Pre-Season Hors-Concours :~. ~I :~. N Cal. W. L. T. F. 335 23

Pre-Season Hors-Concours :~. ~I :~. N Cal. W. L. T. F. 335 23

1981 SCORES ­ SCORES EN 1981 1981 SEASON ­ SAISON 1981 Pre-Season ­ Hors-Concours Final Standings- Classement Final Date Visiting Team Home Team Date Visiting Team Home Team Eastern Division ­ Division de I'est Western Division ­ Division de "ouest Equip<: a Doroicile Visiteurs Equip<: • Domicile Visiteurs W. L. T. F. A. Pts. W. L T. F. A. Pts. June 3 Sask. 19 Wpg. 10 June 16 Sask. 1 Edm. J7 G. P. N. P.P. PC. Pts. Tor. 12 18 Ham. 23 Tor. 16 G. P. N. P.P. PC. Pts. 4 Ott. 20 Edmonton 14 1 I 576 277 29 5 Edm. 12 CaL II 20 Wpg. 18 B.C. 28 Hamilton 11 4 I 414 335 23 7 Ham 21 Md. 21 21 Ott. 17 MIl. 21 5 11 0 306 44{i 10 Winnipeg II 5 0 517 299 22 Ottawa to 6 0 438 377 20 B.C. 20 8ask. 12 Cal. 20 Sask. 33 Montreal 3 13 0 267 518 6 B.C. Edm. 25 Wpg 16 26 Tor. 25 Ott. 35 Saskatchewan 9 7 0 431 371 18 10 Toronto 2 14 0 241 506 4 11 MtI. 17 Ott. J8 Wpg. 16 Cal. 14 Calgary 6 10 0 306 367 12 13 Tor. 15 Ham. 3 B.C. 2 Edm 26 Cal. 4 B.C. 8 27 Mti. 38 Ham. 24 Regular Season - Saison Reguliere 1981 GAME PARTICIPATION - PARTICIPATION AU MATCH EN 1981 July 2 Sask. 19 Tor. IS Sept. 4 B.C. 1 Ott. 17 3 Edm. 47 Ott. 21 6 Mtl. 26 Sask. 35 MONTREALALOUETnS 4 Md. 8 B.C. 48 7 Edm. 34 Ham. 34 5 Ham. 33 Wpg. 23 Tor. 5 Cal. 23 16 Games - Nick Arakgi, Wally Buono, Peter Dalla Riva, Gerry Dattilio, Dave Dumars, Bill 10 Tor. 22 MIL 23 12 Ham. 26 Mtl. 10 Hampton, Billy Johnson, Marc Lacelle, Roland Mangold, Chuck McMann, Doug Scott, Glen Weir. II Ott. 10 Ham. 47 Sask. 32 Wpg. 25 15 Games or Fewer (15 Matches ou Moins) Junior Ah You (15), Bill Banks (2), Gene Belliveau Cal. 10 Edm. 30 !3 Ott. 23 Tor. 6 12 Sas<. 20 B.c' 2J Edm. 38 (8), Carl Brazley (10 see Ott.), Maurice Burton (3 see Ham.), Greg Butler (7), Louis Clare (12 see 16 :~. ~i Tor. 29 19 Edm. 21 Cal. 10 Ham.), Charles Cornelius (8), Tom Cousineau (4), Keith Credit (7), Alan Dosan! (13), Vince 17 MtI. 31 Ott. 33 Tor. 14 B.C. 45 Fermgamo (13), Ron Foxx (1 see Ott. and Tor.), Jeff Gabrielsen (6), Keith Gary (13), Steve Gelley 20 Wpg. 13 Ham. 25 Ham. 6 Cal. 26 (II), Mike Hameluck (15), Don Harris (1), Joe Haweo (6), Jim Heighton (3), Ray Honey (5), Ken 19 Edm. 28 Wpg. 38 Ott. 23 Sask. 26 24 Cal. 25 S..k. 16 26 Ham. 30 Ott. 16 Johnson (3 see Cal.), Glenn Keeble (14), Tim Kist (4), Joseph Kuklo (13), James Marshall (5), Ken 25 Tor. 13 Ham. 57 Mti. IJ Edm. 62 Miller (3), Gerry McGrath (7), Ian Mofford (3 see Wpg.), Bill Norton (14), David Overstreet (15), Ott. 17 B.C. 31 27 Cal. 26 Tor. 29 26 Edm. 33 Md. 17 B.c' 10 Wpg. 46 Walt Passaglia (3), Doug Payton (15), Larry Pfohl (2), Harold Randolph (3), James Scott (15), Joe 30 Tor. 18 SiJipo (2), Ron Singleton (13), Vince Skillings (1), Shafer Suggs (2), Jon Sutton (2 see Ott. and 31 :~. n Cal. 29 Tor.) , Don Sweet (9),JoeTaylor (1), Dom Vetro (15), Chris Walby (5 see Wpg.), Alvin Walker (9), Aug. I Ham. 5 Edm. 41 Oct. Wpg. 44 Ott. 24 Woodrow Wilson (6), James Zachery (5). 