wednesday tlie papers in evidence to that Ford's Theater Commission. by Mr. Morgan In relation to United States publication was madeof Judge Holt'sdcath, citizens captured on the American vessel and that any person who hall the alleged Competitor, !u Cuban waters, and sen- was practlcallj noWled. to or Imprisonment, was laid will at that time Authorities at Suit Luke Notified nod Hill to Incre'asi- - ot Mrs. Ella tenced death Mr. Dtilin had also stated on the stand Pension before the Senate, and Mr. Morgan made Asked to Forward Money to Munnlx No Uopex for Sew au argument In support of the resolution. that he looked In one of tlie papers for a Defray Expenses. notice r the funeral, hut he found none. Printing Office. NO INFORMATION. Mr. Worthingtnu produced a newspaper The Competitor incident, he said, oc- containing such a notice, and made a mo- curred in the middle or May; but the Senate tion t offer this in evidence. Mr. Dar- St. Louis, Mo., June 5. Chief Harrlgan At scon as the Senate met this morning bad not yet bad the slightest information lo- on lington objected and Judge Bradley sus- and his detectives think they have Mr oT Virginia aFked to uc the subject from the executive depart- Faulkner West ment of the govcrniift.it. tained him. cated Rev. Francis Hermann, the fugithe relieved rrom further "service on the Font's minister Salt Lake Under the statute It was made tbe duty Mr "H orthlngton led off with quest'ons murderer of citj, Utah, Theater eommlFslon. His request was They only learned positively of the President to tiemaud forthwith the nbout the family of Washington D. Holt. have not granted, and the president of the Senate reasons for the Imprisonment of Americans Just afler the Judge's fall, he asked Col. tliat Hermann was at the Union station wi'l uppolnt.his successor. in foreign orernmen.and to demand their Stern u. if he had notified Washington. Ilo in this city about Maj 11, but they have In an interview with a representative release if such Imprisonment appeared had uol Judge ilolt told lili.i not to do sc, traced his movements sine? then, and last of The Times Mr. Faulkner said: "The wrongful The only" Information which Chief Harrlgan to re- House Committee on Foreign Relations but did not say why. lie asked about the ulz'it admitted a has seen fit tn cut out eleven of the the hadoa referring to porter that he knows where the beneficiaries of our report and wants us tbe subject was from the puhhc prints, and folks down In the "Bottom," is In hiding. to act on these cases again. It Is simply from the testimony or a Mr. Lawrence HoirsBotlom.tn Kcntucky.and spoke kind- The chief acknowledged more than this. useles" for the same commlslon to go oier before a subcommittee, consisting of Mr. ly al out them up to the time of his death. He admitted that jesterday he ssnt a tele- these cases and find any different report. Davis and himself, and which he would gram to Chief or I'ulice l'ratt of Salt Lake clnity of the Bunker Hill road, and has We examined the testimony in the cases, have published In the.Record. HIS KEEN" INTEREST. Increased glrli in Cit) Informing hhn that Hernia mi had bceri CASE the fiars tho the county THE MEMBERS mint carefully an 1 had all tlie Information A question was raised by Mr. Turpie, a UIIST iRREGLfl have suffered since the Kreglo tragedy. In Lis conversations with the witness, the located, and telling him tint ir the Salt Mm before us that the Secretary of War had member of the Cummiltec on Foreign Rela- Judgea:wassecmedanxiousiei hear about Lake City uuthoritlles would send enough when he wrote his letter to Mr. Sayers tions, as to whether that testimony should thooil.ei members of the Holt family. He money here the St. L uis police would bring AUSTIN CORIUK'S FUNEHAL. of the House, the same letter on which the be made public, as it had uot yet come be- always displayed keen interest and prid.j about the fugithe criminal's apprehension. House acted. .For this reason I asked to be fore the committee. Chief Harrlgan urged absolute silence in a Very TV111 Tuko In New Ilo Between relieved from further service on the com- The point was Indorsed by Mr.
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