The Heterodoxies of the Shiites in the Presentation of Ibn Hazm Author(s): Israel Friedlaender Source: Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 29 (1908), pp. 1-183 Published by: American Oriental Society Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/592622 Accessed: 21/05/2009 00:25 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=aos. 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COMMENTARY.1 THE Commentary herewith presented follows Ibn Hazm's text published in Vol. xxviii of this Journal, pp. 28-80, by page and line. In marking the lines, I have counted every line on the page, including the superscriptions. The footnotes are not quoted by the line but by the number prefixed to them. In the case of some very long footnotes, I also added the line of the footnote referred to. I prefix a "List of Cited Works," giving all the authorities (with short biographical dates) regularly or frequently quoted in this treatise. The abbreviations under which they are quoted are made noticeable to the eye.2 Books only incidentally referred to are omitted in this list. MS. before the title signi- fies that the book has not yet appeared in print and has been used in manuscript. In quoting from Arabic sources I have discriminated between printed works and manuscripts. The latter I quote in the original; the former I give-except in cases of necessity-in ' Continued from Vol. xxviii, pp. 1-80. 2 To simplify the abbreviations, I purposely neglect the rules of exact transliteration. 2 I. Friedlaender, [1908. translation, as the text itself is accessible to the specialist. In translating from the printed edition of Ibn Hazm's Milal, I usually attach the important variants from the manuscripts at my disposal. I plead guilty to being inconsistent in transliterating the Arabic. Such inconsistencies are scarcely avoidable. The specialist will pardon them, the layman will hardly notice them. As regards the index to this treatise, I refer the reader to my remarks in Vol. xxviii of this Journal, p. 27. List of Cited Works. Abulfeda. Abf'l-Fida [d. 732/1331], Annales Moslemici, ed. Adler, Hafniae 1789-94. Abu'l-Maali. Aba'l-Ma'ali [wrote about 485/1092. Descend- ant of Ali. Imamite], Kitab bayan al-adyan (in Persian), printed in Schefer, Chrestomathie Persane, vol. I (Paris, 1883), pp. 132-171. The quotations refer to the Persian text. Agh. Abi'l-Faraj al-Isbahani [d. 356/967], Kitab al-Agani, Bflak. Agh. Tables. I. Guidi, Tables alphabetiques du Kitab al- Agani. 'Leyden, 1895-1900. Anon. Sufi. MS. Anonymous work on Sufism. The author quotes Yafi'i, who died 768/1366. Cod. Berlin; Ahlwardt, Catalogue No. 3397. Bagd. MS. On Bagdadi [d. 429/1038] and his work, see Introduction to this treatise, p. 26. Blochet, Le Messianisme et l'heterodoxie Musulmane. Paris, 1903.-Draws largely on Persian (Shiitic) sources. de Boer, History of Philosophy in Islam. English transla- tion. London, 1903. Brockelmann, Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur. I-II. Leipzig, 1898-1902. Diyarbekri. Diyarbekri [died after 982/1574], Ta'rikh al- Khamis. Cairo, 1283h Dozy, Isl. Dozy, Essai sur l'histoire de l'Islamisme, traduit du Hollandais par Victor Chauvin. Leyden-Paris, 1879. Fihr. Nadim [wrote 377/988]. Kitab al-Fihrist, ed. Flilgel. Leipzig, 1871-2. Vol. xxix.] The Ileterodoxies of the Shiites, etc. 3 Gen. Leyd. MS. Kitab tahdib al-ansab wa-nihayat -al-a'kab. An anonymous genealogy of the Alides [fourth century H.]. Cod. Leyden (Warner 686). Not paginated. de Goeje, Carmathes. de Goeje, Memoire sur les Carmathes du Bahrain et les Fatimides [Memoires d'Histoire et de Gbo- graphie orientales No. 1]. Second edition. Leyden, 1886. Goldziher, Muh. St. Goldziher, Muhammedanische Studien I-II. Halle 1889-1890. Goldziher, Shi'a. Goldziher. Beitrage zur Litteraturge- schichte der Si'a und der sunnitischen Polemik. Sitzungs- berichte der philosophisch-historischen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. 