2 Sask. 43 Md. 23 Edm. 22 B.C. 12 7 Tor. 11 Ott. 38 4 Cal. 16 MIl. 22 8 Cal. 16 Ham. 28 Ham. 30 Sask. 26 OTIAWA ROUGH RIDERS MtI. 2 Wpg. 58 10 MU. 3 Cal. 29 16 Games - Jeff Avery, Ian Beckstead, Val Belcher, John Glassford, Tim Hook, Malcolm Inglis, 9 B.C. 28 8ask. 24 11 Tor. 12 Wpg. 43 13 Edm. 22 Tor. 12 12 Sask. 28 Ham. 12 Greg Marshall, Gerry Organ, John Parle, Kevin Powell, Jim Reid, Rick Sowieta, Larry Tittley, Bruce 14 Wpg. 17 Cal. 18 Ott. 6 Edm. 24 Walker. 15 Sask. 32 Ott. 16 17 Mtl. 14 Tor. 20 15 Games or Fewer (15 Matches ou Moins) Ricky Barden (8), Tim Berryman (4), Carl Brazley (4 16 Ham. 37 B.c' 23 Wpg. 49 B.C. 22 21 Otl. 18 Cal. 30 18 Cal. 10 Ott. 21 see MtI.), Larry Brune (10), Jim Burrow (3), Ron Calcagni (6), Jordan Case (10), Gary Cook (10), 22 Wpg. 10 Edm. 28 Edm. 41 Sask. 29 Glenn Cook (15), Martin Cox (1 see Tor.), Richard Crump (8), Michel Davis (4), Calvin Fanee (1), 23 B.C. 29 Md. 14 24 Wpg. 33 MIL 13 Sharay Fields (3), Randy Fournier (I), Ron Foxx (10 sec Md. and Tor.), Tony Gabriel (14), Greg Tor. 14 Sask. 38 Tor. 1 Edm. 61 28 Ott. 8 Wpg. 31 25 B.C. 34 Ham. 7 Grimes (8), Billy Hardee (4 see Tor.), Kelvin Kirk (14), Erie Manns (5), William Mitchell (3), 29 Md. 11 Ham. J6 Sask. 24 Cal. 11 Derrek Peels (I), Mike Peerman (6), Rudy Phillips (6), Mark Philp (5), Jim Piaskoski (14), Wiley Cal. 21 B.c' 31 31 Ham. 21 Tor. 11 Pitts (6), Sam Platt (7), Mike Raines (15), Randy Rhino (15), Doug Seymour (9 see B.C.), Ron Sask. 5 B.C. 13 30 34 Edm. 44 Simmons (6), Jerome Stanton (13), Kevin Starkey (7), Pat Staub (5), Peter Stenerson (7), Bob Nov, Ott. 15 Mt!. 39 Stephen (6), Pat Stoqua (10), Jonathan Sutton (8 see Mtl. and Tor.), Jimmy Walker (2), Ian Ward Cal. 6 Wpg. 44 (15), J.C. Watts (9). Semi-Finals - Demis-Pinales Finals-Finales Nov. Mtl. 16 Ott. 20 Nov. 15 Ott. 17 Ham. 13 TORONTO ARGONAUTS B.C. 15 Wpg. II Edm. 22 B.c' 16 16 Games Zenon Andrusyshyn, Jan Carinci, Bruce Clarle, Dan Ferrone, John Foubert, Philip GREY CUP GAME - LA COUPE GREY Jones, Leon Lyszkiewicz, John Malinosky, Paul Pearson, Doug Smith, Ron Southwick. Nov. 22 (at Montreal) Edmonton 26 Ottawa 23 15 Games or Fewer (15 Matches ou Moins) - Steve Ackroyd (12), Jeff Allen (1), Ben Apuna (5), Robert Barber (7), Danny Bass (12 see Cal.), Luther Blue (1), Joshua Borger (4 sec Edm.), Sam Bowers (I), Russell Brown (6), Phil Colwell (3 see Ham.), Jerry Compton (3), Jim Corrigall Martin Cox (7 see Ott.), Tom Cudney (1), David Dom (4), Gordon Elser (10), Ron Engleson Ron Foxx (3 see Mti. and Ott.), Bob Gaddis (6 see Wpg.), NonnanGoodman (1). Marcel1u.