Surname Index to Volumes 61-81 the Colorado Genealogist

Surname Index to Volumes 61-81 the Colorado Genealogist

Surname Index to Volumes 61-81 The Colorado Genealogist ©2020 Colorado Genealogical Society Surname Index for Volumes 61-81 Introduction Most of the indexes bundled here were originally in digital format as indexed annually by the Colorado Genealogical Society. Every attempt has been made to obtain an accurate “reading” of the information. All of the original indexes used the spellings that appeared in the original quarterly publications, some of which may have contained spelling or typographical errors. A prudent searcher will try various spellings of the surnames being searched. Unlike the indexes for Volumes 1-10 and 21-40, the index for volumes 61-80 has listed the surname at the beginning of each name. Searching Hints •This is a searchable pdf document and uses the same searching tools you would find in your pdf reader, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. •Begin by typing in a surname only. •If there are too many “hits” from surname only, then type surname, first name. •If the surname has a prefix such as “de,” “le” or “van” try entering both with and without spaces between names. There are entries in either style. ©2020 Colorado Genealogical Society The Colorado Genealogist Volume 61 (2000) ___, All, #4, 30 Amsby, #4, 11 Bailey, #4, 11 ___, All_the_Ruber, #4, 30 Andersin, #4, 11 Bailey, Wm., #1, 16 ___, Asklen, #4, 30 Anderson, #4, 11 Baily, #4, 11 ___, Billie_P_??, #4, 30 Anderson, A.G., #1, 10,12 Baird, #4, 11 ___, Charlie_the_Ruber, #4, 30 Annled, #4, 11 Baker, #4, 11 ___, Chue, #4, 30 Anoker, #4, 11 Baker, Hugh Douglas, #3, 23 ___, Dan, #4, 30 Antheney, #4, 11 Baker, S.L., #1, 17 ___, Dutch, #4, 30 Anthiney, #4, 11 Baker, Samuel D., #3, 23 ___, Eanue, #4, 30 Anthoney, #4, 11 Balcher, #4, 11 ___, Ed, #4, 30 Anthony, #4, 11 Balcom, Mrs. L.M., #1, 7 ___, Ed_the_Ruber, #4, 30 Apple, #4, 11 Ball, #4, 11 ___, Fatty_for_Boots, #4, 30 Archambault, George, #4, 8 Ballen, #4, 11 ___, Geo, #4, 30 Archer, #4, 11 Ballinn, #4, 11 ___, George, #4, 30 Archuleta, J.M. Jr., #2, 22 Ballter, #4, 11 ___, Gerge, #4, 30 Archuleta, J.M. Sr., #2, 22 Balthoff, #4, 11 ___, Hack, #4, 30 Archuleta, J.P., #2, 22 Banard, #4, 11 ___, Harrey_the_Ruber, #4, 30 Archuleta, Lena, #2, 23 Bancroff, #4, 11 ___, Henry, #4, 30 Archuleta, State Senator A.D., #2, Bancroft, #4, 11 ___, Hery, #4, 30 22 Bank, #4, 11 ___, Jim, #4, 30 Arimsbery, #4, 11 Banks, #4, 11 ___, Jim_the_Ruber, #4, 30 Arkins, #4, 11 Banner, #4, 11 ___, John, #4, 30 Arkmys, #4, 11 Barber, #4, 12 ___, John the Ruber, #4, 30 Arkush, #4, 11 Barclay, #4, 12 ___, JohnSmithforboots, #4, 30 Armor, Judge, #3, 28 Barker, Charles, #2, 21 ___, Larey, #4, 30 Armour, Judge Charles Leo, #1, Barnes, #4, 12 ___, Larry, #4, 30 19 Barnes, David, #1, 15 ___, Lary, #4, 30 Armsbury, #4, 11 Barnett, #4, 12 ___, Lerey, #4, 30 Armsbuy, #4, 11 Barney, #4, 12 ___, Lutishia, #3, 25 Armsby, #4, 11 Barnum, C.H., #3, 29 ___, Nick, #4, 30 Arnel, #4, 11 Barr, #4, 12 ___, Ranckman, #4, 30 Arno, #4, 11 Barth, #4, 12 ___, Red, #4, 30 Arnold, #4, 11 Bartmasa, Seyver, #1, 18 ___, Snyder, #4, 30 Ashlay, #4, 11 Barton, Charles Adelbert (Bert), ___, Snyder_the_Washer, #4, 30 Ashley, #4, 11 #4, 36,37 ___, Strawman, #4, 30 Askhew, #4, 11 Barton, Coral Bernice, #4, 36,37 Adam, #4, 11 Askins, #4, 11 Bashor, John, #1, 24 Adams, #4, 11 Askush, #4, 11 Bashor, Myron, #1, 24 Adams, Earl, #2, 25 Aspel, #4, 11 Basteveck, #4, 12 Adams, Lionel, #2, 25 Asther, #4, 11 Bates, #4, 12 Aguilar, Salomon, #2, 24 Atevaller, #4, 11 Batey, #4, 12 Aikh, #4, 11 Atwatter, #4, 11 Baum, #4, 11 Alarm, #4, 11 Auctionear, #4, 11 Bayaud, George D., #1, 14 Alaxander, #4, 11 August, #4, 11 Bayaud, T.J., #1, 15 Alban, #4, 11 Auronson, #4, 11 Bayaud, Thomas J., #1, 15 Albery, #4, 11 Austin, #4, 11 Bearse, #4, 12 Aldrick, Mrs., #3, 28 Autbees, Charles, #1, 16,17 Bearsi, #4, 12 Alexander, #4, 11 B____, #4, 11 Beck, #4, 12 Alford, #4, 11 B____, #4, 11 Beeger, #4, 12 Alick, #4, 11 Ba____, #4, 11 Behimer, #4, 12 Alkhim, #4, 11 Babcock, #4, 11 Belcher, #4, 12 Allen, #4, 11 Babock, #4, 11 Bell, #4, 12 Allen, G.B., #1, 19 Babok, #4, 11 Bell, Miss, #3, 28 Allen, Pat Gleah, #2, 13 Backer, #4, 11 Benadick, #4, 12 Aller, #4, 11 Bacon, #4, 11 Benedick, #4, 12 Altman, Henry, #1, 14,16 Bacon, Henry D., #1, 17 Bengus, #4, 12 AM, #4, 11 Badley, Harry J., #1, 17 Benham, Jack L., #3, 18 Ames, #4, 11 Bagley, Wm., #1, 18 Benidick, #4, 12 Ammon, #4, 11 Bagno, #4, 11 Benlinder, #4, 12 ©2011 The Colorado Genealogical Society The Colorado Genealogist Volume 61 (2000) Bennedick, #4, 12 Bolen, #4, 12 Brown, Helen, #3, 23 Bennett, #4, 12 Bolthof, #4, 12 Brown, John H., #1, 16 Bently, D.S., #1, 19 Bolthoff, #4, 12 Brown, Maxine, #3, 23 Bergman, Brevet Colonel E.H., Bond, #4, 12 Brown, Minnie, #3, 23 #2, 21 Bond, N.J., #1, 17 Brown, Mr., #3, 28 Berry, Charles Frank, #3, 23 Bookfinger, #4, 12 Brown, Thomas, #1, 17 Berry, Frank, #3, 23 Books, B.C. , #1, 18 Brubaker, #4, 13 Berry, Mattie A., #3, 23 Bostick, #4, 12 Bruker, #4, 13 Berry, William A., #3, 23 Bostwick, #4, 12 Bruman, #4, 13 Berry, William Charles, #3, 23 Boughton, Martin V., #1, 18 Brunker, #4, 13 Berzer, Sadie, #2, 23 Bowen, #4, 12 Brunswick, #4, 13 Bessir, #4, 12 Bowen, L.L., #1, 14 Brunton, #4, 13 Best, #4, 12 Bower, #4, 12 Bu___, #4, 13 Biband, A.J., #2, 25 Boyd, #4, 12 Buchtell, #4, 13 Biggs, Llewellyn, #4, 5 Boyd, E.D., #1, 16 Buckner, E., #1, 17 Bigs, #4, 12 Boyd, Natalie (Mrs. Kenneth), #2, Buctel, #4, 13 Bigsby, Evangeline, #3, 23 30 Budok, #4, 13 Bihenner, #4, 12 Boyed, #4, 12 Buffer, #4, 13 Bil______ , #4, 12 Boyer, Brereton C., #1, 16 Buger, #4, 13 Biley, Wm., #1, 17 Boys, #4, 12 Bullter, #4, 13 Bill, #4, 12 Br__k_, #4, 12 Bun, #4, 13 Billie, #4, 12 Bradbary, #4, 12 