AUGUST 5, 2010 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.NILESHERALDSPECTATOR.COM * S2.00 THIS WEEK ïÚes PublicLibrary District Library 6960 Oakton Street Nues, minois 60714 Use: (847)663-1234 Only. Home Front by Blockshopper House calls Which local ' )Il(ll1lJl1II!IllJ.t]*,l residence sold, and . '4tid4, J for how much? Turn to Home Front to find out. PAGE 21 FOOD 'LIVE' FOOD Uncooked, plant-based Niles Youth Librarian Sarah Spetoskey on July 23 helps sisters Nerina, 9, and diet worth the try. T HEY GOT GAME Elimina Alic, 11, both of Nues, set up their video game at Niles Public Library's - PAGE 19 Create Your Own Video Game seminar. PAGE 3. (Joel Lerner/Staff Photographer) SOeH4og -11 S-jIN Monster and Pioneer Press now work together, bringing you even greater opportunities .Ls WO..j)ti to find the Job you ove In the town you siready do--which may be the best news of ail. IQ AN-j 0959 Your caliing is cailingfind it at pioneeriocal.com/nionster. .LSID Aaii S1N MONSTERAD PONEEa1'RES MOWWORKTOCErHER. T000 S1XN 8T0-3jO-6T 8i'1:9 PIONEERPRESS fl)OflÇ(Y ploneerlocal.com/monster 2 www.pioneerlocal.com NIL . THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 2010 3 -quIT-- NIL . THURSDAY. AUGUST 5, 2010 summer apparel o, ), Managing Editor: Matt Schmitz 10 /0 Phone: (708) 524-4433 mschmitz®pioneerlocal.com Local\ews ThIS WEEIL SUPERMARKET TO REDEEM S225K COUPON TO OPEN \ cf1: I SCHOOLS NEW GIG FOR RETIRED DISTRICT 63 SUPE? , VILLAGE HALL: WORKERS OFFERED VOLUNTARY BUVOUT TRANSPORTATION: ROAD PROJECT UPDATE to t L C earance OTI9;* prices VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR HER:sportswear for misses, petites & women swimwear shoeshandbags more selections FOR HIM:sportswear . designer collectionsmore selectionsFOR KIDS:topssetsplayweardressesmore selections Disputeover Coot dass Ian $5OO$3OOO.Final cost $170-$1020. 50% + I 5% OFF clearance fine jryoig.* Lemke, of the St. Paul, PLUS: 20%-70% OFF home clearance selectionsorig.* prices. Mino., library system bed & bathelectricsluggagehousewares ' more came to Niles Public sign continues Library on July 23 to here's just a sample of the savings! teach workshop partid- By ALEX MCLEESE pants how to create now now Contributor "Iwant to know the their very own video extra game. (Joel Lernen Mayor Robert Callero and properprocessfor re- Staff Photographer) 9.99 9.99 & Trustee Chris Hanusiak sparred You save60%-80% 40% off questing an item be put Orig.*$28-$50. For a total savingsof 70%-85% at the July 27 Village Board of Clearance. Orig.*$29-$299.Final cost4.35- 14.99 Trustees meeting over how to on the agenda. This Polos and sportshirts 89.70.Clearance. Sportswear You save40%-50% decide whether to remove the from zod and our from our Charter Club, Style orig.*19.99-24.99. sign in front ofVillage Hall corn- Club Room. & Co., Karen Scott, more. For Clearance. could happen at every misses and petites. Women's Juniors' tops, skirts, mernorating former Mayor prices slightly higher. dresses and more. Nicholas Blase, who is now serv- meeting, that whatever FLOOD CONTROL ing prison time after being con- victed of federal corruption we request will not be charges.- - - At the last meeting ofthe board j5ut on agenda." Niles dodgessevereflood damage now now now the trustees decided to forego "This could happen at every a popular referendum proposed meeting, that whatever we re- 12.99 14.99 4.99 by Callei'o, and agreed Lo wait to as stormwaterstudymovesalong You save65%-70% You sav65%-80% quest will not be put on agenda." You save 50%-75% conduct an internal vote on the Orig.*37.50-49.50. Orig.*49.50-$75. Orig.*9.99-1 9.99. He added that the survey By ALEX MCLEESE is studying flooding in Nues. He According to Vinezeano the Clearance., Dress Clearance. matter until its August meeting, . Clearance. Kids' tops, Contributor shirts or ties from would set a problematic stan- said that, though larger projects t'ain on July 24, which amount- Men's casual or playwear and more. when Trustee Louella Preston dard. cannot be undertaken immedi- famous makers. dress pants. Boys'2-20;girls'2-16. ed to 4 to 6 inches, was the would return from vacation. At "Will there be surveys foi' Though Niles has not been hit ately, solutions are on the hoi'i- that meeting and elsewhere, largest single-day rainfall in NUes taxes?" he asked. "With this as hard as many Chicagoland zon' since September 2008, when 720 Hanusiak, who lost to Callero in precedent, what else will we be communities by recent t'ain- "Ifwe get a call from someone the last mayoral election, has homes flooded. The 2008 i'ain led to?" storms, some residents are frus- we've never heai'd from before, was especially devastating be- consistently advocated remov- Trustee Alan Wed responded trated by persistent Ib oding. we go out and do tests. Some- ing the sign and replacing it with cause it came after substantial that the board ought to be dem- The village is providing short- thing may fail with the home sys- rainearlierinthe week. now now a memorial for fallen soldiers, ocratic. term fixes and proceeding with tern, and we always try to go out firefighters and police officers. Vinezeano said he only knows of 65%-75% off "The constituents of this corn- computer modeling that will there and do whatever we can," 15 homes that flooded because Orig.