~Greene (13), Terry Greer (6), Billy Hardee (12 see Ott.), Drew Hardville (6), Jack Hirose (2), Condredge Holloway (14), Mel Hoover (I), Zackery Jones (4 see Sask.), Gordon Judges (7), John Kinch (8), 6 7 Blain Lamoureux (2), Reggie Lewis (4 see Cal,), Tony Lindsay (I), John Lowe (II), Bob Lubig (7 EDMONTON FSKIMOS see CaL), Duncan MacKinlay (8), Dan Manucci (6), Willie Martin (7), John Martini (7), Mike 16 Games Leo Blanchard, David Boone, DaveCutJer MarcoCyncar R Eta E '1' F ' Mayock (I), Ron Meeks (6), Warner Miles (I), Cedric Minter (15), Peter Muller (14), David . G . L' H' hb h J H III H " ' on s y, mIlo raletta Newman (5), Harold Norfleet (3), Nathan Poole (I), Brent Racene(l3), Elbert Roberts (6), Donovan J1m ermany, arry Ig aug, oe 0 mon, enry IieslC Ed Jones D' K B . ' Dan KepIey, Ted M1'I'tan, M'klee M Leod • J ames Parker, Hector" Pothier DIP'an eams nan Kelly , Rose (8), Don Ross (2), Tom Rozantz(8), Tom Rusk (7), Larry Savage (1), GeorgeSchechterly (15), Waddell Smith, Bill Stevenson, Tom Towns, Eric Upton, Tom Wilkinso~ a e oner, Tom Scott, Hubert Simpson (7), Jon Sutton (3 see Mtl. and Ott.), Drew Taylor (3), Tom Trifaux (11), Henry Williams (4), Michael J, Williams (4), Jafus White (2). 15 Games or Fewer (15 Matches ou Moins) Joshua Borger (2 see Tor.), Brian Broomell I Fennell (IS), Brian Fryer (I), Gary Hayes (15), Bob Howes (10), Sean Kehoe {I0) StuartL~' ~a3ve Pete Lavorato (12), Neil Lumsden (13), Bill Manchuk (14), Craig Mallender(2) Wacren Moo~h5~' HAMILTONTIGER·CATS John Pointer (I), Angelo Santucci (14), Mark Wald (6). ' , 16 Games Keith Baker, John Blake, Cannelo Carteri, Tom Clements, Grover Covington, Rocky DiPietro, Ross Francis, Ed Fulton, Edmund Gataveckas, Dave Graffi, Dave Marler, Jim Muller, BRITISH COLUMBIA LIONS Emil Nielsen, Gordon Paterson, LeifPenersen, JQhn Priestner, Bernie Ruoff, David Shaw, Bob Van 16 Games - Terry Bailey, John Blain, Alan Charuk, Larry Crawford, Roy Dewall, Devon Ford. Duyne, Henry Waszczuk, Preston Young. Tyron Gray, Nick Hebeler, Ken Hinton, Glen Jackson, Larry Key, Rick Klassen, Kevin Konar, Tom 15 Games or Fewer (IS Matches ou Moins) Jerry Anderson (1), Greg Barrow (5), Gerald Bess (3), Kudaba, Glenn Leonhard, Harold Lund, Nelson Martin, Mack Moore, Ron Morehouse, Joseph Jack Blair (13), Mark Bragagnolo (13), EcometBurley (14), Maurice Burton (l see Mtl.), Lou Clare Paopao, Lui Passaglia, Tony Proudfoot, John Henry White, Alan Wilson. (3 see MtI.), Phil Colwell (2 see Tor.), Rufus Crawford (13), Howard Fields (15), David Green (6), 15 Games or Fewer (15 Matches ou Moins) Sam Britts (15), Tyrone Crews (2), Richard Ellis (II), York Hentschell (2 see Wpg.), Rick Kalvaitis (15), Allan Moffat (12), Steve Parker (4), Leroy Paul Joe Fourqurean (3), Rick Goltz (9), Donnie Hickman (14), Harry Holt (8), Steve Keams (13), Tyrone (13), James Ramey (12), Kerry Smith (14), Steve Stapler (15), EdSzpytma (I), Bernard West (2 see Keys (5), Jim Lohmaan (15), Richard Murray (11), John Pankratz (14), Kerry Parker (12), Doug Sask.), Harold Woods (15), Ben Zambiasi (14).

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