University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 2-6-1996 Central Florida Future, Vol. 28 No. 38, February 6, 1996 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 28 No. 38, February 6, 1996" (1996). Central Florida Future. 1337. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1337 Left-fielderAdam Johnson leads UCF past Western California-p.16 Cen Flori Future· V< ii .:~ • \11 _~x Serving the University of Central Florida since 1968 ~ · .~. :. Feb_. 6, t99q • ... .. ' "" I . • • . ,,.1 ..'. J ~ .. '.., , ... • • Illegal transfer from .trust fund by • Finance and Accounting Dept. D $117,000 was taken administration isn't doing funny things with students' money, and I noticed that there was a from a Student Union $117,000 transfer done illegally. The money trust fund. was gone for about a week," Koenig said. 'The reason why I don't have that big of by JOE CHABUS a problem with the ~egal transfer is I checked Staff writer into the account, and all the expenditures that were being made ha~e been for construction or After the SGA senate meeting Thursday operations ofthe Student Union, so the spending night, Senator Kevin Koenig, operations Re­ up to date has been legal." view Committee Chairman, announced ~t Missing money gets more entertaining $117 ,000 had been illegally transferre.d out of a whenKoenigtalksofthemysterious UCFMarch­ Student Union trust fund by the university's ing Band acqJunt A UCF Marching -Band ac­ FmanceandAccountingDepartment .. countcreatedyearsagowasgiven Acco~g to Koenig, the ex­ an account number where all of ecutive order that created the Student their moneys came from. Koenig Union trust fund specifically states says when he was reviewing all that all moneys transferred out of the the accounts, he noticed that fund must be signed off by either the someone has been mailing things student body president or the Student on that account because it has been recently Sen_ate-neither of which happened when the charged for postage. While no one knows Finance and Accountitig Department obtained what was charged to the account and who is· the $117 ,000. The department was not aware of running up the bill, the Senator is going to the requirement for taking money out of this '.'go back and find out who has been charg­ account So, soon after learning that the transac­ ing postage on one of our student govern­ tion was illegal, they transferred the money back ment accounts." into the original Student Union trust fund. ''We•re going to transfer all the money ''I pericxlically go into the different ac­ back into the accourit;getourmoney back and counts and check them to make sure that the then close the account," Koenig said. · Arturo Sandoval dazzles UCF Arena crowd 'hands-on' approach at Fiesm . by JODY MASK Contributing writer by DORIS BLOODSWORTH and tell me their problems," she Asst. news editor said as she smiled and handed out two more burritos. "Today it has Moving the Arturo Sandoval "Wouldn't it be great if the been great to talk to UCF students conceit from the Fine Arts audito­ dean wore a sombrero?" who like UCF and like being UCF rium to the UCF Arena wa5 a wise Dr. Kathryn L. Seidel, dean students." _ decision. -Tu fact, all of the seats should of the College of Arts and Sci­ T_he Fiesta is just one of ences, said that comment from a . many projects which have kept have been opened for the enthusi­ UCf student helped inspire the Seidel busy lately. In addition to astic crowd that gathered Friday Fiesta held at the Visual Arts overseeing the plans for building night to watch the Cuban-born jazz Building Wednesday afternoon. a new Communications Building, musician perform in a free concert With the backdrop of a steel she is actively involved with other sponsored by WUCF-FM and the band, surrounded by nachos and projects, such as the City of UCF Music Department. salsa and calling herself a "hands­ Orlando's performing arts com­ As it turned out, one half of on dean," Seidel and members of plex. Mayor Glenda Hood would the building was closed off, which the Student Government handed like the complex to be home to was probably necessary to keep the out 650 burritos to students and UCF' s theatre department. event free. Regardless of the price, faculty members. Seidel said she and Hood Sandoval and the UCF Jazz En­ SG President Miguel share the vision of the possibili­ semble gave the standing room only Torregrosa said that the purpose ties such a plan would provide to crowd an amazing performance. of the event was to give the stu­ UCF theatre