Nor’easter hits east coast Michigan plays Texas A&M Northeast gets clobbered with fourth Escape artists Michigan, Texas A&M snowstorm in 3 weeks clash in West Region NATION • 7 SPORTS • 9 DAILY GLOBE Thursday, March 22, 2018 Mostly sunny yourdailyglobe.com | High: 38 | Low: 18 | Details, page 2 Committee approves community development plan By RICHARD JENKINS member Brad Matson. “pie in the sky”; whereas the lat- county’s natural and cultural in at its borders,” Matson said. [email protected] “In the past, it was goal-orient- est draft starts with all the assets resources – and doesn’t necessar- The county is required to HURLEY – The process of ed with no reference to where you the county has to offer and there- ily stop at the county’s borders. update its plan every five years developing Iron County’s Asset were coming from and, ‘Is that fore the targets are more achiev- One asset in the plan dis- and revise it every 10 years, Based Community Development (goal) realistic,’ Matson told the able. cussed during the public hearing according to Matson. strategy is nearly complete, after Daily Globe after the meeting. “This is taking into account prior to the draft’s approval was It was the time for our the Iron County Comprehensive “With the asset-based plan, you what we have and what we can the development of Copper Peak rewrite,” he said after the meet- Planning, Land and Zoning Com- start with what you have and fig- possibly do,” he said, adding he and the positive impact the ing. mittee forwarded a draft onto the ure how you can build on that hopes this change will also mean return of sky flying could have to During the meeting, he also full county board for final and can you use what you have to the plan is used more, rather Iron County’s tourism industry thanked the various people who approval. advance your goals.” than simply gathering dust on a even though the facility itself is in worked on the plan over the past The plan is a replacement of During the meeting, Matson shelf. Ironwood Township. the county’s former comprehen- said past plans would sometimes The plan includes a wide vari- “This plan from the beginning sive plan, according to committee set development goals that were ety of assets – including the has not been Iron County locked PLAN — page 5 DNR awards over FOLEY CREEK Iowa man arraigned in $500,000 to Iron Belle Ontonagon projects statewide County By JAN TUCKER news for these communi- jamadots.com n Western ties,” the DNR’s state trails ONTONAGON – An Iowa Gateway Trail coordinator, Paul Yauk, man faces seven criminal said in a news release. “The Authority gets charges in a bizarre incident Iron Belle Trail is Michi- in the Village of Ontonagon. $19,720 gan’s showcase trail; there Paul Dean Smith, 26, are so many amazing LANSING – The state of DeMoines, Iowa was places that it touches or Michigan announced the arraigned in Ontonagon Dis- passes through. As we con- latest round of grant fund- trict Court Wednesday. The tinue to build these part- ing for projects on the Iron story started with an alleged nerships and make connec- Belle Trail earlier this theft of an automobile in tions, Michigan’s trail week, including one in Iowa. He then drove to Trout users will reap the bene- Gogebic County. Creek where he got stuck and fits.” The Department of Nat- police arrested him in the The non-motorized trail ural Resources awarded a stolen vehicle Thursday, – which runs from Iron- total of $515,000 to 28 pro- March 15. Smith then report- wood to Belle Isle in jects in 18 different coun- edly gave police a false name Detroit – is expected to ties across the state Mon- and while on the way to the span 2,019 miles once day, with Western Gateway jail had a medical incident complete, according to the Trail Authority in Gogebic and was brought to the County receiving $19,720 Aspirus Ontonagon Hospital. for route planning. On Saturday March 17, Smith “This is tremendous PROJECTS — page 5 escaped from the hospital in his hospital attire. He then allegedly entered a home near the hospital and Michigan State Police asked the resident for clothes warn residents of scam WAKEFIELD – The call a phone number with- ARRAIGNED — page 5 Michigan State Police, in 24 hours. The MSP Wakefield Post released wants you to know that law information for the public enforcement will not con- regarding a new phone tact you and leave such a Bond set in Iron solicitation scheme cur- message. Scammers how- rently targeting local resi- ever usually give the victim Submitted photo County sexual dents. a sense of urgency, pre- FOLEY CREEK flows between