Reference Notes The research for this book included the Morphology of New Brunswick publications and web references on the Waterfalls. Bulletin of the Natural waterfalls listed below. Several people History Society of New Brunswick. interested in the natural history of our No. XX Volume IV, Part V, 1902, province also provided information. pp.436-450. Folks working with the Department of Natural Resources as well as informa- Ganong, William F. Notes on the tion afforded by the internet provided Natural History and Physiography of information about several waterfalls. New Brunswick. 75: The Origin of the A valuable source of information Fundian System of Rivers. Bulletin has been my website, wwww.water- of the Natural History Society of New fallsnewbrunswick.ca. Through the Brunswick, No. XXII, Volume V, 1903, site waterfall enthusiasts have provided pp.201-211. information on favourite waterfalls such as Falls Brook Falls in Madawaska North American Bear Center, http:// County and Jennings Falls in Carleton www.bear.org/website/ County. It can be safely stated that there is no WorldWaterfalls, http://worldwaterfalls. one single compendium of information com/waterfall_types.php on this topic. This publication is the first of its kind. THE ACADIAN COASTAL DRIVE Mitcham, Allison. The Best of Abraham INTRODUCTION Gesner. Hantsport, NS, Lancelot Press, Fensome, Robert A, and Graham L. 1995, p.38. Williams, eds. The Last Billion Years: A Geological History of the Maritime Melanson Falls Provinces of Canada. Halifax: Nimbus Ganong, William F. Notes on the Publishing and Atlantic Geoscience Natural History and Physiography of Society, 2001, pp.14, 19, 177-192. New Brunswick. 4: On the Color of the Water in New Brunswick Rivers. Ganong, William F. Notes on the Bulletin of the Natural History Society Natural History and Physiography of New Brunswick, No. XVI, Volume IV, of New Brunswick. 48: The Part I, 1898, pp.44-46. 279 Rapide de Femme Falls Pabineau Falls Rayburn, Alan. Toponymy Study 2: Thomas, Peter. Lost Land of Moses: Geographical Names of New Brunswick. The Age of Discovery on New Bruns- Ottawa: Surveys and Mapping Branch, wick’s Salmon Rivers. Fredericton: Department of Energy, Mines & Goose Lane Editions, 2001. Resources, 1975, p.105. Tetagouche Falls Four Falls Rayburn, Alan. Toponymy Study 2: Campbell, Gary. The Road to Canada: Geographical Names of New Brunswick. The Grand Communications Route Ottawa: Surveys and Mapping Branch, from Saint John to Quebec. Fredericton: Department of Energy, Mines & Goose Lane Editions, 2005. p.65. Resources, 1975, p.269. Gibson Falls Rayburn, Alan. Toponymy Study 2: THE APPALACHIAN RANGE ROUTE Geographical Names of New Brunswick. Gounamitz Falls Ottawa: Surveys and Mapping Branch, Atlantic Canada Aviation. http://www. Department of Energy, Mines & atlanticcanadaaviation.com/tbmgallery/ Resources, 1975, p.255. bu/53592.htm Coac Falls Williams Falls Rayburn, Alan. Toponymy Study 2: Friends of Mount Carleton Park. www. Geographical Names of New Brunswick. friendsofmountcarleton.ca Ottawa: Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines & Resources, 1975, p.81. THE RIVER VaLLEY SCENIC DRIVE Clark Wright, Esther. Saint John River Lower Joslin Falls and Its Tributaries. Toronto: McClelland Rayburn, Alan. Toponymy Study 2: and Stewart, 1966, p.13. Geographical Names of New Brunswick. Ottawa: Surveys and Mapping Branch, Grand Falls/Grand-Sault Department of Energy, Mines & About Grand Falls — History of Grand Resources, 1975, p.143. Falls. www.grandfalls.com/english/ about/history.html Mooney Ridge Falls Queen County Historical Society & Campbell, Gary. The Road to Canada: Museum Inc. The Grand Communications Route from Saint John to Quebec. Fredericton: Flaglor Falls Goose Lane Editions, 2005. p.17. Rayburn, Alan. Toponymy Study 2: Geographical Names of New Brunswick. 