VIRGINIA HERPETOLOGICAL SOCIETY BULLETIN NUMBER 46 ■ * ROSTER ISSUE ’ This issue of the VHS BULLETIN Why a VHS Roster ? Listing by Va. represents the mailing list of the counties shows the scope of VHS Society. Members are marked with membership at the present time. an asterisk (*). The list is set During 1966-1967 we hope to show up alphabetically, by county. It an increase in membership in many is hoped that this will ease the counties where It is now thin. We chore of locating nearby members ask you to keep the need for such or those who live in an area that growth in mind. Let people who you plan to visit. are interested know about VHS. The officers of the Society urge trained biologists -- college and high school faculty particularly -- to consider full-fledged membership in the Society, All members should support the Society's objectives: (1) Scientific study of the state's reptiles and amphibians; (2) Qualitative; improvement of the recording of collecting data; (3) County•surveys and exchange of verified information; (4) Broader public understanding in the interest of conservation; (5) More accuracy in news reports.on reptiles and amphibians; and (6) Placement of specimens in permanent scientific collections for study -and for educational purposes. VHS is an all-inclusive, rather than an exclusive Society., Member­ ship is open to anyone who is more-than-casually interested in amphi­ bians and reptiles found in Virginia or adjacent' states. The members ARE the Society; the. VHS Bulletin is their means of communication. Support VHS through regular dues-paying and by contributing collecting notes and other pertinent herpetological lore on a regular basis. Check the list of members and make certain that you are correctly listed. All corrections welcomed. IF you have not renewed your VHS membership for 1966 this is the month to do it. Everybody's anniversary is February. Those not renewed (educators excepted) will be, dropped by mid-year. All 1966 issues of the VHS Bulletin will be given to new members. 1 VHS BULLETIN No. 46 VHS ROSTER December, 1965 ACCOMACK COUNTY, Va0: CASTAGNA,Dr.M. (Dir.) E .Shore Lab. • V.I.M.S. Wachapreague,Va.23430 Biology Dep't (ACMK) Biology Dep't (ACMK) ROSS,Mr.Granv.D. (ACMK) CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL CHINCOTEAGUE HIGH S. Saxis Waterfowl Mgt. Painter, Va. 23420 Chincoteague,Va .23336 Messongo,Va. 23411 Biology Dep't (ABML) ♦ANDREWS,Capt.M.F.(Sci.) ALBEMARLE COUNTY,Va.: ALBEMARLE HIGH SCH. Miller School"of ABML Charlo tte s ville, Va 2 2 9 01 Miller School,Va.22955 ♦CLARK, Mr.Malvin(ABML) ♦CLOUD,Mr.Warren T. ♦DAVENPORT,Mr.A «B.(ABML) Rt.l,Box 276 Char­ 1710 Meadowbrook Hts. Rt«3,Box 127 Char­ iot tesville,Va.22901 CharlottesviUe,Va 22901 lottesville,Va . 22901 ♦ESTELLE,Mr.Wilson ♦GWYNN,Mr.Jack V.(Biol ♦KIRK, Miss E.P. (ABML) Rt.l,Box20-A •(ABML) 2503 Brunswick Rd. "Lochlyn" * Char­ Keswick,Va. 22947 Charloth esvi lie ,\h. 2 2 9 0 3 lottesville,Va . 22901 ♦LAPSLEY,Mr.R .A .(ABML) ♦MERKEL, Mr.R„S.(ABML) ♦MURRAY,Dr.J .J „Jr .(Biol) 1605 CedarHill Rd. Rt.3,Box 33-C Char­ Univ. of Va-. Char­ Charlottesville, Va . 