E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2005 No. 103 Senate The Senate met at 9:45 a.m. and was the Department of Defense, for military con- nology Site, Colorado, who would otherwise called to order by the President pro struction, and for defense activities of the fail to qualify for such benefits because of an tempore [Mr. STEVENS]. Department of Energy, to prescribe per- early physical completion date. sonnel strengths for such fiscal year for the Dorgan amendment No. 1426, to express the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. sense of the Senate on the declassification PRAYER Pending: and release to the public of certain portions The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- of the Report of the Joint Inquiry into the fered the following prayer: Frist modified amendment No. 1342, to sup- Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, and port certain youth organizations, including to urge the President to release information Let us pray. the Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts Lord of life, high above all, yet in all, regarding sources of foreign support for the of America. hijackers involved in the terrorist attacks of the challenges of our world are great Inhofe amendment No. 1311, to protect the September 11, 2001. and our hands are small. The mystery economic and energy security of the United Dorgan amendment No. 1429, to establish a of life is deep, and our faith falters. States. special committee of the Senate to inves- The temptations of life are intense, and Inhofe/Kyl amendment No. 1313, to require tigate the awarding and carrying out of con- our wills are feeble. an annual report on the use of United States tracts to conduct activities in Afghanistan Lord, guide our steps. Shower Your funds with respect to the activities and man- and Iraq and to fight the war on terrorism. agement of the International Committee of Salazar amendment No. 1421, to rename Senators with enduring blessings. As the Red Cross. the death gratuity payable for deaths of they deal with the swirling winds of Lautenberg amendment No. 1351, to stop members of the Armed Forces as fallen hero change, be their ever present help. Give corporations from financing terrorism. compensation. them patience to trust the unfolding of Ensign amendment No. 1374, to require a Salazar amendment No. 1422, to provide Your loving providence. Give each of us report on the use of riot control agents. that certain local educational agencies shall the wisdom to refuse to deviate from Ensign amendment No. 1375, to require a be eligible to receive a fiscal year 2005 pay- ment under section 8002 or 8003 of the Ele- the path of integrity. report on the costs incurred by the Depart- ment of Defense in implementing or sup- mentary and Secondary Education Act of Lord, today we ask for You to com- porting resolutions of the United Nations Se- 1965. fort the grieving families of the Alas- curity Council. Salazar/Reed amendment No. 1423, to pro- kan Boy Scouts. Collins amendment No. 1377 (to Amend- vide for Department of Defense support of We pray in Your holy Name. Amen. ment No. 1351), to ensure that certain per- certain Paralympic sporting events. Collins (for Thune) amendment No. 1489, to f sons do not evade or avoid the prohibition imposed under the International Emergency postpone the 2005 round of defense base clo- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Economic Powers Act. sure and realignment. Collins (for Thune) amendment No. 1490, to Durbin amendment No. 1379, to require cer- The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the require the Secretary of the Air Force to de- tain dietary supplement manufacturers to velop and implement a national space radar Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: report certain serious adverse events. system capable of employing at least two I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Hutchison/Nelson (FL) amendment No. United States of America and to the Repub- frequencies. 1357, to express the sense of the Senate with Collins (for Thune) amendment No. 1491, to lic for which it stands, one nation under God, regard to manned space flight. prevent retaliation against a member of the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thune amendment No. 1389, to postpone Armed Forces for providing testimony about f the 2005 round of defense base closure and re- the military value of a military installation. alignment. Reed (for Levin) amendment No. 1492, to RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Kennedy amendment No. 1415, to transfer make available, with an offset, an additional The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under funds authorized to be appropriated to the $50,000,000, for Operation and Maintenance the previous order, the leadership time Department of Energy for the National Nu- for Cooperative Threat Reduction. clear Security Administration for weapons is reserved. Hatch amendment No. 1516, to express the activities and available for the Robust Nu- sense of the Senate regarding the investment f clear Earth Penetrator to the Army National of funds as called for in the Depot Mainte- Guard, Washington, District of Columbia NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- nance Strategy and Master Plan of the Air chapter. Force. TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006 Allard/McConnell amendment No. 1418, to Inhofe amendment No. 1476, to express the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under require life cycle cost estimates for the de- sense of Congress that the President should the previous order, the Senate will re- struction of lethal chemical munitions under take immediate steps to establish a plan to sume consideration of S. 1042, which the Assembled Chemical Weapons Alter- implement the recommendations of the 2004 natives program. the clerk will report. Report to Congress of the United States- Allard/Salazar amendment No. 1419, to au- China Economic and Security Review Com- The legislative clerk read as follows: thorize a program to provide health, med- mission. A bill (S. 1042) to authorize appropriations ical, and life insurance benefits to workers Allard amendment No. 1383, to establish a for fiscal year 2006 for military activities of at the Rocky Flats Environmental Tech- program for the management of post-project ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S8897 . VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:31 Jul 27, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26JY6.000 S26JYPT1 S8898 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 26, 2005 completion retirement benefits for employ- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER CLOTURE VOTES ees at Department of Energy project comple- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Mr. REID. Mr. President, I would, tion sites. majority leader is recognized. through the Chair, ask the distin- Allard/Salazar amendment No. 1506, to au- thorize the Secretary of Energy to purchase SCHEDULE guished majority leader if the majority certain essential mineral rights and resolve Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, we come leader would agree that we would con- natural resource damage liability claims. back for a final week before our recess tinue on the Defense bill, vitiate clo- McCain modified amendment No. 1557, to with a number of important items, ture on it and the gun bill, and finish provide for uniform standards for the inter- many of which are the culmination of the Defense bill by a time certain, say rogation of persons under the detention of Thursday at 7 o’clock in the evening? the Department of Defense. many months of work. It will be a chal- Warner amendment No. 1566, to provide for lenging week in order to accommodate We would try to work through our uniform standards and procedures for the in- the range of issues. I will mention a amendments. We would have time terrogation of persons under the detention of number of those that will be addressed. agreements on amendments. We would the Department of Defense. I do hope all of our colleagues will con- have the two managers of the bill set McCain modified amendment No. 1556, to sider the importance of addressing each us up so we could vote on these, Repub- prohibit cruel, inhuman, or degrading treat- of these and doing it in a timely way lican and Democratic amendments, ment or punishment of persons under the work through all these. I have a more custody or control of the United States Gov- that respects people’s schedules and ernment. gets us out at the end of this week. It extended statement I am going to give Stabenow/Johnson amendment No. 1435, to is going to be a real challenge, but it in a little bit, if we can’t work some- ensure that future funding for health care can clearly be accomplished if we all thing out on this. I will ask unanimous for veterans takes into account changes in work together in a collegial and civil consent, but I would ask the distin- population and inflation. guished Senator from Tennessee if he Murray amendment No. 1348, to amend the way as we go. This morning we will resume debate would consider a unanimous consent assistance to local educational agencies with agreement that will allow us to finish significant enrollment changes in military on the Defense authorization bill. dependent students due to force structure Under the order, there will be 20 min- this bill by a time certain on Thursday changes, troop relocations, creation of new utes remaining for debate to be used on and, following that, in fact, what I units, and realignment under BRAC. the Collins and Lautenberg amend- think would be most appropriate is we Murray amendment No.
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