~--------- arianas ~riety;;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 b&) V\IS lls~Zp·i~=g~ntl Due to defeat.. of. initiatives H ~ IJmaker to put up fj ij factory in Palau !1 ~ ~ Rota, Tinian see tough ~ By Eileen 0. Tabaranza !' /.1 For the Variety ti [: KOROR(PalauHorizon)- l'i /: A Saipan-based garment /1 prospects for ec9nom.y i manufacturer has been given i; f; the green light by the Foreign l: By Haldee V. Eugenio also feared the island is heading :; Investment Board (FIB) here ::: Variety News Staff for a more difficult economic fu­ ; toputupa$2-milliongarment ;: LOCAL officials of Rota and ture. i: factory that will manufacture :: Tinian yesterday expressed dis­ "We are very disappointed with ; cotton knitted apparel for ex- 0 appointment and grave concern the results . The proposed :, port to the United States. ' " I over the defeat of their local ini­ amendments were the result of a · Pacific Garments would be • tiatives seeking to establish and number of months' hard work not ;; the second garment factory to improve, respectively, casino only by the task force but also by (i be put up in Palau. The first to '.· gaming in their jurisdictions. all the people who want it," Sutton ;; set up shop and take advan- : Rota Mayor Benjamin T. said in a telephone interview. ii tage ofexport quota-free treat- . Manglona said economic oppor­ Sutton also said it will be harder [; ment by the U.S. is Orientex !·: tunities - including more jobs for Tinian to correct loopholes in [j Palau, Inc. [: and more investors - will be­ the current gaming act and im­ t The FIB approved the ap- i'. come more remote without the Benjamin T. Manglona Francisco M. Borja prove its casino industry with the ~ plication for a foreign invest- r, establishment of a casino indus­ defeat of the initiative. t: ment approval certificate 1 try. The Rota Casino Initiative was not ratified. "We expected positive results [' (FIAC) of Pacific Garment, "It appears ... that we failed to failed to get the required two­ Tinian's initiative to amend the for the business climate to im­ owned by Victor Yuen Tak ;! gamer two thirds of the qualified thirds "yes" votes among 1,097 existing casino law got 485 "yes" prove but it did not happen," said Fong who maintains garment r votes. Rota's economic future ballots cast as there were only 5 65 votes out of 900 ballots cast. Sutton, but added that Tinian will f; factories in Hongkong, the will be difficult ... The issue with such votes; according to the Board Under existing laws, local ini­ continue to look for other means :; People's Republic of China :: my administration has never been of Elections (BOE) partial elec­ tiatives need to get two-thirds of to improve its economy. ;, (PROC) and on Saipan. ;; casino. The issue has been the tion results. the total votes for them to be The -Tinian Popular Initiative i; Fong, a British citizen, has !1 ' '1 economy ... Now my job (of This means the proposal to es­ passed. seeks to amend the local law en­ :i garmentmanufacturingplants /i improving the economy) will be tablish, regulate and control a ca­ The Tinian Mayor's Office, rep­ titled "Revised Tinian Casino \! Continued on page 30 Ii sino gambling industry in Rota resented by attorney Loren Sutton, L-.-.!!.::.~:;;.,~::==:.:.r- ~~:..-.... '~~:::J more difficult," said Manglona. Continued on page 30 CUC may issue new power plant RFP 'Nobody's fault but By Haidee V. Eugenio This was learned during member Benjamin A. Sablan Variety News Staff yesterday's CUC special Board raised the issue of whether or IF THE new independent fi­ of Directors meeting where mem­ not another RFP is warranted if mine,' says Morgell nancial analysis of the Com­ bers officially approved an ex­ the long-awaited power plant's "I am not discounting that possi­ monwealth Utilities Corpora- panded study by its independent capacity needs to be decreased. bility (running again). Anything tion (CUC) does not find the consultants - Burns & CUC Legal Counsel William can happen (from now until controversial $120 million McDonnel-to evaluate the cur­ J. Ohle, also during the meet- . 2001)." ij~ power plant project economi­ rent and future power supply needs ing, said the decision to lower Tenorio said he lost because A cally feasible, CUC may have on Saipan, and the economic fea­ down the power plant's capac­ Guerrero "went that extra mile." B to go back to the first step of sibility of smaller 80 megawatt ity will mean the issuance of i· Tenorio said he will continue ~ issuing a new request for pro­ power plant project in light of another RFP as called for by . with his advocacy work and will [1 posals (RFP) for a scaled down bleak economic conditions. existing laws. focus, among ·others, on the project. During the meeting, Board f•J I ,l Continued on page 30 government's vocational ap­ ,! --~~ - ...:...