2 2 9 01 lo tt esvi lie, Va .22901 lottesville,Va. 22903 Biology Dep't (ABML) Scottsville High Sch. S cottsville,Va.. 2 4 5 8 9 ALLEGHANY COUNTY,Va.: Biology Dep't (ALGY) Biology Dep't (ALGY) ALLEGHANY-CO.HIGH S . CLIFTON FORGE'HIGH S. Covington,Va. 24426 Clifton Forge,Va .24422 Naturalist (ALGY) Douthat State Park CliftonForge,Va. 24422 Biology Dep't (AMLA) AMELIA COUNTY, Va.: Amelia High School Amelia C.H.,Va. 23002 AMHERST COUNTY,Va.: Biology Dep't (AMHT) EDWARDS, Dr.E.P.(Biol) Biology Dep't (AMHT) AMHERST Co .HIGH SCH. Sweet Briar'College Madison Hts.HIGH SCHOOL Amherst,Va. 24521 Sweet Briar,Va.24595 Madison Heights,Va.245 7 2 Biology Dep't (APMX) APPOMATTOX COUNTY,Va.: APPOMATTOX’ HIGH SCH. Appomattox,Va.24522 ABBREVIATIONS IN COMMON USE IN THE ROSTER PAGES: ACAD. Academy Inst. Institute Biol. Biologist MBC Merit Badge Counselor BSA Boy Scouts of America Nat. Naturalist (or Natural) COLL. College Rec. Recreation Dir. Director S c i . Science For. Forester Spvr. Supervisor - 2 - VHS BULLETIN No. 46 VHS ROSTER December,1965 ARLINGTON COUNTY, Va. ALVORD, Mr. Charles ATKINS, Mr. J.D. Jr (MBC) •BAKER,Mr.Louis(Biol) 700 S.Veitch St.(MBC) 2546 N.Military Rd. YORKTOWN HIGH SCHOOL Arlington,Va.22204 Arlington, Va .22207 Arlington,Va. 22207 •BARTON,Dr.A.J.(Biol) •BREWSTER, Mr.George CARLISLE,Capt .G .E . (MBC) 3818 N.Vernon St. 2236 N.Buchanan St. 4224 ColumbiaPike AptA Arlington,Va.22207 Arlington,Va,22207 Arlington,Va. 22204 •CHAVEZ, Peter •CHAVEZ, Tony Div.of Rec. & Parks 4906 Yorktown Blvd 4906 Yorktown Blvd 300 No. Park Drive Arlington,Va.22207 Arlington,Va.22207 Arlington,Va.22203 •EDWARDS, Mr. Robt. •HALE, Chuck HALL,Mr.James K.(MBC) 2713 N. Dinwiddie 222 No.Park 525 No.Monroe Street Arlington,Va.22207 Arlington, Va.22203 Arlington,Va. 22201 •HARWELL,Mr.0.C .(MBC) •JOHNSON,Dr.Virgil 0. •KNIPLING,Dr.Phoebe H. 2850 N.Rochester St. 4421 N.25th Street 2623 Military Road N. Arlington,Va, 22207 Arlington,Va.22207 Arlington,Va. 22207 ___ . (Biol) •POSPISIEL, Miss B. •ROULSTONE, Douglas Marymount Jr.Col1 ege 6425 N. 27th St. 2848 Fort Scott Dr. 2807 N. Glebe Road Arlington,Va.22207 Arlington, Va .22202 Arlington,Va. 22207 RUCKER, Mr.B.A.(MBC) •SHARP, Mr. Brian •SILSBY,Mr. Scott 5120 N. 37th St. 2813 N.Westmorland 3671 No.Monroe St. Arlington,Va.22207 Arlington,Va.22213 Arlington,Va.22207 •WATSON,Mr.R.J.(VSO) •WILSON, James H. •WITT, Mrs. Loy #121 2636 Marcey Road 3006 N.Trinidad St. 1412 Patr.Henry Dr. Arlington,Va.22207 . Arlington,Va.22213 Arlington,Va.22205 •WITT,AIC Wm.L.(AFCS) Washington-Lee High •BARBER,Chesley H. DET.2 1989 COMM SQ. 1300 N. Quincy St. 4612 N. 27th Street A.P.O. New York 09401 Arlington,Va. 22201 Arlington, Va.22207 Biology Dep't (AGSTA) Biology Dep't (AGSTA) AUGUSTA COUNTY,Va. : BuffaloGap High Sch. Central Augusta High S Swoope,Va. 24479 Staunton,Va. 24401 CLICK,Mr.Geo.A. (MBC) •DAVIS, Miss D.S. .__________ _ (Bi ol) Lee High- School 315 Vine-Street Fishburne Mil, Academy Staunton,Va. 24401 Staunton,Va.24401 Wayne sb oro, Va . 22980 KEGLEY,Capt,F.B. MARKS,Mr.C.A.Jr.