D2 PRAHA KOSICE MÜNCHEN 470 Km 600 Km 400 Km SK BRATISLAVA 150 Km WIEN 180 Km A4 SOPRON M3 AT 120 Km GYŐR M1 80 Km BUDAPEST 81 150 Km 82 SZOMBATHELY 83 90 Km 84 ZIRC M7 VÁRPALOTA VESZPRÉM SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁR 8 70 Km SÜMEG BALATONKENESE M5 71 GRAZ TAPOLCA 190 Km M6 SLO SZEGED 250 Km A4 PÉCS HR 150 Km Bakony és Balaton Térségi Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft. 8200 Veszprém, Óváros tér 2. Office: 8200 Veszprém, Vörösmarty tér 4/B E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +36 20 219 3260 Find Your Own Way in the Fax: +36 88 781 391 www.bakony-balaton.hu Bakony-Balaton Region National Development Agency www.bakony-balaton.hu www.ujszechenyiterv.gov.hu 06 40 638 638 The project is supported by the European Union and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. You can come here by car, train or coach, however, the most exciting way to explore the Bakony-Balaton Region is on foot, by bicycle, by Roaming horse or by sailboat, since this is the paradise of travellers who like look- ing around. So, just take your time because you can take it for granted that meeting the people living here, their culture, local flavours, nature Without a Car and other travellers will have an unforgettable impact on you. Come and find your own way in this graceful region! You will surely en- joy experiences that you will never forget! Have a nice holiday! www.bakony-balaton.hu The region consists of four large units: Lake Balaton, the Balaton Up- lands, the Bakony Hills and the Somló Area, however, these areas are Real not entirely part of the Bakony-Balaton Tourism Region. Due to their varied geographical conditions, diverse landscapes and opportunities attract tourists. What is common in all of them is that you can enjoy Feelings an undisturbed natural environment everywhere you go, whether it is about the typical areas of the Bakony Hills and the Balaton Uplands, getting to know their fauna and flora or a holiday and sporting activi- ties on the shore of Lake Balaton. www.bakony-balaton.hu The Bakony-Balaton Region is an area rich in natural and cultural sights and bordered by the towns of Tapolca and Sümeg to the west, the town Graceful Landscapes, of Várpalota to the east, the village of Somlószőlős and the town of Zirc to the north, the town of Balatonkenese to the south-east and the settlements of the Valley of Arts to the south-west. The Balaton Upland Eternal Memories National Park is responsible for the protection of its most significant natural resources. The largest part of the area is under EU protection. Welcome to the region with Hungary’s most diversified heritage! www.bakony-balaton.hu The Bakony-Balaton Region is largely characterized by its significant cul- tural sights. Besides visiting its historic towns, religious sights, collections Memorable of the fine arts, the Hungaricum porcelain manufactory and famous programmes, visitors can have an insight into the reminiscences of old times by making themselves familiar with the landscape so typical of the Places Bakony Hills and the Balaton Uplands, the local architectural styles, life- styles and folk culture. www.bakony-balaton.hu One of the strengths of the Bakony-Balaton Tourism Region is its active recreation amenities based on natural resources. Doing physical exercis- Active es in the fresh, clean air can not only make your holiday more colourful but is also a major attractive force. Hiking, cycling, horse-riding, playing golf, angling, hunting, sailing, surfing, skiing as well as pursuing adven- Holidays ture and extreme sports offer good opportunities to put your physical strength and skills to the test as well as to develop new abilities. www.bakony-balaton.hu A number of developments have taken place in the Bakony-Balaton Re- gion in the past years to conserve and decently present our historical, A Rich Intellectual cultural, religious, architectural, industrial and folk heritage. Exploring the area is an inspiring intellectual challenge, since wherever you go, you meet the creativity and spirituality of the people who have lived here. It Heritage is no wonder that this region is home for a lot of artists, scientists, public figures and talents. www.bakony-balaton.hu The Bakony-Balaton Region provides a number of well-known and pop- ular facilities of leisure time tourism. The combination and complex inte- Filled with Authentic gration of the well-preserved nature and landscape, the authentic histor- ical and cultural heritage and many other sights offer enjoyable, exciting and meaningful programmes for