Intelligence Bibliography (last update: October 15, 2016) This bibliography is maintained by Bob de Graaff (The Netherlands). Suggestions for additions or improvements can be sent to: [email protected]. This bibliography contains only books, reports and websites. Articles are not included. For a list of topics see Contents (below). Sometimes it is open to debate in which category a certain item should be placed. E.g. a book on a Russian agent in a an American intelligence organization could be placed under Russia, the United States, humint or counterintelligence. The user should use his or her own heuristic expertise to search with a bit of imagination. Also the search function on your electronic device may come in handy. Contents General introductions Bibliographies Biographical overviews Encyclopaedias Dictionaries Magazines and periodicals Archives and sources Internetsites Military intelligence Business, competitive and market intelligence Private intelligence and security Tradecraft Historical overviews Second World War Intelligence and security organizations General Africa Australia and New Zealand Austria Belgium Canada China Colonial empires Cuba Eastern Europe European Union France Germany Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Luxembourg Mexico Middle East and Iran NATO 1 The Netherlands Russia Scandinavia South Africa South Asia Southeast Asia Switzerland United Kingdom United States The Vatican International cooperation Cyberint Geoint and imint Humint Osint Psychint Sigint Strategic Intelligence, Early Warning and Surprise Intelligence analysis Dissemination Intelligence failures Codes and cyphers Counterespionage and counterintelligence Denial and deception Covert action Ethics, accountability and oversight Intelligence reforms and a new paradigm General introductions W. Agrell & G.F. Treverton, National Intelligence and Science. Beyond the Great Divide in Analysis and Policy, Oxford 2015 Chr. Andrew, R.J. Aldrich & W.K. Wark (eds.), Secret Intelligence. A Reader, London/New York 2009 G. Arboit, Au coeur des services secrets; idées reçues sur le renseignement, Paris 2012 R. Baden-Powell, My Adventures as a Spy, Mineola, New York, 2011 U. Bar-Joseph, Intelligence Intervention in the Politics of Democratic States. The United States, Israel, and Britain, University Park, PA, 1995 I. Ben-Israël, Philosophie du Renseignement. Logique et morale de l’espionnage, Paris 2004 J. Berman and M.H. Halperin (red.), The Abuses of the Intelligence Agencies, Washington DC, 1975 S. Bok, Secrets. On the Ethics of Concealment and Revelation, Oxford/Melbourne 1986 H. Borchert (red.), Verstehen, dass die Welt sich verändert hat. Neue Risiken, neue Anforderungen und die Transformation der Nachrichtendienste, Baden-Baden 2005 A.B. Bozeman, Strategic Intelligence & Statecraft. Selected Essays, Wsashington D.C. etc. 1992 J.-P. Brodeur, P. Gill & D. Töllborg (eds.), Democracy, Law and Security. Internal Security Services in Contemporary Europe, Surrey 2003 P. Broussard en J.-M. Pontaut, Les grandes affaires d’espionnage, Paris 2012 W. Bułhak & Th. Wegener Friis (eds.), Need to Know. Eastern and Western Perspectives, Odense 2014 J.C. Carleson, Work Like a Spy. Business Tips from a Former CIA Officer, z.pl. 2013. J.R. Clark, Intelligence and National Security. A Reference Handbook, Westport, CT/London 2007 A. Chouet, La Sagesse de l’Espion, Paris 2012 A. Codevilla, Informing Statecraft. Intelligence for a New Century, New York etc. 1992 J.-C. Coussera & Ph. Hayez, Rensiegner les démocraties, renseigner en démocratie, Paris 2015 Ph.H.J. Davies & K.C. Gustafson (red.), Intelligence Elsewhere. Spies and Espionage outside the Anglosphere, Washington D.C. 2013 J. Der Derian, Antidiplomacy. Spies, Terror, Speed, and War, Cambridge, MA/London 1992 G. Desmaretz, 15 Histoires Extraordinaires d’Espionnage, Paris 2012 R. Dover, M.S. Goodman & C. Hillebrand (eds.), Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies, London/New York 2014 A.W. Dulles, The Craft of Intelligence, Guilford, CT, 2006 I. Duyvesteyn, B. de Jong & J. van Reijn (ed.), The Future of Intelligence. Challenges in the 21st century, London/New York 2014 P. Earnest & M. Karinch, Business Confidential. Lessons for Corporate Succes from Inside the CIA, New York, etc. 2011 J. Erasmus, Der geheime Nachrichtendienst, Berlin etc. 1955 A.S. Farson, D. Stafford and W.K. Wark (ed.), Security and Intelligence in a Changing World. New Perspectives for the 1990s, London 1991 R.Z. George & R.D. Kline (ed.), Intelligence and the National Security Strategist: Enduring Issues and Challenges, Washington D.C. 2004 R. Geraets, Veiligheid. Security Risk en Intelligence Management in de 21e eeuw, Apeldoorn etc. 2016 P. Gill, S. Marrin and M. Phythian (eds.), Intelligence Theory. Key questions and debates, Lon- don/New York 