*$39-$139. Gallero has argued for keeping munity deserve a right to have a eventually suggest systemic so- he said. "Foi' big pipes, that I 9.99 12.99 the sign. of the July 24 rain, along with You save45%-55% Now 9.75-48.65. You save50%-60% say-so on this issue, and I will not lutions. Cook County has de- cornes at the end of the engineel- one car and the basement of Orig.*39.50-49.50. Clearance. Sandals Orig.* At the beginning of last $28-$34. vote until that happens. I think dared itselfa disaster area be- ing study, when we'll determine Gemini Junior High School. Clearance. Select and shoes for her. Clearance. Bras from Bali, month's meeting Callero an- it's a compromise for us to gath- cause ofthe July 24 storm, a step big-picture repairs." sportshirts, tees and Cook County's declaration of Maidenform, Warner's, nounced that the board would er some facts for me to make a in the process tbr qualifying for Vinezeano said stoi'mwater en- more from famous Vanity Fair®, Lilyette, more. a clisastei' area is a lirst step in American designers. not be deciding the matter inter- well-rounded decision," he said. federal aid for residents. gineering firm Hey and Associ- nally until it polled citizens in the Looking at Hanusiak, Weel Debbie Babich, of7513 Nora, ates hascompleted field work in enabling residents to receive aid village newsletter, "Focus on said, "You may not want to look has lived in Nues foi' 20 years and the village, and is now putting its from the federal government. Nues." Under his plan the board at survey data because it's clear suddenly in the past four years data into computer models. Residents who suffered damage would then vote on the mattet', that your mind is made up." has been faced with constant "They're doing hydraulic mod- should photograph it and then likely at its September meeting. Citizen and former trustee can- sewer backup. Twenty-minute eling, which takes the sewer sys- fill out a Cook County Depart- the magic of Callero said he had polled the didate Rosemary Palicki, who rains can produce 2 inches of tern and niaps ofthe town, and meat of Homeland Security and trustees before the meeting, and has argued strongly for remov- flooding in hei' basement, appar- seeing where it comes out of the Emergency Management Data they had agreed. He added that ing the sign, was not persuaded. ently because of a problematic sewers, where it goes, to start Collection Questionnaire and t'e- by village rules he has the right "It looks like you don't want to parking-lot sewer near hei' that determining where the choke turn it to the village of Niles. C to decide what to put on agendas take responsibility," she said. feeds into hei' home. points are," he said. "In Novem- Questionnaii'es ai'e available mc at wwv.cookcountyhornelandse- .com for board meetings. But Callero argued that the "The village does flush out ber or December, there will be a curity.org, or by calling (847) 588- ORIG. PRICES ARE OFFERING PRICES, AND SAVINGS MAY NOT BE BASEDONACTUAL SALES. SOME ORIG. PRICES NOT IN EFFECT DURING THE PAST Open a Macy's Account for Hanusiak voiced strong oppo- board could not rely solely or the things, and everyone is very final report, and an opportunity 90DAYS. EXTRA SAVINGS VALID THROUGH8/8/10.*Intermediate price reductions may have been taken. Extra savings are takenoffalready-reduced sition to the proposed survey and input of citizens who choose to nice," she said. "Ijust don't know for the public to get involved 8007. Completed forms should sale prices; inal cost" prices reflect extra savings. Orig. items are available while supplies last. Fine jewelry at select stores, log on to macys,com for extra i 5% savings questioned the mayor's under- make public comments at meet- what to do." prior to the i'eport being accept- be faxed to (847) 588-8051, locations. Advertised items may not be available at your local Macy's, and selections may vary. Prices and merchandise may differ at macys.com. the first 2 days with more rewards to come.
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