snow-ladened banks Monday in Ironwood Callers are saying there Township. Rich Aho, who took the photo, said while the scene is pretty, it are “serious allegations shows we may have to wait a bit for spring in the Northland. Foley Creek assault case against your name” and to runs into Mud Creek from Jarvi Country in the township, he added. By RICHARD JENKINS SCAM — page 5 [email protected] HURLEY – Bond was set for a Milwaukee man in Iron District solo, ensemble competition at Luther L. Wright today County Court Monday during his initial appearance on By IAN MINIELLY is no guarantee or mini- charges related to an alleged [email protected] mum number of contes- sexual assault this summer. IRONWOOD – Luther tants or slots for state. Each Daniel Aguirre, 19, is L. Wright is hosting the element is graded indepen- charged with first-degree district Solo and Ensemble dently upon their own child sexual assault-sexual Festival today. According to skills and only those in the contact with a child under the choir teacher Lydia Matt- Class A division can quali- age of 13 and exposing a child son, judges will be on hand fy for state although each to harmful material. to rate the different soloists contestant, no matter The assault charge is a and ensembles, to include which division, is awarded Class B felony, with a maxi- ACCENT!, based on their a rating. mum potential sentence of 60 performances. Judges will The music festival is years in prison, while the award 1-4 stars after each scheduled to run from 1-8 other charge is a Class I performance, with one star p.m., with competitors felony, with a potential maxi- being the highest rating from Bessemer, Hurley, mum sentence of a $10,000 possible. A one-star rating and LLW on hand to deliv- fine and/or up to three years, comes with a second er their best and win a trip six months in prison. reward, a trip to the Wis- to state. Mattson said the Judge Patrick Madden set a consin state LLW band room on the $50,000 signature bond for competition,May 5. first floor and the choir Count 1, according to court Mattson said there is no room at 227 and room 205 records, and a $500 cash minimum number of one are going to be used for the bond for the second count. stars that must be handed competition. Each room The records show Aguirre Ian Minielly/Daily Globe out. It is possible, although will have its own judge. posted the $500 bond Tues- BRYCE KILLAM, a Luther L. Wright senior, singing “Brother Will, Brother she doubted it had Bryce Killam was seen day after signing for the larger John” Wednesday afternoon in the LLW Choir Room. Choir teacher Lydia occurred before, that upon practicing “Brother Will, bond Monday. Mattson plays piano behind Killam. Killam has worked his way up through completion of the festival the ranks and is competing in the “A” division this year so he can possibly the judges had not handed earn a trip to state. out a single one star. There LLW — page 5 ASSAULT — page 5 TODAY INDEX Mostly sunny — Details, page 2 Business . .13 75 cents Classifieds . .12-14 Wednesday Today’s records Snowfall Comics . .11 Vol. 99, No. 103 High 32 High 66 (2012) 24 hours to 7 a.m. Community . .3 Low 10 Low -14 (1976) Wednesday none Snow depth 18 in. Obituaries . .7 Year ago today Precipitation Season total 136.1 in. Opinion . .4 High 49 24 hours to 7 a.m. Last year 114.5 in. Low 9 Wednesday none Sports . .9-10 l 2 THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2018 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECASTFOORECAST FOR IRONWOODIRRONWOOD TEXAS BOMBINGS TODAY FRIDAYY SATURDAY SUNDAYSUNDAY MONDAY Mostly Sunny Partly CloudyClouudy Mostly Cloudy Mostly Sunny Chance Rain 38° 18° 35° 19°199° 34° 20° 39° 24° 41° 25° Winds: Winds: Winds: Winds:Winnds: Winds: 1-61-6 mphmph S 2-92-9 mphmph NENE 9 mphmph E 1111 mphmph SESE 7-147-14 mphmph SSESSE Ontonagon LOCALL OUTLOOK 33/17 Todayy we will see mostly sunny Bergland skies with a slightg chance of rain 37/17 and snow,snow, high temperature of 38°, Wakefield Ironwood humidityhumiddity of 36%. South wind 1 to 6 Associated Press Saxon 37/16 38/18 Marenisco mph. The record high temperature AUTHORITIES SURROUND the home of the Austin bombing suspect Mark Conditt 38/19 for todaytoday is 66° set in 1945. Bessemer 38/13 in Pflugerville, Texas, Wednesday. Authorities say Conditt, a man suspected of Upson Hurley 36/16 Watersmeet planting several deadly bombs in the Texas capital this month, blew himself up in 39/19 38/18 39/11 SUNS AND MOON a motel parking lot overnight as a SWAT team approached his SUV.
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