2009 P. Gill & M. Phythian, Intelligence in an Insecure World, Cambridge, Malden, MA, 2006/2012 R. Godson & J.J. Wirtz (eds.), Strategic Denial and Deception. The Twenty-First Century Chal- lenge, New Brunswick/London 2008 B.A. de Graaf, E.R. Muller en J.A. van Reijn (red.), Inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten, Alphen aan den Rijn 2010 B. de Graaff and J.M. Nyce (ed.), The Handbook of European Intelligence Cultures, Lanham etc. 2016 B.G.J. de Graaff, De ontbrekende dimensie: intelligence binnen de studie van internationale betrekkingen, Utrecht 2012 T. Graham & K.A. Hansen, Spy Satellites and Other Intelligence Technologies That Changed History, Seattle, WA, 2007 M. Gunzenhäuser, Geschichte des geheimen Nachrichtendienstes (Spionage, Sabotaga, Abwehr). Literaturbericht und Bibliographie, Frankfurt am Main 1968 W.M. Hall & A.G. Citrenbaum, Intelligence Collection. How to Plan and Execute Intelligence Collection in Complex Environments, Santa Barbara, CA, 2012 Chr. Harbulot (ed.), Manuel d’intelligence économique, Paris 2012 F. Heisbourg, Spionage et renseignement. Le vrai dossier, Paris 2012 M. Herman, Intelligence Power in Peace and War, Cambridge 2010 R. Hilsman, Strategic Intelligence and National Decisions, Glencoe, IL, 1956 F.P. Hitz, The Great Game. The Myth and Reality of Espionage, New York 2004 F.P. Hitz, Why Spy? Espionage in an Age of Uncertainty, New York 2008 E. Horn, Der geheime Krieg. Verrat, Spionage und moderne Fiktion, Frankfurt am Main 2007 J. Hougan, Spooks. The Private Use of Secret Agents, London 1979 Ch. Howe, Using Industry Analysis for Strategic Intelligence. Capabilities and Strategic Intent, Washington D.C. 2015 P. Jackson & J. Siegel (eds.), Intelligence and Statecraft. The Use and Limits of Intelligence in In- ternational Society, Westport, CT, 2005 3 Th. Jäger en A. Daun (red.), Geheimdienste in Europa. Transformation, Kooperation und Kontrolle, Wiesbaden 2009 L.K. Johnson, Secret Agencies. U.S. Intelligence in a Hostile World, New Haven/London 1996 L.K. Johnson (ed.), Essentials of Strategic Intelligence, Santa Barbara, CA, 2015 L.K. Johnson (red.), Handbook of Intelligence Studies, London/New York 2009 L.K. Johnson (red.), The Oxford Handbook of National Security Intelligence, Oxford etc. 2010 L.K. Johnson (red.), Strategic Intelligence (5 delen), Westport, CT/London 2007 L.K. Johnson & J.J. Wirtz (eds.), Strategic Intelligence. Windows Into a Secret World. An Antholo- gy, Los Angeles, CA, 2004 Joint Military Intelligence College, Learning with Professionals, Washington D.C. 2005 R.V. Jones, Reflections on Intelligence, London 1989 Ph. Knightley, The Second Oldest Profession. The Spy as Bureaucrat, Patriot, Fantasist and Whore, London/Sydney 1986 E.R. Koch, Lizenz zum Töten. Die Mordkommandos der Geheimdienste, Berlin 2013 T. Kuosa, Towards Strategic Intelligence. Foresight, Intelligence and Policy-Making [Stockholm 2014 W. Laqueur, A World of Secrets. The Uses and Limits of Intelligence, New York 1985 Lieutenant-Colonel “X” avec J. Léger, Missions, méthodes, techniques spéciales des services se- crets au 21e siècle, Paris 2013 W. Lotz, A Handbook for Spies, New York etc. 1980 M.M. Lowenthal, Intelligence. From Secrets to Policy, Washington D.C. 2012 K. Macrakis, Prisoners, Lovers & Spies. The Story of Invisible Ink from Herodotus to al-Qaeda, New Haven/London 2014 A.C. Maurer, M.D. Turnstall en J.M. Keagle (eds.), Intelligence. Policy and Process, Boulder, CO/London 1985 W.E. Odom, Fixing Intelligence for a More Secure America, New Haven/London 2003 D. Omand, Securing the State, New York 2010 J. Parker, Secrets of a Century. The Influence of Espionage & Secret Agreements, Lanham, MD, etc. 2004 R. Pateman, Residual Uncertainty. Trying to avoid intelligence and policy mistakes in the modern world, Lanham etc. 2003 K. Patton, Sociocultural Intelligence. A New Discipline in Intelligence Studies, London/New York 2010 W. Platt, Strategic Intelligence Production, New York 1957 A. Rolington, Strategic Intelligence for the 21st Century. The Mosaic Method, Oxford etc. 2013 J. Rusbridger, The Intelligence Game. The Illusions and Delusions of International Espionage, London 1989 L. Scott, G.R. Hughes en M.S. Alexander (red.), Intelligence and International Security. New Per- spectives and Agendas, London/New York 2011 A. Sgro, Geheimdienste der Welt, München 2013 A.N. Shulsky, Silent Warfare. Understanding the World of Intelligence, Washington etc. 1993 P. Simpson, A Brief History of The Spy, London 2013 D. Stafford, The Silent Game. The Real World of Imaginary Spies, London etc. 1988 B. Stewart & S. Newbery, Why Spy? The Art of Intelligence, London 2015 B. Sutherland (ed.), Modern Warfare, Intelligence and Deterrence. The technology that is trans- forming them, London
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