VOL. I KSrAIILISIIKI) XV. NO. U. i liiOl MAINE, SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER AUG. 18. 1902 ND PORTLAND, THURSDAY, 2, 1915. {I JUNEfNTERED^ | PRIY1!*' IMVt1 23, 191n, AT THE POST OFFICE AT PORTLAND. MAINK. \ ^ illV/rj i* 1 V hj V_^ Hi IN I fc. day evening concerts have added much Delightful Party Disappearing Searchlight Peaks Island House to the pleasure of tourists and the musicians have been the BAL MASQUE GIVEN AT SOUTH recipients of EXCAVATIONS AT' LONG I. BY LAWRENCE felicitations after * COMMANDERY, K. T., all the performances. HARPSWELL FRIDAY EVENING. GOVERNMENT ENGINEERS. HERE SATURDAY FOR OUTING. The program was as follows: New I'oheniian Girl Most Successful and Selection, llalfc Ranges Brilliant Functicn Two New and Enormous I'omiiice, M. Glinka Searchlights Institute To of the Season. Tuskeegee Singers Give Cello Solo, to be Placed There. Concert Sunday Evening. la) Cradle Souk. llauser in Last Friday evening, the 27th of Au- Since in June a crew of ten (b)r Melody r, Rubinstein early The season at this (a) For gust, one of the and most to popular and well Narcissus, Nevin Fall and largest fifteen men have been at :* Winter work on (b) Venetian conducted house will come to a Love Sour, Nevin elaborate afTairs has ever close Harpswell the southeast shore of Long Island Polish Dance, Scharwenkai seen was Tuesday morning after the breakfast A. range like cut, "The given by Mrs. Nathaniel L. making excavations for what is now Sunday evening several students hour. Considering the unfavorable Madel Moffitt and Mrs. William K. McCand- said to be two of the latest from the Tuskeegee Institute will fur- Stewart," 8-inch improved weather that has prevailed the entire 18 less, both of St. Louis, at the Auburn huge searchlights which will stand nish a musical program of exceptional cavers, inch oven with summer, this hotel has had a very Harpswe'l Association Hall in honcr second only to those which have recent- merit. The late Mr. W. H. Chase of mantle. of good patronage and the number of Only- $3*2.00 their daughter and son, Miss Sophie ! ly been instalred near San Francisco. Waltham, Mass., who was one of the tourists registered at all times was Moffitt and Mr. Lansden McCandless, The work has progressed far three members of the Waltham Elks The same with 8 in. enough equal to last season. Manager Ralph range who celebrated their respective birth- In the and to make to lose his life by the of a blasting excavating ^2. Rowe as soon as his business will sinking ~o inch oven on that occasion. Neither raft on which he was covers, with days grand way for the construction work which will participating in permit take a short rest before the mantle. Miss Moffitt nor Mr. McCandless will wiU be under soon. water carnival given in that Only $3T*00 way very resuming his duties with the city faculty in honor of the Governors' visit last cf the Portland High School. Satur- The week was well known Largest Assortment day noon the Lawrence here. Mr. Commandery, Chase spent the month of July at the of other and Knights Templar, one hun- patterns numbering hotel and was well known to makes to be found in dred and fifty, are to arrive at the many guests here and an intimate friend of hotel for a three days' outing. The Portland. We can the manager. On of his Commandery will spend the first two hearing suit friend's death, Mr. Rowe sent a letter surely you. days here enjoying life at the hotel of sympathy to his family and Mon- and taking in the different of places day he received a letter from them amusement and points of interest that Gash or thanking him for his kindness in their Easy Terms -a.iiijea.1 iu me sojourner nere. Monday bereavement. At the request of Mr. at noon, the entire company will em- Rowe, Mr. Wilfred Barnes of Boston bark upon a special steamer and go iepreseniea Mr. Kowe at the funeral. We Line of to Long Island where they will Carry Complete House par- Tuesday afternoon last, Mr. and Furnishings take of one of the famous clam Mrs. bakes James Miller Hill of served at Cushing's Pavilion. The Philadelphia, both of whom have been at the hotel party will return to the hotel for sup- the entire left before season, for their home, R. per departing for their return to S. DAVIS CO. the sincere regret of every guest trip. Manager Rowe has planned a COMPLETE HOMEFURNISHERS in the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Hill have gala time for the and as Commandery been yearly sojourners for fourteen E many of the members of this organiza- Cor. and Federal Sts.F years and each year they are among Exchange ?r^KELL' tion were here twelve