1 TENDER NO.East-15/2016 ANNEXURE -“I” CHECK LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH TENDERS. (Tenderers are requested to give certificate and/or put ( ) mark wherever applicable.) 1.0 Tenderer details: 1.1 Name of the Tenderer 1.2 Identification of Tenderer i. In case of Partnership Firm: A copy of Partnership deed with latest modifications of the deed, if any, attested by any Gazetted Officer. ii. In case of Consortium, JV or MOU: A copy of either JV agreement attested by any Gazetted Officer or MOU in original. iii. In case of Company: A copy of Articles of Association attested by any Gazetted Officer. iv. In case of Proprietary Firm: A copy of registration / Income tax/ PAN No. for filing returns attested by any Gazetted Officer. 02 Particulars of DD/MR submitted towards cost of Tender form. 03 Particulars of MR/BC/DD submitted towards EMD. 04 Engineering Organization in Annexure – “A” 05 List of Plants & Machinery in Annexure – “B” 06 List of works completed during the last three Financial Years in Annexure – “C” 07 List of Works on Hand in Annexure – “D” 08 Attested copy of Experience Certificate in Annexure – “E” 09 Attested copy of Certificate showing Contractual amounts received during the last three Financial years and Current Financial Year in Annexure – “F” 10 NEFT MANDATE FORM 11 Registration Number of APGST / APVAT 12 Any other information / certificates required as per Tender document. 13 Total Number of Annexure submitted ( Number of Pages) Address : Phone No. : Signature of Tenderer/Contractor: DEN/East/BZA Signature of Tenderer(s) Page 1 of 40 BZA Divn., SCR, T.No. East-15/2016 invited vide Open Tender Notice No.DRM/Works/BZA/10/2016 dt.17-05-2016, date of opening on 20-06 -2016 for the work of “Ramavarappadu (inclusive) to Machilipatnam, Nidadavolu (Exclusive) to Narsapur and Bhimavaram Town to Gudivada in ADEN/BVRM Jurisdiction. “ 2 TENDER NO.East-15/2016 TENDER NO. East-15/2016 Name of Work Ramavarappadu (inclusive) to Machilipatnam, Nidadavolu (Exclusive) to Narsapur and Bhimavaram Town to Gudivada in ADEN/BVRM Jurisdiction. Works considered Any building work or zonal maintenance works or repair to similar works. buildings. Cost of Tender form `5000/- in person & `5500/- by Post ISSUED TO M.R. / DD No. Date: M/s. / Shri……………….. …………………………… …………………………… Not Transferable. DRM/Works/BZA =========================================================================== SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY ZONAL CONTRACT REGULATIONS OF TENDERS AND CONTRACTS CONDITIONS OF TENDER TENDER AGREEMENT FORM Open Tender Notice No. DRM/Works/BZA/10/2016 dated.17-05-2016. Approximate `95,59,000/- Last date for issue of tender 07-06-2016 Value forms by post EMD `1,91,180/- Last date for issue of tender 17-06-2016 upto18-00 forms in person Hours. Date and time for 20-06-2016 upto10.45 submission of tenders Hours Date and time for opening 20-06-2016 at 11.00 of tenders Hours. DEN/East/BZA Signature of Tenderer(s) Page 2 of 40 BZA Divn., SCR, T.No. East-15/2016 invited vide Open Tender Notice No.DRM/Works/BZA/10/2016 dt.17-05-2016, date of opening on 20-06 -2016 for the work of “Ramavarappadu (inclusive) to Machilipatnam, Nidadavolu (Exclusive) to Narsapur and Bhimavaram Town to Gudivada in ADEN/BVRM Jurisdiction. “ 3 TENDER NO.East-15/2016 NOTE TO TENDERERS 1) Tender forms in the prescribed form may be obtained from the office of the Divisional Railway Manager, Works, S.C. Railway, Vijayawada, on production of cash receipt for each tender form at the rates mentioned on the cover page and in the Tender Notice. If any plan/drawing is attached with the tender form, `200/- for plan/drawing will be levied extra. The amount towards the cost of tender form may be remitted to the Divisional Cashier (Pay) S.C.Railway, Vijayawada, Guntur, Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Guntakal and Nanded, Chief Cashier (Pay), S.C.Railway, Secunderabad or any Station Master/Station Superintendent on S.C. Railway and the receipt obtained thereof should be submitted to this office with a requisition for issue of tender form. Money Orders, Postal Orders, etc, will not be considered for issue of tender forms. The tender forms are not transferable and the cost of the tender form is not refundable. This office will not entertain direct payment. Tender Number, Description of the work, etc. should be written on the sealed cover addressed to the Divisional Railway Manager (Works), S.C.Railway, Vijayawada, while submitting the Tender document. 2) The Tender forms are available for sale in the office of Divisional Railway Manager (Works), S.C.Railway, Vijayawada and also in S.C.Railway Web site. 3) Tender conditions / other particulars are available in the Tender documents uploaded along with the Tender Notice on our website at http://www.scr.indianrailways.gov.in” which can be downloaded. 