majors. The Ensemble, directed by Jeff Rupert, warmed up the audi­ ~ents an opportunity to meet the . "Imagine our students dean face-to-face. Similar events watching a Pavarotti rehearsal, and ence with a pair of flashy numbers, have already been held for the then the day after a pe!formance, including a romp down the tracks College of Business Administra­ Pavarotti leading a masterclass." on "Night Train." Particularly im­ tion and the College of Engineer­ Barbara Pate, 26, the SG .pressive was Steven Skinner's sax ing. SG and the individual col­ academic advocate and commu­ solo. leges have shared' the expenses nicative disorders major, esti­ Talented as it is, the Jazz 50/50, Torregrosa said. Plans are mated the crowd at several hun­ Ensemble was well aware that it underway for the College of Edu­ dred. She arid Seidel said that at didn't pack half the arena without cation to host a sim'ilar event Mar. least 100 faculty members had any help. Arturo Sandoval strolled 21. attended. At the beginning of the onto the stage as he was being Seidel said it is important to Fiesta, the line stretched from the introduced by Rupert, and the audi­ ence roared its approval. Sandoval meet students fac~-to-face. · front doors of the VAB to the end wasted no time keeping the pace photo/SAGINARIO "They coul~ walk by me of the lobby. and wouldn't even know I was the Arturo Sandoval blows a tune from his well-known trumpet JAZZ, page Friday night. The event was sponsored by WUCF and was dean. This way, the next time see RESTA, page 3 188 3 they w&1k by me, they can stop me free to the public. News 1-4 Opinion S.7 Classifieds 5 Features 8-13 A cool cro~word and some groovy CD reviews. Sports 14-16 .university of ·························u·c·f··stud·e·ni·G0V8r0DllJ0f ········ Central - . • Florida Presidential Elections • • • 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Voting Places: Health & Physics, Education, Business & Engineering • Constitutional Amendment #1 (A Separation of Executive and Legislative Branches of Student Government) Article II Section 2 Subsection B A Senare Ftesident \Vi10 Shan He rite :5tadent :Body 1 f'ice ¥resident Article II Section 4 Subsection B 'flte 1/ice F1eside11t s11a11 pteside ooe1 die !5e11ate as its P1esidtnt alrd sltall be able w bteak a tie vote of dte ~enare. • Insert Article II Section 2 Subsection B A Senate President elected from the Senate Add Article II Section 6: Duties of the Senate President The Senate President shall preside over the Senate and shall be able to break a tie vote_of the Senate. Add Article II Section 7: Order of Succession In the event that the Senate President resigns or is unable to perform the powers and duiies of office, the Senate President Pro Tempore • shall become the Senate Preside.nt. Article III Section 5 Subsection B In the event that the Vice President is unable to fulfill the duties of office, the Senate President :5e11ate t'resident t'ro 'fempme sryall become Vice President. • Constitutional Amendment #2 (Publication of Amendment(s)) Article V Section B • 'fhe proposed amendment shall be published in "tt're' A major student publication and otherwise made available to the Student Body for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the vote by the Stu~en.t Body. The vote on the proposed Constitutional Amendment(s) shall be held during the next regular Student Government elections. Brevard Campus Feb. 19, 20 & 21 Monda)' through Wedn~sday • 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Voting Place: near the Student G«;>vernment lounge Constitutional Amendment #3 (Removal of Student Affairs Oversight) • Article III Section 3 Subsection D Sign or veto all measures passed by the Senate within ten (10) school days of passage from ·the Senate. No action by the Student Body President in ten (10) school days shall constitute approval of the measure by the Student Body President. The chief Student Affairs officer •• University President or His/Her Designee shall have three (3) weeks to veto or sign the measures in question. No action in three weeks shall constitute approval of the measure by the chief :5tadent Affairs offi:cet University President or His/Her Designee. • Constitutional Amendment #4 · (Removal of Student Affairs Oversight) Article II Section 5 Subsection K Override a veto by the chief Student Affahs officer University President's Designee by two-thirds (2/3) vote and refer the legislation to the President of the University for ultimate review.
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