(MBC) MEHNER,Mr.J.F. (Biol) Staunton Mil.Acad. Rt.l •• (AGSTA) Mary Baldwin College Staunton,Va.24401 Waynesboro,Va.22980 Staunton,Va. 24401 Naturalist HORN, Mr . R. H (S c iSpvr) •RAMSEY,Mr.Eugene(MBC) Camp Shenandoah,BSA Waynesboro High Sch. Stuarts Draft Elem.Sch Swoope,Va. 24479 Waynesboro,Va.22980 StuartsDraft,Va.24477 •SAVED GE, Ma j o r C.E. •WILBUR, Mr.Henry M. •WILBUR, Frederick Box #7 (AGSTA) 843 Greenway Circle 843 Greenway Circle Ft.Defiance,Va 24437 Waynesboro,Va.22980 Waynesboro,Va.22980 - 3 - VHS BULLETIN No.. 46 VHS ROSTER December,1965 BATH COUNTY, Va. : Biology Dep't (BATH) Biology Dep't “ (BATH) LOCKHART, Mr . R. E . fMBC) Millboro.High School Valley High School Rt.2,Hot- Springs,Va. Mi 11boro, V a . 244 60 Hot > Springs ,V.a . 24445 24445 (BATH) ‘ Biology Dep't (BDFD) ^CARTER, Alec BEDFORD COUNTY, Va.: ,Biglsland High Sch. Rt.#5 ■• ; - ... ••- Big Island,Va.• 24526 Bedford,Va. 24523 *CRAIG Brothers •^CRAIG, Mr.C.M. (MBC) *DeWITT/ Jerry " R t .#5,Box 273 Rt.#5,Box 273 Rt.#5 '' . Bedford, Va .24523 Bedford,Va.24523 Bedford,Va.24523 ♦HURT”, Robt. ~ E. *MAY,Mr.Earl H.Sr. *WILKERSON, Danny ' Rt.#5 P.O.Box-167 Rt it2 ' ’ • " Bedford,Va.24523 • Bedford,Va. 24523 Bedford,Va.24523 Biology Dep't.(BLND) ‘ " • ■ • •• (Biol) BLAND COUNTY, Va.: Bland High School Bluefield College ■•'Bland, Va. 24315 Bluefield,Va. 24605 ■ Biology'Dep^t (BOTT) Biology Dep't (BOTT) BOTETOURT COUNTY; Va. : Lord Botetourt High James River High Sch. ;'Daleville, Va.24083 Buchanan,Va. 2406-6 BROWDER, Mr.Jas(MBC) Biology Dep't (BRWK) BRUNSWICK COUNTY,Va.: Dolphin,. Virginia Brunswick High School 23843 (BRWK) Lawrenceville,Va.23868 ESTES,Mr.Guy (MBC) ORGAIN,Mr.J .R .Jr.(MBC) . Seward Forest(BRWK) Alberta, Virginia Triplett,Va. 23886 •• -23821 (BRV/K) WHITEHURST,Mr.Wm .H . PHILLIPS, Mr . Ha 11 i gan St.Paul/s College Box 237 (BRWK) (MBC) Lawr e nc e vi lie ,Va .23868 Brodnax,Va. 23920 BUCHANAN COUNTY,Va.: Biology Dep't (BNAN) Biology Dep't (BNAN) Council High,School Grundy Sr.High School Council,Va. 24260 Grundy,Va. 24614 *B00KER, Mr . Ma 1 co 1 m A . Biology Dep't (BKHM) BUCKINGHAM COUNTY,Va. State Game Warden Central High School Gladstone,Va. 24553 Buckingham,Va. 23921 Biology Dep't (CMBL) •Biology Dep't (CMBL) CAMPBELL COUNTY, Va . : Altavista High Sch. Campbell Co.High School Altavista,Va. 24517- Rustburg,Va. 24588 ^CHAMBERLAIN,D r.J .L . *FREER,Dr.Ruskin(Biol) ^PATTERSON, William Biol. Ran-MacnW Coll. Lynchburg-College 7100 Peach Tree Rd. Lynchburg,Va. 24501 Lynchburg,Va. 24501 Lynchburg,Va. 24502 RAYMOND, Mr.Neil(BSA) *YOUNG,Mr.W.F.(SciSpvr) 129 Oakdale Circle 11th & Court Sts.(CMBL) Lynchburg,Va. 24502 Lynchburg,Va. 24504 - 4 - VHS BULLET III No. 46 VHS ROSTER December, 1965 ■ • .Biology .Dep't (CLNE) CAROLINE COUNTY, Va.: . Caroline-High School -------- — ------------- Bowling Green,Va.22427 V Biology Dep't (CELL) Biology Dep't (CELL) CARROLL COUNTY. Va.: Hillsville’High Sch. Woodlawn High School Hillsville,Va.24343 Voodlawn.Va. 24381 Biology.Dep't (CH CY) • HAUFT,Mr.C,H. (ICBC) ' CHARLES CITY COUNTY: . Charles City High S . Charles City Charles City,Va.23030 Virginia 23030 Biology Dep't (CH CY) • Samaria High School Providence Forge, Va.
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