280 Waterfalls of New Brunswick: A Guide Ottawa: Surveys and Mapping Branch, Moss Glen Falls Department of Energy, Mines & Rayburn, Alan. Toponymy Study 2: Resources, 1975, p.107. Geographical Names of New Brunswick. Ottawa: Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines & THE FUNDY COASTAL DRIVE Resources, 1975, p.190. Mitcham, Allison. The Best of Abraham Gesner. Hantsport, NS: Lancelot Press, Trickle (Smith) Falls 1995, p.38. Rayburn, Alan. Toponymy Study 2: Geographical Names of New Brunswick. Ganong, William F. Notes on the Ottawa: Surveys and Mapping Branch, Natural History and Physiography of Department of Energy, Mines & New Brunswick. 8: On the Manner in Resources, 1975, p.258. Which the Bay of Fundy Rivers of New Brunswick Empty Into the Sea. Bulletin The Falls at Peekaboo Corner of the Natural History Society of New Rayburn, Alan. Toponymy Study 2: Brunswick, No. XVI, Volume IV, Part I, Geographical Names of New Brunswick. 1898, pp.52-53. Ottawa: Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines & First (St. George) Falls Resources, 1975, p.212. Rayburn, Alan. Toponymy Study 2: Geographical Names of New Brunswick. Fuller Falls Ottawa: Surveys and Mapping Branch, Sentier Fundy Trail. www.fundytrail Department of Energy, Mines & parkway.com/en/trail/lookouts/ Resources, 1975, p.106. fuller_falls Lepreau Falls The Falls of Mary Pitcher Rayburn, Alan. Toponymy Study 2: Rayburn, Alan. Toponymy Study 2: Geographical Names of New Brunswick. Geographical Names of New Brunswick. Ottawa: Surveys and Mapping Branch, Ottawa: Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines & Department of Energy, Mines & Resources, 1975, p.154. Resources, 1975, p.173. The Falls of Nail Factory Brook Forty Five River Falls Calder, Doris. All Our Born Days: Government of New Brunswick, A Lively History of New Brunswick’s Department of Transportation. http:// Kingston Peninsula. Sackville, NB: www.gnb.ca/0113/coveredbridges/cb- Percheron Press, 1984, p.108. albert-e.asp#FORTY_FIVE_RIVER_#1 Reference Notes 281 THE MIRamiCHI RIVER ROUTE Curtis, Wayne. Currents in the Stream: Miramichi People & Places. Frederic- ton: Goose Lane Editions, 1988, p. xii. The Palisades Rayburn, Alan. Toponymy Study 2: Geographical Names of New Brunswick. Ottawa: Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines & Resources, 1975, p.203. Fall Brook Falls Ganong, William F. Notes on the Natural History and Physiography of New Brunswick. 109: The Height of the Highest New Brunswick Waterfall. Bulletin of the Natural History Society of New Brunswick, No. XXVII, Volume VI, Part I, 1908, pp.29-30. Ganong, William F. Notes on the Natural History and Physiography of New Brunswick. 115: The Highest New Brunswick Waterfall: Supple- mentary to Note 109. Bulletin of the Natural History Society of New Brunswick, No. XXVII, Volume VI, Part II, 1909, pp.29-30. 