Bunch, Rachel L., #2, 23 Billings, #4, 12 Bradbery, #4, 12 Burch, #4, 13 Billings, G.N., #1, 16 Bradbury, #4, 12 Burchie, George, #1, 19 Bilthoff, #4, 12 Bradford, R.B., #1, 14 Burdell, #4, 13 Bis___, #4, 12 Branard, #4, 12 Burgus, #4, 13 Bishard, Hilda, #2, 25 Brand, #4, 12 Buringame, #4, 13 Bishop, #4, 12 Brandsley, #4, 12 Burk, A.G., #3, 29 Bishup, #4, 12 Brath, #4, 12 Burleson, Olie, #2, 8 Bissel, #4, 12 Braynard, #4, 12 Burlingame, #4, 13 Bisser, #4, 12 Brazil, Joe, #2, 8 Burn, #4, 13 Bissile, #4, 12 Breeman, #4, 12 Burnam, #4, 13 Bissle, #4, 12 Bremen, #4, 12 Burns, #4, 13 Bistovick, #4, 12 Brennan, #4, 12 Burr, #4, 13 Bivins, Peter, #3, 28 Brenner, #4, 12 Burr, Edwin, #1, 7 Blachly, A.T., #3, 20 Brenon, #4, 12 Burtugame, #4, 13 Blachly, Louis, #3, 20 Brewer, Barbara, #4, 33 Bush, #4, 13 Blachly, Mary, #3, 20 Brewerton, George Douglas, #1, 5 Bushnell, #4, 13 Black, #4, 12 Brewington, Ella, #3, 23 Buspnoll, #4, 13 Blacksmith, #4, 12 Bri___, #4, 12 Butcher, #4, 13 Blair, #4, 12 Briely, John, #1, 19 Bute___, #4, 13 Blair, F.P., #1, 16 Briely, William, #1, 19 Butler, #4, 13 Blakr, #4, 12 Briggs, #4, 12 Butler, C.Y., #2, 22 Blanton, Benjamin H., #1, 15 Brigs, #4, 12 Butler, Henry A., #1, 18 Blemfeld, #4, 12 Briman, #4, 12 Butler, Pearl/Pairlee, #4, 36,37 Bloomefield, #4, 12 Brink, #4, 13 Buttler, #4, 13 Blore, W.R., #1, 17,19 Brinker, #4, 13 Buy, #4, 13 Blubaker, #4, 12 Brinman, #4, 13 Byers, #4, 13 Bluebaker, #4, 12 Brinnan, #4, 13 Byers, Charles L., #2, 21 Blythe, #4, 12 Bristol, #4, 13 Byers, Wm. N., #1, 15 Boatwright, Sharon, #1, 2, #3, 4 Britton, #3, 23 Byrne, F.A., #2, 22,23 Bockfinger, #4, 12 Britton, #4, 13 Ca___, #4, 13 Boger, #4, 12 Britton, Allan, #3, 23 Cade, Isaac, #2, 22 Boggs, #4, 12 Brock, #4, 13 Cains, #4, 13 Bogs, #4, 12 Brodway, #4, 13 Callaway, #4, 13 Bohm, #4, 12 Brown, #4, 13 Campbell, J.R., #1, 18,19 Bohn, Philip R., #1, 14 Brown, B.B., #2, 10 Campbell, U.S. Senator Ben, #1, 4 Bol___, #4, 12 Brown, E.H., #1, 17 Cannon, Charles, #3, 29 ©2011 The Colorado Genealogical Society The Colorado Genealogist Volume 61 (2000) Cannon, George, #3, 28 Chavz, Abran, #2, 24 Connoly, #4, 14 Cannon, Margaret, #3, 28 Cheeseman, #4, 13 Connors, #4, 14 Cannon, Wm., #3, 29 Chenoweth, William L., #1, 5 Conover, John, #2, 21 Capland, #4, 13 Cherge, #4, 13 Conray, #4, 14 Cara, Goldie, #3, 23 Chimgs, #4, 13 Conrey, Mr. and Mrs., #1, 8 Card, #4, 13 Chivington, John M., #1, 19 Conroy, #4, 14 Carleton, Brevet Major General Chuin, #4, 13 Cooly, #1, 18 J.H., #2, 21 Church, #4, 13 Cooper, #4, 14 Carlisle, Don, #1, 22 Churchill, #4, 13 Cooper, James M., #1, 18 Carmer, Cy, #1, 8 Cinery, #4, 13 Coopr, #4, 14 Carmichel, #4, 13 Cinry, #4, 13 Copland, #4, 14 Carmoy, #4, 13 Cinsoy, #4, 13 Corbin, #4, 14 Carpenter, #4, 13 Clabaugh, #4, 13 Corbin, Danl., #1, 17 Carperter, #4, 13 Clabraugh, #4, 13 Cort, #4, 14 Carr, Mrs.

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