78 (1874), p. 439 ff. Vienna. Haarbriicker. German translation of Shahrastani I-II. Halle, 1850-51. Unless otherwise stated, quotations refer to vol. I. IAth. Ibn al-Athir [d. 630/1234]. Chronicon quod Per- fectissimum inscribitur, ed. C. J. Tornberg. Leyden, 1851-76. IBab., Ithbat. Ibn Babhye [d. 381/991. Imamite], Kitab fi ithbat al-gaiba wa-kashf al-haira, ed. Moller, Heidelberg, 1901. IBab., I'tikadat. MS. Ibn BAbfiye (see above), I'tikadat al-Imamiyya. Cod. British Museum (Add. 19,623). See de Rieu, Catalogue p. 385. I. H. Ibn Hazm [d. 456/1064], the author of our text. See Introduction, p. 9 f. IHaukal. Ibn Haukal [wrote 367/977], ed. de Goeje [Biblio- theca Geographorum Arabicorum II]. Leyden, 1873. Iji. tji [d. 756/1355]. Mawakif, ed. Sorenson. Leipzig, 1848. Ikd. Ibn 'Abd Rabbihi [d. 328/940], al-'Ikd al-farid, I-III. Cairo, 1293. If not otherwise stated, quotations refer to vol. I. IKhald. Ibn Khaldin [d. 808/1406], Mukaddima, ed Qua- tremere I-III. [Notices et Extraits des manuscrits de la Biblio- theque Imperiale voll. 16-18] Paris, 1847-1858. IKhall. Ibn Khallikan [d. 681/1282], Kitab wafayat al- a'yan, ed. Wiistenfeld. Gottingen, 1835-43. IKot. Ibn Koteiba [d. 276/889], Kitab al-ma'arif, ed. Wuistenfeld. Gottingen, 1850. Isfr. MS. On Isfra'inl [d. 471/1078], see Introduction, p. 26. Istakhri [wrote 340/951], ed. de Goeje [Bibliotheca Geo- graphorum Arabicorum I]. Leyden, 1870. 4 I. Friedlaender, [190o8. Kashi.' Abfi 'Amr Muhammed b. 'Omar b. 'Abd al-'Azlz al-Kashshl (from Kashsh in Jurjan) [approximately 300h. Imamite], Ma'rifat akhbar ar-rijal. Biographies of Shiitic worthies chronologically arranged. Bombay 1317h.-The author apparently draws on old and rare sources. Kremer, Ideen. Kremer, Geschichte der herrschenden Ideen des Islams. Leipzig, 1868. Lubb al-Lubab. Suyfti [d. 911/1505], Lubb al-lubab fi tahrir al-ansab, ed. P. J. Veth. Leyden, 1830-32. Makr. Makrizi [d. 845/1442], Kitab al-mawa'iz wa'l-i'tibar bi-dikri'l-khitat wa'l-athar, I-II. Bilak, 1270h. Draws partly on very old sources. Unless otherwise stated, quotations refer to vol. II. Masudi. Mas'fdi [d. 345/956]. Muraj ad-dahab, ed. Bar- bier de Meynard, I-IX. Paris, 1861-77.-His information is incidental and brief, but extremely valuable. Mirza. MS. Mirza Makhdfim [about 1594], Risalat an-nawa- kid fi-radd 'ala-r-Rawafid. A polemical treatise against Shiism. Cod. Berlin; Ahlwardt, Catalogue No. 2136. Nawawi, Tahdib. Nawawi [d. 676/1278], Tahdib al-asma wa'l-lugat, ed. Wiistenfeld. Gottingen, 1842-7. PRE3. Protestantische Realencyklopadie, ed. Herzog and Hauck. Third edition. de Sacy. Expose de la religion des Druzes, I-II. Paris, 1838. Quotations iu Roman figures refer to vol. I. Shahr. Shahrastani [d. 548/1153], Kitab al-Milal wa'n- Nihal, ed. Cureton I-II. London, 1842-6. Quotations refer to vol. I. Sibt, Imams. MS. Sibt Ibn al-Jauzi [d. 654/1257], Kitab sirat maulana Amir al-Mu'minin al-Imam 'Al. wa-auladihi. Mr. Ellis, of the British Museum, kindly called my attention to this work. 2 I have been unable to find any statement bearing on the age of this author. The date given in the text is based on the following calcula- tions. al-Kashshi was a pupil of al-'AyyAshi (edition of his work, p. 379). The latter is no doubt identical with Fihrist 195'4,and Tusy, List of Shy'ah books, No. 690. Neither of these authors give his age. But according to Tusy, ib., al-'Ayyhshi " heard the disciples (ashab) of 'Ali b. al-Hasan b. Fad.dal " who died 224h (Tusy, No. 191). This justifies the rough estimate given in the text. Vol. xxix.] The Heterodoxies of the Shiites, etc. 5 A biography of Ali and his successors in the Imamate. Cod. Leyden (Warner 915). Suyuti, Tarikh. Suyati [d. 911/1505], Ta'rikh al-Khulafa, ed. Sprenger and Mawlawl 'Abd al-Hakk. Calcutta, 1857. - translated into English by H. S. Jarrett. Calcutta, 1881. Tab. Tabari [d. 309/921], Annales, ed. de Goeje. Tusy. Tasl [d. 459/1067. Imamite]. List of Shy'ah books, ed. Sprenger and Mawlawi 'Abd al-Hakk. Calcutta, 1853-5. van Vloten, Chiitisme. van Vloten, Recherches sur la Domi- nation arabe, le Chiitisme et les Croyances messianiques dans le Khalifat des Omayyades. [Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. Afdeeling Let- terkunde, Deel I, No.
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