282 Waterfalls of New Brunswick: A Guide Index A Benjamin River 33, 49-51 Acadian Coastal Drive 33-53 Benjamin River (community) 49, 51 Acadian Timber 74, 75, 78, 81 Benjamin River Falls 32, 49-51, 53 Ackers Creek 30, 115, 116 Bennett, Jason 16 Adair’s Wilderness Lodge 222, 224, Beresford 44, 45 234 Big Bald Mountain 259 Albert County 27, 30, 229, 230, 231, Big Brook 165 232, 235, 237, 239, 241, 243, 245, 247, Big Falls. See Odell Falls 248, 250, 265, 266 Big Falls (Shogomoc Stream) 128 Albright Brook 166 Big Salmon River 19, 213, 215, 216 Alma 176, 239, 245 Big Salmon River Gorge 216 Almshouse Brook 206 Black River 210 Appalachian Mountains 17, 18, 33, 45, Blacks Field 116 47, 57, 61, 86, 103, 104 Blanchette Brook 92, 93 Appalachian Range Route 55-83 Bloomfield 205 Appalachian Trail 73 Blue Mountain Bend 77 Argosy 96 Blue Mountain Campground 77 Aroostook 98 Bocabec 180, 181 Aroostook River 98, 99 Bocabec River 179 Aroostook Valley Country Club 99 Boiestown 252, 253, 273, 275, 278 Arpin, André 62 Boston Brook 63 Arthurette 54, 83 Boucher 90 Aulac 32, 33, 176, 177 Bouctouche 32, 33 Briggs, Charlie 102 B Briggs, Eric 102 Bailey, Dr. Loring 47 Briggs family 102 Bathurst 30, 32, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, 48 Briggs Mill Falls 20, 84, 100, 101-102, Bathurst Harbour 43 103, 104, 114 Bathurst Mines 39 Bristol 84 Baxter Mountain 210 Bay of Fundy 18, 19, 86, 177, 181, 184, C 193, 195, 198, 213, 215, 220, 241 Caledonia Highlands 177, 237, 239, 247 Bear Island 141 Caledonia Mountains 248 Belleisle Bay 166, 168, 170, 204 Cambridge Narrows 166, 167, 170 Bell family 104 Campbellton 32, 51, 53, 54, 57, 59 283 Canadian Forces Base Gagetown 153, Crooked Creek 247 154 Crooked Creek Falls 30, 176, 245, 246- Canoe Arpin 62, 64 247, 249, 251 Canterbury 125, 127 Cub Camp Falls 84, 119, 120-121, 122 Cape Enrage 176 Curtis, Wayne 253 Cape Jourimain 32 Caraquet 32 D Carleton, Thomas 94 Dalhousie 32, 51, 53, 54 Carleton County 101, 103, 109, 110, Dark Hole 49 112, 113, 115, 119, 121, 122, 123, 279 Day Hill 133 Central Greenwich 173 Deliverance 220 Chain of Rocks Rapids 41 Department of Natural Resources 21, Chaleur Bay 18, 33, 41, 44, 45, 47, 51 26, 90, 163, 224, 263, 279 Chaleur Highlands 33, 43, 44, 45, 48, Department of Tourism and Parks 30 49, 53, 81 Department of Transportation 48, 57 Champlain, Samuel de 85 Dickie Mountain 206 Chance Harbour 197 Dickson Creek 239 Charlo 32, 33, 55 Dickson Falls 27, 176, 230, 238-239, Charlo Falls 32, 33, 51, 52-53, 57 241, 243 Charlotte County 179, 181, 183, 184, Didier. See Saint-Joseph, Chute de 193, 194 Dieppe 32, 176 Chemin Rang 58 Digdeguash Basin 181 Christmas Mountains 253, 263 Digdeguash Falls 176, 180-181, 183 Christopher Brook 57 Digdeguash River 181 Christopher Brook Falls 54, 56-57 Dipper Harbour 193 Christopher, James 57 Dixon, Kevin 16 Christopher, Samuel 57 Dunbar Falls 13, 30, 252, 253, 277-278 Clarendon Falls Brook 159, 161 Dunbar Stream 13, 277, 278 Clarendon Falls I 84, 156, 158, 159, Dunlop 44 161, 163 Durham Bridge 252, 277, 278 Clarendon Falls II 84, 152, 156, 158, Dutch Valley 217 159, 160-161, 163 Dykes Falls 30, 84, 166, 168, 169-170, Clearwater Falls 54, 60-61, 62, 64, 69 172, 188 Clearwater Lake 61 Coac Falls 84, 86, 131, 132-134, 142 E Coac Lake 133 East Branch Musquash Falls 176, 192, Coac Stream 133 197, 198 Colbrooke.
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