n the spring of 1975, as America’s between them, Belew and Burke have il- war in Vietnam drew to its grim conclus- White Power luminated a set of elective afnities be- Iion, a new magazine targeted readers tween the partisans of white power and the who did not want it to end. Soldier of Fortune heirs of free-market a nti- communism – was founded by Robert K. Brown, a former Thomas Meaney afnities that continue to produce explosive Green Beret based in Boulder, Colorado, results. who made the proftable dis covery that his Bring the War Home: The Vietnam War fused white power and publication could double as an employ- The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America anti-communism together. Shared wartime ment agency for mercenaries and a weap- by Kathleen Belew. experience dur ing World War Two seems to onry catalogue. The magazine’s classifed Harvard, 330 pp., £23.95, April 2018, 978 0 674 28607 8 have reduced racism in the ranks – Truman ads ofered an eclectic menu of ‘profess- went on to desegregate the military in 1948 ional adventure’. You could enlist in Port- Revolutionaries for the Right: Anti-Communist Internationalism – but Vietnam did the opposite. For the frst ugal’s war against anti-colonial guerrillas and Paramilitary Warfare in the Cold War time in any American war, black troops in Mozambique or sign up for the sultan by Kyle Burke. were over-represented in the ranks. Their of Oman’s counterinsurgency against the North Carolina, 337 pp., £36.50, June 2018, 978 1 469 64073 0 presence became a galvanising political com munist Dhofar rebellion. More sedent- issue for the civil rights movement, whose ary readers could buy a ‘Free Cambodia’ act ivists to the Ku Klux Klan and white ive members. But the type of free-market activities in turn became a political issue T-shirt, donate to an anti-Sandinista relief power terror cells, could share a common creed that most mainstream conservatives for many serving white soldiers, who fund, support the search for POWs, stock enemy. For much of the 20th century, the espouse has long been reconcilable with came to view black soldiers as unreliable or up on Confederate paraphernalia, get a struggles against communism and black white nativist priorities. The Canadian hist- worse. As US forces evacuated Saigon, the TEC-9 assault pistol, hire a hitman or order pro gress were close to indistinguishable. orian Quinn Slobodian has recently lab el- more conservative among them felt that dynamite by the truckload. In the late 1930s, local law enforcement led this apparent ideological mongrel they had lost one war only to return home The popularity of a magazine like this, waged war on the Alabama Communist ‘xenophobic libertarianism’, pointing to to lose another: the civil rights movement which at the height of its circulation in the Party and the 12,000 black members of the fact that the American right has consist- had put black rights on the national agenda early 1980s had 190,000 subscribers, test- the Sharecroppers Union; in the 1970s, ently paired the demand for an absolute in a way that imperilled the white future. ifes to the global reach of the paramilitary right-wing US politicians actively support- right to free movement of capital with ever Riots broke out on bases and aboard ships. American right. You could learn more ed white supremacist Rhodesia and South more biologised criteria for the exclusion At Cam Ranh Bay naval base, black serv- about certain corners of the world from its Africa against anti-colonial insurgencies, of people. icemen revolted when white soldiers celeb- pages than you could from the Economist. which were simultaneously demonised as Kathleen Belew’s Bring the War Home rated the death of Martin Luther King by Soldier of Fortune featured ‘participant’ des- black uprisings bent on white submission and Kyle Burke’s Revolutionaries for the Right raising the Confederate fag. The US mil- patches from unofcial war zones, inter- and as communist movements in hock to are complementary accounts of the white itary leadership fumblingly tried to ac- views with European colonial rogues, and a the Sov iet Union. When Dylann Roof murd- power movement, with Belew con centrat- commodate the growing number of Black sense of drama that cast the US as the last ered nine black Christians in Charleston, ing on white power at home, and Burke on Power activists in Vietnam – military bur- bulwark against the communist tide. Con- South Carolina in 2015, he demonstrated anti-communist co-ordination abroad. To- eaucrats started investigating commanders federate ‘lost cause’ pathos alternated with the continuing overlap between white power geth er, they show how the American move- who did not allow black troops to wear a buoyant sense of America’s chosenness. at home and pro-colonial anti-communism ment was nurtured by its foreign exper- Afros and slave bracelets – but many troops Brown himself led death squads in El abroad: in his profles online he could be iences and how the global anti-communist returned from the war committed to a Salvador and tours with the muja hideen in seen proud ly displaying Rhodesian milit- movement made use of its services. Almost struggle between races. Afghanistan. By the late 1970s, Amer ican ary regalia. all white supremacists are anti- commun- The Vietnam War had a further per- mercenaries were advert ising their ser vices For the wider American conservative ist, though far from all American anti- nicious efect: it helped make possible the in Rhodesian phonebooks. Twenty years movement, white power may have been a commun ists were white supremacists.1 Yet paramilitary expression of racist sentiment. later, a handful were serving in Croat ian useful dog of the leash when it came to In the frst half of the 20th century the nationalist battalions in the Yugoslav wars, unofcially fghting far-fung communist 1 The designations ‘white nationalist’, ‘white American far right had conducted a cam- with underground American white power insurgencies, but it has also been a liabil- separatist’ and ‘white supremacist’ are ofen paign of violence against blacks and others, confated – even by proponents of each – but organisations promoting wider recruitment ity. Faced with the reality of a multiracial especially in the South. But while they they can refer to diferent worldviews. A white – and seeking out and funding East German America, the mainstream Republican Party nationalist demands at a minimum that a nat ion- could rely on the support of large sect ions neo-Nazis. More recently, some 15 Amer- has mostly been wary of making explicit state – such as the US or Rhodesia – have as its of society for their cause, their main aim ican freelancers have joined gonzo-fascist appeals to white identity, much less white main purpose the interests of white citizens. In was to instil fear rather than to try to real- Ukrainian units in the Donbass to fght power. The dozens of American right-wing some variations, white nationalism has implicit- ise fant asies of extermination or separat- ly genocidal ambitions, but in others, as in South ‘Putin’s communists’, though others see paramilitary groups that started appearing ism. The capacity for more directed viol- Africa and Rhodesia, non-whites would remain the Russian president as a knight for the in the 1970s and 1980s – from the Aryan in view, or in separate zones, as inferior citizens. ence among white power groups that be- white power cause. Nations and White Aryan Resistance to the White separatists are typically interested in creat- came evident in the 1980s would not have For more than a century, anti-commun- Brüder Schweigen and the Phineas Priest- ing white societies, without much or any state been possible without their Vietnam train- ism was a reliable binding agent on the hood – have been treated as aberrant out- capacity, in new territories. They see themselves ing and access to weapons stolen from as latter-day white settlers. White supremacists American right. Disparate factions, from growths by Republican lawmakers: it helps military bases. Faced with an economic believe that the white race is in her ently superior tax protesters and libertarians to fund- that the hardcore white power movement to all other races, a suppos it ion ofen – but not re cession exacerbated by the war’s vast amentalist Christians, from anti-abortion in America has no more than 25,000 act- always – shared by white nationalists. expenditures, many veterans believed they Rights as Weapons Active Defense Instruments of Conflict, China’s Military Strategy Tools of Power since 1949 Clifford Bob M. Taylor Fravel An in-depth look at the historic and What changes in China’s modern military strategic deployment of rights in political policy reveal about military organizations conflicts throughout the world and strategy “Timely and important. Clifford Bob “The most important study of Chinese masterfully documents the ways in national security to appear in a decade.” which actors in conflict use rights as — Minxin Pei, weapons to amplify their own power. 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