4) The prospective tenderers are advised to visit website “http://www.scr.indianrailways.gov.in” three days before the date of tender opening to note any changes/corrigenda for any tender. 5) The Tender Notice is also displayed in the Notice Board located in the office of Divisional Railway Manager (Works), S.C.Railway, Vijayawada which can be seen on all working days. 6) The Railway reserves the right to cancel the tender without assigning any reason thereto. 7) Venue: Tender documents, duly completed in all respects shall be dropped in the Tender Box kept for the purpose at Divisional Railway Manager‟s Office (Works), South Central Railway, Vijayawada, Krishna District (or) may be sent by post to Divisional Railway Manager (Works), South Central Railway, Vijayawada, Krishna District(A.P.). Railway is not responsible for any delay in transit (or) loss of Tender form sent/received by Post. 8) If the date of opening happens to be a holiday, the tenders will be opened on the next working day. 9) The Tenders will be opened on the date and time mentioned in the tender document and in presence of tenderers /their authorized representatives. Any tender received after the stipulated time will be summarily rejected. 10) Tenderers representatives are advised to bring authorization letter from the tenderer/firms for attending tender opening and when witnessing tender opening should write their full name, contact number, agency/contractor they are representing and their address in the tender opening register. Visit our site at “http://www.scr.indianrailways.gov.in DEN/East/BZA Signature of Tenderer(s) Page 3 of 40 BZA Divn., SCR, T.No. East-15/2016 invited vide Open Tender Notice No.DRM/Works/BZA/10/2016 dt.17-05-2016, date of opening on 20-06 -2016 for the work of “Ramavarappadu (inclusive) to Machilipatnam, Nidadavolu (Exclusive) to Narsapur and Bhimavaram Town to Gudivada in ADEN/BVRM Jurisdiction. “ 4 TENDER NO.East-15/2016 SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY STANDARD REGULATIONS FOR TENDERS AND CONTRACTS Sl. No. Description Page No. 1 Eligibility Criteria 5 2 Tender 15 3 Acceptance of tender 16 4 Agreement for Zone contract 17 5 Schedule 18 6 Meaning of Terms 22 7 Condition of Tender 26 8 Special conditions of Contract 31 9 Special conditions Modification to clause 63 & 38 64 of general conditions of contract 10 Performance Guarantee 39 DEN/East/BZA Signature of Tenderer(s) Page 4 of 40 BZA Divn., SCR, T.No. East-15/2016 invited vide Open Tender Notice No.DRM/Works/BZA/10/2016 dt.17-05-2016, date of opening on 20-06 -2016 for the work of “Ramavarappadu (inclusive) to Machilipatnam, Nidadavolu (Exclusive) to Narsapur and Bhimavaram Town to Gudivada in ADEN/BVRM Jurisdiction. “ 5 TENDER NO.East-15/2016 1. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA:- FOR THE WORKS WHOSE ADVERTISED TENDER VALUE IS COSTING ABOVE Rs.50 LAKHS. FOR TENDERS OF VALUE MORE THAN Rs.10 Cr., JV FIRM IS ELIGIBLE FOR THE TENDER SUBJECT TO FULFILLMENT OF TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL ELIGIBIITY AS PER CLAUSE 65 OF GCC.( Ref: PCE/SC Lr.No.W.148/P (Guide lines) Vol.II, dt.13.08.2014). 1.1 Similar nature of work Eligibility in terms of Experience: The Tenderer(s) should physically completed have physically completed at least one similar nature of during the last three single work for a minimum value of 35% of advertised financial years* and Tender value within the qualifying period i.e., last three in the current Financial financial years* and in the current Financial year** upto the year** date of Tender opening (even though the work might have commenced before the qualifying period). 1.2 Total Contract amount Eligibility in terms of Turnover: The total contract received during the last amount received during the last three financial years and in three financial years* the current financial Year up to the date of Tender opening and in the current should be a minimum of 150% of Advertised Tender Value financial year** a) Tenderer(s) should submit to this effect certificate in original or an attested certificate from the Govt./Semi Govt./Public sector undertakings for the work done for them or b) Audited balance sheet along with P& L A/C duly certified by the Chartered Accountant as detailed in Tender document. NOTE: *Financial Year shall normally, be reckoned as 1st April to 31st March of the Next Year. However, for Turnover Criteria, the Financial Year as applicable to the Company/Tenderer is to be considered, if it defers from the above. **Current Financial year is reckoned as the incomplete Financial year in which the date of tender submission falls. 2.0 Clarification on “Similar nature of work” and details to be furnished along with the Tender Documents: 2.1 Similar nature of work:- Similar nature of work is detailed at Page-2 and Page-18 2.2 Similar Nature of works physically completed within the qualifying period i.e.
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