WORKING PAPER SERIES African Forest Forum A platform for stakeholders in African forestry Vol 3 Issue 18 | 2017 The Status of Tree and Forest Pests and Diseases in the Eastern African Sub-region SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT IN AFRICA WORKING PAPER SERIES Volume 3 Issue 18 | 2017 The Status of Tree and Forest Pests and Diseases in the Eastern African Sub-region SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT IN AFRICA Mercy Gichora, PhD Correct citation: African Forest Forum (2017). The Status of Tree and Forest Pests and Diseases in the Eastern African Sub-region: Sustainable Forest Management in Africa. African Forest Forum Working Paper, Vol (3)18, 2017, Nairobi. Copyright © African Forest Forum 2017. All rights reserved. African Forest Forum United Nations Avenue, Gigiri. P.O. Box 30677-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 722 4203 Fax: +254 20 722 4001 E-mail:[email protected] Website: www.afforum.org. Twitter @ africanff. Facebook / African Forest Forum. LinkedIn / African Forest Forum (AFF). Design & Layout: Conrad Mudibo, Ecomedia Limited Cover photos (L-R): Cypress aphid colony, photo: K. E. Mutitu; Mangrove shoot borer damage, photo credit: Mercy Gichora; Sorindeia madagascariensis; Botryosphaeria canker on Eucalyptus species, photo: Jane Njunguna) Disclaimer The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the African Forest Forum concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries regarding its economic system or degree of development. Excerpts may be reproduced without authorization, on condition that the source is indicated. Views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the African Forest Forum. Status and trends of forests and tree pests and diseases in West and Central Africa Acronyms ........................................................................................................V Executive Summary ......................................................................................... 1 1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Forest types of the East African sub-region .................................. 5 1.1.1 Sustainable forest management ................................... 7 1.1.2 Policy setting for sustainable forest management in the Eastern Africa sub-region ................................... 9 1.1.3 Global review of forest pests and diseases. ............... 11 1.2 Objectives of the study ............................................................... 14 2. Situational analysis ............................................................................ 15 3. Methodology of study ........................................................................ 20 4. Pest and disease ................................................................................ 21 4.1 Sudan ................................................................................................. 21 4.1.1 Geography ................................................................. 23 4.1.2 Trends of disturbance of forests in Sudan ................... 23 4.1.3 Capacity for forest pest and disease management in Sudan .................................................................... 24 4.2 Ethiopia ............................................................................................... 25 4.2.1 Geography ................................................................. 25 4.2.2 Trends of disturbance of forests in Ethiopia ................ 27 4.2.3 Inter-sectoral collaboration in tree and forest pest and disease management in Ethiopia ............................... 29 4.2.4 Capacity for forest pest and disease management in Ethiopia .................................................................. 31 4.3 Kenya ................................................................................................... 32 4.3.1 Geography ................................................................. 32 4.3.2 Trends of insect pests and diseases of trees and forests in Kenya ......................................................... 34 4.3.3 Tree and forest insect pests in Kenya ......................... 35 4.3.4 Diseases of trees and forests in Kenya ....................... 36 4.3.5 Inter-sectoral collaboration in tree and forest pest and disease management in Kenya ................................... 37 4.3.6 Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) ..... 37 4.4 Rwanda ............................................................................................... 40 4.4.1 Geography ................................................................. 40 4.4.2 Inter-sectoral collaboration in tree and forest pest and disease management in Rwanda ............................... 43 4.4.3 Insect pests and diseases of trees and forests in Rwanda ..................................................................... 43 4.4.4 Capacity for sustainable forest pest and disease management in Rwanda ............................................ 43 4.4.5 National Institute of Statistics (NISR) ........................... 44 4.4.6 Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB) ............................... 44 4.4.7 Rwanda Development Board ..................................... 45 4.4.8 New Forests Company .............................................. 46 4.4.9 Rwanda Natural Resources Authority ......................... 47 4.4.10 Ministry of Agriculture ................................................. 47 44.11 Capacity for forest pest and disease management in Rwanda ..................................................................... 48 5. Lessons Learnt ................................................................................... 49 6. Conclusions ........................................................................................ 51 7. Recommendations ............................................................................. 53 7.1 Promote adoption of integrated management options ................ 53 7.2 Policy implementation to cover surveillance and monitoring of pests and diseases .............................................................................. 53 7.2.1 Coordinated regional action in response to pest and disease reports .......................................................... 54 8. References .......................................................................................... 55 9. Appendices ......................................................................................... 60 Appendix 1: Forest and tree pests of Sudan .......................................... 60 Appendix 2: Forest and tree diseases of Sudan ..................................... 61 Appendix 3: Insect pests of trees and forests in Ethiopia ........................ 62 Appendix 4: Forest and tree diseases of Ethiopia .................................. 63 Appendix 5: Forest insect pests of Kenya .............................................. 64 Appendix 6: Forest and tree diseases of Kenya ...................................... 67 Status and trends of forests and tree pests and diseases in West and Central Africa V The Status of Tree and Forest Pests and Diseases in the Eastern African Sub-region Acronyms ASDS Agricultural Sector Development Strategy AU African Union AU-IAPSC AU Inter-African Phytosanitary Council CABI Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa COMIFAC Central African Forests Commission COPE Center for Phytosanitary Excellence EAC East African Community EALA East African Legislative Assembly EDPRS Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy EEFRI Ethiopian Environmental and Forestry Research Institute EIAR Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research EPPO European Plant Protection Organization FABI Food and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FAO-SFE FAO Sub-regional Office for Eastern Africa FISNA Forest Invasive Species Network for Africa FNC Forest National Corporation FRA Forest Resource Assessment GDP Gross Domestic Product HCA Horticultural Council of Africa ICIPE International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics IDP Internally Displaced Person IGAD Inter-Governmental Authority on Development IPPC International Plant Protection Convention IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature VI Sustainable Forest Management in Africa KEFRI Kenya Forestry Research Institute KEPHIS Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service KFS Kenya Forest Service KRA Kenya Revenue Authority MINAGRI Ministry of Agriculture MINIRENA Ministry of Natural Resources NAFA National Forestry Authority NISR National Institute of Statistics NLC National Land Centre NPPO National Plant Protection Organization NPPS Netherlands Plant Protection Service OGMR Office of Geology and Mining RAB Rwanda Agriculture Board RDB Rwanda Development Board RNRA Rwanda Natural Resources Authority RPPO Regional Plant Protection Organization SADC Southern African Development Community SFM Sustainable Forest Management UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UR University of Rwanda WTO World Trade Organization Status and trends of forests and tree pests and diseases in West and Central Africa 1 The Status
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