~ .. :::r.:==--~ prenticeship program when he returns to private life. Juan P. Tenorio Guerrero, on Sunday, said the outcome of the elections for the Saipan senatorial district reflects By Jojo Dass the "people's disappointment" Variety News Staff with Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio, the SENATORJuanP. Tenorio(R­ losing senator's brother. Saipan) said "nobody is to "I think the ... reason that blame" for his surprising defeat (Tenorio) lost is mostly because in last Saturday's midterm elec­ of his brother's performance. I tions. think that has done the most "TI1e people have spoken. No impact on his losing this elec­ one is to blame. If there is any­ tion," said Guerrero in a Variety one to blame, it should be me. I interview at his residence. wasn't equal to the people's ex­ Guerrero said the governor pectations," said Tenorio, in an merely "talks" about issues af­ interview yesterday. fecting the populace "all the "I am more hurt for my sup­ time." porters than myself," he said. "The people are probably just Tenorio, who lost to Reform too tired of listening to the same Party stalwart Ramon S. comments over and over again," Guerrero by some 475 votes, he said. may make another bid for the Sen. Tenorio has been known Senate in the 2001 elections for his "pro-local" stance, hav- Saipan Senator-elect Ramon S. Guerrero (right) is interviewed by the Variety in his As Perdido residence though. right after his stunning election victory over incumbent Sen. Juan P. Tenorio early Sunday. To Guerrero's "I have lost before," he said, Continued on page 30 right is a supporter. Photo by Ratty Arroyo }Af _N~WSPAPER STACKS .I r,i. 2-MARIANAS- VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-TUESDAY- NOVEMBER 9, 1999 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1999-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 . '*::;i,::.·-'·.:,t,:..:,;.:~·~·~';)":, · · News Briefs Nov. 6, 19Q9 Election ~e~...c~~"t Speaker hints he may (BOE unofficial refilrns · as of Monday) · · . , Bush says he's smart Labastida wins Mexican 1ST SENATORIAL DISTRICT presidential primary give up top House post Rota Manglona, Paul A. (R) 699 MEXICO CITY (AP) - Former Interior Secretary Francisco By Jojo Dass Key Republicans who lost were Manglona, Glenn Hocog (I) 289 Labastida won a landslide victory in Mexico's governing party's Variety News Staff House Floor Leader Ana S. 2ND SENATORIAL DISTRICT enough to be president SPEAKER Diego T. Benavente Teregeyo (Precinct I); Ways and first presidential primary. Tinian (R-Saipan) may finally be giving Means Committee Chair Karl T. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - do with presidential leadership The vote will likely determine Mexico's next president but also Cing, David M. (D) 478 up the top House of Representa­ Republican presidential candidate potential, whether it constituted threatens 10 tear _apart the party that has mled for 70 years. Reyes (Precinct l ); Judicial and Hocog, Jose Ada (R) 390 tives post which he has occupied George W. Bush, who has been "gotcha" journalism and whether With 37 percent of the vote counted, Labastida, widely seen as the Governmental Operations Chair choice of President Ernesto Zedillo, was leading in 270 of the 300 since 1994. Frank G. Cepeda (Precicnt 4); 3RD SENATORIAL DISTRICT prone to stumble on foreign Bush's front-running campaign Saipan policy, said on Sunday he is had been damaged or merely em­ electoral districts, according to· the party's first official report late "I am a party man all the way. Labor and Immigration Commit­ Deleon Guerrero, Ramon S. (RP) 4,339 "plenty smart" despite flunking a barrassed. Sunday. A plurality of the districts is needed to win. Any decisions I will make will be tee Chair Hermari T. Palacios (Pre­ Tenorio, Juan P. (R) 3,864 .'~ in the best interest of the (Repub­ pop quiz on the leaders of four "I don't think you should judge His nearest challenger, fonner Tabasco Gov. Roberto Madrazo, cinct l ); Natural Resources Com­ lican) party," said Benavente in HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE world hot spots. him by that," said former Repub­ was leading in 21 districts. mittee Chair Manuel A. Tenorio an interview yesterday. (Precinct 1); and Foreign and Fed­ District #1 "America understands that a lican candidate Pat Buchanan, Apatang, David M. (R) 2,129 "I have several options right now guy doesn't know the name of ·who quit last month to seek the eral Relations Committee Chair lchihara, Brigida DLG. (D) 2,018 Mitchell to reconvene that I am looking at. I will leave Diego T. Benavente every single foreign leader. That's Reform Party's presidential nomi­ Melvin 0. Faisao (Precinct 3). Camacho, Rosiky F. (D) 1,744 (them) open," he added, indicating Still, Benavente said no "major Ada, Martin B.
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