years ago cn a the leaders in all social affairs. similar outine they are a anticipating Their many friends trust to have fine time this year. Last Sunday them with them again in 191G. When evening the house orchestra gave an- they left the hotel to go to the steamer ther of the'r delightful and pleasing here a crowd of the guests accompan- concerts before a large company of I ied them to the wharf and hotel guests and friends. These Sun- gave them "HOME ENVIRONMENT" ; a farewell salute as the steamer left. Exerls a powerful influence upon the ordinary individ- "TUMfF" jUaka 3f0latt& The Old Elm at Eastern Landing, Chebeague. ^axt&£ ual. Your Is to duty make your home attractive and — Halpff £. Ham*, as liveable as return to St. IHana^r just possible. Enlist our aid in this Louis this winter. Miss Part cf the crew cn the work have Mcffltt work. remaining east to go to board- : been handling cables which connect school in P*aJm Sfllatti : ; : ing Connecticut and Mr. Mc- ttysi Great Diamond fortifications (tarn Candless to Sag. iflain* enter/ Priuretcn tJniver- 'j.tm ftfft transmit power for the search- Both wore sity. becomingly attract- lights and the necessary telephone ive costumes 'representing a beautiful wires to the Long Island station. Spanish with a princess heavy Car- Rumors that a masked battery was to NOW OPEN mencila veil of genuine Spanish lace, be placed there have been emphatical- KEYSTONE—decorated walls certain- and a European prince, garbed in the ly denied by the United States Engi- Famous for years ly are beautiful. No artist could imag- bright uniform of a nussar, with red neers' Department. riding trousers, high boots, and typical for its liberal man- ine more wonderful colorings. DUR- old fashioned military jacket hat. Mrs. Moffitt in the lo- ABLE, WASHABLE, SANITARY AND dress of a daughter agement, superb of 1812 made a most bewitching and Cloudburst Dance the cation and colors are forever fadeless. charmingly attractive hostess and Mrs. fine McCandless radiated joy upon all, cos- VIRGINIA TANNER TO PERFORM shore dinners. Ev- tumed as an American Red Cross head IT AT GREEK PAGEANT. nurse. The guests tegan to arrive erything modern. sharply after 8.30 and were received Special Rates to be Made for Students M. F. at Bragdon Paint Co. the door by the hostesses and those and School Children. Special orchestra. in whose honor the party was given. The committee in charge of the re- Accommodates 500. 47—Exchange St.—47 By nine o'clock all had arrived and Beautiful prcducticn of the Greek Pageant to be Home Talks (The Yellow midst a highly of Front.) prevailing spirit given Sept. 10 and 11 at Cumberland Rates, booklets and good fun, the grand march led began, Foreside have announced that Miss by Mrs. Moftitt and Mrs. floor on McCandless, Virginia Tanner will herself take the plans ap- followed closely by the hon- birthday leading part of Circe, the enchantress, ored cnes and a great crowd of old plication. in the Adventures of Ulysses. and young, many not with 'Sup- Don't GrO Home knowing ported by a group of handsome whom they marched, the young "W ITHOUT .A. disguises ladies she will present her wonderful and costumes were so cleverly pre- cloudburst dance to which the New pared. Scarcely had this gala march SOUVENIR OF PORTLAND York and Brooklyn papers devoted so ended, when, from somewhere in the We much space when it was given in AstoR have a nice line to "cape" select from. distance, the music of a hand-organ ""'iiiir'7 Brooklyn. They proclaimed it the -MAINE'S was heard. Gradually this sound ap- FINEST AND MOST SANITARY most marvelous dance ever attempted RESTAURANT proached, when after a short PAGE & SHAW'S FRESH while, | and declared that in it Miss Tanner Finest 25c CANDY-ALWAYS .Mr. Dinner Served in This Citv ana Airs. .ionn r. Ttiomas of Hing- had demonstrated herself to be one of Combination Meal' everv 25 c ham, made their debut as day -nts. Turkey Dinner Sunday 50 cents. We are Mass., the greatest dancers of to serve Sei Foo I in prepared STORES the age. any sty'e. Handy to Electrics. Few minutes walk from SIMMONS & HAMMOND Conjrreiw» St. Italians who had but recently emi- steambo.it «>h >rf. It is not too much to say that Fri- Priv ite dininor room< for Ladies and Gentlemen Depondable Druggists Portland. M®• grated to this country, and had chosen day and Saturday, Sept. 10 and 11, will organ grinding as their JOH N A. or. A ^ profession. be red letter days for Portland and ITY, Proprietor They won the prize as the most origi- vicinity, and indeed for this whole sec- nally costumed.
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