each age group all year round. Experiences www.bakony-balaton.hu The settlements of the Bakony-Balaton Region are well-known both as a place of great entertainment and a cultural meeting point. The Valley of Immerse Yourself in the Bustling Arts, consisting of the villages of Kapolcs, Vigántpetend, Taliándörögd, Pula and Öcs, traditionally attracts a lot of guests, however, the various venues of VeszprémFest, the Voice of Somló Festival and the medieval Life of the Region tournaments in the castle of Sümeg also offer special programmes and a pleasant pastime. www.bakony-balaton.hu Wine-making is an activity in the Bakony-Balaton Region, which is typical of the Somló area in the first place, however, today very good wines are A Feast of produced in Sümeg as well. The doors of the famous wine-cellars in this wine-growing region are open to visitors. Here travellers can not only pur- chase wine but can also get to know the masters of wine-making and make Local Flavours themselves familiar with the ins and outs of viticulture at the various demon- stration places. Gourmets are welcome to the widely recognized restaurants of the town of Veszprém and the cosy inns in the area. It is also worth trying the goodies offered by local farmers. www.bakony-balaton.hu You can enjoy all the benefits of a peaceful country life in the Bakony Hills and the rural areas of the Balaton Uplands region. Guests, according to The Tranquillity of their interests, can have an insight into local lifestyles, farming methods, the heritage of folk culture or ethnographic values. They can have a long conversation on life around a richly-laid table, accompanied by fine wines Country Life or just get immersed in the sight of the sky littered with stars, undis- turbed by the lights of the city. www.bakony-balaton.hu JÁSD ZIRC BAKONYNÁNA 83 BAKONYBÉL Bakony&Balaton TÉS Information 82 84 CSEHBÁNYA EPLÉNY BaKoNy és BaLaToN TéRségi TuRiszTiKai TouRiNFoRM zirc - Magas-BaKoNy LÓKÚT SOMLÓSZŐLŐS HÁRSKÚT VÁRPALOTA NonproFiT Kft. TuRiszTiKai DEszTiNáCiós MAGYARPOLÁNY GYULAFIRÁTÓT ÖSKÜ DOBA VÁROSLŐD 8 KISLŐD HAJMÁSKÉR 8200 Veszprém, Vörösmarty tér 4/B MENEDzsMENT NoNPRoFiT KFT. MÁRKÓ KÁDÁRTA Phone: +36 20 2193260 8420 Zirc, József Attila u. 1. 8 HEREND VILONYA SOMLÓVÁSÁRHELY SÓLY SOMLÓJENŐ 8 Fax: +36 88 781391 Phone: +36 88 416816 DEVECSER BÁND BERHIDA 8 KIRÁLY- [email protected] Fax: +36 88 593810 MEGYER SZENTISTVÁN PAPKESZI www.bakony-balaton.hu [email protected] KOLONTÁR SZENTGÁL ÚRKÚT VESZPRÉM www.vkmh-zirc.koznet.hu HALIMBA BALATONKENESE TouRiNFoRM VEszPRéM - VEszPRéMi NEMESVÁMOS NYIRÁD ÖCS 73 71 TuRiszTiKai KözHaszNú NoNPRoFiT KFT. TouRisT iNFoRMaTioN PoiNT - SZŐC PULA TÓTVÁZSONY 8200 Veszprém, Óváros tér 2. sziNDBáD KultuRáLis és szoLgáltaTó TALIÁNDÖRÖGD Phone: +36 88 404548, +36 20 4044044 NoNPRoFiT KFT. NAGYVÁZSONY Fax: +36 88 404548 8100 Várpalota, Hunyadi Mátyás tér 1. VIGÁNTPETEND SÜMEG KAPOLCS [email protected] Phone: +36 88 371299 www.veszpreminfo.hu [email protected] MONOSTORAPÁTI 84 www.thuryvar.hu 71 TouRiNFoRM BaLaToNKENEsE - BaLaToN KELETi KaPuja TuRiszTiKai EgyEsüLET BaKoNyERDő ERDészETi és FaiPaRi Zrt. 8174 Balatonkenese, Táncsics u. 24. (forestry, hunting) TAPOLCA Phone/Fax: +36 88 594645 8500 Pápa, Jókai M. u. 46. [email protected] Phone: +36 89 513100 www.hellobalaton.eu Fax: +36 89 513120 [email protected] 71 TouRiNFoRM süMEg - www.bakonyerdo.hu süMEg és TéRségE TDM 8330 Sümeg, Kossuth Lajos u. 15. HM VERga VEszPRéMi Phone: +36 20 4176346 ERDőgazDaság Zrt. [email protected] (forestry, hunting) [email protected] 8200 Veszprém, Jutasi u.10. www.sumegtdm.hu Phone: +36 88 591510 [email protected] TouRiNFoRM TaPolca www.verga.hu 8300 Tapolca, Fő tér 17. Phone: +36 87 510777 Fax: +36 87 510778 [email protected] Impressum www.tapolca.hu PuBLisHER Bakony és Balaton Térségi Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft. TExT aND MaPs By SK&CO Szolgáltató Kft. PHoTogRaPHs By Pál Nánási / www.nanasi.hu EDiToR Pál Nánási Other PHoTogRaPHs (VEszPRéMFEsT, CalvaRy) Zsolt Melczer,László Molnár, Győző Láng, zoo PHoTos Veszprém Zoo Touch-uP Work By Pál Nánási, Zaránd Detre gRaPHiCs DEsigN By István Zachar, Pál Nánási, Gábor Gerse PRiNTED By Tradeorg Kft. TRaNsLaTioN Insedo Kft. StyLiNg Linda Holdampf, Dóri Horváth, Kata Záray, Berta Benedek MaKE-uP, HaiR Anna Gerő, Anita Törköly assisTaNT oF THE PHoTogRaPHER Krisztián Sütő PHoToPRoDuCER Linda Orbán CLoTHEs, AccessoRiEs, FooTWEaR Jackpot and Cottonfield, Marccain, Deichmann, Benetton, Decathlon, Marks&Spencer, Orsay, H&M, Promod, C&A, Gant, Camaieu, Salamander.
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